Avatar of Windreda
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: evilninja145
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 36 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Windreda 11 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Need some way to pass the time creatively!


A (post) postgraduate student looking for some new creative endeavors to pursue(an hopefully make some new writing friends along the way!)

I enjoy both tea and coffee, intelligent conversations, and world building crafting together some cool ideas!

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Oh I remember this idea! I tried for it awhile back, though sadly I wasn't chosen last year. Still might as well try again right?

I thought I would add cake to the conversation

Anyway I apologize for this character sheet, if it has bad grammar or really drawn out. I just kept writing it and had too much fun to stop. Even if I'm not chosen I still had fun designing the guy, it was my first time making a jerk so at least it was some practice for me ^_^'


“So, do you wish to play a game?”

Name: Colin Maxwell

Age: 16


“They say clothing tells a lot about a person’s character. I can see why.”

Standing at 6’1” Colin has a tall frame and slender build, almost skeleton like without any effort of exercise in his life. In a physical fight the boy would be relatively useless, while average in cardio having little ability for pain tolerance. Because of this he tends to where loose fitting clothing: a wrinkled button down, tie, and slacks his general choice of wear. In an almost spirited choice of arrogance Colin always strives to look nice, whether that be his clothing style or situating his hair to where there isn’t a loos strand in sight.
When he presents himself he always strives to leave any kind of impression, whether it be to get what he wants or feed his ego in any way.

He wears a clean face with long kempt light brown hair, almost a boyish complexion if not for his eyes. A pale mix of violent, blue, and grey his eyes bear the appearance of that of a man much older. His eyes always seem to be calculating a situation, not really to understand his surroundings better but to see how he can use anything to his advantage. Whether shining out of laughter or dulled if bored with current events, they always seem to bear some sense of calculation.

He as well wears a keepsake locket around his neck, containing the pictures of himself and a childhood friend. Of course he would never admit to having it, and would probably treat is as a worthless trinket if anyone brought it up. “It’s not mine to toss” he would say uncaringly, dropping the subject.

Personality: “When I play a game I play it to win, anything else would be pointless.”

To strangers from the outside looking in Colin seems almost perfect, a model citizen. First meeting him he seems very charming, a smile on his face with no shortage of laughter if the conversation gets going. Making polite conversation with men and giving playful flirtations with women many people may become instantly attracted to him. And why not, being a fun person to be around he is sometimes effortlessly able to gain whatever item, information, or pleasures he desires. Such has been his life.

However these interactions are never in any way permanent, and for good reason.

All Colin’s actions are based around manipulation, gaining favor with anyone he wishes to in order to retrieve whatever he sets his mind to. Should he fail to acquire what he desires or should someone come to know him for long enough and his true character comes out. At his core the boy his hostile and uncaring towards anyone who isn’t himself, likely to run from a fight than do what he can to assist. However while a coward, should the need arise he is able to work together toward a common goal(Should his interests benefit from such cooperation of course). Mostly he’ll appear bored of his company should he tire of them, however at times he can go as far as rude and downright hostile. Those who come to know him for this long begin to see the person he really is. He is a boy who is disgusted by the world around him, the kind of person who would scoff at anyone who wishes to raise loved ones from the dead. How could anyone wish to return others to such an awful existence?

By himself or with others he expresses a sort of God complex, possibly viewing his abilities far greater than they might actually be. He certainly is very intelligent, able to view a problem and develop quick solution; however his arrogance tends to hold him back. With a deep obsession with games he enjoys to challenge anyone if having a steady grasp of the rules and knowing he’d win. Whether chess to video games he enjoys all forms of competition, eager to use his intelligence to trump others. A situation he sees he might lose and he quits the game almost immediately, making excuses as to why such a game would be pointless to play. Of course very few are able to match him in this strength, especially in regards to the game. His mind is his only weapon, even through cheating he’s quite good at winning.

Despite all of his hostility he is a boy who is very broken and bitter on the inside. He may at times express schizophrenic tendencies, hearing voices that are not spoken around him. His hands can start shaking whenever he’s upset or cornered and sometimes may even lash out in tearful rage. A sheltered life mixed with a wandering mind has left him in the sort of mess he’s in, not sure how to make out who he really is. There are rare occurrences when all fits aside his mind will be calm, almost craving for the acceptance of others when he is left with nothing else. Some could call him misunderstood, but his ugly personality would come racing back just as quickly. Yet part of the boy feels empty, an intelligent mind shattered and slogging through life searching for purpose. Where would he find answers?

