Avatar of WinterNightSky
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: WinterNightSky
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 365 (0.10 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. WinterNightSky 10 yrs ago


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Good night, capn =)
Harumi was seated two tables away from the window. She stared at the scenery, but was snapped out of it when a woman entered and introduced herself as their homeroom and science teacher. Although she had a serious look on her face, she could tell that the teacher was going to be nice. After Ms. Konomi handed her the form, she couldn't help but smile. She was right about bringing a pen after all.

Name: Harumi Yukimura
Age: 17
Section: B
-Home Economics

Harumi let out a deep breath. She wanted to join the swimming club too, but they were only allowed to join three. Deciding to just shrug it off, she stood up and placed her paper on the teacher's desk. As she returned to her seat, she went back to thinking. Her right palm was on her cheek, and her right elbow was supporting her arm. What was the school year going to be like? Also, what would she do after graduation? She wasn't sure which course to pursue yet. Besides, she wasn't even sure if-

Harumi's train of thoughts broke when someone's ass bumped onto her table. She shot the guy an annoyed glance, but her face relaxed when she saw that it was just the guy in the principal's office. He seemed outgoing and friendly, at least. Harumi looked away and glanced at the other students who were filling up their forms. She noticed one girl who was feeling her paper with her hand.. Wait, was it in braille? She realized that she was visually impaired. Harumi somehow felt sorry.. how was she going to see the fireworks tonight?
Haha that escalated quickly
@Misscapncrunch: I like.
Gonna post later. Off to buy some krispy kreme. Haha
Geist said
My mother made a joke just now, that with her argentine friends they should go celebrate at a Brazillian steak house.

Blaire watched the friendly exchange between Alexis and Whitney. It seemed like they were going to be fast friends--though with Whitney, that wasn't surprising because she already voluntarily announced that Blaire and Simon were her bestfriends the moment that she met them.

"Ah! This must be the ruins, yes?~"

Blaire glanced at the old remains of a structure. "Yeah it must be. Blaire was the one who found it. So it's all thanks to her!" Blaire shook her right hand slightly, "Ah, I wouldn't have found it if it weren't for Simon though." Blaire followed Simon towards the ruins, but glanced back at Alexis and Whitney before continuing, "Let's go." She told them with a small smile. She broke into a light jog when she saw that Simon was already steps away.

"Oh yeah… Since you're now my partner, why don't we get to know each other a little? I'll start with something you could work with I guess… I told you before, I was an inventor! I love to make things and get touchy with my belongings." He began as they walked towards the pedestal. "Most of the things you see with me is probably engineered by me… Well, not to boast or anything…" He continued.

"Hm, is that so? That sounds really impressive. You must really be skilled if most of your things were engineered by yourself." She replied with acknowledgement as she thought about his weapon and armor. "My father was a good engineer himself. The weapons you see on me were made by him. Even though i'm good at fixing weapons and such, I can't make one from scratch." She added. Blaire turned back once more to check if the other two were following.

"Blaire, come check this out… Do you really think this is the kind of 'materials' that we need to bring?" Blaire turned back to face him, before glancing down at the object which was placed on top of the pedestal. There were two bread slices, which were wrapped tightly inside a plastic. Thinking that there was some kind of mistake, she glanced at the other objects to make sure, "There's mayonnaise… Some lettuces… More bread… What the heck?" Simon remarked. Blaire's stomach grumbled, and she was almost sure that it was loud enough to be heard. She flushed red in embarrassment, but tried to think nothing of it by clearing her throat.

"You don't suppose we take all of them back right?" Simon asked. Blaire gathered her thoughts for a moment before answering, "Hm.. I don't know.. Maybe we're supposed to eat them?" She suggested. That was unlikely, but she was hungry so the idea sounded pretty good in her ears. "..or not. Each of us should probably take one. If you think about it, there are enough for each one of us to take." She replied. Now that sounded more reasonable. Though if she were to choose, the first one would definitely be her choice.

•Harumi Yukimura || 17 years old•

Friendly || Outgoing || Determined || Open minded || Soft-spoken || Optimistic

Short Biography:
Harumi's mother passed away when giving birth to her younger brother. Although life was supposed to be hard without her mother, she was able to cope with it because her father was very loving and caring. Her father worked hard to provide them will all their needs. They lived a simple life in an average home, but they were happy nonetheless.

Harumi's father wanted to get her into a really good school, so he saved up his money and eventually enrolled her in Saitou Academy. At first, she was opposed to it because she didn't want to leave her family to go to a dorm school, but after seeing how much his father really worked hard for it, she decided to go.

November 25 || Sagittarius

•Really likes ice cream and cakes•
•Loves anything related to art•
•Often tends to worry and care too much about others•

•Extracurricular Activities:
•Home economics•
Sorry for the half-assed post. I'm feeling sluggish.

And there, Frey! made my post short :p Had to leave out so many details. *sigh
Arrival and morning assembly

It was a silent ride towards school. Once they arrived, Harumi bid her father and brother good-bye, while trying to stop herself from getting emotional. It would be embarrassing if anyone saw her cry as she said her goodbyes to her family; that's what children do on their first day of nursery school, after all. She fiddled with the strap of her side bag as she watched the car drive away. Although they weren't required to bring notebooks or books on the first day, she made sure to bring pens with her. She was sure that they would need it later in the day. Besides, she needed to put her phone and wallet inside.

As she walked inside the school building, she noticed how clean and polished it was. She looked around to take in the sight, when a voice spoke through the speakers. “Good morning students, this is principal Takashi speaking. Please head over to the main hall. Check the notice board for your classes and then head to the auditorium for the morning assembly.” Harumi waited for the crowd to die down before heading towards the main hall, but after another voice spoke through the speakers, she knew that it wouldn't be necessary. “Paging Hisakawa Masaru, Alois Francis Jeon, Maiko Nozomi, Kirra Argent, Harumi Yukimura, and Ichishori Arasake, please head to the principal’s office after the morning assembly to find out which class you’re assigned to. Thank you.”

Harumi headed towards the Auditorium instead, and she noticed that she was one of the first few students to arrive. She leaned back against the chair, and the piano made her feel even more emotional. ..Get yourself together. It's just school.. Sooner than later, the auditorium started to get filled up slowly, and the sound of students talking filled the auditorium. She noticed a group of students behind her, and she realized that she would have to start socializing soon. For now, she just wanted to rest.

Harumi brushed her thoughts aside when the principal began his speech.

Principal's office

The presentation had been very exhilarating. She was excited to see her dorm room, and she was also excited for the fireworks show that was going to take place tonight.

When she was about to head to class, she realized that she didn't even know which class she belonged to. She remembered the announcement this morning, and she quickly headed for the principal's office. It took her quite awhile to reach the place because she ended up taking the wrong turn, and she didn't realize that she had been going around in circles. Afraid that she was going to be late, she broke into a light jog towards the principal's office. Upon seeing the door, she took a breather before opening it.

"Hello there. My name's Alois- and you are?"

A young man introduced himself to the girl before her, and she suddenly felt awkward as she stood there. Harumi took a seat on one of the couches silently. She looked at them quietly and hoped that someone would atleast break through the silence.
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