Avatar of Violet
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: VioletEmber
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 109 (0.03 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Violet 10 yrs ago


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Nova is a petite girl standing at about 5’2” and weighing a mere 108 pounds. She is, by nature, very thin, with a small bone structure and a high metabolism to match. She holds hazel eyes and dark auburn hair that reaches just below her shoulders.

Before the fall, Nova would often wear articles of clothing one would find in a Goodwill department. Sweatshirts that were far too big for her, knitted leggings with unusual patterns, combat boots, and of the likes. Now, however, she wears whatever she can manage to find – i.e. a loose grey tank top, a stained black sweater, somewhat fitted jeans with several holes, and battered sneakers.

Name: Nova Penelope Wayland.

Age: Eighteen.

Noteworthy Skills: Nova is small, and can fit through many places that other are incapable of.

Weapons: Nova was never one to be great with any sort of weapons, as neither her mother nor her father bothered to teach her how to use even the smallest of knives. On her person, though, she carries a switch blade and a Beretta Px4 storm gun.

Personality: To put it simply, Nova is a very timid girl. She is not one to be very sociable or put in the efforts to get to know others. While she is not a closed person, it is very difficult for her to find anyone to be trustworthy. Before the fall, Nova was notably a very kind and warm hearted person. While she was still quite shy, upon being met, she was known to care deeply for those around her. Perhaps she cared a little too much.

After the fall, Nova shut down. Despite being incapable of being cold towards others, she has learned to protect what is her own and ward off those who threaten that. How she has come to survive this long is an utter mystery, as Nova does not know how to ultimately fend for only herself. She is not a fitted leader, and exemplifies as such even without having meant to. She lacks a strong backbone, but with each passing day, it can be said that she is gradually coming about one. Nova has the potential of surviving, but whether she’ll reach that point is unknown.

History: She was an infant conceived in hopes that the conflicts between the two lovers would end. Little did they realize, the birth of Nova seemed to only worsen their issues. The mother, of twenty-two years, was a heroin addict. She spent the many dollars intended for her baby’s necessities on that of drugs. The father, just barely twenty-five, was a raging alcoholic, and while he did not present as such at work, the minute he got home from his eleven hour shift, he grabbed the nearest cheap vodka, and began to drink away his sorrows.

Nova never saw much of her dad. Tucked away in her small room with only the spare kitchen bowls and spoons to keep her occupied, the girl was raised to be nothing more than a nuisance. Her mother, neglecting her child, tended to her friends at the many small get-togethers she would throw with the many drugs they took part in and sold. This went on for quite some time. Years of Nova deprived of both parents, years of her mother insisting to her father that she quit her drug use, and years of her father beating her mother to compensate for his shitty job.

Her father didn’t harm her until she had reached pre-school. While her father refused on many cases, he was obligated to both take and pick her up from school, as her mother did not have her license. The years prior to this, Nova had gone unnoticed by her father, as she was nothing more than the failed attempt to resolve issues they couldn’t bother to do themselves. With this, Nova was brought into a world of physical and emotional abuse, the words of “mistake” spewing from her father’s mouth. Despite being relatively sober in the morning, he still managed to be perceived as intoxicated, for his anger was often caught on the mother as well as their lone daughter.

Nova, by the time she was nine, knew her place in her home, and grew accustom to the beatings, the words, and the raping. However, it did not stop her from crying hysterically when her father was gone, and writing about it in a journal she’d acquired from a teacher at school. School in itself soon became her only escape, as those hours were times when neither her mother nor her father could reach her. She did not tell a soul, as her father had (on multiple occasions) informed her that they would put her in foster care, and there was a very good chance that she’d be thrown out and left on the streets.

In middle school, her outlet was weed. She’d run out of room in the multiple journals she had, and afraid that her father would one day find them – she hid them in a small opening behind her closet door and never wrote in one again. In all her years of middle school, weed was her only friend. Nova did not talk much throughout her school days, but had somehow managed to befriend other smokers who had stolen weed from their parents. The very little money she was given (for lunches and school supplies) Nova spent it on weed, and would smoke before and after school, as well as before she went to bed.

