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    1. WrensthavAviovus 10 yrs ago


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yay fast forward!
:c why didnt i see this earlier. Loved your post. Why did she go into his head!!! Its dangerous to go in there!
ok i'll look forward to it. would you be available for a skype call sometime this week?
if wrens takes too long he might find some oil-rags and a dirty sword lying in his bed.
Polaris let out a heavy sigh as she fell on the down mattress. She took off the cyan sash around her waist that helped keep her actual body on her person.
Welcome back Polaris. Did you find your target? a serene voice asked in her head as she put her sword amongst the rather large collection of weapons in the corner.
”Yeah. He is most likely flirting with her to get some information right now. Abur having fun?”

Drunken fools are easier to manipulate into stirring up some chaos. This is child’s play, but I’ll take what I can get.

”So that was partially your doing after all.” Polaris let out another sigh, She looked down at herself and saw some red stains on her skin. She walked over to the pile of weapons and unsheathed her sword and got out a few cloths and an oil rag. ”Looks like I need a bath. Hopefully Wrens will be done by the time I am done oiling down. Who else wants to get cleaned up for tomorrow?”


“My apologies ma’am, I was known by a number of titles where I came from, but these days I am glad to be called by my given name. Wrensthav Aviovus, at your service.” He was trying his best to diminish the scent of tropical waters and magical power. Polaris often said it was very disorienting to walk into a wintertown inn room and have the feel and smell remind her of an island retreat.

“As to the reason I have come to Ravenfell; I am also a relic collector of sorts, mainly dealing with weapons rumored of holding miraculous powers. The more troubling ones I am burdened to travel with at all times. What they rarely mention is that they have a tendency to talk to you almost the entire time you have them on your person.”
Next post will start with polaris if you dont mind.
Wrensthav Aviovus
Two tall figures sitting in a darker corner of the inn nursed their drinks as they observed the brief brawl. A splintered leg of a smashed chair came flying their way only to be caught by a gloved hand of the male companion who slowly placed it on the table afterwards. His dark cloak and long spiked hair earned him a good number of curious glances during the early evening hours but generally died down by the time the other patrons where good and drunk. The female companion by his side leaned closer as she started up conversation. Her gown was a simple one piece dress of midnight blue that hung to mid-shin. Her bare feet got strange looks from the host and his staff at first, But after a few nights they stopped starring. Well the women did. The men toned down their gazes for the most part.

"What do you take of those two?" Polaris asked, her song-like voice pleasant to those lucky enough to hear a the mumblings of their conversations. she moved a stray lock of hair from tickling her cheek as she leaned closer.

"He has a strong hold on his temper until it involves his hair it seems." Wrensthav replied. He took a swig of the dark mead in his mug and continued."Plenty strong, from what I can tell, and he has good footwork. The qualifications tomorrow should be interesting if he decides to show up."

He caught the attention of one of the inn's staff to come over.

"Is everything to your liking , sir?" The young man asked.

"All is well with the service. I do wonder if you could help us in a different way?" Wrensthav tossed the boy a silver coin.

"What service do you require?"

"The lady overlooking the tables upstairs, what do you know of her?"

"Well, she did post the help wanted bulletin earlier this afternoon when sir and madam were out. She is quite famous in these parts both as a tactician and a fighter. Somewhat of a thrill seeker."

"She sounds very similar to a certain person." Polaris teased.

Wrensthav thanked the waiter who left after sneaking a glance at Polaris. She played with his hair and ears while he continued observing the room, nursing his drink. Half an hour passed by the time he grew tired of the atmosphere and of Polaris playing with the points of his ears. The lady upstairs was stating to yawn, he took that as a cue to actually talk with this potential relic hunter.

"Polaris, Would you be a dear and see how Abur and the others are faring upstairs?"

"Gahhh, fine I'll let you flirt with the elf lady. Don't stay up too late, it is already a pain rousing you in the morning."

He waved to her as she sulked upstairs. He turned his gaze towards where the elf was still standing and decided to introduce himself. The inn keeper gave him a strange look as he headed towards the stairwell opposite from the one Polaris took.

When he reached the second floor he finally got a good close look off the potential patron. her clothing definitely was that of a distinguished and wealthy character. But the gold accents where mainly there to catch the eye without making her outfit so gaudy that it was cumbersome.

"Pleasant evening miss. I do not believe we have crossed paths before."
When I mean a proper resting place its more like a dungeon-esque area where one is tried for the ability to use the item in need. This way there would be more of a deterrent to use the item or abuse it. All items would have a guardian. Sometimes the guardian is a being that needs to be appealed to to earn the use of the item. Other times, the guardian is a character that abused an items destructive power and wound up trapped in a dungeon. What Wrensthav's duties entail are returning items that are long overdue back to where they belong and setting up the dungeon and appointing a guardian system for the item.
I'll write an IC tomorrow or by this weekend.
Name: Wrensthav Aviovus
Age: 30,000 years (appears to be late 20's)
Race: Dietic Avatar (Handicapped god)
Gender: Usually male

*Special Ability: Contact with blade Diffuses magic.
-Grapple and Chain(Gilchen)
*Special Ability: grapple tip and chain phase through solid objects.
-Poisoned Gauntlet(Skorklism)
*Special Ability: Made of poisonous base metals such as mercury.
-Rapier (Rapli)
*Special Ability: Corrosion inducing strikes.
-Combination Axe(Shaftly)
*Special Ability: Can shape sift into any axe or halberd.
-Mages Swordbreaker (Vivil)
*Special Ability: Absorbs and releases one spell up to high advanced rank.
-Marble Katana(Moonbeam)
*Special Ability: Absorbs and fires condensed shadow up to 30 feet away. Does not affect those who cast no shadow.
-Great Katana (Featherblade)
*Special Ability: Near zero air resistance and light as a feather to the wielder.
*Special ability: Warps user to thrown area.
-Shuriken Sword(Shuriki)
*Special Ability: Down strikes release stars. Up strikes collect them. Side strikes work as normal blade.
-Lock-picks knife(Pickling)
*Special Ability: Blade molds itself to locks key.
-Sheathed Sword of Chaos (Abur)
*Special Ability(Sheath): Purity stone sheath dispels mid level curses.
*Passive Ability(Sword): Amplifies Discord amongst those in close proximity when not under cloak.

