Avatar of timaeusTestified
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Lizasaurus
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 208 (0.05 / day)
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    1. timaeusTestified 10 yrs ago


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She nodded, seeming rueful. "Of course. Back to what you mentioned earlier, about prostitutes. You're right, it wouldn't be hypocritical of me. But it would be *really shitty*." She spoke this in earnest. "If I ever hated or judged a prostitute, it would be because they did something that was disrespectful towards me or a loved one. Or anyone, really. If I ever attack or dislike someone just because they chose a path different from mine please yell at me. I never want to become like that, the people I despise most." Karaiyah shook her head, ghosts in her eyes. "I have no less respect for you or anyone else like you because of that choice. If anything, I admire the bravery they often have in dealing with people who aren't as kind as me." Trying to reach a more lighthearted note, she leaned over to nudge his shoulder with hers. "Anyways, I still want to hear you sing and I'm going to bug you about it unless you tell me seriously you want me to stop, in which case I will drop it."
> > Woah my PMs count just went from 43 to 103?? > > Numbers sure do go up when you're PMing XD I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW DID THIS HAPPEN
Her eyes softened, and a small smile lit her face. So that's why he was so nervous. She tapped her finger under his chin, trying to tell him to lift it up to look at her. "Thank you. I appreciate the apology, and I apologize too. I got it mixed up in my head, probably because there are other tenants who have that charge. I didn't mean to make you angry, and I don't think your anger was completely unjustified." She paused, voice considerably quieter. "He was a rapist. The man I killed, I mean. He tried to rape a little girl and I caught him." She sighed, rubbing her hand over her face. "In retrospect, perhaps murder wasn't the only option, but it took all of 3 seconds for me to decide killing him was the best way to help the girl. I got her away from him, let her run and call the police, and then once I turned to him laying on the ground my vision tinted red. And, tada, I got a few years. Not long, though. Self defense and all that."
Woah my PMs count just went from 43 to 103??
Karaiyah turned to look at him, her brows knitted together in thought. "It wouldn't?" She half mumbled half spoke, unsure of her words. She didn't want to say the wrong thing again, and make him angry. "Why did you come out here? Not that I mind your company, of course." Her eyes downcast again, her tail flipping through the water. She could smell the bay, and it calmed her despite her slight nervousness at Mitch's sudden appearance. She was glad he showed up, though. Even if he was a bit unannounced, she really did like being around him.
> > Yeah, true. But yours has BOTH and you're a really good writer. Like, I'm intimidated. > > /flaps around > > *Awhhh*, thanks ^_^ I really appreciate that. You're a great writer yourself, I really like the way you write Karaiyah. Pff, thank you. I haven't roleplayed in months, I'm a tad rusty.
Yeah, true. But yours has BOTH and you're a really good writer. Like, I'm intimidated.
Karaiyah stiffened when she heard Mitch, her song dying down when she heard his whistle. Her head swiveled, and her eyes widened almost comically. She wanted to get up, but Lord knows she can't stand on her tail without it hurting badly. So she remained sitting, quickly reaching over to pull her sweatshirt over her topless form. After recovering from the shock she tentatively patted the spot next to her for him, trying to be reassuring. She didn't know if her song affected him, but she hoped not. He looked normal, if not slightly... nervous? She smiled softly at him. "Looks like you got to hear me, now you have no excuse when I ask you to sing. Sit?"
Ah, yeah, a little. Oh well, isn't going to be a huge problem I hope. *EDIT* Ah, my post is dreadfully small compared to yours Symphony. Apologies.
Oh my gosh really I'm so spacy today I swear I didn't see it before I posted that and I DIDNT MEAN FOR IT TO SOUND SO RUDE IM SORRY AHH
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