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Reserved for Cuba CS :D
Summer said
You can always watch :) and if anyone drops out, you can jump in later

Hopefully whoever you chose to be Kira doesn't decide to randomly drop out, that would turn out to be a bit awkward :P








'G' is an extremely cunning and arrogant individual, who often believes that he is able to outsmart and out play anyone who gets in his way. His cockiness, and pride often get in the way of his better judgement, and sometimes make him extremely violent and rude towards those around him. G is an extremely selfish and somewhat cowardly individual, who will often chose to save his own life over that of others, except in extremely rare circumstances. When it comes to risking the lives of others though he is often very risky, and in the means of progress and catching his guy he would be willing to sacrifice anyone and anything.

Why he/she took the Kira case

To put it simply all G wants out of this case is a challenge and something to boost his ego, and the Kira case seemed to do just that. He believes that with his wits, and detective skills over the many years will be extremely advantages, and overall beneficial to the case.


'G' was born in Rome, Italy, and often had to deal with his abusive father who was working with the Mafia at the time. His father was often drunk, and would beat severely both him and his mother, until she committed suicide when he was only 10, leaving him alone with his father. It wasn't until the age of 14 though that his father was finally arrested and one of the police officers took a liking to him, and took him in. The police officer often taught him various detective skills, and did his best to point 'G' in the right path. Once he was 17 he decided to dedicate his life to being able to prevent people like his birth father from roaming the streets, and became a private detective who traveled across Europe taking various cases, and solving different crimes.

Since 'G' is mostly a European private detective his Japaneses is limited to say the least, and will often chose to speak English or Italian, and have a translator talk for him.
This sounds like a lot of fun, and I would love to join in O/
If this RP works out it could be a lot of fun, but how exactly are we going to prevent the selected person who plays the role of Kira from just writing all of our names down? Do we start of not really knowing each others names or faces? I'm curious about the situation there...
I just wanted to pop in an say sorry Nicias for not posting anything, I've been sick with a bad headache the past few days, and have been able to think straight enough to post, but will try to get something done in the next few hours.
Aww I was hoping the limitations I made to telekinesis was good enough, simply because my race has no other real way to build things. It had limitations depending on the size, and they could only move things that were directly in front of them, but I understand if it doesn't fit well with you. As for battle I figured torches, and explosive substances could be the best weapon against them, but I can change that too if you wish.
AlienBastard said
I don't think overlapping territories are that big a issue since those "territories" really just show the spread of that species.Or at least that's how I interpreted it.

I figured it was the territories that they had dominant control over rather than spread, but in that case it wouldn't be as much of a big deal
Bit of a work in progress when it comes to evolution, but everything else is pretty much done.



Globs are cube-like balls of a liquid generally green, red, or yellow substance, but colors can range from orange, blue, and in extremely rare circumstance clear. These cube like creatures have no mouths, hands, or legs to speak of, and can only move objects through short telepathic wave lengths that are limited purely on size (meaning the bigger they are the heavier the object they can lift). Globnobs looks will generally distort as they age making them less cube like compared to their offspring, but it allows them to better move through thin surfaces more easily (depending on their size). These creatures when full grown are on average the size of a small car, but have been known to become twice that size in extremely rare circumstances, and when they are first born they are about the size of a rabit. Though they are extremely small, and maneuverable when born globnobs will still have what is called a crasftnier, which is a small circular like object hidden within their body in order for them to be effectively maintain their shape for the first two years of infancy, so that they have plenty of time to learn how to maintain their shape without its help, but if it is destroyed or damaged the baby will at best be deformed, and at worst die.

Globs are often very cowardly, and quiet even when they are hunting their prey. When interacting with any foreign creature they don't know of they shall hide in dark corner, and wait until they are deemed dangerous. Globnobs are often reluctant to diplomacy, and are almost impossibly to communicate with due to the fact that they can not speak, but shape there physical bodies in certain ways in order to communicate, such as a globnob forming a triangle means help me, and a circle means go away. Though they may seem simple to the average sentient being, they actually have a very deep, and complex understanding of how things work, as any other species, but lack more effective ways to express it making them more isolated. Though they are often cowardly, and isolated if they are found in groups they become very dangerous, and are willing to size opportune moments for food, whether they be sentient, or animal.

Evolution: W.I.P.

-Able to move through small cracks, and corners
-Move objects telepathically (with range, and weight limitations depending on size)
-Reproduce Asexually
-Can't be damaged, or killed by swords, or guns
-Very quiet
-Depending on their color, and size can be very hard to see or notice

-Unable to live in the cold (will die instantly if frozen, or temperatures are, or are below 0 degrees Celsius
-Extremely vulnerable to fire
-Can't effectively communicate with other intelligent species
-Unable to use weapons such as swords, and guns
-In dry weather they are extremely slow, and sometimes can't even move


Man I can't wait until Keia's god finds out about all this chaos, spontaneous growth, and endless abysses. The gods of balance loves those kinds of things! Right?
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