Avatar of Vantas
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: PandaNerd
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 328 (0.09 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Vantas 10 yrs ago


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hey hey im ryan or jeremy!
im nearly 16 (birthday is 9/7), i really like stuff like water and plants, im a wiccin/paganist whos trying to be a vegetarian, and a sociology/psychology student!

my gender is really complicated so i identify as a (trans/demi)boy for simplicity sake, and my sexuality is asexual and idekanymore-romantic, but i think im grey-aro, idk

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Jack looked at him in confusion as Arvo stuck out his hand to shake hands, he wondering for a moment if this was some cruel joke or a simple mistake. Probably the latter, judging by the fact that the other was also in a leg brace [this made Jack wonder if the front office had put them together for this similarity alone] Jack didn't think this guy was the kind who would make a joke out of someone else's disability.

Instead of ignoring the hand he stuck out his left hand instead, "I-I apologize for using the incorrect hand, but-." He said, wiggling the stump of his right hand, hidden by hoodie fabric.

The front officer workers then told them they better get going, so Jack nodded and wordlessly opened the door and began limping out, telling Arvo wordlessly to follow.
"So, you're from...Russia?" Jack said, trying to make small talk. He had never been good at small talk, or talk in general. But, if he was going to be showing this guy around he might as well try and make a friend, why not.

I roleplay all of those, so the pairing is up to you.
What kind of rp do you have in mind?
-No smut:
  • I can basically handle everything besides smut, I can handle gore, violence, abuse, anything, but smut- nope- I won't write it

  • -Trigger tags:
  • If you have a trigger, please inform me beforehand as I do not wish to trigger you with my writing, I'll try and avoid it at all costs.

  • -Fandom roleplays"
  • I'm fine with roleplaying Canon/Oc or Oc/Oc or Canon/Canon

  • If you roleplay a canon character, I can only put up with so much OOC'ness in them, if you go TOO ooc then I'm probably going to call you out on it.

  • Along the lines of the earlier rule, if I become to OOC with my canon charatcer writing, or if something is bothering you, just tell me.

  • -Length
  • How much you write is how much you’ll be given back, if you write a one liner I’ll write a one liner in return, if you write eight paragraphs I’ll write about that as well.

  • The least I will write is a few sentences; the most I can write is up to ten paragraphs. But I only do the really long posts when needed. On average, unless something is happening, expect one or two paragraphs.

  • I'm interested, I have one rule though and that would be that I don't rp smut.
    If you're okay with that rule, PM me?
    Beep- Beep- Beep- Beep- Beep.
    The dull buzzer rung in his ears for what Jack assumed to be about five minutes before he could actually open his eyes. Looking at the clock he saw the time flashing "4:00am". Jack always had to wake up at this ungodly hour because it took him so long to get ready, he needed at least 3 and a half hours before he could finally drag himself to school.

    The alarm kept beeping for another minute or so.
    It beeped for ten minutes before he could make himself sit up- Fifteen minute before he could make himself reach over with his left arm and turn the alarm off.
    Then he looked at the clock again, "4:28am".
    A new record.

    The first thing he did was sit up, and then stumble over to his laptop. He clicked the power button, as it turned on he reached over and grabbed his glasses, putting them on, now he could see the world with a new clarity.
    Turning back to his computer he pulled up his internet browser, then clicked on 'youtube' in his bookmarks, turned on some music, and then turned his speakers up.
    Fallout boy- hum hallelujah played loudly throughout the apartment, music kept him calm, kept the world from hearing him and him from hearing the world. Just how he liked it.

    His morning routine was more or less the same every morning.
    take a shower
    get dressed
    eat (a lot of the time he skipped this one)
    let Brenda out of her kennel and feed her
    Take med's
    Jack had to take a variety of medications, for depression, mood stabilizing, allergies, daily vitamins, ect, ect.
    All of this was boring and it never faulted, it was the same every morning, calm, rhythmic, steady...Stable. Jack needed stable.

    At about 8:00am he was about ready to walk out the door.
    He walked to school, walked, never driving and never getting a ride. He refused to get in any kind of car or bike or anything, death traps waiting to happen. Luckily the school was only about ten minutes away from his house.
    The school never minded if he got there at 8-9 because his classes didn't start until 10 and they 'took pity' on him, because he was a shy disabled depressed kid, who was extremely friendly to everyone in the main office, they all warmed up to him and it was surprising what he could get away with.

    While walking to the school he checked his phone, something he did when he was anxious, then he noticed the reminder on his toolbar.
    What on earth could that be?
    4:00am, show new kid around school."
    The ladies in the front office had asked him to come into school early to show the new exchange student around school before it started, fuck fuck fuck. He rushed forward, stumbling and tripping every which way in attempts to get to the school.

