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    1. ViewtifulBastard 10 yrs ago


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Will you guys be accepting new characters?
Great idea man! I loved the AHS: Coven. The ending was kind of meh, but great series overall. I do have a little input that can make it interesting and could make for some interesting RP:

1. Competing witch families. Something like royal blood lines of witches that exist within this town. We could use the traditional family names from Salem (i.e Good, Putnam). Each family has a matriarch and/or a patriarch that "rule" the family in all things magic, typically a grandparent or parent of the characters. These families have varying social standing from rich to lower middle class, but that will not influence their magic capabilities. During the Emergence all witches powers all increase exponentially, but it is a dangerous time for the powerful rulers of the different families. Its a time for checks and balances amongst the bloodlines of each family and a time when many eager young witch (Which can be an androgynous term for both sexes) would use to topple their patriarch or settle ancient vendettas against another house. The Emergence could also be a time when the patriarch/matriarch are weaker making for an ethical decision for each character on whether to protect their leader or scheme to take their place. Either way awesome! Plot twist: There can be family alliances, blood pacts, arranged marriages amongst the families in the past and could even be relevant in a modern marriage that hasn't taken place yet between two characters.

2. The main characters can all be from teens to early twenties. Something that would require us all going to same college and or school before the event takes place. There could even be families that never told their children of their "royal blood" and during the Emergence they are forced in the game of power and ancient family vendettas. That came to me thinking of a Romeo and Juliet but with a dark turn on each other.

3. The hunters can be a decent mixture of Brotherhoods or cult outcasts. The brotherhood recruit, train, and supply their warriors with weaponry. They are taught to track, fight, and properly kill inexperienced witches. The Inquisitor is a rank given to the brotherhood member who has killed a certain amount of powerful witches. The cult outcasts of hunters are just like the brotherhood only they learned some of the dark arts of witchcraft in order to combat witches. Through dark rituals of taking specific organs of a witch killed he is gifted with special powers that make him a particularly dangerous individual. Cult outcasts are few in number and an enemy of both the brotherhood who view them as "fallen from the path" and obvious the witches. The hunters, if formally trained, are like an order of knights carrying advanced weaponry ,but even the most junior hunters carry some form of martial weapon during the hunt i.e. blessed longswords, daggers, crossbow, katana. The brotherhood typically have daily jobs as local law enforcement and it is rumored that the Sheriff of the city is an "Inquisitor" a particularly powerful hunter that has killed (big ass number) of witches.

4. Is there a "Supreme" like person. There could be two ways their could be a supreme per family , but if there is only one then they are the most powerful family making them a target during the Emergence.

5. Is there a Voodoo Vs. Witchcraft aspect?

6. Please no anime. Its really hard to visualize the realism when I see a mixture of anime and actual people pictures as characters. I understand the descriptions section, but its just my preference.

What do you think?
Def interested! I'm stationed in Japan so my time zone may be different from you guys. But I am def interested and looking forward to it
So in!!
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