Avatar of vanovick
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  • Posts: 39 (0.01 / day)
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    1. vanovick 10 yrs ago


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Chicken nuggets.

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Everyone was sleeping, but you're too wired to nap. You work on your gear instead.
Mattie_ said

"Tch help me kill them so I can get some sleep then." Matt springs to his feet, switches on his flashlight, and picks up his spear. I need to get better at killing these things anyways." He pushes open the health room door and quit literally charges into combat, spearing the nearest zombie through the ear. He pulls the blade back out swiftly, mindful of getting his weapon caught. The zombie falls to the ground, but two more behind it turn and begin down the short and narrow hallway toward Matt. With a sharp downward swing, Matt lodges the blade deep into the skull of the closer zombie, then pulls the corpse sideways with a grunt, blocking the hallway as it falls. It's path impeded, the second zombie slows as it stumbles against its dead brethren. Matt jerks back the bloody blade and swings it once more, this time sideways. The zombie's swinging arm gets in the way of the blade, but his swing powers through and smashes into the zombie's head regardless, slamming it against the wall. Matt kicks the corpse away to free his weapon and steps forward to kill the next zombie, laughing as he did so. At this rate he was going to block the corridor with bodies. Matt's stab lodges in the zombie's neck, not quite killing it. Matt twists the blade free with a snarl, his hands slipping a bit on the bloody duct tape grip. He stabs forward again, this time striking true and spearing the zombie through both eye sockets. It falls toward him as he pulls the blade free. Matt leans backward in disgust to avoid the dead body. As he pushes the corpse away, another zombie had already navigated the pile of corpses and was making its way down the hallway. Too close to level the spear for a stab, Matt grips the spear near the head and slams the blades downward like and axe, neatly splitting open the head of the fourth zombie. He then pulls back past the health room door, panting slightly. "I killed four of them, not too bad, tag out Ben, you're up now."


You have no armor, and decide to take them out safely. You grab one of Matt's short knives for your left and and wield your spear in your right.

"Just let me back in later, gosh... such a inefficient style you have."

You step out into the main hallway before they got closer into the Health one, and swing at the first one's leg with the bladed side of your spear, cutting it's leg and dropping it forward towards you to stab it through the back of the neck. Plenty of room out here to work with them. You repeat this efficient process on the slightly spread out zombies, backing up to the Health room hallway when necessary and take out seven zombies in the process. You back out after the seventh, gloves coated in blood. You're only a small freshman with little physical endurance after all. You run back to the Health room.

"Matt, go, I didn't check who it was back there... darn it way too dark in that hall for a good look."
Mattie_ said

"I'm not sure, I guess we can keep moving and control the supplies with a reliable group of survivors to survive. And okay. The more weapons we have the better. "

You finish scavenging for supplies and lay down on a cot in the back of the room. It would actually make for one of the best places to sleep in the school, you realize. You disregard the armor and weapons and supplies you are laying on and just relax for a moment, shutting your eyes and resting. If trouble occurred, you'd hear it, and besides your brother was there too.


"Matt, get up, I can hear a alot of zombies in the hall, and I think someone's out there fighting them, we should try and help."

You crack open the door slightly and glance out, several zombies in view from the door, most likely more. You can hear stabs and smacks against zombies down towards the ninth grade hallway end too.
Mattie_ said
"Oh yeah, sure. In fact, I have keys." *jangle jangle*

Damn that is nice weapon. So nice. So so nice.

You find the right key and unlock the health room door, slipping inside. It's dark inside, the lights out. You switch on the light switch, casting the room in swathes of hazy shadow and sharp illumination. You slide your spear behind your back onto the back pack straps and unzip the top of your bag, then rummage through the health room for medical supplies. "I have a bag that we can use to hold the medical supplies we find. Oh, and I've been holed up in the media center with Kate, Irene, and a few others. Me and Irene checked out the cafeteria and front office. There is food in the cafeteria, and plenty, but don't tell anyone since there isn't nearly enough to go around. What have you been up to?" You drop helpful things in your backpack as you find them, including antiseptic, bandages, medical tape, bandages, and random pills you find.

"Hey that bag looks like the one Irene had. Maybe even the one she said she dropped. Where'd you find it?" You ask curiously, wondering if you even want a bat at this point.


You step in behind Matt and shut the door quietly. You grab assorted supplies as well and drop them into your backpack as the both of you scavenge the room. You notice Matt's method of storing his spear and make a note to figure out some sort of similar system to hold yours. Armor. You also need to fashion some sort of armor on yourself to protect from at least bites and scratches.

"Huh... Where you recommend holing up? I got the bag off a zombie near the Art room, Irene must've dropped it then. It'll be good to bring this bag for the others at least."


You see your brother. Swag.

"Think you can help me break into the Health room? Oh, how're you doing anyways, you need any... thing."

Wow he is just loaded with armor and weaponry.

