Avatar of Witch Cat
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2135 (0.72 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. Witch Cat 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Science is just Magic people made boring
6 yrs ago
Happy New Years to All!
6 yrs ago
It's been "cold ass morning and hot ass afternoon" for too long now. I wanna be able to wear a jacket in the morning without melting into a puddle a few hours later.
7 yrs ago
I joined like three raffles send ~*~good vibes~*~ y'all
7 yrs ago
Happy birthday to me!


"Welcome one, welcome all, feast your eyes upon the magnificent, the terrific, the powerful, the terrifying, the amazing,"


Yes, it is I, the one and only Witch Cat! Who am I? Well, I'm a witch, and a cat, a witch cat if you will, and that's coincidently my name too! But I suppose you want to know more than that. So here are a few tabs to answer your questions for you!

Oh helleur, what a pawsome surprise seeing you here. It's just purrfect that you dropped in meow, I'm glad to have you. Oh I'm just kitten, I'll stop with the puns now.

Well, hello, I'm Witch Cat, as you already know. And I'm an unimportant nobody on the internet with no life! Well, that first part is a lie, I'm wanted in 17 states but I digress. I guess you want to know a little more about me, so here goes. (God, I never learned how to start these)

So umm, I'm just a RPer on the internets. I'm from Iran, which makes me a PURRsian, and I moved to the states a while ago. I know 4 languages, only 2 of those fluently, but I still prefer RPing and talking in English. I'm not really a witch or a cat (or am I?), but I still like making good luck jars and sigils for the ~*~AESTHETIC~*~. I think I have a notebook full of sigils and written rituals lying somewhere that I use for RPs.

Speaking of RPs, before the most I've done are short 1x1 RPs with strangers on Omegle, very few RPs which I remember fondly. But coming to the RPGuild was my first experience RPing in a group and I've been loving it so far! I've met a lot of wonderful people, joined a bunch of memorable RPs, and had a butt load of fun. Can't wait for more!

RPs I'm In

  • None!

Will update soon, but for now, enjoy a gif of Suzy/AKA genderbent me tbh

Well, that's pretty much it. I'll probs add more stuff later but for now,

Most Recent Posts

Banned for Nintendo

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus and Daniyal Lohi

Location: Fairgrounds
Interacting With: Mullo

Eudora let out a relieved sigh as she drew out the small heap of the herb, the blood red berries burning vividly in her mind as she clutched it dearly in her off hand while she rose, her skin growing so pale it was practically translucent, she felt her heartbeat ring in her ears as she grasped the knife she produced from the folds of her dress firmly, her knuckles a deathly white as she swayed closer to the beast, weaving in and out of the carnage, trying to focus on the mullo from between the flurry of knives and deadly swipes. Maybe if she struck at the right time, she could hit the monster's heart and stuff whatever hawthorn she can into the wound and, if not kill it, at least keep it down for long enough for someone to decapitate it, the most cherished way of killing any supernatural.

Eudora hung back, jittering as she tried to stay light on her aged feet. Nervously waiting for an opportunity to face the monster without the risk of accidentally stabbing an ally, she couldn't take any more risks. She offered a prayer to whatever powers that may be and darted forward when she saw an opening to attack, she attempted to be quick. Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee and all that. She ducked in and attempted a stab at the beast before hopping back, hoping she didn't lose a limb in the process.

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus and Daniyal Lohi

Location: Fairgrounds
Interacting With: Aloise (briefly)

"Sh, don't waste your energy talking," Eudora fussed as she looked around, her mind still clouded with hurried thoughts about Hel. But suddenly, an inhuman screech pierced that haze, her eyes whipped towards the source of the sound and saw the writhing mullo. The murky combination of the fear and panic had almost made Eudora totally forget about the creature. She had to help. But how?

She looked down at Aloise and gently slid her off, placing her on the floor and began furiously rifling through the many folds and pockets of her clothes, digging her hands through ancient bundles of herbs and cards and bits of wood and pretty rocks, her pockets singing a panicked melody as the items banged together while she looked for any amount of hawthorn, no matter how small.

Posting tomorrow!
Banned for wings
Banned for too many colours
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