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Open, but limited -- Human characters only (regular humans or hunters)

The story takes place in nineteenth century England and revolves around lycans/werewolves. The story's main focus is on the now-dying creatures we know as werewolves. Their kind rose in great and almost unaccountable numbers over the many hundreds of years, but ultimately, over the past few decades, more and more wolf hunters or just 'hunters,' as have been come to be known as, have appeared and helped diminish the lycan population to a dwindling and frighteningly low number. Lycans no longer are the masters of the night. (It is because of this great genocide that werewolves of OOC today are so rare and thus considered myth.)

This is the story of the last great werewolves, the survivors, the last ones standing that fought to the bitter end. Though many of these creatures are admirable in their physical strength and skills, the hunters now largely outnumber them, and many of these legendary creatures will fall in battle.

The roleplay will begin with a family of humans who have captured and imprisoned several young lycans (Juveniles and Youths). They believe they are helping the lycans by saving them from a world filled with hunters. However, the lycans, who (minus a few nights out of the month) are usually in human form, are being kept against their will. One newly-turned lycan will have just been captured and taken to this family's large cellar with the rest. An ancient lycan will have caught word of this and is planning on putting together a rescue mission.

An organization of hunters exists, known as SOHNS (Society of Hunters: Night Security). This society was formed by Niklos Redd, Grandfather to Rozlin Redd. Most every member of SOHNS is male, as this is the 1800's and females are still widely discriminated against, and the roles women play in society are far from hunters. However, a few select females are allowed to join if they can prove their skills as a wolf hunter. Basically, SOHNS is an organization of hunters who have banded together in an attempt to become an even more powerful entity against the lycan threat. Together, they are stronger than any single hunter. They train with one another and go over hunting strategies and also rely on one another in combat. They are a force to be reckoned with. Any Average Joe hunter is allowed join (as long as they are 18 or older), but they will be trained until they are up to a certain standard before they are allowed to join in any future hunts. Each hunting party is comprised of at least five members, one of them being the leader. Leaders can be any hunter who has been on at least fifteen successful hunts.

The initial lycan was created when a rabid lone wolf, driven mad by its disease and starvation, attacked a villager in northern Europe during a full moon. The man collapsed, nearly having been killed by the mauling, but when he awoke, he was no longer himself, in body or in mind. He had become part man, part wolf, operating only on instinct and a powerful desire to hunt. Whenever he attacked a person and left them alive, they too would become infected with the condition, and so the trend would carry on.

Newly created lycans are only able to transform under a full moon, and they lose all their rational thoughts and their human mind and become a pure wolf. They are not in any form of control. As lycans age however, they eventually learn to adapt and adjust to their transformations. Around the time they become ‘adults,’ they are able to fully control when and where they transform, and they also have some degree of control over themselves, if not full control. Aged lycans never lose their human minds when under transformation and can even change into their wolf forms much more quickly and painlessly.

They are much more powerful than humans, but lycans are strong only when they are transformed. Additionally, lycans are deathly allergic to silver. Ingesting silver or having silver penetrate the body in any way will cause a lycan, whether transformed or not, to eventually die if the silver is not removed in time. Simply touching silver can cause serious rashes.

There are two species of lycans - the werewolf and the wolf. Werewolves resemble part man, part wolf. They can stand on two legs and have hands. They can walk on all fours if they wish, though it is typically easier to walk upright. Werewolves do not possess tails. Wolves must always walk on all fours and do not have hands or opposable thumbs. They also have tails.

Lycans are immortal, meaning they cannot age or die of old age, but they still can be killed by selective means. Silver, as mentioned, is one way of killing a lycan. Beheading is another, as is the complete dismemberment of limbs and body parts. Religious artifacts hold no power over lycans, but the cry of a fellow lycan will beckon other lycans, whether they belong to the same pack or not. Being social creatures, lycans depend and rely heavily on each other, and it is in their instincts to protect one another. Therefore, it isn't at all uncommon for men to have captured and wounded a lycan and left it chained and in agony as bait to lure in more of its kind to slay.

In addition to immortality, lycans also have superhuman abilities. These include great physical strength, which can and does typically grow as they "level up" from Youth to Ancient, quicker-than-human regenerative healing, superhuman senses (eyesight and sense of smell especially), agility, stamina, and quick reflexes.