Background: “Alice…how can you be so happy?”

“Hm…?” The girl cocked her head towards the boy’s muttered comment, completely disregarding the game of chess they were playing. He seemed tense, eager to win even if his opponent was ridiculous easy. Suddenly she began to giggle, startling the boy a bit as he shot his head up to the girl.

“Wha…” He began, unsure how to approach her beaming face.

“Colin, how can you be so serious. We’re having fun aren’t we?”

The boy turned an embarrassed face away and gazed hard at the board before him, her moves haphazardly scattered all over the place almost as if she did not give any thought to strategy.

It isn’t strategy that’ll win this war, the girl beamed, but the determined hearts of my troops!

His gaze intensified, almost attempting to burn a hole into the board itself. It wasn’t until the girl’s arms wrapped around his body that his trance was broken, Colin beginning to feel her heart beat on his back. His face grew red, even with his friend an embarrassing position like this could not be-

“I’m not boring you am I?” She pouted, resting a head on his right shoulder. He stiffened, however finding his body suddenly relax at the warmth of her embrace he couldn’t help but smile. Fight as he may he had to admit it, yes he was enjoying himself. He reached down to casually move a piece, feeling a sort of uplifting sensation as he placed it back on the board. She left herself open for checkmate, however Colin found that he couldn’t end the game just yet. As of now he was playing for fun.

“Check. It’s your move Alice.” The girl gave an exaggerated salute and the game would continue.

Colin was born to an average family, a father who ran a struggling business and a stay at home mother who would fuss too much over celebrities. Yet at an early age the boy would be found to be what his parent’s called a prodigy. Scoring high on many IQ tests he breezed through his early years of education, jumping through grades easily as he went through his life. However school never really interested him, sometimes intentionally failing exams to test the reactions of his teachers.

What really interested him were competitions, game of intelligence and something he could win.

What began as competitions through school began to evolve into nationwide tournaments, doing everything in his power to win. When he won adults would praise and call him a genius, gifting him things just by talking to them. His parents would coddle him to death, his winnings giving himself the opportunity to ask for most things he set his eyes on. Life seemed almost easy to him, almost as if playing through a video game on the easiest setting. Yet as he continued, his heart would waver.

Over time he viewed winning less as something enjoyable and more as a necessity. The more he won the more he needed to win, eventually gaining hostility by many of his opponents simply by existing. Around adult figures he was lovable figure, around other kids however he grew to overcome their taunts by mocking their own inefficiencies. His arrogance grew and eventually he would come to make more mistakes, gain more enemies, and eventually came to walk out on games he knew he would lose.

“Was something wrong?” “Is he ill?” Colin could not block the questions, unable to avoid the unbearable talks from the parents who were living vicariously through him. The games grew boring if something to keep him satisfied, yet there would always come the realization he did not want to accept: Others were smarter. No matter how much he tried there was always someone smarter, always someone who would mock him with their fake smiles and stale good lucks. It made him sick.

Without winning what was he? Any ‘friends’ he would make had no meaning, and he never felt as if he belonged anywhere. The worse realization came from the monotony his life had settled into, growing bored with the world around him. Why did his world have to be so uninteresting, when did it stop being fun to play the games he loved so much? His life blurred around him, blank faces congratulating him or giving concerned faces at the games he would walk out of. His forfeits to avoid losing.

Alice walked into his life quite literally, interrupting a game of chess he set up with play against himself (Games he would rarely finish). A child of his age she had the mind of one, giggling uncontrollably as the boy began to yell at the girl for knocking pieces over. She would not understand the concept of ‘ruining’ the game, eventually picking up the pieces and placing them in ways that didn’t make sense. “Why not make a new game then?” She questioned.

A daughter of one of his father’s business partners, she began to come more frequently because of Colin’s requests. The two became inseparable, the girl pulling him into neighborhood adventures with the boy providing the voice of reason. He would teach her his games and she would teach hers, often times involving rules that rarely made much sense if any at all. Yet Colin began to find joy in games once more, no longer worrying whether he won or not. She was turning him into the boy he was.

And he would lose, for the first time ever he found himself losing against her. Even in games he found familiar he would grow distracted, and while not often find himself in a losing position. He wouldn’t walk away, and overtime he found himself growing attached to this girl in a way that any young boy would crush on a girl they liked. She saw through his difficult attitude, and he embraced an odd personality many other boys would avoid her for. Perhaps his world wasn’t as bad as he had thought.

