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  • Old Guild Username: Valerie
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
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    1. Valeria 10 yrs ago


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Hi there. =) I've been on somewhat of an rpg hiatus due to exams and am really itching to get back into it. Specifically what I offer is 'drawing RP'; RP + a drawing for every post or two. It's great fun (and a bit of practice for hobbyists) as long as you have the little extra free time.

What you can expect from me rp-wise:
- Regular (daily-ish?) posts
- Long posts (~1000 words). I try to give partners something a little immersive to read.
- An unexciting lack of sex and nudity (also I don't do romance rp's - sorry!)
- But I love plots about world travel/world hopping.
- I always like to chat =) So don't be afraid of striking up an ooc conversation.

What I need from you:
- Please be lit./adv. level or whatever you call it, and provide me with substantial posts!
- You don't need to be any kind of pro-artist; just draw with any style or level of realism you like. I'll also consider doing non-drawing rp if I don't get any takers.

Drop me a PM if you're interested or have any questions. =) I realise I'm asking for adv. level type people, so writing samples are available plentifully on request.

Thanks for reading~

"Why, you that girl?"

When Lys spoke, his voice was dripping heavy with an East London accent, but it was in good humour.

"You are a girl, right?" he asked, smiling. He poked his head around the side of the fountain to check, then still couldn't see, so came around the side and bent down close to look at his new comrade.

"You are," he confirmed at length. "So you're that funny caps-lock person? But what're you doing on the floor? We got work to do."

And amiably he offered a hand to help the girl up. From this distance his features could be seen in detail: for example the hair squashed under his tennis cap, which was a dark brown exactly the colour of rotting leaves. Close up it was possible to see the ineptly-shaved facial hair and the premature wrinkles that pitted his undereyes. And yet for a twenty-something it wasn't that he looked much older than he was; the effect more resembled a young kid wearing "old person" halloween makeup.

"There was another guy who said he wanted to come," Lys explained. "But don't count on it... I reckon he chickened out. Wanna bet on it? Might as well spend as much money as we can; it's not like they can make us pay it back, where we're going."

He smiled a lopsided smile that split his face, showing several brown teeth at the back.

"You're not wearing shoes?" He noticed. "I guess you won't need them either, huh?"

He nodded to himself, seeming to approve of the thought.

"Yeah, eff shoes - who ever needed them anyway? But, you know, let's do things proper today and have brunch first, eh? All the death row criminals get a meal before they kick it; they can order what they like. Besides, it'll give you a chance to make sure y' ain't got any second thoughts. Don't want to rush it now - s' too important. C'mon," he said, already beginning to wander in a direction away from the statue. "I know a great place where they do all kinds of breakfasts."

He only paused to give the girl a careful look over his shoulder.

"You ain't got any second thoughts, have you?" he asked narrowly.
Right. Sorry about those reposts.
Nice =P next post is sorta-finished too - will post in the morning.
Nice =P Next post is sorta-finished - will post in the morning.
Nice =P Next post is sorta-finished - will post in the morning.
Disclaimer: Title is non-figurative. Do not read if the topic bothers you.
It’s 1995 and the sky hangs heavy with rain. Long bolts and vanes of raincloud stick close and threaten to make more grey the vast grey expanse of greyness that is the city below.

Lys stands on a rooftop, only nominally separated from the grey.

It was a pretty perfect day for it, he had to admit. Bleak, and cold in his thin jersey, just like the soul of one who was getting massively tired of life, as Lys was. He squinted down at the town square, hoping his meeting instructions had been clear enough. He’d said ‘pig statue’ in the forum but now that he looked at it, the statue on top of the fountain was more like a contorted cow.

This city’s square harboured what was perhaps the ugliest gargoyle ever to have been crafted by human hands – and that was saying something, because all gargoyles were ugly. It was also the meeting spot that Lys planted himself in after descending the stairs of his apartment building and crossing the square, which was almost bald of a pedestrian crowd this early on a Sunday.

He leaned against the most bird-poop free patch of the fountain he could find and listened to the water chug sluggishly as he waited. Waiting wasn’t a difficult task for him; it involved remaining still, which he could do very well, because for years now his body had felt horribly slow and heavy all the time, even though as a man he really was quite thin. (Though that was because the task of feeding himself, in comparison to doing nothing, would often seem insurmountable).

He waited, but began to project ahead. He reminded himself that he wasn’t ‘Lys’ today, but ‘000Denominator000’, a screen name which he hadn’t thought through as well as he should, so he wondered what the person he was meeting would call him. Perhaps something like “Zero zero zero”, or just “Zeroes”, or maybe “Denny”. Or maybe they would do the unfathomable and ask for his real name.

He wondered what they’d be like.

Alright, the thread is up =P

Nope, I certainly don't =P I do all of my drawings in pencil and ink.
If you'd like to start an rp, perhaps you'd like to private message me? And then we can talk genres etc. etc., or if you have any more questions, go ahead and post them too.
As the title says, this will be illustrated rp! Partners will be expected to draw and attach a small illustration of what is happening every post.

Any drawing style and level of ability is welcome: this is good practice for folks looking to improve, but it's primarily supposed to be for-fun drawing! (Although you are expected to put in a ~rudimentary~ amount of effort, i.e. something resembling at least a final product, and not - say - an incomprehensible sketch.) Here's an example:


Personal req's
- Formal drawing skill does not matter, but please please be at least high 'literate' level before you apply! I will ask for a writing sample and will unfortunately turn you down if you are not well into literate level.
- No romance rp's please. I can bear sexy stuff - but only as a minor side-theme.
- No animal genre rp's (including stuff with dragons).
- I will be posting in the range of daily to weekly, plus I'm a uni student so there might be hiatuses come exam-time. I don't mind long (1 week+) delays from you on my end, as long as I'm in the knowledge that you intend to reply at *some* point (honestly, it's all cool).
- Post length ought to fit the writing level and be several paragraphs min. - no upper limit.

Genres that I like
Medieval fantasy
World travel
Urban fantasy
Bring your own plot ideas, or we'll cook something up =)

And because I'm asking for writing samples, here's a very short one from me:

Put in a PM if you're interested, or I'm happy to ask queries too =) I hope to hear from you.
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