There are 4 different ages of a lycan: Adolescent, Youth, Adult, and Ancient. An Adolescent refers to a newly transformed human who has no control over their monthly transformations. A Youth is typically one who has gained some control over their transformations and may, at times, be able to transform upon will but who is not very powerful yet. An Adult is typically considered to be the most common type of lycan. It is someone who has been a lycan long enough to have complete control over their transformations and can also transform upon will. They are powerful creatures not to be messed with. Ancients are almost unheard of creatures, as they are the oldest living lycans whose abilities far surpass any other. They are usually the leaders of powerful packs and are highly respected. Ancient lycans usually evolve to appear much different than their original human selves. In their human forms, their eyes may look more like wolf eyes, if they’re male, they may grow more hair, their ears may grow pointier, and their nails become hard and tend to grow faster to resemble claws. In their wolf forms, other variations can be seen. They are much larger and far more muscular than they appeared as an Adolescent wolf.

  1. Alice & Emma - The Berangias Sisters - Hunter and Adolescent Lycan
    (Played by Rtron)

  2. James Felton - Grandson of Compound Leader
    (Played by gogojakeo)

  3. Joseph Allard - Hunter of SOHNS
    (Played by Thought Manifest)

  4. Nikita Devar - Ancient Lycan
    (Played by Thought Manifest)

  5. Rozlin "Roz" Redd - Hunter of SOHNS
    (Played by White Rabbit Reality)

  6. Velganos "Vel" Vanora" - Youth Lycan
    (Played by White Rabbit Reality)

  7. Winnifred "Winnie" Felton - Granddaughter of Compound Leader
    (Played by Thought Manfiest)

  8. Zacharie - Youth Lycan Captured
    (Played by gogojakeo)

  1. gogojakeo

  2. Rtron

  3. Thought Manifest

  4. White Rabbit Reality

We have a lot of information going here and already some character profiles, so I'll try and start the OOC thread tonight so that we have a place to reference everything. For those joining in this RP, please link to your character profiles in here once they're ready. Thanks!
Thought Manifest said
Think more Van Helsing and less Underworld.

Exactly! Van Helsing is a great reference if you're wanting to try and picture setting a little clearer. :) Or, think Buffy flashbacks to Europe.

Here are some images to help paint a better picture.

Negronomicon - I actually really love the idea of there being a human who is tracking the movements of the lycans and hunters. Even though this takes place in the 1800's, there still are ways of remaining anonymous. If your character is wealthy, for instance, they could hire a servant to deliver the news (in pamphlet or letter form) to others. Or, they could simply wear a mask when spreading news and information.
GENDER: Female
SPECIES: Adult Werewolf
AGE: Was turned at 27, but has been alive for 53 years
RACE: Caucasian-Japanese

-long, straight black hair
-mocha brown almond eyes
-very light olive skin
-110 lbs

-jet black fur
-yellow eyes
-looks just like an average wolf, only much larger
-walks on all fours
-700 lbs

-sweet and kind

Lucas Aero -- Father | Deceased | Railroad investor and Businessman
Masumi Aero -- Mother | Deceased | Foreign Language Teacher
Velganos Vanora -- Lycan | Living | Ex-Fiancé | Still partially loves him, but has also moved on

Born to a white upperclass Swiss father and a Japanese mother, Accalia has unique heritage. Her parents met in Switzerland, where her mother's family had migrated to a couple generations back in attempts to find solitude away from the troubles brought on by the war with the lycans that occurred in most areas of Japan. For the most part, Switzerland was quiet and safe, and this reputation of security eventually spread. Despite growing up in a safe environment, Accalia always felt compelled to leave and find adventure. The life she knew was simply too boring for her tastes. She craved something more, even if it meant leaving her family and friends and the comfort of her village. That's when, as fate had it, she met Velganos.

Velganos was a unique man even upon first sight. He looked so different from her, with his hair that had turned white at a young age and his differently colored eyes. Velganos, who was originally from Great Britain, was a well-traveled man who didn't seem to stay put in any one area. He had dreams of seeing the world and made a living trading from one village and country to another in doing so. Accalia was immediately taken by him and found herself only growing more intrigued the more she came to know him. The two eventually began forming plans to meet one another each week, and soon these meetups turned into dates. As time went by, the two fell in love with one another, and Velganos made the possibility of leaving Accalia's home seem conceivable.

