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El_Tigre said
Dang it!! I had a dream I made a post on here a few days ago and hadn't realized til now it was ONLY a dream xD haha damn it!I will try and get a post up tonight!

lol That is fantastic! XD

Raid said
I'm mostly posting here because no one else has these last few days...

Yes I was not expecting to come back and still be the last post, do I need to add more? Raid if you have a post ready please feel free to post it, you're not back-to-back posting technically. It can be hard to figure out how to initiate sandbox style games sometime.
So going forward, you've landed, however awkwardly. Yay!

You've landed in a field. The escape pod will not be able to launch itself again, it doesn't have enough fuel for the engine, having only stored enough to move around to land on a planet after being propelled in that direction by the detaching from the main ship.

There is coast to the south, you can smell salt on the air, but its at least an hour's walk. There is marsh as well as grassland, thick forest surrounding the marshes and fields, and a small river that leads to the coast. The sun seems larger than it did on earth. The reddish-brown soil has a high sand and iron content. It's humid and rather warm.
I shuffled into the escape pod behind a group of men that looked like Imams. The silent widow strapped herself in next to me, and after buckling in I hugged my sports bag for comfort. As I looked around at my fellow survivors, it was the small details that I noticed the most: the varying hues on the older of the Muslim's men's beards, the pigtails on the young woman next to them, and that the two twins seemed utterly identical. There was also a fair-haired man with crazy-neat fingernails on the hands that gripped his pack. Who has time for that?

If it had been a smooth flight I think I wouldn't have screamed. But I couldn't help it. And the nausea just kept coming back, like the perpetual ill feeling I would get in long car rides as a kid. The lurches felt like a roller coaster from hell, and I kept waiting to drop. But this was space, so I suppose the worst that could have happened was to drift for eternity... I had squeaked when the pod detached from the ship, and the light wobbling -- which felt like another problem just waiting to happen -- rose the bile in my stomach. I forced it down. The widow reached out and squeezed my hand. She wouldn't look at me, and she didn't speak, but something about her hand made me feel better while we wobbled through space towards the planet's atmosphere.

There was a loud popping noise, and then the drop began. That was when I cried out the loudest: the first drop. It felt like we were going to hurtle down into hell. I had felt safer on the doomed ship. Suddenly this was all so much more real. There was a reddish glow coming from the below the windows, as if something were on fire. For a moment I wasn't sure if we were going to land or just plummet to our deaths. I think I had screamed again. It's hard to remember what all happened. The memory is a blur, and I hate thinking of it.

Then the engines roared, shifting into a higher gear or something to fight the gravity that seemed eager to swallow us up. Instead of falling, we adjusted course. Finally, instead of red panic lighting, the pod shifted to a normal blue-white LED. We looked about at each other, unsure what to do or say next. Gradually, the ground below came into view in the round windows of the pod. There was a sort of brownish green of grasses and turf, then we could make out strange twisting trees and flashes of color that must have been flowers or something here and there. It was nice enough, maybe a bit "jungle"-y.

There was another pop as the engines shifted in some way again, causing us to rise up a little then settle downward onto an open clearing. The door depressurized and popped open.
My calender is rather busy.

Post is up, I tried to explain it but wasn't sure how and didn't want to override Raid's excellent take on it earlier, so I hope it's not too stupid!
sorry, stupid busy, late deadlines, will be on tomorrow.
I have most of a post, but it's 4 a.m. so I am going to resume writing in the morning after sleeps.
Tigre is on vacay a few days, so I am going to move us along and include her, and she'll catch up when she's back I'm sure. :)
I've always said it Viss-er, like pisser.
Let everyone else that needs to write more get themselves finished up and onto the ship, then I'll move us further into the actual launching off and getting to ground. You've all been doing really good so far. :) That was a bit of liberties taken but people can write themselves up to that and catch up to you. It's not a big problem. I think others had a bit of drama in the works. So far on board the pod: Miraj and his two friends, Emma & Ayla, and I'm about to place Lizzie with the woman she collected. I want Adrian to move on there first please, then I'll come in.

For now, I need to move the story on and can't take on more characters just yet. But soon enough there will be a chance to encounter another group and add more people, so if you would like to be notified please subscribe, send me your CS's in a PM, and I'll message you when we get there. :) This will grow, but I need to space out adding more groups a little. I have a plan, never fear!
Briar Rose

Eulalie was genuinely surprised that Devin found the place so easily. Then again, everything else was very simple and plain. It made sense the man in charge would also be the richest and have the nicest home.

Her heart sped up as she looked at the large man. Then she blinked in an effort to abate her anxiety. He was a man, a rich enough man for such an area. She would charm him.

"Bonjour monsieur," she said softly and giving a small curtsy. "I am Mademoiselle Eulalie Bellerose, of... zee... ministry." she bluffed. She allowed her accent to permeate her English now, hoping to use her exoticism as part of winning him over. Her hand went to her family crest at her throat, with the rose encircled with the thorned crown of Christ. "I am inveszigating some small matteur, and would be pleased to speak wis you, si vous le permettez?"

The older man regarded her carefully, though somewhat appreciatively. "The 'ministry' you say? Ministry of what? From whom do you derive authority?" he asked, not being an idiot.

"Le Ministère de l'Crucifix," she answered, making up a name that sounded legit enough. "I was sent by La Mère Supérieure, who takes orders from zee bishop in Massachusetts. Zat ees as much as I can inform you, monsieur. Might I come inside and speak wis you?"

The man regarded her warily, and she looked upward at him with wide doe eyes. Finally he nodded, and motioned for them to follow. She hoped Devin caught the name of her fictional ministry in case he was asked. Entering the foyer, which boasted wainscoting along the walls up to her waist and a fine floral wallpaper covering the plaster, she noticed there seemed to be no other guests, and enjoyed a moment of smug satisfaction that Sawyer was in some bar not getting ahead of her right now.
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