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    1. Vainvalium 10 yrs ago


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Interested, waiting for more details. :3
Yea, I understand. I could juggle some future monsters if you'd like as well. ◠‿◠
Thanks! When I was creating her character, really the whole base was just to create a fierce woman with a strong accent. Haha
This is for an EVIL gem, if they are still open.
Name: Diamond
Gem placement: Earlobe ( Resembles an Earring )
Personality: Diamond is apathetic , lacking emotions. She doesn’t talk much, when she does it’s one word or phrase. She is a materialistic person, and loves expensive objects. She takes what she wants, when she wants it. For some reason, Diamond tends to hate all warm colored gems.
Weapon: Sickle
If you're doing limited space, maybe you should pick the character sheets you want. Regardless, I'm interested. (。◕‿◕。)
Thanks Kirra, this was actually the second draft. I scraped the first one I sent in. (✿◠‿◠)
Got my character sheet in, and nah. I registered after that.
Name and/or Alias: Svetlana Alkaev ( This name means, To wish for a light world )

Age: 26

Sex: Female

Occupation: Trophy wife

Race and Origin: Human, born in Moscow, Russia.Currenly Lives in North Dakota

Svetlana has long curly hair, artificially colored maroon. Even though it is slightly damaged from consistent dying, it retains a soft texture. Her burgundy eyes stared fiercely into the souls of others, she had to hide her innocence. Underneath her right eye, a flat dark-pigmented mole, that she inherited at birth. It stood out like the moon in the sky, despite all the eye-makeup she used to draw attention from it. She covered her eyes in; Mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadow in the boldest of black but it was inevitable.

Her lips were plump, the bottom larger than the top. Drenched in expensive vivid red lipstick, she takes pride in her signature smile. She is short standing only at 5’5, Stiletto’s help boost her to 5’8. She is heavier than most, her bust and bottom disproportionately larger. The size difference helps contrast the curves on her sides.

Svetlana has a distinct style to her attire, only wearing tight black cocktail dresses. Her fingernails and toenails are painted red.


In a large purse she carries

A long whip, that curls on contact with objects. Capable of use with aerodynamics and as a weapon. ( This acquired later in the story. )
A vial of high-dosage poison, for emergency situations. May be used to suicide, when badly wounded or to sneakily kill enemies.
A full thermal body suit, good for swimming and retaining heat.
Minimal Medical supplies, to bandage wounded allies
Cigarettes and Matches

Abilities: Through self experimentation, Svetlana has managed to reverse aging effects on her body. Her body does not decay naturally, but stays in a neutral state. The side effect of this was that she would never be able to have kids.

Straight out of high-school, Svetlana began was employed with a modeling agency. She quickly gained reputation through magazines and TV shows. She never imagined that she would become a celebrity, people adored her. It was a nice change from being the welfare-case in her school.

People watched constantly and listened to everything she said. She would go home, only to find pictures of herself on gossip channels from store-visits fifteen minutes before. They knew; who she was dating, her interest, what she ate for dinner and what she had done with herself all day.

This continued for years, as Svetlana began to watch her body decay away. Her bones ached and her skin began to sag. Countless plastic surgerys only made her look worse, she was told to accept that everyone gets old. She was loaded with spare cash, that she couldn’t spend in a lifetime. She told herself, that she would have to live four-lifetimes to be able to spend all the money.

She quit her modeling career, and began to hide away in the same house for years. She made phone-calls, and occasionally had items dropped off at her-house. Nobody had seen her for thirty-years, and she vanished off of peoples minds. During these thirty-years, she managed to educate herself in health sciences.

Her basement was full of deadly chemicals, but in the right usage they could be something more. She knew that this was bigger than her, she couldn’t do it alone. She hired a team of three scientist, who became residents in her home. Two other females by the name of Deborah and Stephanie. They told stories of their former glorious lives in the US, that entertained Svetlana. The third a man, his name was nathaniel.

During an experiment, Deborah caught a cellular disease. It spread quickly through her body, and eventually killed her. Stephanie became depressed with out her best friend, and took a plane back to america.This left Svetlana and Nathaniel alone, with unfinished scientific work. Stumped by endless statistics and research, they ceased the project. Trying to live as normal as lives as they could, they began to fall in love.

Svetlana began to become sick, her body no longer functioning as well as it use to. Attempting to save his lover, Nathaniel continued the research. He found that, they were missing one important thing all this time. In order to create the perfect body cells, they required something more fresh. In past experiments, they had used their own plasma that over the years had been exposed to many things.

Nathaniel drove hours, figuring out how he could possibly pull something off. He drove to the hospital to see Svetlana, who was practically dead. She could barely respond, or move anymore. He walked out, crying for Svetlana, he believed that he had let her down. He passed by a room, full of children balling their heads off. There was so many, countless rows of them all the way back.
He walked to the door, and tried to open it. It was locked, only accessible by a set of keys from the nurses. He waited for awhile, until a nurse passed by and he quickly grabbed her by the arm.

“ Dying! The child is dying! He needs you!” He cried, in a scared tone, pulling her back and forth. In a panic, she opened the door running in as he followed behind her. There was no troubled child in sight, she was confused.

Lost in her own fear and trouble, Nathaniel took the opportunity and grabbed her by the neck. He tried to be quick, as she struggled. Her face turned pale, and her veins began to strain. It wasn’t long before the light in her eyes went out, and her eyes were now bloodshot. He grabbed one of the children, and walked out of the room. He held the child, who was covered in fabric as if it was his own. Walking past doctors, janitors and office assistant. Getting through the front door on the other hand would be a bit more difficult.

He instead walked to the backdoor, acting as if it was his place to be. Nobody stopped him, he looked trustworthy and like he had nothing to hide. He took the child to his car, and drove it home with him.

A day passed, Nathaniel was arrested for the kidnapping and murder of the infant. The parents were hurt and angered, and sued the Hospital. The staff angry that their jobs were on the line, ended up releasing Svetlana from their care. She was taken home, by a care-taker and dropped off who told her that Nathaniel was on a death sentence. Memories began to flash through her head, she walked down the basement stairs barely able to hold her own weight.

On the table, a paper sat explaining everything that happened written from Nathaniel. Holding it in place, a small jar of liquid sat on top of it. She picked it up and analyzed it with her eyes, the liquid was a dark red. It was striking similar to blood, but was clearly mixed with other compounds. She looked back to the paper, which told her to drink it. She had nothing to lose, she was going to die. She picked it up, the edge of the cup against her lips shriveled lips and her hand shaking. She quickly poured all of it into her mouth, drying to ignore the bold disgusting metallic taste.

Immense pain shot through her body, as her own cells began to implode. She cried in pain and fell to the ground on her knees, soon losing consciousness. When she awoke, there was no more pain. Her bones no longer ached, and she got up off the floor with ease. She felt strange, taking a hand and rubbing it across her skin. She was cured, and her body felt refreshed and great. She walked past glasses and vials, and stopped seeing her own reflection. She looked young…she..looked..beautiful.

She walked outside her house, and began to receive strange looks from her neighbors. She received strange looks from everyone she passed by, they all knew her by her former model persona. In an attempt to escape all of the attention, she bought a ticket to the US and was to head out the next day.
I've been rping for about three years, been on fourms for one year. This is acutally my second account with Roleplayerguild, I can't login to the first due to complications.
I should be joining the RP soon.~ Nice to meet everyone, loving the backstories I've gotten to read.
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