Avatar of Vgirl
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    1. Vgirl 10 yrs ago


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While Galard had finished eating, Ashar had fetched a bucket of water with what appeared to be suds and placed it on the porch. When he offered to do the dishes she stared at him with wide eyes and shook her head. “I couldn’t let you do such a thing. You’re my guest so I couldn’t let you do them alone. But I wouldn’t be opposed to you helping.” She said with a smile. Taking one of the cups she dunked it in the suds and wiped it down with a leaf before putting it on another leaf and out in a bright spot of sun to dry. “Like this.” She said, smiling as she taught him to wash their dishes. She was terrified that if she left him alone he would break all of their nice pots and cups.
While she watched him take the first step she held her breath, hoping that this drink would go down better with him. When he gave his approval she let out a sigh of relief and help up the jug. “I’ll pour you some more then.” She said with a big smile on her face as she refilled his cup. This had been her favourite drink back when she was a child and now that she was older she was allowed to take part in some of the steps and ceremonies that went into making the drink.
Ashar’s eyes widened and she bowed her head to him. “I…I’m sorry. It is our specialty drink and I’m sure my father would have wanted you to try at least one cup. I’ll go get something more suitable for you.” She said, quickly taking the jug and the cup and running out of the house. The guards seemed to yell something at her and she yelled something back, running off into the distance.

She came back a while later with a new jug, this one in a greenish color and a brand new cup. She put on her best smile for Galard as she placed the cup in front of him. “This one is juice. Sweetened naturally but…” She thought for a moment. “If this one isn’t to your liking either I can just get you some water.” She said, giving him a big fake smile, as she got a little worried.
Ashar thought for a moment. “My favorite drink…” She walked out of the house and onto the patio where a guard was waiting. She spoke to him for a moment and after some argument he left. While she waited for the guard to return she spoke with the other one in a rather cold tone as if trying to sound more experienced and older than she really was and bugging him about his attitude towards the outsider. This argument was rather one sided as the princess attacked the guard and he simply answered formally and with short sentences.

Finally the guard came back and with a single word of appreciation to the guard she took the jug from him and went back inside. Proudly she presented the clay jug and placed a cup in front of him, pouring him some of the liquid. “This is some alcohol that we make here from the berries in the area. Please tell me what you think.”
Ashar blushed a bit brighter and quickly looked away from him. Through the open doorway she could see a crowd of people surrounding the entrance. Ashar let out a sigh, “Excuse me.” She said standing up before walking over to the crowd of people. She spoke to them with a very calm and collected voice only to have the response be a dozen voices all telling her something different. She glanced back at Galard before turning back to her people and shaking her head. She seemed to give them an explanation and slowly they departed from the doorway one by one until everyone was gone.

Ashar let out another sigh and made her way back to the center of the room. “They all wanted to ask you questions. I told them they would have to wait until tomorrow since you need to rest.” Her father’s words played back in her head for a moment before she quickly opened her eyes. “Oh! Yes! I was supposed to offer you something to drink. Would you like something?”
Ashar blushed brightly at his words and looked down. “I…I guess I could …but…” She looked around for a moment. “What will you do if I’m not here to cook for you? You need to know how to cook.” She looked slightly worried about it. “Even some of the vegetables on this island are dangerous to eat raw so you need to know how to cook them.”
Ashar blushed slightly at Galard’s request before smiling. “I’m not the best cook, but I’ll give it a shot.” She said rolling up her sleeves.

Pulling a small obsidian knife from her belt she began preparing the different vegetables and fish. Once prepared, she lit the fire and began heating and cooking the different items until they were edible. As soon as they were done she blew out the fire and looked at him expectantly for a moment before realizing her mistake. “Umm… here we eat the food right off the cooking block. Oh!” She pulled a large leaf wrap out of the basket and handed it to him. Inside there were two thin but strong sticks. “We eat with these.” She said unwrapping her own leaf and placing it on her lap. She carefully pinched a small piece of meat in between the sticks and put it in her mouth. “Not too bad if I do say so myself.”
Ashar couldn’t help but giggle slightly when Galard’s stomach rumbled and nodded to her father. After he left she took Galard’s hand and began leading him back towards the village. “We just had a marriage in the village so we have a vacant house now.” She said leading him to said house. It was close to a man made well and she proudly smiled at it before leading him inside. “It’s quite empty now, but that doesn’t make it any less of a home.” In the middle of the house was a square of dirt and place for a fire and frying block.

There was a knock at the door and a woman with a basket of vegetables and fish smiled and the princess. They spoke for a few moments in a language Galard couldn’t recognize before the princess took the basket and went back to the cooking area.
Finally the rocking subsided and bit and she slowly opened her eyes, taking a look around her. They were out on top of the water. It was like some kind of sorcery. “Amazing? You came all the way here in this thing?” She asked. She looked up at Galard before realizing she was still holding onto him and him onto her and she took a step back, blushing slightly. “S…sorry…”
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