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Name: Luke Calligan
Age: 18
Height/Weight: 6’2, 154
Appearance: Luke has shaggy fiery red hair, the color of early sunrise. Often it looks even brighter in the sunlight. It falls down to his forehead or so, unkempt. It has a raggy, disheveled look, yet still somehow is endearing. Luke has pale white skin, lighter than most. It is dotted with freckles, which often gives him a more childish look. He is stall and lanky, long-limbed. He is well-muscled, though they are not very obvious due to his skinny frame. His nose is an average length and shape, not being a very prominent feature. What really stands out about him is his eyes. He has two deep blue eyes, somehow both as dark and deep as the fabled oceans of the Old World and as light and clear as the sky that surrounds them. It often takes many young ladies breaths away at their appearance, much to Luke’s pleasure.
Birthplace: Custos
Profession: Street Rat
Skills/Talents: Running- Luke has spent much of his life running. From the authorities who would lock him up and throw away the key, from the enemies he’s made on the streets who would beat him until he was little more than a pool of blood and crushed bones, even from his past, Luke has been running. He can run far and fast and is even proficient on running on rooftops.
Pickpocketing- Living on the streets of Custos was hard and you had to find a way to eat somehow. So, Luke did the sensible thing anyone would have done. He learnt how to pickpocket. Now, he can steal a purse of coins right out from underneath someone’s nose without them even realizing it. Not to say he’s a thief or anything, though…
Charm- Luke has a charm to him. It’s a born talent, a gift really. Something about him makes people instantly like him, even if he can be extremely annoying. This skill has proven useful numerous times, allowing him to talk his way out of many particularly sticky situations. Without his charm, Luke’s head would probably not still be attached to his shoulders.

Association: The Resistance- Luke was once part of the Church. He was taken in as a child, after his parents died. He would have been trained in the ways of the faith and inducted as one of their own once he reached a certain age. That is, if he hadn’t run away. Luke couldn’t stand himself to be one of them, the people whom his father had repeatedly spoken out against. So he took to the streets and struggled to survive for the rest of his life, though it was worth it. Soon enough, he became involved with the resistance through some shady contracts and business dealings, but is now a trusted member. He typically serves as a messenger, smuggler, gatherer of information and “procurer of goods” as he likes to say.

Personality: Luke is a child. That is the best way to describe him. Living on the streets as a child, he was forced to grow up fast. Except he never grew up, at least not personality wise. He still jokes about everything, one never far from his lip. A permanent, cocky smile is planted on his face, revealing surprisingly white teeth. He is cocky, arrogant, and a bit of an ass, yet somehow in an endearing way. No matter how many nerves he breaks, no matter how many people he pisses off, they still like him. Luke is selfish, too. He is always watching his own back, making sure that he’s going to benefit from the situation. It’s how he’s stayed alive for so long. This doesn’t mean he’s not kind, though. He has cared for numerous other children who have been put in the same position as him. He’s just not running a charity. Luke is loyal, too. If you get close enough to him, if he considers you part of his gang, then you can rest assured that he will protect you with his life. He may not be easy to get him to like you, but once he does, he will have your back, forever and always.
I agree with everybody. I think magic should be a much more subtle, near non-existent thing. I like the whole idea of its pretend-magic, that it's just someone making you think that they can do it. Maybe, once there was magic, the legit, "holy-crap, how did you just do that" kind, but it has been lost to the ages. Then again, we don't really have to go that way as this seems to be more of a low-fantasy RP. As for the religion and orders and stuff, @Partisan, you want to PM what you had in idea for religions? One of the orders that you want could be a Templar-type order, but I need more information about the religions. I kinda want to do a Children of the Light type group from Robert's Jordan Wheel of Time, but don't really have to. That's just my suggestion.

Well, at the moment my main issue is both finding pictures (I am picky for pictures) and writing down my thoughts. I think I will manage but if you have any suggestions at the moment do not be fearful to post them or PM them to me. I am always willing to listen.