It happened quick on one of their neighborhood adventures, exploring the neighborhood around Collin’s house. Her laughter filled the hot summer air, dragging his hand along as they danced from sidewalk to sidewalk. Their destination was the waterfront, Alice wishing to see the sparkling water. “Live life for today Colin!” She would tease him, pulling him across roads and dancing through sprinklers. She let go of his hand, skipping across a crosswalk happily-

She died quickly, an intoxicated driver smashing through the red light and painting the surrounding pavement blood red. Colin blinked in surprise, the young boy standing on a sidewalk covered in blood. Before anyone could see what happened the boy quietly turned around and walked back to his house, calmly explaining the situation to his frightened parents. Their horrified remarks towards his safety rather than the girls disgusted him, yet the mourning came just the same to them.

As it came to any stranger outside of the family. Saddened grief for a few weeks, and then life moved on. The world kept spinning, more people died and were born every day. Colin turned back to the games he loved, going back into the mundane life he had known before. Any bile that would make its way up when he thought of Alice he forced back down, suppressing any sort of emotion he once felt of the girl he had come to love. “A child’s crush, nothing real” he coldly rationalized.

And life indeed moved on. His family moved to a busier city and he continued to play the part of a perfect child. Times he wasn’t playing games he was out with his ‘friends’ prowling the city, searching for any unfortunate homeless man they could push down and beat up. His life dulled, the world around him slowed, and it seemed color itself began to fade into black and white. “Bored…” he mumbled, staggering through the dark streets. His world disgusted him, and he wished for something interesting.

Wish: My world revolts me. I wish I had the power to reshape it into something more interesting.

Extra: Colin has developed a strong fear of blood, even if he pretends to had moved past the death of his good friend. Even a drop can start to make him uneasy.


Well hopefully it's passable for you guys, have a good night!
A board was mapped out and the pieces were set. A man sat silently in a dimly lit room, eyeing the center table carefully as if waiting for the pieces to move on their own. This was it, one final chance to prove himself before the executioners block. One final chance to avoid having one last goodbye with his daughter...or simply no goodbye at all. Everything was on the line for everyone it seemed, all of it mapped out on a simple table before him.

"It's funny isn't it," A guard across from him muttered briefly, glancing at the table in mere curiosity rather than urgency.

The greyed and bearded man glanced up, the years worn greatly into his eyes. Just as they had for his father and grandfather before him, almost as if it was a curse for everyone in his family to bear the weight of war. The guard hadn't noticed any change in atmosphere, still giving some sort of smile at an unspoken joke.

"War is funny?" The older man spoke out, his steward and the other guards surrounding him tensing almost immediately. The guard across from him noticed his gaze, brief confusion transforming into an apologetic gaze.

"No I-what I meant was-" The guard paled, leaving the man to simply sigh and shake a saddened head back and forth.

"We're all tense here Mathew...I'm sorry I spoke out," The older man replied, reaching down to pick up one of the pieces from the board and fiddle with it. A white rook it seemed, one of the chess pieces laid out on a region map to symbolize the placement of troops. He gazed at it with similar intensity than before, flipping it back and forth as if to discern some secrets from the piece. "Out of curiosity," he muttered without looking up, "just what was so funny anyway?"

Silence sat in the room, and it took the man to look up at the guard he was addressing to obtain some reply. "You're...asking me?"

A nod.

The guard swallowed, easing himself a bit before motioning to the board. "W-well...not so much being funny, just something you wouldn't expect. Our board is set up like a game of chess right? A...well a pretty unorthodox game of chess and..."

The older man took time away from the rook to glance at the board. It was true the board was set with chess pieces, however the placement of those pieces would give any traditional play a heart attack. Pawns generally stuck together however a person might question right away why two black kings were placed on a board, or why the black pieces were divided into three sections rather than scrunched up like whites(Give for the odd placement of three queens on the board). Every piece had a purpose though, and like any drawn out game of chess no piece would be without a purpose. The black pawns on the three points on the map signified Saramus's marching army, the rooks would be their defense against expected bombardments, the bishops would be his lieutenants, the two kings resembled vital points to protect, and the lone black knight would be...

You'll be a hero daddy, right?

"Well as I was saying sir-"

The man shook off the memory, remaining composed as he continued to give his attention to the guard.

