Avatar of TimeToRP
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    1. TimeToRP 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
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9 yrs ago
Yeah. It's no secret I threaten to quit, even those looking at a dumb RPer don't care. Don't bother, I'm a beggar.
9 yrs ago
Waiting for a RP to be up, I can't take the wait.. Bored.
9 yrs ago
9 yrs ago
I am back to the Guild. Guess what? Papered to RP again, MAYBE.


I'm just a simple person.
I love games.
I love chocolate milk.
And I like Marvel & DC.

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Hello. I felt like there needed to ultimately be some kind of sequel to Adventure Time. I do want to say that I don't expect this to actually be successful, BUT this takes place 5 years after the previous events of AT.

Adventure Time is extremely old and Finn and Jake are pretty old, I'm not gonna say 50. Remember, it's been 5 years.
..Hmm, I'll try to keep this under the kid-rate, I'm just sayin' some characters might die in this.. Because I'm not sure I can keep things LIKE that. AT featured a bit of deaths, not realistically with blood but like when Princess Bubble-Gum died because of Ice-King because of some reason.. Then she was brought from the dead and Finn almost hurt him real bad.

I'm not saying BLOOD will be filled in the paragraphs.. I'm just saying this might be violent a bit.
I'm gonna fit a big FAT rule explaining why this cannot be violent TOO much.

Just don't kill without permission when the IC IS UP.

I'm just gonna say.. the Premise is.

Finn and Jake are older, more wise, smartER! And they even have their own Adventure Book.. How rad!
After 5 straight years of explaining the forrest and LEARNING about it.. They tend to even be guards for the Princess Tower! How awesome.. BUT the Ice-King is back to take up Bubble-Gums castle... And Finn had to choose one side.. Bubble-Gum or Fire?

It has officially been noted.. Finn's girlfriend... the FIRE.. Is dead.
Why? Why? No one knows.
This caused Finn to retire and leave Jake alone.
Jake is now sad, unfortunately he cannot get Finn back to save the day again.
So who will save the day?
But they are back..

[h1The Knight.. Part 2[/h1]

March 2010, 17th..
Bruce took his hand flying towards one of the thugs, into the thugs crouch.. Landing the thug right on his bottom, then a sudden big punch in his faces several times.

Bruce howled in the thugs face, motioning his fist to punch the thug.

"What--" Bruce throws the thug onto the wall, the thug sliding down and trying to take a chance to escape. Before he can, a sharp batarang is thrown out of the dark.

It was Jim.

Jim had a scarf over his neck and he had a axe in his hand, a normal special-wear fire-firer outfit, with ripped jeans.

"Don't even ask,"

"I won't." Bruce walks away and grapples out of the alley.

..But what Gotham was missing was bitter.. Someone needed to continue the big point Batman was missing all of these years... The big secret that the clown had away from Batman... After turning Robin away from him.
After pondering inside of the Bat-Cave, doing all he can to do re-search on one of the famous donation centers in Gotham. Bruce still can't get anything.. and it seemed like someone was messing with the BAT-COMPUTER.
Bruce rolled out of the chair and he threw the mouse down and he took off the cowl. "...." He mumbled to himself, grabbing a can that one of his parents had produced back then. His stare was a blank solemn stare, in anger he smashes the can and throws it into the water-fall. He breathes tightly, with his chest heaving in fear. "Sir----" Before Alfred could say anything, Bruce took it off edge on Alfred.. It was all his fault, Bruce thought. He ran past Alfred and put on the cowl.. walking through the shadows with his bare fists folded.

"I'm off." He throws the belt into the water and he dis-arms all of his cowl systems on the suit, by-himself going to Gotham.
The dark alley of Gotham was blank, with the lights flickering.

...Your choice was wrong Bruce... What should of I done? Soon Clark was on-ground his eyes red.. and his fists folded. "..SO YOU WE'RE THE ONE! YOU WE'RE THE 'CAUSE OF HER!" Clark takes heavy steps with his chest heaving, putting his two hands on Batman's cowl. "I'M GOING TO RIP YOU.. APART!"