It was a daily routine for young Nova. She even found that the drug numbed the pain and allowed her to think of other things when her father came to her. Nova was forced to stop smoking upon reaching high school, when her parents were utterly furious about her spending their money on drugs. She was called selfish, a little bitch, as well as many other things, and although Nova so desperately ached to scream back, she could not find the courage.

Entering her sophomore year, her mother was arrested for dealing and drug usage, leaving Nova’s father as her sole caretaker. With no other women in the house, Nova became the primary solution to all his anger. Her father was smart. He did not leave bruises or other marks anywhere but her stomach, upper arms, and legs, knowing that Nova was bound to hide them (she exposed very little skin). The end of junior year proved to be both a blessing and a curse, for this was the age at which the fall occurred.

Returning home from a rather unordinary day, Nova walked through the doors to find her father leaned over some sort of animal, ripped to shreds with a pool of blood beneath them. His head perched up the moment she opened the door, and after a battle of trying to run elsewhere, she located a kitchen knife and stabbed it through his skull. He did not move after that.

The incident left Nova frightened and confused. She locked herself in her tiny little room with nothing more than that kitchen knife and enough food for forty-eight hours. The helpless girl stayed there until others came to inspect her home. She’d thought them to be burglars and hid in her closet until one man discovered her. He and his team contemplated what they were to do with the shaken seventeen year old, and after much discussion, decided to have her tag along. Their reasoning was simple. She would prove to be useful for things only a small child could do – and besides, she was bound to die eventually, right? She wasn’t fit for survival.

Perhaps they were right, but out of all of them, Nova was the only to survive. Their group had been ambushed by another pack of survivors. Nova had fled the minute she saw her friend, Isaac, hit the ground. She knew he’d been killed. Equipped with both a switch blade and a gun given to her by her team, she went on by herself.

In a span of a year, Nova had been a part of two teams, both that had the same reasoning behind her joining them in the first place. She was small, and she would not survive for very long. She thought this was the case, as well, and thought that she would die in no more than a few days. Those days turned into weeks which then turned into months. Nova prospered, while her teammates were not so lucky.

They’d been in the process of heading north, a recommendation by other groups, as according to them, there was ‘safety’. She, as well as a few others, did not think this to be even remotely true, and in an argument which she did not partake in, the group headed back the way they’d came. Nova’s group died just outside of Kansas, attacked by the very things that they could not escape.

Nova, both hopeless and angry, decided against her previous statement, taking their advice, and walking north. Famished and exhausted, she encountered yet another group. A band of people who were unlike anyone she’d ever been with, barricaded by the four walls of a local airport, where the creatures could not reach.

She’d found north.

El_Tigre said
Woo! Then I shall get started on another character. And I don't want any of you to worry... It will be another girl xD

Partisan said
Is it just me or is there a lot of female characters in this RP?

And another to be added, unfortunately. My character is female, too. c:
Oi. I hadn't expected it to be that short. I'm sorry, everyone. I hope it will do, though! (:
Things were escalating to a pace Will could hardly keep up with, and she found herself looking in every direction as her fellow mutants wreaked havoc. Craning her head, she squinted up to both Annelise and Helena, hovering above them in an attempt to attack from the sky. The things those two were capable of took her aback, for in seconds, explosions sounded, and a ringing consumed Will’s ears. Taking shelter behind the earthen wall that still stood, Will grinned in the girls' direction. “Fucking Annelise,” she breathed.

Annelise’s attack was the first of many, as both Alex and Jack threw heavy punches of ice and weather, leaving the other side slightly wounded and all around pissed the hell off. Will wasn’t too concerned, however, being that not only had she lost her alcohol – Alex had lost his car. Glimpsing over at the fallen Alex, she shrugged a shoulder. “For the alcohol and car,” she announced, coming to her feet. She bolted for the side that was just below that of Annelise and Helena, exposing herself to the opposing side.

With no initial plan, Will lowered herself, watching intently as guns were pointed her way. Cocking an eyebrow, the girl bit down on her lip and all but smashing both open palms to the ground, grunting as she did so. Just as her hands had come to merely tap the dirt, she felt the earth rumble. All at once, the ground ruptured, beginning as a mere crack, only to widen tremendously upon reaching the enemy. In seconds, her abilities had managed to fracture either ends of the earth, leaving an opening large enough to swallow a car.

