Avatar of Vilhelm
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 395 (0.11 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Vilhelm 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for the sudden absence, all! My power went out for a couple days (Along with 90 percent of southeast Michigan) and it only -just- came back.
7 yrs ago
I. AM. BACK. Sort of. Mostly. New job actually lets me check the guild from work sometimes, and I just have -NOTHING TO DO WITH MY LIFE ANYMORE-. So yeah. I'm around.
1 like
8 yrs ago
Hey! To those people I was trying to RP with, I apologize for my sudden disappearance. This is literally the first chance I've had to hop on again- And I've already gotta go. I WILL RETURN, ONE DAY!


The above hider is just for people who want to know why I'm a little bit crazy. For all others, I'm a pretty simple guy: Writing is my life. I have a job, and a social life to take care of- But writing is the most personal, the most intimate, and the most important thing I do with my time. Novels, roleplays, stories written for friends, a simple letter- It's something I just enjoy doing. It doesn't have to be long, or incredibly descriptive- Though sometimes it just might be. The placing of words into something permanent, something to be remembered- SOmething that people can read that will bring them to laugh and cry and feel, that will make them think and dream and draw them into a world other than our own: That is my goal in life.

So yeah let's RP bro. Or ma'am. Or friendo. Buddy pal kid mate love dude.

Let's write some shit.

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*Wigglybrow* You know what's up


I got bored and just made the CS. :3 Let me know if there was any room left. XD
Is it too late to join? 'CAUSE I GOT A CHARACTER.

If it isn't too late, at least.
We still going ahead with this? Small groups aren't bad for starting out- and if be willing to make another character or two to fill some slots, or just handle some NPCs until we get more people
Alright, updated Isaac's sheet to include the rank and adapted history- He's in the sheets tab now. ^^ Looking forward to this getting rolling. :3
*Sneaks in* I'd be down, been a while since I was around a good fallout RP. :3
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