He tears off the cowl.
After Super-Man was mainpiulated and went insane because of something that had to deal with the newest products... This could of been the death of Batman.
Bruce rises out of the dumpster, bringing krypton to get the job done. "Always be prepared.." He said, throwing the krypton on the wall.

Bruce made his way back to the Arkham-Cave and soon did re-search on the one who he THOUGHT could of been doing it, Thomas.

Bruce took his cape flying out of the chair. "I've got to stop him!" But before he can, he hears the soft voices of Bat-Girl's death. Bruce tries to take his mind off of it.. ..What should he do?

The Knight..

March 17th, 2010
The nights we're dark as the cars passed by on the roads, the nights we're always like that. It was usual for Bruce Wayne who had become who no one could become before, Batman. There the cars went, back and forth going by.. Busy work for Batman as usual, as he noticed something was going on... Why was Gotham quiet? The question pondered in Batman's head for quite a while. Tim Drake was obviously not by his side anymore.. and Nightwing had moved unto him first.. Now Super-Man. Bruce felt awful, considering that Joker was killing more and more people by the day. The mantle and the volume of Joker's laugh stayed in Batman's head.....


Bruce decided it was better to head to the Bat-Cave, trying to catch up on the evidence why his child-hood friend would try to steal his Bat-Mantle. Bruce turned his head to the wall that was behind him, like someone was watching him... Was someone actually watching him? He shot his grapple across the other buildings, a spilt-second knife heading towards the strings of the grapple.

BOOM! Bruce ended up hitting his head in a concussion, with his mask ripped. Jim Gordon taking heavy steps towards him with a gun inside of the clutches of his hands,

"...Goodbye." He pulls out the axe and throws it into Batman, before he can.. Batman grabs it with his two hands, half of his Bat-Suit ripped off the hands. Bruce is pushed back and a gang of thugs surround him and Gordon.

"I did this for a reason B-" Batman is already taking out the other thugs, back-handing ROUSE-HOUND kicking any thug he can! Beating them with all of his best, he takes out the final thug with a large headbutt in the face. Throwing a thug over into the wall.

Batman stared into Tim's eyes, then guilding off the building as usual as a GIANT EXPLOSION hit the buildings of other buildings in Gotham. Batman taking his gilder over the shallow waters of Gotham would be tough, as he hadn't around Gotham for a long time. Soon Batman would be shot down into water, descending into water.. But before he can even touch a drip of the water... A quick zip through the water comes for Batman..

The Flash

"Feeling good, Bruce?" Flash makes a pun, Batman making a solemn face. As the water splashed Batman was being carried, .. Something was worse.
Could I apply? I want to be the son of Johnny Storm or something if that is okay.

You don't have to ask him, you can actually just post your CHAR of Johnny Storm in the CHAR sheet and drop it off. Wait for him to accept it before you can even post about RPing.
Did that help?
Am I accepted? I'm still confused.
Hmm, I think I'll be invisible Woman.

