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    1. xivyxx 5 yrs ago


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Just a 24-year old who enjoys writing :)

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The bartender raised his eyebrows at Faolan's response. "An Irishman that doesn't drink? I thought I'd seen it all." He commented a little amusingly, before moving to get Lucien what he had asked for.

The nephilim looked up at Faolan curiously. "I'm not one to follow stereotypes, but I thought the Irish were rather fond of alcohol? Or is it simply misconception?" He asked. Honestly in all the years they had been traveling, he had never once seen Faolan drink anything aside from water and milk.

The bartender quickly returned with a glass of dark red wine, which Lucien thanked him for before turning his attention back to the Irishman, picking up the glass from the table and swirling it a bit in his glass. The smell was rather strong, but it wasn't bad. It had been a really long time since he had smelled wine. Doing so reminded him a bit of home.
Akane began to serve food for both herself and Cora, very familiar with the mermaid's tastes by now, she made sure to put plenty of bacon and sausage on it, knowing it was one of her favorites.

Lucien and Aurel's reactions mimicked Illy's at Geralt's compliment toward Ivory, except it was coffee that Lucien almost choked on. Now that was something he hadn't expected. Did nothing discourage this man? Never had he seen Ivory interact with men who had any sort of... flirtatious intentions for more than a handful of seconds. She always shut them down harshly and without mercy, and they were always quickly discouraged. She wasn't the most approachable of people. Even the carnies maintained their contact as short as possible, even when she told them what to do on his behalf.

Aurel glanced at Geralt and then to Ivory almost a little nervously.

Ivory's lips immediately flattened at his words, eyebrows furrowing briefly. She held her tongue for a moment, about to snap back with a snide remark, but restrained herself. That would only give the man satisfaction, considering she knew he said it with intentions to annoy her. Instead, she allowed a smirk to flow back into her expression.

"Oh I'm sure you'll get to see plenty of it. Every time we part ways." She retorted, before proceeding to have a taste of that coffee. Lucien wasn't wrong, it actually tasted pretty good, but she wasn't about to compliment it to Geralt of all people.
Lucien's expression brightened as Faolan agreed to come, smiling widely. He had called Faolan a grump on a large variety of occasions, most of the time in a joking manner. He of all people knew the Irishman was not the best at expressing himself, so he didn't really blame him for seeming that way.

"Good to know." Lucien said a little amusingly, before quickly beginning to lead Faolan to the inside of the pub. "I'm sure it will be fun!" He exclaimed as he opened the door. Noise quickly surrounded around them because of the liveliness in the bar, but that much he was used to. He had wasted no time in heading over to two empty spots at the bar, before taking a seat with Faolan.

"What can I do for ya?" The bartender asked them.

"Red wine, please. Your choice of which." He said, figuring the bartender would know best in these situations.

"Ah, a Frenchman. I know jus' the thing." He said before turning to Faolan. "And you?" He asked.

Akane retained her smile as Geralt greeted them, chuckling slightly at his comment, but was pleased by it regardless. "Thank you!" She responded, before her expression took on a hint of pride as the clothing choices were complimented. "A beautiful dress for a beautiful woman!" She said, turning to Cora and giving her a wider smile, before her ears then perked up.

"Oh! Breakfast. I'll get you your food too." Akane said before she quickly got up from her chair and headed over to the counter, her tails swishing from side to side slightly under her dress.

Ivory glanced at Geralt for merely a moment as he spoke, before turning back to the two women. She knew very well what he meant by his comment.

"They do, don't they? They have the ability to brighten the..." She paused for a moment, briefly glancing in Lucien's direction. "..Most unpleasant mornings." She said, changing what she was going to say at the last moment. Her comment brought a genuine smile to her face, mostly in satisfaction. Their arrival had at least eased the foul presence that was Geralt's, and allowed for more distraction, there was no doubt in that.

Lucien glanced at Geralt when Akane and Cora arrived. Clearly the man noticed the ears that rested on top of Akane's head, but he made absolutely no comment in regards to it, which was curious. Did he already know what she was? Or did he simply not care to ask about it at the moment? He supposed he'd find out soon enough.

