Avatar of Wolpertingers
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    1. Wolpertingers 6 yrs ago


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Flaking is for Frosted Flakes. Just been a tad slow about thisun.

Oh cool. Well @Rebirth how's this fella?


Ah, a Corporatized Hell with the atmosphere of the standard fire and brimstone with each demon lord being higher cogs in the machine. Alright. Yeah that's neat. I thank you for answering my questions.
Well let me offer some advice on the matter. Just think of it like this, “what would a toy marketing board approve for the 5 to 16 demographic” (for the life of me I can’t remember the proper age but you get the idea) and from there work from gimmick to name/appearance or vice versa.

You’ve got the picture so go work on a marketable and toyetic name, maybe something like “Flash Riot” or “True Aim” or any multitude of monikers.

The rest will likely follow from those steps.

Hope that helps.
Gotta love that magical technobabble for things like that, (and was gonna guess that cause it is important for sake of ease of one currency instead of having boatloads of em.) Also totally a thing with the times even if it were like early fantasy-ish times cause the Knights Templar essentially invented the credit system.

And noted for the things regarding the religions of the world.

Cool, yeah so I'll be working on a dude now.

Well this looks like a fun setting here. So before I go about crafting a character here I just have a few quick questions.

Is The Holy Blue Moon the predominant religion of this world? Are there any other notable ones in this world or are they essentially small folk religions compared to The Holy Blue Moon? I suppose I also should ask what some basic tenets of The Holy Blue Moon are.

And then just a quick question about currency; are we primarily gonna deal with one currency for sake of ease, (presumably Kingdom of Ziegler as has a fair amount of political clout or the Dredgelends since it is a merchant hub) or are there multiple currencies for each land?

I might have some other questions come to mind but they are probably stuff that'd come up later in game that can be brought up in setting later. So I'll just stick with the questions above as they seem like they are more important for the moment.
So just before I go about crafting a feller I've got a few quick questions.

Do these classes of demon folk share any like base traits? By that I mean like could they all do some shapeshifting for a different guise (as is many a demons wont to do) and share things like inability to enter hallowed/religious grounds, harm from holy artifacts, and other things like that.

Also I figure I'd ask what kind of depiction of Hell looking at here? Is it something in appearance akin to Dante's tellings, something earlier where Hell is essentially frozen over since it is farthest away from God's love? The standard huge fires and flame?

And of course I'd ask about the bureaucracy and power structure of Hell? Would we be looking at something like from the Ars Goetia which Solomon depicts a feudalist structure with a variety of lords of Hell underneath Satan? Or is it really just Satan in full command and not delegating anything?

So still be waiting here for any other possible interest?
Abandoning games happens all the time; honestly it would have been easier to just say 'yes I got bored of the concept'. No one would have faulted you for that. People move on, that happens, that is normal behavior. Now when it comes to faulting...

Do not push the blame on inactivity of the players when you were inactive here. There were steps you could have easily done instead of just letting us wait in the dark. If I might offer a quick suggestion on 'what steps could have been taken'; I would have gave a couple of pings to everyone, it would have been a visible way to indicate that 'no I did not abandon this' which it appeared to be when you did not offer anything, either IC or OOC to explain the status of this game.

Instead from all accounts of the signs, you just left it in the dark to rot. Communication is important, and frankly you failed to properly to your players.

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