    Finally, he got there, and wen't into the front office, when he opened the door a dull 'thud' could be heard, he looked around to find the source of the thud when he noticed he had banged into someone.
    "O-Oh m-my god. I-I-I am so sorry!" He apologized, stuttering uncontrollably, he slapped a hand over his mouth, both in shock and because he felt stupid because of his stutter.

    "Oh my, Arvo are you alright?" One of the front office ladies, Mary, asked.
    "Jackie, watch where you're going, oh my..." She said, looking between the two of them.
    "Well, Arvo, you're guide is here." She said, in attempts to make a joke.
    "O-Oh? Y-Yeah...yeah that's...that's fine." Ben said, his face turning scarlet, this was the natural response right? To become flustered? To have his entire face light up as the other requested to scoot next to him. When he did, Ben's face only became hotter; though he tried to not let it show too much.

    "You shouldn't scratch your rope burn...I had a friend... she for a really bad burn and she scratched it a lot and it got infected and blistered." Ben said quietly, looking at Arvo's hands again as they began to scratch at the rope burn. Then he decided to stay silent for a moment, just letting everything be quiet, the only sound was those heard from the fire, it seemed they got Jane to go over and join them and she was talking about one thing or another that make Luke start awkwardly laughing, then cough, considering laughing with hurt ribs never did anyone much good.

    Then he looked over at Arvo, again he felt the need to apologize, he felt sad, sad for Arvo, who had lost his sister, because damn, he knew what that was like. He was sure at this point that his sister was dead, he tried to not think about it as much as possible, but when stuff like this happened he could help but do so.
    "I'll find you some water soon, I swear." He said softly, then he looked over at him.
    It was freezing out, below zero judging by the snow, and Arvo had been out for an hour or more freezing cold, Ben thought for a second before asking, "want to wear my jacket? It's probably a lot warmer than yours." He offered, giving the other a small smile.
    "No, I uh, didn't mind you can..do it again...if you...want?" He felt so awkward right now, oh my god how did that even come out so awkwardly, all he had been trying to say was he didn't mind the hugging, Jesus Christ, okay, moving on, he'd have to try and forget that ever happened, he could feel himself cringing at the memory already and it had happened like two seconds ago.

    Ben looked at him sadly, still feeling guilty even after the others reassuring words, he didn't know what to say, he felt like he should apologize again but that seemed like a bad idea, so he stayed quiet for a second. Then his eyes flickered to Arvo's hands as he showed him the rope burn and yet again guilty but now guilt mingled with pity and this was a terrible feeling.
    "Y-Yeah man, no problem." He said as Arvo thanked him for freeing him.
    Then he smiled sadly for a moment, "yeah, I bet." He said, he was being careful with his words, he was trying to keep things short so the other could understand him better.

    He kicked at the dirt for a moment, guilt still weighing heavily in his stomach, then he decided to ask what had been on his mind for a while, two questions actually, for now he would avoid the elephant in the room, save that for...later.
    "Again, I'm...so sorry for what's happened to you...Are you...okay?" He asked, the guy had just lost his group and sister, Ben assumed he'd either want to avoid the subject completely or talk about it, either one he was fine with.
    Ben was taken by surprise when Arvo hugged him, but when he did something seemed to stir inside him, nerves or something else but he decided to put it in the back of his mind, an issue to deal with later.
    When the other started apologizing he shook his head, "N-No it's...That was fine." He said, mentally smacking himself at his awkward phrasing.
    "Let's uh...Let's sit, so we don't draw attention." He said, taking insinuative and sitting down him, motioning Arvo to join him.
    When he had they were silent for a few moment, before Ben said, "I'm sorry...For how Kenny's treating you." He felt like he needed to apologize, even if he was not at fault he couldn't help but feel guilty, maybe if he had let Arvo run away when they first met like he had thought about, Arvo wouldn't be in this position, this was all so fucked up and he couldn't but feel like he was to blame.
    Ben felt guilt and pity mingle in his stomach, god, he really didn't know how the others could do this. Leave Arvo(? Was that his name?) out in the cold, he found it kind of disgusting, god, he wanted to do something.
    "Hey." He repeated- what a stupid thing to say, now he was repeating himself, stupid stupid.
    He found himself staring at the binds that tied Arvo, a sudden inspiration hit him, "hey- so- uh..." This guy couldn't speak much English, how could he say this.
    "I-" He pointed to himself, "I am going to cut-" he make a cutting motion with his hands, "your binds-" He pointed to the ropes, "but don't uh-Don't run away-" He shook his head as he looked around, "or Kenny-" he pointed to where Kenny was standing, well away from them, "he's going to kill me."
    He hoped that all got across to Arvo, oh Jesus he hoped it did or he would be dead, he took his pocket knife out of his pocket and cut at the ropes until finally they came loose and then fell to the ground.
    "I'm..I'm Ben by the way, uh, you're Arvo? Right?"
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