Avatar of ViridianHue
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: ViridianHue
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 170 (0.05 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. ViridianHue 10 yrs ago


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Most Recent Posts

Invader Len said

I find people who get so serious on the internet to be hilarious. I mean really... it's just a RP. You're supposed to have fun with it. ._.
On another note, since Redwing has not posted in IC or OOC, I'm assuming they have left so we'll be moving on. Perhaps we'll assume Feli left the scene or something. ._.
I'll post tomorrow. Feeling a little down lately. ><
Yuen is adorable. *squishes with hugs*
Spawnling said The Capiko ship just breached the harbor of my heart hard.

Woot. XD
All aboard the Capiko ship!

Invader Len said
Hmmm... To wait for Redwings or not to wait, that is the question. For desire to post burns strong in the hearts of me, yet the circumstances of the tempest do becry mine soul to halt, make parry, and await dearest Feli.

You could post to accuse him and make things funnier for him to react to. XD
Looking away from her patient, Emma busied herself with making sure she had gathered all her things. She heard his quiet footsteps as he made his way to her and turned to look at him again to answer his question, green eyes widening slightly at his raised hand. She blinked questioningly, shifting her gaze from his hand to his eyes, as if to ask him, what were you trying to do?. She realized she really didn't want to know the answer to that.

"Ca-Cafeteria," she replied, feeling that it was safer to just ignore it. She began to walk towards the said place, making sure he was following her. "You'll have thirty minutes to eat and then you'll be taken to the recreation room. Please don't cause any inconvenience to the other patients while you're there. Otherwise you'll be locked up and not allowed any further interactions with anyone," she explained, talking not only to inform him of what to expect, but also to keep herself calm.

When they reached the door to the canteen, she swiped her card in the slot and the doors slid open, revealing her senior colleague just about to leave. "Dr. Note," she nodded to him as she entered the room.
Kimiko was right when she figured Marie would know the stranger - Richardson. She knew everyone at the Terrace, her nature was to mother everyone. Kimiko normally found fussy people like her to be annoying, but no one could get irritated with Marie. A sense of respect had grown for the woman over the years. It's too bad she's not a bodyguard anymore.

Speaking of bodyguards, Caepllo was speaking to her and Kimiko turned to look at him again. The meaning behind his words finally registered and she turned beet red, blue eyes widening comically at him. "Th-That's not what I- You - Argh!" she groaned, turning away from him in a huff, hands flitting to her hair to hide her warm face. He never gives me a straight answer to anything! "Why do I even worry about you?" she muttered to herself as she left his side, stomping away to the kitchen to grab the food and aspirin for Gin, who had just come to her senses and was looking bleary-eyed at everyone.

Passing a group of people conversing in the hallway, she nodded in greeting to Thomas when she saw him, the only familiar face among them. She felt slightly bad seeing his drenched state. It seemed that the rain that she had started hadn't let up yet. I should really learn to control my emotions better. She sighed, shaking her head as she entered the kitchen, grabbing a bag of chips from the cabinets.

It was then that she noticed the young man she had seen writhing on the floor earlier, looking up in fright at one of the new tenants. This certainly didn't look like a game. "Uh..." Kimiko broke the silence, shifting her eyes between the two. "Everything alright here?"
Spawnling said
That awkward moment when you say "Romance is encouraged" and it's 7 guys to 4 girls *one of which is going after girls as well*

Usually in RPs like these there is a shortage of guys. xD

@Chenzor - Looks good to me. Post in IC whenever. There is a summary over here to help you catch up. Also, if you need help on your intro post, just ask. ^^ If you don't want to jump directly into the action, Yuen and Feli are still in the kitchen so you can interact with them. :) Oh, also, how long has your character been at Primrose?
*quietly munches on potato chips*
Meh, I posted before refreshing the page. I'll edit mine. ><
Gin, Marie, Capello, Joseph
Kimiko cursed, jumping back when the fox materialized infront of her. Why does he do that?! She glared at him when he reappearred beside Gin, looking him up and down to assess his injuries. They...healed? She frowned, not really hearing his words as he talked to Marie. No, that can't be right. He doesn't have super-healing. Which meant it was an illusion. She looked around the lounge, wondering if the real Capello was anywhere nearby. He could be in another room and she'd have no idea. Mentally cursing him, she turned her attention back to the conversation, blinking when she saw that there was two of him now. Really, wasn't one of him enough? Thankfully, that didn't last too long, but he was giving her a headache again.

They were talking about forming partnerships. Kimiko sighed at the thought, deciding not to comment on that for now. She didn't know any of the others. She was supposed to run background checks on them, observe their habits, see how they fared in a fight and then form a contract with one of them. It was much too soon.
If only she hadn't left the building today... But there was no point regretting that now. She had to think about who to choose. Who could she even trust? Her eyes automatically slid to Capello and she quickly looked away before he could catch her. It's not too illogical. He saved me - us - moments ago and I know he's good in a fight... She mentally groaned. Do I really have no choice?

"Ooooooh, did I miss tea time?"

Kimiko's mouth twitched as the kitsune rambled about nonsensical things. Even though it was comedic, she hoped it wasn't permanent. One loopy fox was enough, thank you. Besides, she had enjoyed her sane company during lunch and would like to talk again, minus another Rabisu attack.

"Maybe she needs food?" Kimiko wondered. "She's trying to eat the compress and keeps mumbling about it," she shrugged. Although, Marie would probably try feeding her something she had made and that would end...badly. "Um...I think there are some potato chips in the pantry," she suggested before Marie got the idea of cooking something for the poor girl. Just then, her flailing made her fall from the couch and the bakeneko went to her side to pick her up.

Kimiko glanced at the fox leaning against the wall. "Where are you really hiding?" she asked him quietly, narrowing her eyes. She had half a mind to tell Marie about his injuries but she didn't want the cat's anger to flare up again. Besides, Gin needed attention and the maid couldn't be in two places at once. "I saw your injuries. You need-" she began to tell him off but was interrupted by the arrival of a new face. Well, he looked new. She couldn't remember if she had seen him around. She had been cooped up in her room for the past few days just to avoid meeting new people anyway. Why is he wearing a coat indoors in this weather? she wondered with a frown. Kimiko decided to let Marie or Capello answer the stranger, in case they knew him. In the meanwhile, she stared down Capello, or at least his illusion, until he satisfied her with an answer.
Welp, I've added all the accepted profiles to the first post. I'll post in IC in a few hours.

Spawnling said
And for anyone still considering joining, we've got an uncontested spot for a tenant still open.

^ This.
If any of you want to make a second character, go for it. ^_^
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