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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
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    1. Titania 10 yrs ago


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[Server error; double-post. Ignore this.]
This seems really interesting. I have a race in mind for this, actually. Ever heard of the viera, from Final Fantasy? It would be great if we could incorporate them in Enduwin, since they're made from the forests themselves.

As in, the Forest of Genesis was forged from the combined essence of Naduir and Trayig, creating a misty, green vista of swirling, intricate branches and giant, thick purple trees. It was out of this splendor that the viera, a race of clawed human-animal hybrids, were created. They're possibly the most in-tune with the gods out of all the races, due to being made from Naduir, who is the creator of Life itself.
I don't know, it seemed very post-cool.

Thank you for the welcome, DarkDissolver!
Not to mention, vBulletin is pretty ugly. The new forum style is really pleasing to the eye. Simple yet effective.

1. Username: "They call me Spades."

2. Name: "Neo Hawthorne."

3. Age: "21."

4. Gender: "Male."

5. Sexual Orientation: "What's it to you?"

6. Occupation: "Information broker. I suppose I do a bit of dirty work on the way as well..."

6.1 Role: "Quite obviously, I am a Fixer."

7. Appearance: Unruly black hair; sharp golden eyes; tanned, somewhat calloused skin; dimple in left cheek; walks with a bit of a catlike, loping grace; muscular but lean; a thin, silver swirling tattoo on the inside of his left wrist that traces up to his shoulder.

7.1. Height: 6'1".

7.2. Weight: 170lbs.

7.2.1. B.M.I. %: 22.74%.

7.3. Nationality/Ethnicity: Indo-Latino.

7.4. Clothing Style: A black sleeveless, baggy and low-cut V-neck with a red scarf haphazardly looped around his neck; blue jeans with scuffed knees; black buckled hiking boots.

8. Psyche Profile (Personality): Chaotic Good. Neo is cunning and subtle, and knows the perfect methods to extract information from people. He's an expert at psychology, and can read emotions with ease, making him one of the best brokers around. He isn't much of a morning person, claiming allergy to sunlight, and tends to make a lot of morbid jokes. Charming and witty, he doesn't seem to have much cons. However, he tends to be overconfident and self-assured, almost the point of being arrogant, which may just lead to his downfall...

8.1. Motivations: "Entertainment. Watching chaos reign all around you can certainly be more exciting than watching a, what's the word... soap."

8.2. Morality: "I really don't give a damn."

9. Relationships (Friends & Family): "Not in particular, no."

10. Skills: "What can I say? And what do you want to hear? The truth is, you couldn't find a better martial artist anywhere else. Nor a better marksman, nor a better talker, nor a better advocate of the Devil's."

11. Weapons & Equipment: Shriek - [a silver three-barreled pistol; specially crafted by a blacksmith in Hamburg]. Crescendo - [a four feet long black katana; obtained as payment from a particularly rich Japanese client, who just happened to be in possession of a weapons treasury]. Armour of black, refined steel is worn under his clothes, the repulsive magnetic field of the skin-tight armour powered by solar and radioactive electricity.

12. Cybernetics: "Stop gaping like that. It's highly unattractive. Yes, my right arm is made of black titanium. No, it isn't up for sale."

13. Biography: Brought up in an orphanage in New York's slums, Neo was a very reclusive child, barely able to meet someone's eye. He learned quickly that to survive, one had to fight. It was in the alleys of New York that he learned how to knock a man unconscious; it was in the dingy drugstore down on 67th Furen Street that he first stole from someone; it was in the middle of the night in the orphanage when he ran away, barely fifteen, to join a mafia gang. To Neo, young and naive, the mafia was exciting. It presented so many opportunities. A boy brought up in the worst of environments, he yearned for more.

Unfortunately for Neo, the mafia wasn't forgiving. They were harsh and cruel, and the brutality and blatant disrespect that was shown to human life finally became too much. Neo had killed more people than he could count, his hands were stained irreparably--he'd had enough.

That very night, on his seventeenth birthday's eve, he murdered the gang leader in his sleep.

After that, Neo easily claimed leadership of the gang. Those who did not meet his choosing were thrown out to the police for keeps, and a reformed organization was formed. He picked five of the best, and they created the Lurkers, a group of individuals who specialized in intelligence gathering and mercenary work, traveling around the globe and never, ever seen to the public eye for what they really were.

Now, known as the infamous Spades, Neo has set out to destroy the underworld. To tear it apart from its roots.
This seems interesting. I'll have a CS up soon. Possibly as a reporter or someone who deals in the black market.
Ah, yes, I did read up on what happened.

Well, I never really liked vBulletin in the first place, although the loss of data is pretty traumatic, to say the least.

Thanks for the welcome. (:
Maybe not the best title...

I, Titania, was a lurker of RPG since, what, er... 2012ish, I suppose. You can imagine my surprise when I came back from the dead to find RPG looking brand new and extremely shiny -- minus the old roleplays and people.

So, since I don't have a life...

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