You do one last search throughout the band room, and acquire a pair of thin gloves, minor protection, but better than nothing. Your review your equipment and decide to store a baseball bat in your backpack as a side weapon. You gather your stuff and look out band room door's window leading out towards the Health room hallway. All clear. You push the door open, and immediately recognize that it will lock behind you. There is no going back, and you glance down both ends of the hallway for any zombies. Only one, right by the Health room in fact. You walk up to it and stab it through the neck with your spear, killing it in seconds. You stylishly kick the zombie to free your spear and wipe the blade immediately of the blood with your paper towels. You walk into the small hallway to the Health room and try the door. Locked. Time for the cafeteria you suppose. You walk back out, step over the zombie and check out both ends of the hallway. And notice a light coming from the front lobby.

"Hello? You alive there? I'm offering trades."

You're ready to move on now, and consider your options.
• Follow Irene.
• Hold up back in the Gym.
• Run for the band room.
• Enter the cafeteria.

Considering the situation, you might be forced to hold out for an extended period of time in the school. You opt to check out the band room hallway, then go for the cafeteria kitchen.

You don't trust how effective your weapon is yet. The door opens outward, so you push it forward, knocking the zombie to the side and run out across the hallway to the band room. You turn the corner to the band and orchestra room too fast, forgetting to check for anyone, and slam into a heavy bag. Carried by a zombie. The force of you running knocks him back against the wall, and you've distance yourself a bag length from him. His hands are fully occupied by the bag, but he bends forward with his head to bite you. You step backward and push back against him to the wall again with the shaft of your spear along his chest, jarring one of his hand from the bag. You really want that probably-from-the-gym-and-loaded-with-weapons bag. You hold onto the bag with your left and and kick him to the ground, finally freeing the bag in time to sling it around your shoulder and step away from the zombie. He was a lot stronger as a zombie than you expected him to be. You're not very... inclined to kill him. He slowly rises to his feet, and begins lumbering towards you as you back up and look back down towards the art room. The other two zombies were still up against the art room windows luckily. More zombies, likely from the breach in the music tech room come streaming down from the pe area/hallway. Three more come down towards your right. You have no choice but to try the band room or fight your way out.

You secure the heavy bag on your left shoulder, and raise your spear. You step forward and swipe at the zombie's legs. You shear through one leg and smash it to the left of the hallway, enough room for you to get into the band room. You throw the door open and slam it shut behind you. You glance around the band room. Empty. All doors shut. Relatively secure. Lockers to scavenge. You walk up to your Euphonium locker and dump the bag, and open it up. Aluminum baseball bats. Possibly a bag that Irene dropped. You leave the bag there for the time being and check out what the band room has in store for you. A 5 minute search, and you come up with a fresh bottle of water from a locker, paper towels to clean your bloody spear with, and a bag of Doritos. Not much, but it's something. The office was locked, much to your disappointment. Your options now include the Health room for medical supplies.

You get up off the ground and inspect the windows. The car partially smashed the wall, and broke the three middle windows. Clearly able to see out now, I saw two figures crushed under the car against the wall below the windows. Two others climbed through the open window. The class hurriedly moved back from the window once they took a look at the pair. Covered in bites and dripping with blood, they stumbled over the wreckage towards the students. You play zombie games, so you grab your backpack, open the door and run out, along with the majority of the class to the gym, looking for something to defend yourself with.

You run up to the doors and repeatedly knock. "I'm HUMAN, LET ME IN!!!" You wait sometime until the door opens, and you see... Irene, loaded with baseball bats and hockey sticks. You thank her for letting you in and shut the door behind yourself as she runs off down the hall. The people in the gym provide more details to me of what was going on, and let me take two hockey sticks. Not very effective as it is... you'll need to improve these.

Armed with one hockey stick in hand, one in the backpack, you exit the gym, and knock on the art room door for some upgrades. Luckily, they let you in once you show that you're still human. You attracted several zombies from the adjoining hallway leading to the band room, who were now pressing up against the door and windows. The students and teacher who let me in scowled at me.

"Look what you've done... they've been passing the room and ignored us before."

You reply with a shrug "Gosh, it's only like, 3 of them, nothing we can't handle with all of us in the room... if they even can get in... right?"

The teacher merely shakes her head and asks "So what're you up to here?"

You ask for tape, and access to their large paper-slicer blades. To your surprise, they offer a trade of one of your hockey sticks for both blades. Success, you detach 2 blades from the paper-slicer and set them on the table along with your one remaining hockey stick. You set the blades on the end of the stick, duct taping them to to both sides. You have your weapon now, a crude, but hopefully effective, bladed spear.

You are in the music technology room. Your teacher has moved you all away from the wall of windows looking out towards the drop-off circle and parking lot.. You could've been surfing the internet if the wifi was working. Similarly, the computers in the room were useless without wifi access to the network accounts. You don't feel particularly safe considering the amount of windows in the room.

About a half an hour passes with silence, until repeated knocks and thumps build up on the windows. Through the closed blinds you see several figures pressed up against the windows, blocking the light and smearing some red substance at some places they touched. Your teacher keeps you away from the windows regardless. You hear several screams and half of the figures at the window walk off. Someone outside screams "KEEP RUNNING!", and several car engines start throughout the next few minutes and you hear them drive off. Your teacher instructs the class to stay put and looks out the window. He peers out for a few seconds through the closed blinds before quickly moving towards the side and running from the window, shouting "They're gonna hit the window!". You hear it quite clearly now, the engine of the car accelerating towards those windows. And the figures still standing by them.
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