The two spent several years traveling Europe together until finally Velganos proposed to her, and the two decided to settle down somewhere in hopes of having a family. They purchased a rather nice starter home, thanks greatly to Accalia's family wealth. However, before they could begin their lives together, Velganos was turned into a lycan and unknowingly attacked Accalia. Because she had been bitten, she too was now a werewolf.

Unsure of how to react at first, Accalia felt angry and betrayed, blaming Velganos for staying out too late and having gotten drunk. If only he had come home at a reasonable hour, perhaps none of this would have happened. Instead, both of their lives were changed forever. Because of her outrage and very visible fear as she sat there trembling, Velganos left, accepting the blame and not wishing to harm her further. This was not what Accalia wanted or asked for though. After his departure, she felt alone and even more scared. Lost and unsure of how to react, Accalia found herself wandering the streets at night foolishly, frightened and perhaps, in part, wishing for death and also hoping to find someone able to aid her in her time of need. As luck would have it, that's how she came to meet a lycan pack leader who could smell the wolf side of her already, even though she had not yet had her first transformation. Taking pity on the girl, the alpha, whose name was Hendrik, decided to bring her back to his den, which literally was a den - a cave made from the earth in a secluded forest outside of town. There, she met others like her - the pack. She was introduced to everyone and invited to stay for dinner, which, to her surprise, was not uncooked meat. Instead, the pack, who seemed more like a family, had a long wooden table in a side room of the den where they all sat and ate together. She was served roasted duck, a loaf of the baker's freshly baked bread, and fine ale. It was more extravagant than she ever would have assumed. Though this was all knew to her, and though she still was unsure if she even wanted to accept being a lycan now, she was so taken with the inviting nature of the pack and the warmth of Hendrik, the leader, that she accepted when asked if she wished to join them.

Several long years went by before Accalia ever ran into her old fiancé Velganos again. When the two did meet, they were both in their wolf forms. Upon spotting her, Velganos immediately assumed she was the black wolf from his past, the one that turned him into a lycan and changed his life forever. Rage took over, blinding him until at last they bloodied one another enough to cause Velganos to back down and accept that he back down before he got too severely injured. Before fleeing though, he transformed into his human form so as to speak with the other wolf who put up such a good fight. He told Accalia he acknowledges her strength and skill in battle but will never forgive her for turning him. Taken aback by who was standing before her and by his own confussion, Accalia did not transform back into her human form at first, until Velganos demanded to see the human whom he had just fought. Slowly, she turned back, and, both as humans, their eyes locked in shock and astonishment. Velganos felt terrified to have fought her, not only because he still loved her, but also because he was so sure she was the wolf of his past. She resembled him so perfectly, down to her dark fur and haunting yellow eyes. He couldn't manage any other words and turned to flee, transforming into a wolf and disappeared into the woods. Accalia was left speechless.
I think that sounds like a good idea, to have each person interested play as more than one character if they are able. That would help us to contribute to each different subplot adequately.

I like your Ancient lycan character a lot so far too. She will be fun to see in this RP.

Negronomicon and Rtron, let us know what character types and roles you would like to play and also if you'd care to take on multiple characters at all.

If need be, I can play as a 3rd character in addition to the 2 I've already created and settled on (the Youth lycan and a hunter).

EDIT: Also, I really should mention that I decided to introduce something else to this story - an organization of local hunters (which I wrote about in my hunter character's biography).

This organization is called SOHNS (Society of Hunters: Night Security). Most every member of SOHNS is male, as this is the 1800's and females are still widely discriminated against, and the roles women play in society are far from hunters. However, a few select females are allowed to join if they can prove their skills as a wolf hunter. Basically, SOHNS is an organization of hunters who have banded together in an attempt to become an even more powerful entity against the lycan threat. Together, they are stronger than any single hunter. They train with one another and go over hunting strategies and also rely on one another in combat. They are a force to be reckoned with. Any Average Joe hunter is allowed join (as long as they are 18 or older), but they will be trained until they are up to a certain standard before they are allowed to join in any future hunts. Each hunting party is comprised of at least five members, one of them being the leader. Leaders can be any hunter who has been on at least fifteen successful hunts.