"-it reminds me of the games I'd play with my sister. Pieces strewn about every which way, neither one of us ever sure who's turn it was. It just seems fitting that this being my first and last battle with you...that such a memory would be on my mind. So maybe funny would be the wrong word...I would say determined. I promised my sister I'd come home, to play those game with her."

A hero huh...well I don't know about that. But you can bet I'll be coming home to my princess.

"So I apologize sir if I-"

"It's alright..." The man looked up. "You'll return safe Mathew, all of us will."

The soldier didn't know how to respond for a second, giving some thought to the man's now smiling face. But he would believe him, returning the smile and shouting back, "Yes General Dryden!"

The old general sighed, for some reason feeling a bit more confident than before. Yes, they all had something to return to. There was no matter of if they were to win or not, he would make sure that all of these people before him would be returning to their families. As Heroes? Well who could say...but alive was enough. As he set the white rook down back where it was the room shook slightly, knocking the piece over on the table. His advisor began to swear.

"Can't do a bloody thing right for the casteless animals they are-"

The man to the general's right began to open the carriage door to yell at the slaves carrying them, only to be stopped by the grizzled man. The advisor looked back to catch a nod of forgiveness, giving a tsk of the tongue before begrudgingly sitting back where he was. This was it, the battle that decided the fate of all the people that came to fight it. None of them could afford to be tense, especially not an hour away of preparation. And then two hours later, the game would begin.

The older man gazed at the fallen rook, then over at the single black knight that faced towards it.

The General could not punish his casteless servants for a fitting conclusion.

It was a long hike, longer than any of the men could expect. Their march to the valley was a journey, however their mission up the mountain had to be a bloody nightmare. Many of the soldiers on that walk grumbled, even being some of Saramus's most elite and disciplined guards couldn't keep the curses away. Clad in armor while pulling or carrying heavy machinery left many in a sour mood, especially considering the battle they were supposed to fight.

"Tell mei agan why we had tu attack a forwtress in the mouwntains? Not won on a goddam feeld?"

There were curses in agreement, but of course no one would raise their voices. For one reason because of their mission, for another because of their company. The outspoken soldier was nudged on the side by one of his companions, timidly jutting his head in front of him to a dark and menacing figure. The company immediately fell silent, and the courage the soldier had possessed before quickly dissipated out of a drying mouth.

Before them he stood, their leader clad in armor black as night. The shrouded figure had stopped ahead, turning his head towards the men who were following him. These were some of Saramus's most skilled soldiers, chosen for this mission because of their fearlessness and effectiveness at killing. Yet no one could deny the skin prickling sensation they felt when gazing at the blackened helmet, at a figure who could kill any one of them without hesitation. The famed Black Knight, a warrior who would not be felled by any Hadrum solider. There were rumors that he was immortal among the men when they drank, however no one was too willing to test that theory. If he did bleed like any man, he certainly wasn't willing to show it. The figure slowly turned his head and continued up the steep cliff, an audible sigh emanating behind him.

It certainly was a long and brutal trek up the mountain, however no one questioned the vital need that their mission possessed. It wouldn't take long for General Dryden to send their troops in, and if this Hadrum general was as cracked up as people said...no one would want to think of what might happen if they were late.

"But ya know..." Another solider began whispering(Or more like pant dragging a covered structure), "...what if this Hadrum general suspects this? I mean, what if she has some sort of ambush prepared for us? What if they know?"

A soldier dragging the same structure panted out back at him, "How could they, I mean...(huf)...any sort of ambush and HE would know about it right?"

The two soldiers glanced back at their leader walking farther ahead, unfaltering with eyes straight ahead. The two shuttered. Sure their mission certainly was unexpected considering what they planned to do, heading to a place that even the most prepared general would never think of but... An invisible air of dread passed through all of the men, an unspoken theory that remained uneasily in the hearts of those soldiers as they marched on.

Their lives did not matter.
Table Of Contents


"It's a game that has been played indefinitely, all that changes are the players."

In an unnamed world with natural laws similar to our own there exists two nations, locked in a continued stalemate of war no matter what actions are taken. On one side there exists Hadrum: The Kingdom of White who rules the eastern coast. On the other exists Saramus: The Kingdom of Black who rules the western mountains. Both of these countries have been at war for as long as they could remember, much to the point that the very reason for it has muddled down into the simple act of gaining territory. Saramus has the mines while Hadrum has the food, and therefore a population to match anything that the opposing industrial nation has to throw at them. For as long as anyone has known there has been war and little else, a change that no one expects to change in the coming future.

