Avatar of WhatAmIDoing
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 44 (0.02 / day)
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    1. WhatAmIDoing 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
I want to slap someone
7 yrs ago
What am I doing?
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I have no idea what I'm doing sooo.... don't ask

Why is life so darn hard. Like, seriously, we never asked for it. It’s really not fair. But I guess nothing is fair....

Why are people scared of ghosts? IF ghosts were real, they wouldn’t have any fancy ”Magical powers” like my gersh, why would you gain anything by dying?

What happens if you confront a ghost instead of running from it? Does it leave?

Will humans ever stop being so horrible?

I have so many questions, all without an answer, except one..

What is the meaning of life?

The answer, of course, is cereal.

Because life is cereal

and yes, I made most of those questions and stuff just so I could make the pun. Sorry not sorry.

Most Recent Posts

Yaaaay this is a thing now.
Uh cause I’m stupid (and different role plays do it different ways) do I post my cs in characters or ooc first?..
This sounds fuuuuun. can I join?
Leiko was bored as crap. She walked out to the courtyard, leaning against a tree and observing the surroundings. ’the first day is always boring’ she told herself, ’I shouldn’t expect anything different.’ she sighed, waiting for something interesting to happen, despite knowing that nothing would.
Ooooo. Murder. Fun.
oooooooh! Looks fun!
@Lie sorry if I killed this... I’m not a nice person...
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