EDIT 2: Also, minor thing I just wanted to say -- Sorry for all the weird typos and errors in my characters' descriptions! I have been typing this all up at work, and that is proving rather difficult. I'm going back and editing myself now. :)
GENDER: Female
OCCUPATION: Wolf Hunter for Hire
AGE: 27
RACE: Caucasian

-long, chocolate brown hair
-cinnamon brown eyes
-usually sports scrapes and bruises
-has a 5-clawed scar going down her back
-117 lbs

-a true Scorpio
-fiercely independent

Roland Redd -- Great Grandfather | Deceased | Known for slaying an Ancient
Ulric Redd -- Grandfather | Living | Founded SOHNS
Albert Redd -- Father | Deceased | Blacksmith | Compassionate person
Emily Redd -- Mother | Living | Seamstress for SOHNS | Stern woman
Velganos Vanora -- Lycan | Living | Enemy | Inappropriately attracted to him
Corbin Crane -- Human Hunter | Living | Friend/Rival | Some chemistry there

Rozlin doesn't talk about herself much or her personal life, so only the people very close to her truly even know who she is. To most everyone else, she is simply "the female hunter." Underestimated, misunderstood, undervalued, and belittled her whole life for simply being a female, Rozlin was never taken seriously as a wolf hunter. Despite this disadvantage though, she grew up in a family which had generations of legendary wolf hunters. Her great grandfather, Roland Redd, slayed a prominent Ancient, and so became famous himself. Her grandfather, Ulric Redd, founded SOHNS (Society of Hunters: Night Security), a now-widely-recognized organization of hunters who train and hunt together. Rozlin's father, Albert Redd, was on his way to taking over SOHNS in place of his father, but he was killed when he put others' lives before his and saved a family from a pack of attacking lycans. Each member of her family was well known for awe-inspiring and admirable accomplishments, but Rozlin was the only one well-known only because she was female. Her parents never had any other children due to complications with her mother's pregnancy, so her father was forced to train her instead of a son to be a hunter. Rozlin learned quickly, and though her father received a lot of criticism over training her before he died when Rozlin was eleven, she was just as good of a hunter as any boy. She made her father proud, which she reminds herself of every day, and that also serves as her reason for continuing to live up to her family name and hunt until every last wolf is gone.

Growing up after her father's death, Rozlin had to teach herself many things about hunting, since no one else was going to, even her own grandfather, as he believed women should not be hunters and disapproved of her father ever teaching her anything. Because of her devotion and passionate dedication, Rozlin learned a lot and grew more skilled every year. Though she wasn't nearly as physically strong as the male hunters her age, she relied on her wits and resourcefulness on hunts instead. It proved to be most useful. She even learned how to make and set traps for lycans. She became very adept at using a flintlock single shot pistol. Because the pistol would take so long to reload, she had to be very precise with her aim and also very patient, waiting for the most opportune moment. In addition to the pistol, she carried a hunting knife for close-combat situations, should it resort to that (which it rarely ever did, if her traps and/or pistol didn't do the trick).

Eventually, as Rozlin grew into a fine hunter and began bagging more and more wolves, even SOHNS had to take notice of her accomplishments and admit to her talents, allowing her to at last join their ranks. In time, she slowly became more respected and admired (though she is still infamously known as either "the female hunter" or "Redd's daughter"). To demonstrate her boldness and to spite the wolves and those who didn't believe in her, Rozlin even often wears the color red out on hunts, unlike most hunters (who do the complete opposite and wear camouflage clothing to help them blend in with their surroundings). She also claims she wears red to honor her family name, Redd, and to honor her father.