There were shrieks of horror, and piercing cries as those who hadn’t fallen in between her crevice began to flee. Will hadn’t predicted the outcome of such destruction until she felt her heart slowing and her eyelids beginning to feel like weights that she couldn't find the strength to hold up for much longer. With an exasperated groan, she stumbled backward from her stance, hitting the ground forcibly. Hel, I’m down. Send backup, she thought with great haste, knowing that there was no telling how long it would be before bullets came flying.

“Fuck,” she gasped, effortlessly trying to claw at the ground to assist her to her feet. “I’m such… an idiot…”
I have arrived!

Working on a bio now, though it may not be posted tonight as I'm a little intoxicated. But we shall see. c:
El_Tigre said
Will reminded me of Captain Jack Sparrow with her reaction to losing the alcohol xD

I didn't even think of that. Haha. You're right. xP

Altered Tundra said
That was a great post you guys. :) Gonna be putting a post of mine in tonight. ^^

Thank you, dear. <3
Will & Chase

The group decided on Silverstein, to which Will had no complaints. While she knew very little of their music, the song they’d chosen was tolerable and loud enough to drown out everything else. The alcohol had begun to get to her. She swung her head back and fluttered her eyes to a close, breathing slowly through her nostrils, allowing the alcohol to gradually dissipate. Which turned out to not be such a good idea, as her attempt to ultimately forget Chase’s comment only caused it to come flooding back. So much that she couldn’t contain herself.

“Look, kid, I don’t need your fucking mouth—”

Will paused, setting her jaw to prevent herself from saying anything more. The way Chase had spoken to her – while it made her blood boil, perhaps it shouldn’t have. How was the boy to know that years of constant teasing, in which her parents constituted as ‘harmless’ had led up to her not being one to permit it? Surely he hadn’t a single clue, so who was she to attack him?

“Never mind,” she mumbled, rummaging through her pockets to reveal a pack of camels with a mini red lighter. Lowering herself close to the floor, Will used the match to light it, managing to take a drag before settling against the seat once more. It was then that Will felt an abrupt jolt within the moving vehicle, her head jerking forward towards the front of the car. She let out a small yelp as her neck strained in ways it shouldn’t have, several shots of pain coursing through the sides of her throat. “What the—?”

An impact to the back of Will’s seat cut her off as Chase flew forward with nearly enough force to push them through the windshield. Both fortunately and yet unfortunately, his seatbelt proved to hold true, cutting into his skin as whatever speed Alex had been going propelled him forward even as the car stopped. Through the haze of his mind, he briefly recognized a subtle flip of his stomach as the vehicle itself flipped before a final jarring thud.

The young man groaned in pain as he hung from his seat in the car, now upside down. “Everyone okay?” he coughed, feeling a tingling sensation on his skin. He brushed his dangling hands together, noting the scaly texture of his skin as is slowly faded back to normal. Times like this made him thankful that his mutation was involuntary.

Reaching down – or up? – Chase quickly unbuckled his seat, joining Alex on the floor.

“Alive,” Will groaned, mustering up enough strength to do as Alex and Chase had, her hands fumbling to unbuckle her seatbelt. It had been a stupid decision on her part as she, too, fell to the window shield, her ass taking most of the impact. Will reached for the arm rest of her chair, using whatever was left in her to hoist herself up off the windshield and closer to the middle of the car. Nearing Chase, she nodded her head curtly in his direction, indicating that she was okay. Slightly wounded, but breathing.

Outside, she heard the bullets hurdling in their direction, drilling through the metal of the vehicle repeatedly. She supposed it wouldn’t have startled her very much had it not been evident that the car was beginning to give in to the bullets with every hit it took. “Fuck,” she hissed. “We’ve gotta get out of here.”

“No shit,” Chase grunted, glancing over at Alex. He seemed to be inside his head, giving the evolving mutant the impression that he was sending out a distress call to Helena. He turned back to Will. “Do you think you could throw up a wall to deflect the bullets?” Chase didn’t know how far along Will was with controlling her ability, but it was the only thing he could think of at the moment. “Just long enough for us to come up with a more solid plan?”

