Avatar of txgood2
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    1. txgood2 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I have been on here for three hours. Let me repeat that, on here for three hours that I usually spend on books! this website is so fun and welcoming!


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(Okay, I changed it a bit. How is this?)

Name: Alan Warren (I came up with that on the spot... not too bad.)

Age: 19

Amazing Attribute: Alan is comfortable being in complete darkness. (I looked at the don't starve abilities, and decided this was probably the one I'd like.)

Fatal Flaw: Alan is extremely afraid of monsters. (How is that? I added a reason in his backstory. Should I add a reason for his amazing attribute as well?)

Appearance: Alan has black, neck length, hair. His eyes are blue, with a pair of black-rimmed glasses over them. His skin is pale due to his preference to stay inside reading than staying outside. He is average as far as being fat or skinny goes. For clothes he is wearing a white unbuttoned jacket over a plain, dark grey shirt. He is wearing a pair of black jeans and dress shoes.

Trinket: I am not sure what constitutes as overpowered, but I eventually decided that this would be good, but not too good. It is a laptop that is not capable of doing most things. For example, he could use it as a calculator, but anything else would have to be manually coded. The laptop is very limited, so I figure the most he can do with it is use it as a sort of "virtual journal." I am up for changing this if it is too much, but I thought it was pretty good.

Unspeakable act: Forgot to add this the first time. I imagine his unspeakable act will be something like "Place yourself in great danger, and place faith in a risky escape." I don't know about that one though... I imagine that this is the best one, since his "heartlessness" described in personality would cause him to not really be affected by a moral act, so an illogical act would have a greater impact.

Symbol: I was a bit unsure about this, but I guess I'll just have a try at it. The symbol is of an eye, with a spiral in the iris. at the center of the spiral, where the pupil should be, the letter X inside of a circle is there instead.

Also, you said I could choose the personality of it as well, so I guess I do that here as well. My "them" will be someone who does not bother with pleasantries or anything similar. Instead my "them" will be very straight to the point, and never saying anything that does not absolutely need to be said.

Background: Alan spent most of his time indoors, never truly bothering with other people or any other such thing. While indoors, he began trying to learn how to code and build things. His family didn't really care what he did, they did not really believe he would be able to do anything with this talent. Eventually, his online research began getting into the paranormal, with ghosts and myths. When a sibling of his found out about this, they had decided to play a cruel "prank" on him. They, and a few friends, had dressed a wild animal as a mythical creature, and put it in his room. When the animal attacked him, it resulted in him being scared of monsters ever since. (I don't really think I like his backstory... It just doesn't seem like it is all that good, considering it just says "this is what he did.")

Personality: Alan is very calm, never raising his voice, and rarely talking. He prefers to think through something thoroughly before acting, and rarely tries to interact with anybody. His expression rarely changes from its default deadpan. Emotionally speaking, he tries to ignore them, causing him to appear quite heartless at times.
Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here. Everyone is usually pretty nice, if you look around the interest checks for a bit you'll probably find a good RP with good people.
I'd like to join If at all possible. I am a bit torn between stalker and tactical though... Honestly, they are both so awesome in my eyes... but I think I have to choose stalker.
Is it still possible for me to join? I think this seems extremely interesting, and would be quite fun to participate in. If it is still open, do I just send you the character sheet over a private conversation?
Welcome! Here at rolerplayerguild we have a chat... and role-plays... and, uh... more people to welcome you? Yeah, definitely that. Everybody here is super nice, I hope you enjoy your time here!
@DarkAngel Kena sorry, I forgot to put your name when I replied. On the last page I said I would be interested in some of the role-plays.
I would be interested in a couple of these, and I believe that my writing skills will suffice. Should I just PM you? I am a bit new to this site, and unsure how to go about it.
I think I may be interested in the female human Jedi - clone one later, it looks interesting. You don't have a plot for that one already, would it be acceptable if we decide on a plot in the Pm's? My writing skill can give a few paragraphs, and I read a lot and easily spot most errors I may make. I Don't think I can Begin the roleplay right now, but at some time in the future, if I have time for the roleplay, can I Pm you about this?
This sounds fun. I'll admit to having my own deck/collection of magic the gathering cards. I use a mixed dark/fire deck. How about you? (Forgot to directly say that I would like to join this. I would like to join this rp, please.)
In Hello 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Roleplaying career: Not Applicable, but I decided to pursue roleplaying due to my interest in reading.

Roleplaying preferences: I am pretty open for topics, but I think I would prefer roleplaying with around a paragraph or two per post with only mild complexity.

Hobbies and interests: Reading mainly, but I have looked into most intellectual topics at least once. Basically I enjoy learning and reading.
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