Avatar of Wobbles
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  • Posts: 56 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Wobbles 8 yrs ago


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Greetings, mortals!

I'm Wobbles. You can call me Wobbles, Wobs, Aim, Amy, I don't care, whatever. I answer to anything. I'm a 17 year old girl, a senior in highschool, soon heading off to college. I've been roleplaying online for about 5 years on various forums. I also did a tour on Tumblr, but ..... eh, I'm back in black, ready to go, Jack. B) I'm literally the most friendly person out there, but I've been away from forums forever so give me a chance to get back into the swing of things! Also, I call everyone man, bro, and dude as gender-neutral terms. Take no offense.

I generally prefer roleplays centered around quality and plot. I'll probably be stalking the advanced and casual forums mostly, but if you want to 1x1, hit me up. My favorite genres are sci-fi, fantasy, post-apocalyptic/dystopian, mystery, and realism, though I'll gladly hit up any other genre that tickles my fancy. Here's my roleplay!

That's all for now..... I reserve the right to add more. B)

Skype: skeletrash
Instagram: wolveramy
If I like you, you can ask for my iMessage number. B)

Most Recent Posts

The position of LANCER has been reserved. We are officially FULL!
@Masque I have a few short stories in progress, but no books yet. I'm so flattered, though!
Who, me?
@MatthiasAngel Alright! We'll miss you! :)
@MatthiasAngel @Masque

You've both applied for the Leader role. One of you will have to switch to Lancer, or if neither of you want to change, then you'll have to make me (grumble grumble) pick between your CSes. I'll let you sort that out.
Posting for Masque, as he cannot view this page.

ROLE: Leader
Name: Pounder
Age: 21
Height/Weight: 5' 11"/180 lbs
Body type: Average height, Slightly toned
Scent: Dust, slight hint of zest
Texture: Somewhat course
Appearance: Sharp blue almond shaped eyes, high cheekbones, thin black eyebrows, thin lips, slightly messy straight dirty blonde hair, well developed tan. Picture.
Action tags: Tapping, clawing hands and wrists.
Verbal tags: 'Hmm' (idk)
speaking style: Quiet for the most part, Outspoken if pushed. Tends to emphasize 'S' and 'T' to an extent.
Personality tags: reserved, passionate, grave, calm, hopeful, bipolar.
Skills, Abilities, and Talents: Strong attention to detail, quick learner, skilled in hand to hand combat .
Personality: Pounder has a strategic mind and desires to create harmony. Although he's quiet, he'll do everything he can to achieve a goal he cares strongly about.
Admirable personality traits: Strong willed, forgiving, Intellegent, understanding.
Negative personality traits: Perfectionist to a fault leading to constant dissapointment, shuts out others regularly, mood swings.
Things that make angry: Lies, betrayal, stupidity.
Fears: The dark, loud noises, unnatural and unusual things.
Method of handling fear: turns inward and freezes.
Bad habits or vices: Lashing out at others, tapping.
Most painful experiences in character’s past: Abusive parents and family who constanly discredited him.
Summarize character’s Fatal Flaw: Burns out quickly and struggles to trust those around him.
@MatthiasAngel On Earth, no they are not. Please keep in mind the Five were taken by Seeders and altered – this includes their DNA, which would affect their procreation. On Monument, their children would be much more likely to inherit their parents' personalities and traits. Of course there would be exceptions, but as a general rule, if a child is born to a Leader and a Charismatic, they'd generally inherit most of the traits of whatever the dominant gene is.

I chose this because a large, important piece of Earth's history was racial segregation / gender segregation. This is passed over into Monument, but with the Five traits. It wouldn't matter too much right this moment, to OUR Five, but in a few hundred years, there maybe a Leader who prefers to cook than to be in the military, or a Charismatic who just isn't nice. Every species has their problems to overcome, and the Monument humans are no exception. This trait segregation is one of those flaws.

Over a long LONG period of time, the traits would be muddled together so much they'd be indistinguishable. Along with that, the facial/bodily markings would become more and more subtle. They wouldn't be so prominent, but they would still be there. However, it's likely whatever government that was set up would be still trying to divide the population by their birth trait. This would lead to some interesting speedbumps in Monument's history.

Again, this is a roleplay. It's meant to be fun. We're sacrificing quite a bit of reality here. If you can't accept that, then you've got to adjust your view a bit.
@Samara Sure! Run with it! I actually really do like that idea. Like, maybe certain pigmentation shows up only under one of the suns and other show up under the moons? In fact I think I'm gonna add that to mine.

@MatthiasAngel Feel free to do the same.
@MatthiasAngel For the most part, yes, they have retained it. However, for the first few hours their English would be rusty, simply because of the memroy erasing process. However, that soon wears off.

As for the facial markings, @Samara and Matthias, I chose to have them on the face not to represent significance in the warrior sense. It's simply to distinguish cultural differences - since their all have very distinct personalities / skills, their offspring would likely continue in those traits. Think the factions in Divergent, simply represented by facial markings.

I was mostly doing them for the aesthetics of it. They can be any color. However if all of you want us to move them we will. I just thought it would be interesting.
@MatthiasAngel Sure! He looks great! As soon as you're ready go ahead and post his edited CS in the character page.

@Samara Sounds like a plan, Stan! :D
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