|Mayday Parker|




"May" Mayday Parker is the child of Peter Parker & Mary Jane Parker. When she was a little girl, she was kidnapped from her parents 3 months after she was born, and she was returned by a unknown man in the shadows. Peter sought for May to be a good person when she grew up. While Peter had May as a child, he used the quote his Uncle Ben used and raised her great enough. Peter and Mary made sure that Mayday didn't develop her own powers and didn't find out that her own father was a HERO. But after watching one of the earlier Spider-Man series's as a child, she found out that he was actually Spider-Man back then. She begins re-searching on the spider her father was bit by, and she develops her own suit and gets web-silngers on her own. Peter allows her to be Spider-Girl and he teaches her how to web around the city, once before Jonah Jameson died, he found out who Mayday was in a conflict when Harry came back from the dead and went mayhem on New York, teaming up with other various villains. This caused Peter to lose it with him and almost kill him, but Harry disappeared. Before May-Day became involved with Dr. Octopus's new way how to KILL Spider-Man, she quickly warns her father. But Peter ignores her and says "I have this under-control." The only reason why she knew is because of Spider-Woman.
May-Day at the age of 18 gains Spider-Senses, interacting with the symboite. Her father tells her not to use it, but she still follows it. After being told by Eddie to actually try to dis-obey her fathers rules, she follows so. But Spider-Man finds out Eddie is still alive and Peter puts a end to the END. Actually stopping the symboite, but not for long when it rises in the year 2022.
As Peter is getting old and May Parker is having a hard trouble developing her new powers, she teams up with other Spider-Mans & Spider-Girls, making new side-kicks and even teaming up with other heroes.
After a while, she comes back to her family to help the Parker's once again. But she can't do it alone, she finds herself trying to find a group. "The Fantastic Four."
After quitting her Spider-Jobber-League, the NEW Yorker's and the government ban Spider-Girl in 2045, she wears a new outfit, after the rule changes she wears different ones.

May Parker struggled with school, as somehow the city forgot about Spider-Man in 2030, and she was busy saving the day for others. When she tries to save the school from a fire, she gets shoved and the school burns down and May-Day gets kicked. It's a struggle for her to get out from college.
|Bart Hartbarn
Bart-Hartbarn is one of the GREATEST friends of May Parker, being one of the Spider-Man's, he found May-Parker when she was fighting off Dr. Octopus and encountered Bart inside of a old costume of her fathers. She thought this was her father and Bart seemed to beat Dr. Octopus, but seeming a bit violent.
Bart has almost turned against May-Day when she finds out that her father was Spider-Man, appearing to be a bit madder than ever been.

Daves Compton
Dave is a normal friend that has teamed up with May-Day Parker as a normal school friend. It all started when she was 11, in a middle of a fight that she was failing all of her classes. She begins to cry and Dave saves her by fighting them off. May-Day begins to be his friend, at the age of 13 when she finds out her father is Spider-Man, she finds out as-well that Dave knew her father before she even knew, 'Causing her to run away from home and become Spider-Girl.


Spider-Sense [Advanced]
As May-Day first developed her powers, she seemed a bit off-track, when she was in love this barely would work, making it wear off. Sometimes if annoyed, it doesn't work. But advanced makes her more aware, even out-of-costume, making her avoid death-traps, attacks- and even can sense what is probably going to happen with it's advanced scanner.

May-Day seems to be very good at fighting, but weak at villains with advanced strength, big villains. She can die from a single stab from a claw or a knife, but with a armored suit she can survive some attacks. She can even doge, punch, and even take out regular humans.

Combat [Symboite]
With the symboite, this makes her 10x stronger than the original her. She can lift up cars, big enemies, she can even tell when someone is lying. This even makes her stronger and she can kick her enemies off buildings and can go past the line. Her webs turn dark and she can sense when someone is trespassing. She also can fight it, but if she wears it past 30 minutes, she'll fall under it. She can lift anything under 222 lbs or 235 lbs.

Regular, Civilian
This makes her kind of weaker than usual, making her normally a bit smaller and easy to wipe out. The only way how she could fight, is to probably punch-punch to punch. This makes her available to fly to a area, punch that guy, then go to that area. If she is locked in chains or anything, she is not strong enough to BREAK out.

Regular Costume Durability

This makes her regularly durable enough to survive hits that could make her weakened enough, but more acrobatic and less in weight.

This colors her more into weight, and she can hit two times harder than she regularly does in normal combat fights.


She can crawl walls, cages, even silvery parts with her gloved-costume. She can survive punches, punches don't really do anything with her in armor.



(One of these are her Fanastic Four Costumes.)
And aren't you suppose to be updating us about how the OOC sheet and the CHAR sheet is goin?
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