Heroes have come and gone from both sides, and present day two more have stepped up as a symbol for both sides to step behind. With Hadrum they have backed their support behind a great mind, a military strategist who has pushed back anything Saramus has thrown at them. But not without any cost. With Saramus they stand behind a public figure of brutality, a warrior sheathed in all black cutting down any Hadrum soldier who gets in the way. Even with these two great strengths the stalemate holds, and will have continued to hold had it not been for a single decision. A gamble was made, Saramus making the bet to pit it's forces against one of Hadrum's most impenetrable fortresses. Should they win they gain a straight shot to Hadrum's Capitol. Should they lose, and Saramus loses an army to defend it's borders with.

The White Rook and The Black Knight each have their respective missions. Yet this one decision will set the course for their entire future...

The Players

Stranger (The General)

Name: Sateena Alivandra (Tina to her friends)

Age: 26

Appearance: Sateena stands about 5'10", with light skin, blue eyes, and long silver-blonde hair that falls to her lower back. Despite the constant admonitions of her mother, she prefers to let it hang naturally, rather than putting it up in "the ridiculous knots and loops that the nobles seem to enjoy." She also often foregoes the flowing, poofy dresses that her mother has made for her, preferring to wear her military uniform. That said, she does keep a few dresses for royal balls and other such events. Her uniform is mostly brown, with golden borders and three buttons down the center. Despite her station, she never wears a hat. While in uniform, her rapier is always at her right hip (she is left-handed).

General Personality: As royalty, Sateena was tutored in many subjects, but military tactics and history were her favorites. She often saw it as a game where each side would move their pieces in an attempt to outmaneuver the other. And she was good at it. The games (actual games) she played with her instructors often ended with her victory, sometimes against real officers. Eventually, she opted to join the military at a young age, using her rank and skill to start off higher in the ranks than most others (though not yet at General), despite the wishes of her mother, who always attempts to mold her into what Sateena calls "another typical girly-girl princess". Even with their differences, Sateena and her mother are very close. Her father, the King, cares little for her, spending most of his attention on Sateena's older brother, Bryson.
After years of service, Sateena made the rank of General, which she considers her highest honor. Upon reaching her rank, she immediately removed all the nobles from her unit, replacing them with men (and a few women) she knew could do the job right. She cares very little about politics and is not afraid to step on peoples' toes (or cut them off completely) to get the job done. This has made her very hated by the nobles (again, not that she cares), but highly respected among her soldiers. She values her soldiers' lives, but will not hesitate to do what must be done. She is harsh and has little patience for stupidity, but those who are closest to her know she also has a soft side that she reserves only for those she trusts. Anyone else? Stand back.

Status: Currently, Sateena is mobilizing her forces to battle against Saramus. She has heard rumors that the dreaded Black Knight will be joining this battle, and is currently working on a plan to capture or neutralize him for good.

Windreda (The Warrior)

Name: Daniel

Age: 18

Appearance: Daniel is around 6'1" in height, while not towering over his enemies giving some presence of strength around others. He is well built for someone so young as himself in the military, however he in no way excels in combat because of brute strength. It is his posture and finesse in combat that really gives himself strength, able to move a sword an shield so effortlessly to find an opponents heart. Especially outside of combat he keeps his body lowered, slouched almost to appear lazy to those on the outside looking in. However he is able to spring himself out of an arrows path, leap back from a sword strike, or if need be throw himself quickly into combat without any hesitation. He wears long black hair falling briefly over calm blue eyes, almost contradicting his actions or overall appearance if someone looked into them. His sword his fashioned from a rare ore that makes it easier to pierce armor and cut through bones like butter, however from the eyes of an experienced smith they might view it as worthless trash. It's his shield that really adds to any decoration going into battle, the blood red background accentuating the symbol of Saramus: A black king chess piece. Yet it's his armor that really stands out, made from an ore that gives the steel a solid black appearance. What was supposed to be a mocking statement of Daniels lack of identity has turned into a symbol of fear, a symbol the Saramus empire does not hesitate to use in significant battles with Hadrum forces. Outside of combat Daniel wears nothing more than unremarkable commoner clothing, to not know his place within the nobility but as well for its practicality. A tattered shirt, long pants, and miner boots however goes a long way when being unnoticed within a sea of faces. No one knows his identity, and no one could ever think to place David as the Black Knight: wonderful for removing political allies.