I will keep that in mind. Anything in particular you'd like for me to know, for me to start brainstorming, or no?
May I create a character sheet for Euritia, or has it already been claimed?
If you need any help @partisan I'd been happy to aid you. I love wordlbuilding and fleshing out the setting of a story or roleplay.
That's great. It seems like we have the start of a group here. Hopefully we will gain more while we progress. We can go ahead and start building the world now, though. I think we have two ways we can go about it in two ways. We can either first create an entire map of the world and then start filling in nations accordingly, or we can design the nations first and create a map afterwards. Either way is fine by me.
I am extremely interested in this! I love A Song of Ice and Fire and I'm extremely happy that someone is making an rp off of it!
Extremely interested!
Sorry about the whole situation guys. Eren is more of an attack first, think later type guy. The fact that they were dishonorable Niratremi only made it worst. I also kinda misinterpreted Hexa's post, as I thought that that was where we were going. Sorry! Looks like Pumpkin may have just fixed things, though.
[center] Appearance:


Eren Pendragon/ The Lost Dragon


“You only have two real choices in this world; you can fight, or you can die.”






Eren is a grim person. He is dark, menacing and brooding. He doesn’t make the best of conversationalists, as he’s not much of a talker. He is a listener, though. He listens to everything, not allowing anything to pass him by. When Eren does talk, it tends to be sarcastic and patronizing. He has very little patience for anything, least of all other people. Eren’s a cynic, as well. He doesn’t look for the bright side of life. On the contrary, he seems to have a gift to pointing out all the bad that there is in the world. He’s a “the glass is half empty” type of guy.
Eren is quite the scary appearance. Not only is it his massive, threatening figure, it’s his looks. He’s considered handsome, as he’s been told by numerous women, yet there is something cold about him, something that’s not quite right. It takes many people quite a while to figure out what this is. What they finally realize is that is his eyes. His piercing ice blue eyes lack any emotion. They’re dead, as if something had been there but was killed a long time ago. That is what is truly frightening of Eren. It’s the fact that he may have once had a shred of compassion, but that is long gone.
He was not always like this. He was once a happy, cheerful young man. A smile was never far from his lips and a joke rested on his tongue. He was once a completely different man, a joyful, boisterous character. That person is long gone, though. That person died. Yet somewhere, far beneath Eren’s hard exterior, that person is still there. Occasionally, that person can be seen. For, as hard as he may try to seem as if he doesn’t, Eren cares for others. He does not want to see others hurt for no reason. He does not want others to be used for others gained. And so, though he is dark and menacing and frightening, Eren is not cruel.


