Avatar of Wonder
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 30 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Wonder 10 yrs ago


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Myra looked at him clearly caught off guard "I.. we met? I think I remember it a bit but I'm bad with faces and remembering names." she frowned a bit and meant to add on but he continued, pulling a strange object with a particularly interesting insignia. She had only a moment to glance at it before he replaced it back into his pocket where it was safe. He continued on about his master causing Myra to feel a longing for her own, looking away from him she recollected herself and ignored the feelings of sadness inside her. A few words stuck in her mind; Jurguard, savior, prophecies which she began to mull over in her mind, she had began to connect a few dots and furrowed her brow clearly deep in thought.

"Hmm.. I could help you? How would I do that? And what do you mean prophecies, what are you talking about?" he had told her so much information it felt like the world began to push down on her with reality. Who was this kid with the impressive power and why was he the savior? How was it possible that his master knew, were they all really that powerful? Things were beginning to become more real than she could've wanted, "Listen, these 'prophecies' and being a 'savior' sound utterly ridiculous but hey I never saw a savior who am I to judge? So lets just decide that for now, I'll help you but I wanna hear everything you know and anything I might need to know about.. well a lot." she smiled sweetly, deciding to neglect the fact she could sense the power radiating off him like a warm stove. There was obviously far more to the boy who stood in front of her than anyone could know and if he was truly a savior he was going to need friends.
Flowing through the onlookers, she eventually closed in on the boy and soon he noticed her watching him. The spirit at his side had appeared aggressive but Myra could sense his lack in hostility and noticed him back down a bit as the boy spoke. He had watched her for a bit before speaking

"Can I help you?"

She stared blankly at him, her expression a mixture of shock and horror realizing she had no idea what to say. They must've stared long enough to make him uncomfortable prompting him to once again speak to her, this time slightly more polite than before "Hello. Is there something I can help you with?" She realized he must've began growing impatient of her and looked towards the ground mumbling "Hello, well.. n-no there's nothing. I'm sorry." her eyes clearly scanned him up and down before she turned and backed off. Stepping a few feet behind him, she kept her eyes locked and continued trying to understand what was going on with his aura. Randomly, she spoke rather loudly "Yes!" before she realized others were still around and looked surprised they all glanced at her with burning gazes. Creeping closer she said it once more "Ye-yes you can help me with something. I need help." Her arms crossed behind her back and she smiled before avoiding his eyes and finally settling hers on the ground below her feet, it was clear she lacked basic human communication skills anyone should have. She spoke again before he had a chance to form a full answer "What do I do now?" she stared at him puzzled, wondering if he knew the answer for her purpose.
Myra had traveled at least two days worth in only a few hours to come to this strange service people held after one passed. Granted she did feel rather terrible the old man had died, Isaac was the only family member Myra thought she had and at first the thought of his existence being no more left her extremely empty and lonely. She felt she had nothing to hold onto this world anymore, these thoughts now came back as she sat near the front gripping tightly to the small white fox that sat in her lap, the only friend she had left. A loud chorus of footsteps began to invade her mind and broke away the train of thought when a group appeared adorned in dark and rather depressing attire. At this point she had remembered Isaac once informed her that often in times people dressed different according to the reason for the gathering. This absolutely made no sense to Myra, when she first heard it from Isaac she had wondered if he meant neglecting to bring their boots or pants but now seeing the similar dress she understood.

Growing up she simply had one set of clothing and possibly extra gear for colder or wetter weather. In fact at this moment she wore long black leather boots with crow feathers stitched into the back and made to stick out, long dark brown pants which had been patched together more than once, a few layers of overly long cotton shirts with a light chain vest hidden underneath, to stay warm a large dusty grey leather cloak which encased her body and made her appear small. On her head a strange hat with what appeared to be a face glowing sat smirking at all times, appearing almost alive. Her white hair was dirtied and appeared slightly matted as it stuck out clearly unkempt.

The thought of being so different than these people caused her to begin withdrawing into her mind. Thoughts of the old man, him teaching her to fire a bow, the first time they managed to create a spell and all the other memories. These were now a chapter in the book of her life that was closed, how could she survive without this old man looking out for her. Isaac was simply more than a caretaker or a teacher, to Myra he was her father and mother, bestfriend and rival. They had done everything together since they had met and that included hunting. A smile cracked her formerly stiff and emotionless face as the service went on around her, she could recall the first time she had gotten her first kill against a gray troll. Although the weakest of all trolls, they still are not a typical monster one would scoff at and even an experienced knight would question going toe-to-toe against one and Myra had been able to quickly make work of it at only the age of ten, mostly thanks to Isaac's teachings.