General Personality: Daniel is not a bitter person, despite everything that has happened in his life. He is a person content with the more quiet aspects of life: A distant sunset or good book to make his mind at ease. More important though is that he's loyal, loyal to his country and very loyal to those he grows very close with. No matter what he is dependable, often times being taken advantage of for this aspect. He is not naïve to believe he isn't used because of this loyalty, following through with a slaughter not because he takes pleasure in it but because that's what he was born to do. As a casteless, a person with no identity, he follows through with any order given to him. Not without hesitation or guilt, but the reluctance and understanding that this is his only purpose in life to perform. Die alone in his capitol city's mines with no one to remember him or become a powerful image to serve the nation he was born into, to him there doesn't seem like any alternative. As the black knight with a mission he as learned to open up another side of him, a personality that is ruthless to do what needs to be done. Kill a man's child as punishment for a political transgression? Done. Part of Daniel actually finds some sadistic enjoyment with the killings, the spilled blood of his enemies of the gurgled screams as a sword is driven through a person's neck. Then another part is afraid, not only of what he's become but of what the future truly has in store for him. As a pawn of Saramus would he always remain, will he be killed the minute his usefulness is finished? Even despite his family background would he be disposed the minute the king would stop protecting him? He struggles with identity and purpose, only his mentor really helping him along when struggling through these kind of moments. What kind of man is he supposed to become, and just who is he without the armor that defines him? Being invisible has its uses, able to blend into any situation with ease for the kings benefit. Yet what happens when he wishes to be himself, just who would he become?

Status: Daniel prepares himself to war, ready to march out with the rest of Saraumus's forces to confront Hadrum at one of their most key military strongholds. Being one of the most securest structures in Hadrum's kingdom and situated on rock shooting towards the sky it's said to be impenetrable. This stalemate has lasted for far too long, Saramus throwing everything to gain a direct path to Hadrum's king himself. This one battle will potentially decide the course of the entire war.

Daniel has one mission: to cut off the snakes head and cause Hadrum troops to fall into disarray. Remove the Hadrum General...through whatever means necessary.

The Land

(To be added with notable locations, people, and cultural significance)
Sad I missed this, seems like a fun idea. Anyway I'll lurk around the shadows and read through what you guys post, I imagine it will be fun!
Well at least one character sheet is down, so I will be closing this thread tomorrow if I don't see any others posted. I always hate people who lock a thread before I post a character sheet, so if there is anyone else interested this thread will be locked tomorrow at 12pm EST. Who knows, maybe this will be all the interest I have but just in case right?
I was really only looking for a princess general character, but I do appreciate the ability to play both genders (As people should be able to do). Your character sheets were fine, however I still want to keep this open a little while longer for Carantathraiel's character sheet and to see if others are interested in the premise. Status was a bit shorter than I was expecting, but you did provide everything I had asked for so I see no problems with it.
Stranger said
I'm interested. You want my characters here or over PM? Also, I do have Skype.

Just post your character here, I'd be fine with it.

Carantathraiel said
^Seconded. I am very interested. It was very refreshing to read through your post. Please let me know where you'd like a brief bio (I prefer to describe the character in story) in the role play. I, too, have Skype. I also have YIM and Steam.

I don't really know what you mean, I asked you NOT to include a biography in the character template I provided for that very reason. You will be describing your characters current situation and role in the "Status" section of the character template, as close of a biography as I want.
[This thread is locked for now, am seeking no new partners]

Hello fellow users of Roleplayer Guild! I am an eighteen year old college student eager to start up an RP.

It's been a long time since I joined up with the site long ago, and while I've been on and off plenty of times I still find myself coming back. Sadly it's hard for me to find the time to RP as much as I used to, however when the mood strikes me I always enjoy writing out a good story. Over five years ago I wrote my very first responses on this site in the month of May 2009, sending out traditional introductions and having my first RP be a vampire highschool thread(One that actually lasted quite awhile surprisingly). I also have very fond memories of the first 1x1 I had ever done, performed with the user Yume with a simple premise along with simple writing to back it up. That one didn't last as long, but still surviving long enough for me to have invested myself enough into the story. I would use those threads to jump off from toward future threads.