Rozlin possess a large and very prominent 5-clawed scar across the length of her back, which she received when she was 18 and attempting to hunt an Adult lycan. She misinterpreted the situation and thought she had scouted him away from his pack, but instead, some of his fellow packmates were nearby. They heard him cry out for help when she had caught him in a trap she had made. Two wolves came to the Adult lycan's aid. One focused on freeing his friend, and the other went straight for Rozlin. She turned to flee, knowing she was outnumbered and overpowered, but the wolf was too fast and was on her in no time. It slashed at her back, tearing her clothes to shreds and causing the deep wound which later turned to a scar. She would have surely died that day if it weren't for a fellow hunter in the area who heard the commotion. He had been tracking the same pack of lycans, which is what led him to her. He shot and killed the pursing lycan, and the two escaped to quickly tend to Rozlin's wounds. The hunter's name was Corbin Crane, a childhood friend and a bit of a rival of hers. After the event, Corbin did something that rather shocked her and did not gossip about how he saved her life. Instead, he kept quiet, thus sparing her from potential ridicule over how she, as a female, was not able to take care of herself out on a hunt. She never quite understood his silence, being that he was always one to pick on her and point out her faults, but was grateful nonetheless.
Thought Manifest said
Oh! What if someone is newly turned and before they can be properly taken into the fold, they're captured by a crazy person who thinks they're sympathizing with the wolves but are really just holding them prisoner... Kind of like... Have you ever seen the movie Misery? In it, Kathy Bates' character kidnaps her favorite author and holds him prisoner because she didn't like the way his last book ended, and she wants him to fix it. Anyway, maybe there's a family of people who don't like the way the hunters treat werewolves, but instead of helping the lycans, they just hold them prisoner. Maybe there's a group of like... three to five of them, but it's a big family and they have all kinds of things like silver to keep them caged. Anyway, it could also play out that they're all from the same pack or different packs, but at least one of the packs is led by an Ancient who is looking for them, but there are rumors about this that hunters have also caught wind of.I don't know if the whole plot would revolve around this one instance or if it would just be a starting point, but your ideas were really great for it.

I haven't seen Misery (I don't think, though that sounds vaguely familiar), but I love the sound of that! So, this family of humans thinks they're being sympathetic towards the lycans, but really all they're doing is just holding them prisoner. True, they're saving these young lycans from a world with hunters who would surely kill them, but they also deserve their freedom and shouldn't be kept against their wills. I also love the idea of there being an Ancient lycan who takes it upon himself to try and rescue these captured lycans (perhaps because some of them are in his pack).

Yeah, either way, I think starting here would be a really great way to begin the roleplay and then see how it develops.

Negronomicon said
I am very interested, considering Lycan RP is my absolute favorite. I'd love for more about the Lycans to slowly be revealed like different organizations or rather packs that claim areas or have different goals, some being to create peace others being the well being of their race or simply to become the hunter instead of the hunted. Though as always i'll try to be the upstart Lycan who decides fighting fire with fire is better than just trying to survive. Also I like the idea of someone having the newly turned locked away sounds great to stage a giant escape.

Great, we'd love to have you then! I also really like the idea of some lycan packs being more diplomatic and wanting to try and make peace with the humans while others are more determined to fight to try and reclaim their status and numbers.

So, it sounds like these are the roles we need to fill:

  • Adolescent Lyrcan Just Recently Turned (This would be the semi-cluesless character who knows practically nothing about being a lycan yet and hasn't even joined a pack but is captured and taken prisoner in the humans' cellar for his/her own safety.)

  • Adolescent or Youth Captured Lycans (There can be multiple people playing these roles. This would essentially be the parts of the lycans that are being held captive by the humans and who aren't strong enough or just don't have full control over their transformations to break out.)

  • Ancient Lycan (This would be the lycan who catches wind of the captured lycans and who comes to rescue them, either on is his/her own or with a rescue party of fellow packmates.)

  • Hunters (These would be the main antogonists of the story, the wolf hunters. Some hunters are new to the game and still learning how to properly hunt and kills wolves, while others are highly trained and very deadly.)

Anyone is welcome to take on multiple characters and roles too if you like, just as long as you aren't juggling too much.

I think I will play a Youth lycan who is captured along with a hunter. I'll work on making character descriptions soon. :)

EDIT: I have finished Velganos's character sheet.

EDIT 2: I added my second character's description to that thread linked above.
Rtron said
Just click on new roleplay, and it'll be like creating an interest check thread, only you'll have two tabs in one thread. (what you actually write will appear in the OOC, with the IC blank)

Ohh, gotcha. That's very neat that it just happens automatically then. Cool, thank you!
Rtron said
Damn double post....Anyway, your Diablo idea would be a good way to start everyone off. Those who want to be werewolves could be trapped and when the hunters(including those players who want to stab werewolves) come, escape in the chaos.

Oh, sorry I just saw you updated this after I posted my reply. :)

I like that idea. I think that could work as a good jump-into-the-action sort of start to the roleplay. And if anyone wants to roleplay as a werewolf that isn't either an adolescent or a youth, as described above (and therefore likely wouldn't be trapped in a cellar), their characters could start solo elsewhere and perhaps help free the wolves in the cellar or be doing any number of other things.
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