The Ringleader held back an amused expression at Ivory's retort, though he appreciated that she had most likely held back from saying something that was even more rude. It seemed she was at least attempting to show some restraint despite the fact Geralt was intentionally poking at her. He didn't see the need to say anything if Geralt was fully aware of he was doing. It seemed to be a backhanded compliment to the other two at the table, or perhaps just an attempt to annoy Ivory, but it seemed that it had failed. To think it was only day one, these two would definitely have a long road ahead of them.
Lucien tilted his head slightly at Faolan's comment, eyes following the two men as they walked down the street. They genuinely seemed to be having a good time, and it was clear that they were very close friends. There was a part of him that was curious as to what Faolan would be like in such a state. He couldn't really imagine Faolan singing in that manner, but the thought of it made a smile tug slightly at the corner of his lips. He would definitely be sure to ask him about it sometime.

"Well there is only one way to find out isn't there? I would like to try it. I don't mind going on my own, but it would probably be more fun if you join me." He asked, pausing for a moment before looking up at the Irishman.

"If you really end up not enjoying yourself at all, we can leave." He added, golden eyes held a twinge of excitement as he spoke.
"Hhmmm..." Cora tilted her head at Akane's explanation, trying to imagine what she meant. It was hard for her, considering she had seen many fish and other underwater creatures very closely. Sharks, for instance, actually had rows and rows of teeth, unlike humanoid beings like herself and land-walkers. She had shared this information, along with other insights, with anyone who was willing to listen. Thoughts like this often made her think of home, and a little tight ball in the pit of her stomach began to turn as she thought of all of the different colors and shapes that she had grown with all around her.

They had been replaced by the shapes and colors of her new home. She had to remember to appreciate those as well. "Well," she added, "I hope I can see what you mean sometime."

As the pair drew closer, she noticed that Geralt had joined the troupe this morning and her smile brightened as if on its own. After their meeting, she had been both nervous and excited to see him again. His whole demeanor intrigued her, it was nothing like she had ever seen before.

She tried to avert her gaze from him and share it with the rest of the table, but in truth it was hard for her to take her eyes off of him when he was looking at her. She felt her cheeks grow hot as she dropped her gaze to the ground, pushing her chair into the place Akane had made for her. "Morning!" she greeted the table with her usual brightness, though she was trying to keep her eyes off of Geralt.

Geralt turned his eyes to the pair as Cora and Akane approached the table, making sure to meet their eyes and letting his gaze linger on Cora for just a moment longer. The slender pale beauty couldn't help but blush at his attention, and this pleased him greatly. He had already won one of the troupe over, it seemed.

Once he had given the Siren her deserved amount of attention, he looked more closely at Akane. Of course, his expression remained completely unchanged as he noticed the presence of furred animal ears atop her head. He thought at first that they may be fake, but as he watched them move as a dog or cat's would, he realized they were very real and attached indeed. Geralt had never encountered anything like this, but now that he had information about her origins, abilities, and...extraneous appendages, he had much more to work with.

This is why it doesn't like ussss...it can smell our...darknessss...

"Good morning, ladies." He said as the two found their place at the table. "The two of you certainly know how to brighten a man's morning, you are absolutely stunning in those dresses."

Cora leaned over to look at Geralt as he greeted them and smiled wide at his compliment. "Thank you, Geralt." She said, her eyes full of light and laughter, "Akane picked this one out, she really has the best taste."

Illyana nodded to Akane and Cora as they took their places at the table, though she did not speak as her mouth was full at the moment. She noted with displeasure Geralt's interest in the Mermaid, her eyes narrowing slightly as she watched their silent flirtation. She noticed that Akane had dressed Cora in a shorter summery dress, and while she did look both lovely and comfortable in it, Illyana would have preferred something less revealing. She swallowed as Geralt greeted them and made his comment, glancing down at herself and Ivory. It wasn't exactly that he was wrong about Cora and Akane's particular brand of sunshine, but she couldn't help but feel that his comment was directed at the entire table and not just the two women.
Akane nodded. "Of course they do! Granted some of the designs don't look like.. realistic fish, it's more like.. the shape? Realistic ones may be harder to find." She said. After all not every town had those kinds of shops, usually the girls would try to find some time to visit town and see what they had to offer. She knew Graston didn't have any Japanese shops from their last visit, so she hoped their next stop might, so she could take Cora to see the variety.


