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    1. WitchChild 10 yrs ago


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Fallenreaper said
Ummm...I've not looked it over as it wasn't done yet, but Witch, you forgot something as stated clearly in the CS thread:So my suggestion, PM us really quick to correct the problem and have a back up magic in case the magic type is rejected. You have to remember there's a few PCs already in Weaving and Runes, Chantment have any PCs at this time.

It was either rune or Something like aeromancy. I ain't completely dedicated to rune so it's not a problem for me to intergrate something else. And I remembered the Weaving but the Permission for rune sort of escaped my mind apparently.

We'll see once the character is completed
Will do, FR. Just brainstorming on how to make it rather interesting.

Also did her because of the lack of Runecrafters in the PC roster
Writing up the history for Mishi.
Alrighty. Major homework is behind me now.

I now have more time to work on the IC and I hope to have it up tomorrow.

Hope people are ready to have some nazi ass kicking fun : 3
I'D enjoy that very much, thank you, Elite
Haklo had little to do after his small confrontation with Meirin. She had refused his offer for help and that just left him to himself so he decided to head to his quarters again to meditate. He meditated on his position in class. Most people didn't seem interested in socializing with him which was rather disappointing but things might turn out for the better. He looked over at his armor and took note of the small dents and notched from when it was used. He had rarely worn the armor, never in any serious combat either. He watched the reflection that the armor gave off from the dim light of the room. The armor was designed with protection and easy to get into in mind and intimidation second. The armor was beautifully detailed and the red crystaloid on the forehead would let the visor glow crimson, giving the wearer a somewhat demonic visage. He thought about the original owner of the armor, Harken Desol, who was a fierce fighter back in the day. Haklo took a deep breath and then headed out again to do...something. He wasn't quite sure for the moment since there was very little to do.

Haklo had kept mostly to himself when everyone was in the dining hall, feeling rather unsociable and left rather earlier than most, heading to his room as he wanted some sleep. That didn't happen as just as he had gotten a bit of a nap, the demons began to attack everyone. At the sound of the commotion, he quickly got out of his bed and grabbed his sword, in time as a demon burst into his room ready to tear his throat out. Haklo drew his sword and with a parry using the scabbard, he plunged his sword into the demon's face hard enough so that a good three inches of the blade penetrated through the back of the skull. He kicked the demon in the chest and yanked his sword out of the demon to get to his armor. He quickly got into it, luckily spared any further distractions. The helmet was the last to go on and the enchanted crystal flared into life and the visor started to glow. The nobleman strapped his scabbard at his hip as well as his dagger, grabbing a longbow that was part of his possessions and a quiver of bodkin arrows, great for armor piercing. He ran out, the bow strapped around his back and sword in hand, he made his way to a balcony to the courtyard. He met a few demons along the way, minor creatures that he had little difficulty with. Once at the balcony, he saw as a large demon with a large number of masks instead of faces attack what seemed to be a Sannid.

Haklo produced his bow after sheathing his sword and drew back an arrow. The balcony was great vantage point for an archer, giving Haklo a clear aim at almost anything that was in the courtyard. He let loose an arrow and watched as it flew at one of the demon's masks.
Don't bring your devil language here, you foul demon.
UserName: WitchChild

Character name: Mishi Xu The Magnificent and Spoony

Age: 24

Mageblood type: Ancient

Favoured Magic Class: Rune Crafting

Previous Magic training: Mishi has no real magic training but is a magnificent stone worker and artisan.

Race: Zhuandii

Appearance: (Pic coming when i get the drive to do draw concepts)
Mishi is rather odd. Most people may think of the Zhuandii as female due to the appearance but some may mistake the spoony kid as a male. Mishi identifies herself as a she due to how most people have described her while she is in truth a hermaphrodite. She has light bluish skin with no natural darkspots. Over her left arm are swirling tattoos of dragonlike creatures in dark blue ink from wrist to shoulder and further. Her sea green hair is rather long and decorated with feathers at her left ear and some coins that tend to jingle when she moves. She occasionally partially dyes her hair at irregular intervals.
She is 5'4" has mostly feminine frame but there is enough masculinity there to confuse some. Her almond shaped eyes are a color of dark emeralds and hold playfulness and innocence.
Her attire is that of a sleeveless tight shirt and around her neck dangle pendants of Hrollf teeth, pearls, gold and silver. She has a very decorative belt and wears a knee high skirt over shin length pants of leather. On her belt she carries a canteen of water at all times as well as her hook blade based on the traditional Zhuandii bone hook but bladed. The weapon is made out of Bloodsea iron of her own forging. The blade is masterfully crafted with similar patterns as her tattoo engraved at each side of her blade. It was made with care and she spent almost three days straight forging it to perfection with little to no breaks. Along with those, she also has a rolled up satchel of tools fitting a jeweler or an archaeologist.
When the weather is moderate and not too cold, she usually just wears sandals though wears warmer clothes when it is needed such as the winters.When she wears her usual clothing, it can be seen that her right leg is tattooed in similar fashion as her left arm. When she can, she'll wear anything made out of very fine fabrics.

Short Bio: Coming up in a bit. (Nothing major, just some background to share about your character from where they were born, their life like, and what drove them to study at the College? At least 2-3 paragraphs (5-7 sentences), though believe me when I say the more depth and detail then the more the GMs- at least one of them- will love you for it…)

Good Attributes: Mishi is a magnificent swimmer and has quick and agile movements.
She is extremely friendly and doesn't have a mean bone in her body, seemingly.
She is very active and is unlikely to tire out soon.
She is a craftsman prodigy. She can work as a jeweler or even a blacksmith.
She is an experienced metallurgist and can tell materials apart.
She is a novice musician and is currently practicing. Not a master bard but she wants to get there.
Acrobatic and Athletic.
Extremely dangerous underwater

Bad Attributes: A bit of a scatterbrain at times.
Is very naive and gullible
Doesn't read too much into the situation so subtle hints fly way over her.
A bit of a prejudice towards Naga (But won't outright attack them unprovoked, just tends to stay away)
Seemingly unpredictable when bored. Examples: Carves out something or paint on expensive furniture she is sitting on/at (Sometimes people in some cases or golems), wanders away and pokes at dangerous things

Secret Word: rebirth
Lucius Cypher said
That's what happens when you sell yourself out to a Multimillion dollar franchise.

Hey, it's a mixed blessing

Pro: Works of people like Karen Travis can officially be ignored if you'd like
Con: Thrawn is no longer Canon

unless...benedict cumberbatch is cast as him in Ep 7
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