-Cloak of Nemarsis: Water-proof and fire resistant trench-coat with hood. Can change to various shades of browns and grays. cannot be cut by anything less than a legendary weapon. Greatly decreases area of effect of Abur. Hides appearance of weapons held on back.

Multi-use Silver Disc (Silvi): Compass, cloak, map and long distance teleportation device. Creates a block of ice around the hand of an unregistered user. Teleportation ability may be off target up to a mile.

Leather gloves: Black gloves, nothing special.
Hiking boots: Heavy boots good for most terrains. Toe of boots worn to a shine.

Wrensthav looks very much like high elf. Standing at six feet and seven inches tall, he easily towers over most civilized races. Long spiked black hair with a curiously styled bang that arches behind his back, is his most prominent feature. His skin tone changes due to the pigment of the soil around him but he generally has a light complexion. Wrensthav's left side of his face bares a scar from above the brow down to mid-cheek and sharply turns toward his left ear. His eyes are a light shade of gray and are often said to be piercing.

Wrensthav is one of the four guardians of a lost empire that has fallen beneath the waves and almost completely out of history and lore. He has fought in the many wars and smaller skirmishes across history, usually as a side mission of returning items of power back to old or new resting places. He has been called the "Millennial Warrior" by some historians who believe that he is just a title that many heroes have taken over the years due to the weight behind it, but seemingly disappeared for a century or two. He does hold other titles across the world normally as an eccentric traveling swordsman of high skill. These days he travels to different world with the task of restoring items of influence and power to new resting places. He has a bad reputation with many peoples since they see him as a character out to steal away their miracle item.

--Magic: Wind Manipulation (Expert), Inorganic Summoning(Expert, Void magic dependent)
--Experience: several thousand battle participant
--Offensive Swordplay

--Keen hearing
--High magical reserves
--Low physical damage threshold
--Very light for size
--Weak to cold weather and perspiration


--Billion Blades Summon(2nd School Master): 7 tiered summoning sequence from 9, 12, 50, 100, 1000, 1.000.000, to ritual takes anywhere from 5 seconds to 5 minutes respectively. Requires use of hands and void magic for time and space storage of summoned weapons.
--Wind Manipulation: able to fully manipulate air space 15 feet around him with ease. Larger feats take more time magical reserve and focus.

--Air Purification: can heal and cure most airborne sickness.

--Master of Tongues: Able to fluently speak any spoken language.

Name: Polaris
Age: 30,000 (appears in mid-20's)
Gender: Female
Race: Divine Sentient Item (Appears as dark Elf)
Weapon: Black Magnetic Sword of the same name.
Equipment: White formal gown. Black patterned gown.

Polaris stands at six feet. She has a toned body with curves in all the right places. Her hair has a black and silver tones and are styled to look like long curved blades. Some of the strands reach her lower back. Her dark skin tone and striking blue eyes are very hypnotic complemented with a song like talking voice. Unfortuantely her singing makes the yowling of dueling toms seem like pleasant chords. She is very well aware of her seductive appearance and motions often further accenting her allure with bright vibrant dresses. She is always seen barefoot and within fifteen feet of her sword.

Polaris is very jealous of Wrensthav's time and attention. She will often times be seen flirting with him when they are not on a mission and constantly complains about being apart from him when they are on seprate missions. Polaris has a vast arsenal of scenarios to use to get infromation out of people of interest. From the cold unreachable beauty, to the lost innocent foriegner. Repulsion and attraction are her weapons that she has finely honed. She is weary of most people since if they posses her sword anchor they can control her to a degree. Enslavement is one of the things she fears the most having had some poor masters while she was testing her personification powers.

Polaris was the personal sword of Wrensthav for many centuries, given to him by the goddess overseeing creation. Mainly known as the "Screeching Black Sword" Due to her ability of ringing out a harsh tone when drawn in a magically dense area. She was Wrensthav's Primary weapon in his adventures. Several Centuries back she was intrusted to a family known for keeping precious items under lock and key. Several decades passed when she found that she could create a tangible body that could carry herself out from her confinement and escaped from the collectors stronghold. She recently reunited with Wrensthav and joins him on his tasks to restore items like herself to their proper resting places.

--Magic (long and mid distance projectiles via magnetism)
--Direction(Always aware of magnetic north)
--Swordplay(offensive and defensively proficient)
--Grappling(Pulls and Throws)
--Persona (Can create and dissolve her humanoid self)

--Magnetism: Can create structures out of Ferris metals and rocks and polarize them for structural integrity
Persona: Can create an maintain her humanoid appearance as long as she has the magical reserves to do so. Persona cannot maintain form outside the fifteen foot radius from sword or when heavily damaged.
Magnetism: Can pull iron and nickel from ground to create shields or fire them as balled missiles. May polarize iron and nickel alloy weapons on touch to attract or repel them from her person.
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