Anyway cutting straight to the point, I'm in the mood for a 1x1 with one person to not only practice writing but just to pass the time for fun. However after five years since I've joined this site I wanted to do something nostalgic, so I'm in the mood to 'recreate' the 1x1 I did five years ago. And by recreate I mean take the very basic premise I used back in the day and perhaps edited it enough to make just a little more coherent. A little less basic than it once was.

Basic Idea:

There are two kingdoms in a fantasy world without magic, simply made up of the human elements we find in this world. Both kingdoms are locked in an ever going war between one another: Hadrum and Saramus. The kingdom of Saramus has a dark and barbaric culture, the kingdom that would invade the 'peaceful' Hadrum kingdom. Now these nations are at war locked in an ongoing and unchanging stalemate. The story revolves around two people. The first is a knight of Saramus, a soldier famous for his skill and effectiveness at slaughtering countless Hadrum knights on the battlefield. He is dubbed the Black Knight, feared and hated by many who know his reputation. The second is a brilliant military general of the Hadrum kingdom, a woman who rose through the ranks with popularity and intelligence to beat back the Saramus kingdom. After many years of frustration this Black Knight of Saramus is ordered by his king to infiltrate one of Hadrum's most secure fortresses and kidnap this general, gaining enough information and leverage to potentially crush the kingdom of Hadrum into oblivion.

Edited Version:

This will follow under the template of the basic idea, I won't really change the original version of the idea. However at the time it was really played out like a basic RP love story. There was almost immediate romance and attraction between the two characters, and it fell into what many RP's fall into as Soap Opera Syndrome. It took a page out of Twilight, so here's where things change a bit. The female general will play the part of a princess of Hadrum in line for the crown, with the knight playing the part of an illegitimate son but possible heir to the Saramus crown. The premise is there and whoever I play with has free reign to decide how it plays out, however the overlaying story will involve these two characters forced to come together to unite the land under a single banner. I am aiming for a realistic style of a relationship between these characters, meaning that just because one is male and the other is female that they aren't destined to fall in love. I want there to be conflict, hate even between the two of them when they both discover each other's true identity. I will evolve this into eventual trust and friendship, perhaps even some amusing reactions when they discover they must eventually marry out of necessity to fuse these two nations into one. Romance can blossom, I just would like some realistic climb into it.

What I eventually want is a sort of adventure story, these two reluctant companions forced to travel the world to gain allies and eventually combat two enemies. Saramus isn't 'evil' and Hadrum isn't 'good', both sides eventually showing that their ideals aren't best for the overall well being of their citizens. I wouldn't mind a dragon age esque style of gathering an army to face opposing factions, but there always could be elements of betrayal, political intrigue, mystery, things to keep the idea interesting. It would really be up to the person I'm playing with to help me direct where the story will eventually go, but I hope to find someone who is just as creative as I am. I have a general direction of where I would like it to lead, but I would in no way be upset should someone freely deviate the story into another direction(If that direction is coherent at least).

What To Expect:

-I don't have a minimum post count as I don't believe in that silly nonsense. I post what I think is fitting: Don't cringe at my over ten paragraph posts or scoff at a one paragraph post I may send out. I don't force myself to write many or few words, I write what I think is best in a situation.
-I'm creative and like to direct the story in certain directions. If you make a character I will use him unless something is said otherwise, for a collaborative story I would like to direct certain events as well.
-I get bored easily. Whether that be through absence or just dull events I can find myself tiring of an idea very easily. Keeping active and at the very least keeping in contact with me can prevent things like this. Just know that there is a possibility I might just tire of the thread altogether.
-I have few limits, unless stated otherwise there are certain situations I might not hold back with certain elements. This can include gruesome war atrocities or a terrible man killing a child. I will try to assault anyone with heavy posts immediately, but know that unless stated otherwise I won't hold back for the sake of the story.
-Last but not least I am a human. Kind of a weird bullet, but outside of my posts I'm still just a human being. Expect me to want to just talk and say hello on occasions, that there are times when I'm just not in the mood to post. Times when I have a life or feelings beyond the thread, but I trust you will be human as well.

