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How many people are you looking for before you start?
Name:Letixia Savage


Personality: Letixia is a very shy and introverted person, bashful and nervous under the scrutiny of anyone with a hint of authority. She often comes of as socially awkward, but all in all is a kind and caring person. She is not a people person. She is, however, a hard worker, a trait instilled in her by her father. He is a titan in the food production industry on Earth, but when Leti was young, he had but a small farm. He showed her that hard work and dedication to your craft could achieve anything. While she does not seek out danger, she has learned some in the ways of protecting herself and survive. But in light of all of this, he never could make her into a leader. Leti excels in her field, but she cannot manage people, and has therefore never seen a rise in ranks that requires more than skill.

Role: Senior Botanist and Food Production Specialist. (Unofficial representative of Savage Food Production Co.)

History: Letixia was born in the great plains of what was formerly the United States of America on a small farm. Her mother was a teacher, her father a commercial farmer, and she was the fourth and final child to them. Her, and her three brothers, went through school, while working on the farm. One brother went on to become a doctor, another enlisted in the military, and the other became a teacher. Letixia went to school for botany, and later went on to get her Doctorate in Plant Genetics with a specialty in Sustainable Horticulture and Food Production.

Having graduated she returned home to find the farm was beginning to fail despite her father's best efforts. Larger, commercial grade farms were simply far more efficient. So Leti went to work to find a way to save it. Hundreds of hours research, and she had an idea. Earth's fossil fuels were near depleted, and while society had moved on to more advanced forms, they still had the main purpose of producing plastic from them. Over several years, she developed a crop, a hybrid of corn, castor bean, and soybean, that would become known as the Buster Bean, named after a dog she had at the time. This crop could be grown in nearly any environment that had at least 15% sunlight access and meager amounts of water. Most of its nutrition would be pulled from the sun and the air, and it would not damage the soil. The bean itself could be processed into an oil that was not only clean burning, though still not a replacement for modern power sources, could be made into cheap, biodegradable plastics. It could also be processed into synthetic, highly nutritious foods.

Having secured the patent for the crop strain, her father became the sole producer of the Buster Bean. His little farm found great success, and soon, he had massive swaths of farmland on nearly every continent, and his company would found many of the farms on other moons and planets. But Leti had little interest in the business side of things. She enjoyed maintaining her gardens and greenhouses while doing research on her plants. When the Gliese 581g mission was announced, she signed up at the first chance she got. A planet with water that could support life would surely have its own flora. This was the chance of a lifetime to further her research. She was readily accepted, and with her parents' blessing left home.

Other: Leti prefers a more natural method to plant research and development and refuses to use any form of nanotech or cybernetics regarding herself, her plants, or her work.
I'm interested in being one of the Colonists.
Letixia Greensinger

(Since I am no good with photo editing, just assume she has a nose or something)

Race: Mearean
Age: 20 (Earth years)
Gender: Female

Physical Description: Letixia isn't tall, by her species, or any others', standards. She is thin, waif-like, with pale blue skin. She has a main of small tentacles where one might expect hair to be, much akin to sea anemones, though in appearance only. She doesn't have the ability to control them, an they often wiggle of their own accord. She can often be found in a tank top and bikini bottoms made from the cured leather from a reptile native to the oceans. She has a tattoo of her best friend, Baroo, the seahorse that is both her companion and transportation, on her arm.

Character Concept: Letixia is a very quiet soul, having been sheltered most of her life by her parents. She has always been an incredibly curious person, but had never been able to act upon it until recently when she moved out on her own. While many would assume her to be of high moral standing, she's rather neutral on the subject, one might call her apathetic, but in reality it is simply whatever tickles her fancy and curiosity is what is right.

Character History: Letixia hasn't done much with her life. She lived with her parents, went to school, and grew up like everyone else of her kind. Recently she moved out, got herself a home, and even opened up a simple herbalism shop. There she supplies people with remedies, cures, and treatments, as well as studying the various aspects of plants both aquatic and those found upon the little surface land her world contained. Her parents still visit her from time to time, complaining about her lack of a mate or friends. But she is happiest with her seahorse companion, Baroo.


  • Medicine: Expert

  • Herbalism: Expert

  • Weapon (Trident): Competent

  • Botany: Competent

  • Gardening: Competent

  • Weapon (Dagger): Novice

  • Riding (Seahorse): Novice

  • Wilderness Survival: Novice

  • Cooking: Novice

  • Wilderness Survival: Novice

  • Wilderness Survival: Novice

I'd be interested if I could use this picture, it seems too perfect to pass up.


TL;DR of Venari
-Venari is first and foremost a Hunter's paradise.
-Venari is quite a massive planet, which has a single settlement known as Aurumia.
-The planet is covered predominately in untouched biomes of varying types, ranging from jungles and forests, to tundras and deserts. The surface is about 30% ocean as well.
-Evolution has caused a rapid arms race among the plants and animals that are native to the planet. Nearly everything can, and will kill another creature if given the opportunity. It is one of the most dangerous places known.
-Venari is owned by the Council of Huntsmen, which is also the governing body of the planet. They maintain strict control of access to the planet and will kill anyone attempting to trespass.

Harrison looked down at the tablet in his hands, tut-tutting at the list his eyes scanned. Today was when the first wave of Hunters would arrive in Venari. They would all be coming by shuttle-craft from the nearby base on the green tinted moon, Emeralia. It was that base where all hopeful Hunters would arrive. They would fill out the paperwork, receive a full medical physical, undergo thorough inspections. Background checks were about the only thing not done, for the Hunter's Association cared not if its members were criminals or saints. All that mattered was their skill in the hunt. If approved, a nano-chip would be injected into the Hunter's bloodstream. This would register them on all planets as official Hunters, and grant them access to Venari, the Hunter's Paradise. It could also be used as a tracking device in the event the Hunter perished, so the body might be recovered.
Emilia looked at the ragtag crowd of people of varying races and species wishing to become Hunters. It wasn't too difficult in all honesty, one simply needed to bring a trophy from an A-class kill or higher. Some tried to fake it by buying such trophies, but the association had methods of verification. If someone attempted to falsify their way in, they were killed upon the spot, and their body sent to the furnaces.
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