She looked down and began to feel very out of place wishing for the old man back, tears threatened to fill her eyes when voices being raised next to her caught her ear. A boy who she hadn't noticed before appeared to be arguing with a group of officials of some kind, perplexed by what the problem was she realized the ceremony was ended and she officially had nothing to do now. Where would she go? She didn't know anyone, no one had come to say anything to her and there was an entire world she had out there that she didn't know about. Most of the room had began to clear out, causing Myra to shoot up and quickly head towards the exit when a strange sensation chilled over her body.

For a moment the world seemed to slow down as her head slowly turned towards the boy who was arguing before he was now further off across the courtyard of the building they had attended, a sensation rang through her skull when she felt something calling out to her. Watching him walk off clearly having a destination Myra began to simply follow. The amount of energy pouring off his body passively was immense, she couldn't help but be a moth to the flame. The crowd outside had recognized the girl and began to offer apologies and words of forgiveness but Myra couldn't bother to listen. The energy holding her attention now was too strange to let anything take her attention away, besides these people had never known her so what did they matter? However, as she emerged from the crowd that had swarmed her, the boy's body had been lost and she could no longer see him but instead felt his presence somewhere. Listen Neru, sniff out that spiritual energy. The fox who had up until now remained quietly at the side of her feet now bound forward with its face pressed to the ground walking in a staggered fashion as it followed the scent. The more Neru walked and directed Myra, the more the boy's spiritual presence was noticeable and so they were quickly closing in on where ever he was headed.
Oh man this is sweet!! I'm in.

So do we all pick like what we're a deity of?
Ooh this looks cool!

Will there be alien races or maybe even the opportunity for us to create races?

As for in terms of what type of crew we are what about Treasure Hunters/Bounty Hunters or generally just 'Hunters' we hunt space pirates, treasure and adventure. Basically just out for the money!

Are there only going to be projectile weapons or would bladed and concussive weapons be accepted also?
Yo... This is pretty cool.

I'm interested, would it be too much to already begin forming a character?
Lost Planet 2!

I enjoy those towering beasts that just lumber around and ruin days, I grew up watching Godzilla so...
A bit about me?
Well I'm Wonder, I enjoy a LOT off different genres and as long as you seem decent enough, intelligent and respectable I can probably figure out a plot for us. I love creating characters with amazing powers or who can perform above human standards. I'm a female roleplayer but do NOT let that fool you. I enjoy violence, lots of it, horrific gore, intense themes, explosions, brutality. I love it all, grew up in a house of boys and video games, wrestling and comic books! For the most part, I can write pretty decent sized posts the only thing I struggle with is feeling connection with my partner. If at some point I say I'm not feeling it, please don't be hurt sometimes I just lose interest or I don't feel the vibe between us anymore. I believe characters are driven, they're evolved and as we go on they should change or at least become something else. They are things that should act and react with some normalcy, I don't like above ridiculous characters. Roleplays are developed as we go, never be afraid to introduce something into the mix or attempt to take a plot and create side quests or direct it another way. We both should use surprise to enhance the excitement of discovery.

What do I like? (how sweet of you to ask!)
I enjoy fantasy with magic and swords, superheroes and giant monsters most of all. Sci-fi, Steampunk, Fandoms *OC's only please.* I do anything that catches my attention. So if you see any of my plots that would mesh well with ideas you have or you believe I'd be interested in a plot of yours, hit me up guys!

Onto the fun stuffz!
*bold face means really interested.

Marvel Universe
Sword Art Online
League of Legends? (Never thought it was possible, but people do it and I play it so maybe that would be cool?)
Dragonball, Dragonball Z, I didn't see much of GT but I can easily understand anything from it.
Fullmetal Alchemist

Original Ideas & Interests

A Superhero Roleplay, I have ideas please PM me for a quick synopsis.

A Samurai Space Roleplay, again PM me if this seems interesting to you.

I'm really looking for ideas others might have ranging from some Anime-inspired ideas, Superhero-based or Sci-Fi ideas as well, if you have one I'm open to hear it out!
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