Eren was born royalty. He was the only child of Haram Pendragon, first son of Emperor Uthar I Pendragon of the Niratrem Empire. Haram was not Emperor, though, as his younger brother Uthar II was crowned emperor after the Royal Decisions. Eren’s father was not jealous of this as he loved his younger brother and he had won it fairly. So, Haram enjoyed his lot as First Commander of the Emperor’s Armies and raising his only child.
Eren, despite being the nephew of the Emperor, lived a fairly normal life according to Niratemese standards. At the age of six he was taken from his home to learn the ways of war. He was quick to learn, successful in all his tasks. As he grew, so did his military prowess. He was athletic, strong, quick, and intelligent, everything a warrior should be. He excelled in all weapons, from swordsmanship to archery to riding. By the time he graduated at the age of eighteen, Eren was one of the greatest warriors in the entire Empire.
Upon graduation, Eren was accepted into the Gallants. This was one of the greatest honors he could have been bestowed. He accepted it thankfully and swore his Oath. Soon afterwards, he was sent to fight in one of the numerous skirmish wars that the Empire was engaged in. He steadily rose in fame, becoming well-loved by his subordinates and respect by his superiors. The common folk learnt tales of his heroism and began to praise his names. He even took his own sigil, a black dragon as opposed to the red dragon of Niratrem. During this time, Eren was also married to a woman that he loved greatly. He was happy.
Unfortunately, Eren would not live a happy life and follow in his fathers footsteps to become the First Commander. For though he consented himself to living his life fighting Niratrem’s wars for her, he was still royalty and so he was a threat. Emperor Uthar had had five children. Three of them were sons and two were daughters. The first son was of an age with Eren and the two had graduated together. They had been close friends, up until he died in a skirmish with Imperium forces. A year later, his younger brother died mysteriously in an accident. This left Uthar’s one remaining son, Malnar.
Malnar was not a typical Niratemi. He was not strong or athletic. He was not a warrior. At first this seemed fine, as Uthar had two sons who were both fit for ruling the empire. One thing Malnar was, though, was ambitious. He desired the throne for himself. It was he who had arranged his elder brother’s mysterious death, though there is no proof, despite the whisperings of the peasants. As sole son of Uthar, he would have the greatest claim to throne. However, he had one threat in a Royal Decision, in the form of Eren. Many, commoners and nobility alike, believed that he would be better fit to rule then Malnar. And so Malnar plotted to oust his cousin.
The plot occurred late one winter night, on one of the few occasions that Eren was home and not in the field. He had been sleeping in bed with his wife and newborn son when suddenly the door to his chambers burst open. One of his soldiers, one who was directly loyal to him, burst in, claiming that Malnar’s men were here to kill him. Before he could elaborate, his throat burst open as an arrow punctured it.
Eren leapt to his feet, sword already in hand. Armed men, cloaked in shadows, poured into the room. Eren began to fight his way through them, clearing a path for him and his wife. He was soon joined by more of his men and they began to fight their way through the castle. They eventually reached the courtyard and began to saddling their horses, when suddenly an entire contingent of soldiers arrived. They were under the impression that Eren had attempted to murder Malnar and that he was to be killed. Eren’s men put up a mighty resistance, but eventually they were all slaughtered. Eren managed to make it to his horse, along with his captain of the guard. His wife rode behind him, desperately holding their child in her arms. They began to make their escape, charging through the courtyard and across the drawbridge. They almost made their escape to freedom, yet suddenly there was a loud thud. Eren looked behind him in the saddle to see his wife, eyes wide, pierced through the heart by a crossbow bolt. She looked at him pleadingly, babe in her arms, as she fell to the ground. Eren would have turned back, if it wasn’t for his captain of the guard keeping him from doing so.
The two fled through the night. Days and weeks passed, and eventually they escaped the Empire. The two wandered for a time, not quite sure what to do with themselves. Eren was now a hollow shell of a man, torn apart by the death of his wife and child. Eventually they made their way to the Iron Mountain and now are employed with them. At least, Eren is. His captain died a year ago, on some mission to Yeric. Now, Eren is completely alone, haunted by his inner demons. It has been five years since that day and Malnor now rules the Empire. However, there are those that still cry out for their Lost Dragon and who would march behind the Black Dragon’s banner if it ever was to reappear.

Martial Skills:

Weapons Master- Eren is skilled with all weapons, from a longsword to a halberd, from a bow to a rifle. He has mastered nearly every way there is to kill and he does not hide the fact.
Natural Leader- Eren was, and still is, a leader. He is the type of man that others follow into battle, even if it will mean their death. While Eren is much darker than he was before, he still has the charisma of a leader.
Deathwish- Eren feels comfortable in the saddle, in an armor of plate, as the cries of the dying surround him and he charges into the enemy. No matter how great the risk or how unlikely the outcome, Eren will charge headfirst into danger.

Passive Skills:[/u]

Horseman- Eren is comfortable in the saddle and has no qualms with long journeys on horseback. For him, it is as easy as walking on his own two feet.
Hunting- While he not as great as the hunters of the great wilderness, Eren knows how hunt for his next meal. As long as there is game, he will not go hungry.

Magic Skills:


Oathkeeper- the bastard blade that Eren carries on his back, Eren named it as such for two reasons. He still keeps the Oath he swore when he was accepted as a Gallant, even though he is technically no longer one, and the Oath he swore upon his wife’s death, which is to see Malnar and all those who aid him dead.
Duel Pistols- Eren carries two pistols on each hip, as an ensurance in combat.
Saxe knife- Eren carries a saxe knife on his belt, as it is both handy in combat and for when skinning his next meal.

Pie [/center]
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