Will hadn’t even considered that. “I might, yeah,” she told him, “but I have to be able to see what I’m doing. Meaning, I need to get the fuck out of here before I can do that.” Will’s eyebrows furrowed in distaste as she contemplated their options – the select few that they had. There was no way in hell they would be able to kick any of the doors down. Alex had made sure of that with the safety features he’d installed. She supposed their only option was… Her eyes widened.

“Chase, your powers. Try punching the wall. Maybe your powers will kick in and help.” It was a far-fetched idea, and depending on if it actually worked, she was risking him breaking his hand, but it was worth a shot. Especially with what he’d just said to her. Despite it all, that brought a grin to her face.

Chase scowled, knowing the smile wasn’t at the possibility of getting out. He didn’t like the idea of smashing his hand into the side of the car, but he couldn’t deny that it may be their only option. “Fine.” he growled, shuffling so that he was facing the door on his side. Taking a deep breath, Chase pulled back his hand and made a fist. He closed his eyes… and whipped his arm forward as fast as he could, keeping the fist loose until the last minute before it crashed into the side of the car. “FUCK!” Chase yelled, clutching his hand to his chest as he inspected the area of the collision.

A slight dent was visible, but obviously not a hole. Looking down at his injured hand, he could see the traces of scaly armor receding from his knuckles. “Goddammit” he cursed, knowing that he’d have to do it again. “I can do this.”

Without any hesitation, Chase pulled back the same hand, and shoved it forward again, barely making a fist before it came into contact with the car door once more. The young man hissed in pain, but didn’t check his progress this time, punching again… and again, throwing his left fist as well a couple of times before he felt as if one hand almost fell through the car door. Now covered in a thin layer of sweat, Chase pulled back for the last time, armor covering every inch of skin from his fingertips to the middle of his forearms. He looked over the now offset door. “There, you can see now,” he panted.

As the boy let out shrieks of pain, young Will couldn’t help but smirk ever so subtly. With every punch he gave, she thought to herself, That’s for teasing me. That’s for being a dick. That’s for being short with me until bright light illuminated from the outside world. The boy’s powers had enabled him to dent the top of the car door outward, leaving the rest of it to be rather crumpled and frail if someone were to attempt to tear it away. Will cocked her head at Chase and shrugged. “Eh. It’ll do. Thanks.”

Practically crawling, she shoved Chase and Jack out of the way, forcing the two to press up against one another while she shuffled forward. Her eyes took a second too long to adjust to the blistering sun, constant bullets whizzing past her, brushing the sides of the car closest to her head. Her eyes fixated on the flattened plains of the desert, Will reluctantly raised a hand out into the open, curling her fingers as she readied herself.

Inhaling sharply, Will thrust her hand toward her, the earth beneath them quivering for several seconds, only to propel ten feet out of the ground, creating a barrier of sorts made purely of desert pavement. Will beamed at the boys and shimmied her way out of the vehicle, tuning in on the other side as they discussed their next move. There were so many of them, that much Will was certain of, and there was only so many walls she could make before they decided to wheel their way around them and start shooting from another angle.

Standing on her own two feet, Will stretched, her body aching with every muscle used. She glanced towards the car as only Chase began to crawl out, and whispered, “Hurry the hell up for Christ sake.”

Buying some time for Alex and Jack to follow, she quickly scurried to the opening of her creation, bringing a hand to either side of her, only to once again activate her powers. Will lengthened the wall as much she could before a sudden dizziness took over her, causing her to collapse to her knees. In the midst of catching her breath, she smelt that of alcohol. What the fuck? she thought, puzzled. Pressing a hand firmly to her shirt, she noticed the dampness of it, and suddenly, her world came crashing down.

“Goddammit,” she cried. “The fucking alcohol is gone.”
Ruugard and I are in the midst of creating a post right now. Should be up within the next hour or so.
Altered Tundra said
So, just wondering. Are we waiting for posts of Helena and Anne or from the group currently under attack? If it's the latter, then I could whip up a post here in a few.

As could I if that is the case.
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