What I Expect:

-That you will be imaginative and have a head of your own. Be creative, don't just be along for the ride I beg of you. As I stated earlier I tend to get bored rather easily, and if I'm stuck being the driver and doing all the work then I will burn out of interest very quickly. I might as well just write a novel myself then.
-Post frequently. Not every hour, but try to generally keep it one post per day. I understand, sometimes it may be hard for me to post on occasions. However if you find yourself unable to write something within the next day or two at least somewhat inform me of the matter.
-Keep in touch! I wouldn't mind just talking, outside of writing I would very much just enjoy simple conversation from time to time. But more importantly let me know if you'll be away, or are having writers block, or simply too steamed to get a post down and I'll do the same. You earn brownie points if you have Skype, but PM's are passable.
-I can't read minds, if you want something known say it. If you don't want me to control a character say something. (Though if I control a character I'd stay true to their character, a person with a heart of gold wouldn't outright slaughter an NPC.) If you feel uncomfortable with certain elements say something. LET ME KNOW!
-Have fun, if anything else just have fun with this RP. This isn't work, this isn't a job that you have to do out of obligation. If you're bored with the idea tell me, don't just keep trudging along hoping it will get better. I completely feel you and understand, if you're not having fun than why RP in the first place?

Also I will RP though a thread, but like I said like to have OOC through Skype or PM. Email is just a bit too slow and cumbersome for me.


I only feel like doing one 1x1, but rather than doing the typical first come first serve basis I'd like to leave this thread a day or two and see who expresses interest. If you do I'd like you to submit your own general/princess, and the one I enjoy more I'll RP with. The template is simple enough, but this isn't really a job interview. Don't feel like this is some competition to win against others, I'm just in the mood for a simple RP. There are dozens of 1x1's out there if you aren't chosen, or at worst case make your own. If even just one person expresses their interest with the idea than I will be happy, but please don't submit interest if you genuinely aren't interest in the premise I have put forward. Also be sure that you know what to expect and what I expect from you in the bullets above this response.

Once again a reminder of your character:

A general of Hadrum's military, as well as in line to the throne bearing the title of princess. The story starts out in one of Hadrum's border cities, however is one of Hadrum's most secure military strongholds and really nothing more than a glorified fortress. You will be in command of this city, and while in my head I saw it as an elevated structure with a system of elevators leading into the heart of the city, I encourage you to come up with some design of your own if you want.

If you are interested in this project post a character sheet of the general you wish to RP as, and possibly double up with another character if you wish. The template follows:

Name: This will be your chance to impress me, what will make or break your consideration for this RP- OH I'm completely joking. It's a name, not rocket science.

Age: Simple enough. Child prodigy or an aging elder seems to push the boundaries of the story a bit, but you all have free range here.

Appearance: I find images a bit more fun, however nothing beats a great and detailed description. Illustrate your character how you'd like.

General Personality: Simple enough. Not set in stone, but is your character ruthless to get the job done or kind to care for her troops. You can decide.

Status: Do not give me a biography, save that for character development in the RP. Whether it be a dead family member the Black Knight might have killed, a dark childhood, a forbidden secret, etc. etc. save such reveals and past events regarding your character until future notice. Status is referring to present day. What is your character doing, where are they located, current problems, current affiliations, a background of their present situation but not of their entire lives.

Anyway that's a bit it. I meant to post up my character but...well it's midnight and I'm tired. But putting the interest out there, and at least you all don't have to be pressured to follow any certain template that I place in my character. (Oh he uses description for his appearance, guess I have to use description now. His status is long= My status is long. His age is young I will put my character young etc. etc.) Do what you all would like to do.


Well hopefully you all find some interest in this idea and my style of RPing your sort of thing. That's really all that's left to say. I'm going to bed.

EDIT: OH one last thing, you all may notice I left things very vague and have questions about the world. Don't ask them. If you're confused about something or wondering what sort of this lore this generic fantasy world has then I encourage you to make it yourself. Will there be fantasy creatures, magic? No idea, I have the basic premise but as to what else I wish to add that's still up in the open. Not only do you earn brownies points for having a Skype, but I practically require a good imagination in an RP partner.
ADreamofStormySkies said
Windreda, if you won't be on here anymore, I could always copy the stuff from here and start a new thread. (I'd credit you, of course.) After all, if you won't be on here, it will make things complicated, what with updating the masterpost and all.You could still be in control of all of the creative stuff, if you wanted, and I could just moderate.

OH ya that would be completely fine. I'm jumping off and on a bit, but if you want some reference on a few ideas I was planning I can run them through you. But if you guys want to pick it back up on your own, feel free to have things as restricted or crazy as you want. Sorry, simply didn't have the time to continue with it.
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