Avatar of Vermicelli
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  • Joined: 3 yrs ago
  • Posts: 48 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Vermicelli 3 yrs ago
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Hey there, lurker. Just kidding, I'm nosy too. You wanna know about me? Sure.

I'm a guy reaching the end of his late 20's and into the age where the human body starts to fall apart for no reason. When I was younger lad, I was a lone wolf full of angst and vitriol; now I've come to appreciate the value of company and connections. Over text my words can sometimes come off as matter-of-factly to the point of being bitingly sarcastic or even outright standoffish. This isn't usually my intent unless I'm joking. You'll know if I'm joking.

Writing has always been one of my earliest interests, and I always end up coming back to it even after lulls in motivation. Aside from that, I enjoy a lot of games, movies, D&D (my favorite class is Warlock), and tried my hand at doing voice acting for a while. I did a little C++ programming too; decided it wasn't for me. Other hobbies I'm currently looking to eventually get into are music and traditional/digital art.

About my writing style and interests:

I consider myself to be a jack-of-all-trades, master of none. As far as genres go, my writing mood will shift like a revolving door through classic fantasy, urban fantasy/modern, and cyberpunk (though I feel like a lot of people miss the point on what cyberpunk actually is.) Roleplay-wise, I'm not too big on romance, horror, or school settings, but I may still give them a shot if it fills a specific niche for me. On that note, a lot of roleplay ideas I have are definitely going to be "out there." As for why I'm not big on the three I just mentioned, well, I prefer romance in stories when it's only a subplot, horror is very difficult to pull off effectively, and there has yet to be a school setting story that can keep me invested. I have nothing but the utmost respect for people that can actually do literary fiction. Also, I don't generally do fandom RP's unless I feel it has a unique spin to it.

I love well-written characters and by extension character-driven stories. Worldbuilding is what I'd consider to be one of my weakest attributes in writing, but I thoroughly enjoy fleshing out characters with nuance and coming up with banter. I don't put too much importance on post length in a roleplay, as I myself prefer to keep things simple yet effective. I'd rather read a short 2-3 paragraphs that are impactful than a post that looks like a college student trying to pad out a term paper. I don't like IRL faceclaims, and won't allow them in any roleplay that I host for personal reasons. As for my ethics (not just in writing, but in general) here are some principles I try to adhere to:

-If you truly love and are serious about your craft, you have no excuse but to create a great product.
-Never rest on your laurels. It's hard to get back on the wagon once you get off.
-There's always going to be a bigger fish, so don't fret about "not being good enough."
-Never make a promise while under a good mood.

Hopefully that satisfies your curiosity about me.

Currently Hosting:

Status: Open

Most Recent Posts

If it's still available, I can submit something for Sunflower.
“I am an upstanding citizen and a model employee.”

A facade of confidence, words spoken to a mirror. “If I stick to the program and work hard, I will be rewarded,” the reflection responded. Straightening his tie and coffee in hand, the man stepped outside his door. He turned left to wave at his neighbor; she waved back. He turned right to wave at his other neighbor; nobody home. Strange. His other neighbor was always there every morning at the same exact time, but he had been gone for a week. Must be on vacation, the man thought. If I work hard, I’ll get a vacation too. Taygete Bay is nice this time of year.

After the morning commute on the metro, the man found his home away from home: an office cubicle number 612. Some would say it was cramped, but he would call it cozy. Cozy, yes, for it was all the space he needed for his work. A large stack of papers greeted him on his desk, and thus began another day for the rest of his life.

Time passes in ticks,
the mountain of papers fade.
Work is done at last.

A frozen Salisbury steak waited for him back at his apartment, ready to meet the microwave. He ate his dinner in deafening silence, letting his gaze wander over to the wallpaper peeling more with each passing day. “I’ll get a better place soon,” he said to himself. Soon, but how soon? It was a question he never had the answer to. Then he was off to bed early, so he could get up in time for work tomorrow.

New day, same sun. “I am an upstanding citizen and a model employee.” This was the mantra he stuck to every morning. It was good to have a mantra. He waved to his neighbor. She waved back. He turned to the right—still nobody home.

“He passed away,” she said. “What a shame. Nobody ever knew him.”

“These things happen,” he replied.

Another ride on the metro, another elevator to his cubicle, and another stack of papers. Then it was home for another frozen dinner.

Over and over…

Consistency was nice – nothing ever threw him off his rhythm, and that was the way he liked it. That was until one day he coughed, and a spray of red caught onto his sleeve. Blood. His. Am I getting sick? He thought. No, it’s probably nothing. Just seasonal allergies is all. He couldn’t allow himself to get sick – he had a quota after all, and he never fell behind. Today would be no different.

“I am an upstanding citizen and a model employee.”

He continued his days working and working, never noticing his skin turning pale. Working and working, shutting out the sounds of his coughs. Working and working, his breaths becoming heavy. One day he would come home, never realizing that he would never wake up again. Taygete would never stop for him, nor would it ever remember the man in cubicle 612.

What a shame. Nobody ever knew him.
But then again… these things happen.

Added the "Chart A Course" section in the OP to help clarify what the roleplay is about.
The thread for the roleplay is finally up here.
For everyone still interested, please post your character applications in the OoC tab for approval. I will also answer any questions in the thread.

1. Host’s Word Is Law. As the one setting up the stage for the story, I will make the final ruling should discrepancies and disputes arise.

2. 18+ Only. Due to the nature of possible sensitive content matter, applicants must be 18 years of age or older. That being said, ERP is still strictly forbidden and such interactions will be instead left implied.

3. Be Timely. Schedules can get busy for everyone, so this isn’t a strict rule. I will at least ask that you inform me if you will not be posting for a notable period of time. I would much rather you tell me in the case that you’ve lost interest in the roleplay or no longer have time for it, than ghost or make constant excuses in an attempt to save face. I will understand and will not bear any ill will towards you for it.

4. Maintain Proper Roleplay Etiquette. It is considered to be in poor form to have your character use outside knowledge that they would otherwise have no way of knowing. Controlling or directly affecting another player’s character without their explicit consent is also disallowed.

5. The Right To Refuse. For whatever reason, be it constant misconduct, your character not fitting with the setting, or otherwise, you may be ejected from the roleplay or your application may not be accepted. In this case, I will ask that you no longer post in any of the related threads for this roleplay. Refer to Rule #1.

Click the banner for all information related to the story/world

Looks good. I'll try to set up the official thread sometime this week if everyone else has an idea of what they want to do.
I've updated the OP with a character sheet if you guys wanna start brainstorming character ideas or discuss with me, and I may be bringing in a friend to fill a slot if we can get this roleplay going. I'll be working on more entries on the Notion page this weekend to further flesh out the world.
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