Lucien did not respond to his comment, finding that much easier than thinking of a way to deny it. The man certainly knew his way around innuendos. He didn't find the need to correct Geralt's statement in regards to travel either. He had already traveled a good variety of the United States prior to starting the circus, but it wasn't really something he needed to tell him just yet. He didn't really want to offer too much information about himself just yet.

"I'm sure it will." He said.

He remained quiet as Ivory took a seat. Honestly he could almost say he admired Geralt's refusal to back down despite the fact that it was clear Ivory had a great distaste for him. He wasn't about to make any comment about it though, as he thought it might only encourage him. He was well aware that out of all the people here, Ivory could handle herself just fine. He only found it necessary to intervene if he felt like things could escalate. He preferred not to have too much tension among the troupe, but Lucien knew that until everyone, including himself, got to know Geralt a little better, things would probably remain like this. After Geralt gestured to the cream and sugar, Lucien simply reached for it and moved it closer to Ivory so she could reach it, knowing she would use it.

"Thanks." Ivory said to Lucien as she grabbed hold of the cream and sugar. She didn't like her coffee black, and usually added quite a bit of cream and sugar to it. Though she'd never personally admit it, she did have a bit of a sweet tooth. Having never really been able to have any sweets as a child, it was something she had quickly grown to like once she had been able to have a taste. She was tired of the bland and bitter foods she had been given, and much preferred the sweet and flavorful things. Once she was done adding the desired amount she moved the cream and sugar back toward the center of the table, but didn't start drinking the coffee right away, taking note of Akane and Cora's arrival.

"Good morning everyone!" Akane greeted happily, before she moved a chair off to the side so Cora could roll up to the table, before she took the seat next to Aurel.

"Good morning." Both Lucien and Aurel greeted them.

"Morning." Despite the short greeting, Ivory's tone was clearly much softer when speaking to the two women.

"Ooh Ivory you're up so early! Glad you could join us for breakfast!" Akane exclaimed with a smile, considering the dhampir was usually nowhere to be found during breakfast hours.

"It was really noisy, so I figured I might as well get up." She responded simply, referring to the carnies' morning activity. She had wished Akane kept that comment to herself, her expression didn't reflect it. The fact that she always slept in was not really a secret, so in the end it made no difference.
Lucien smiled slightly at Faolan's response. Over time he had learned that if he was just a little stubborn enough, sometimes he could get Faolan to give into him when it came to things like this. He knew the Irishman didn't like asking for help so, he never wasted any time in offering it. He scooted closer to him, and placed his hands on his arms, before he began his healing process to get rid of the physical weakness and exhaustion in the man's body. He didn't deny it made him a little tired because of their long night, but he was sure it was not nearly as bad as how Faolan had felt. They continued to sit at the edge of the lake after he was finished, continuing to rest a little. The view was nice enough to provide them with a bit of relaxation, and once they were ready to go, they headed out again.


The nephilim had kept his promise to try to help Faolan in any way he could. He had been able to keep a detailed record of the moon phases in his calendar, and between the way the Irishman would get when the time grew near, it became a lot easier for them to keep track of it, and no incident like that ever happened again. Lucien had spent a lot of time in their travels continuing to train with Faolan, and he had also began to practice his barriers much more, whether it was simply cutting the amount of time they took to create, or learning to spread them across much larger areas. He had even learned how to reverse it so instead of keeping people out, it kept people in. He did this mostly to provide Faolan with more reassurance that he could protect himself, but despite this practice he still would not allow him to stick with him close to a full moon. It's not like he didn't understand, it was just.. his way of continuing to keep him safe. It was simply not a risk he wanted to take, and Lucien respected that, even if it meant Faolan had to be absent a lot more than he used to be.

It was because of those longer period's of absences that Lucien gained more independence. Throughout the years that followed, growth had treated Lucien well, and he now stood only four inches under the Irishman, he felt like catching up was a fruitless dream, but at least now he didn't feel as small next to him. He hadn't slacked on any of his physical training either, so by now he had gained a good amount of muscle. There were no signs of the frail looking Frenchman Faolan had met on the boat long ago. Lucien never stopped sending letters to both Father Cyril and Father Thomas, who he had been relieved to know feared well during the war. In general, it seemed Bordeaux had been spared from a lot of damage, much to his relief.

In the rest of their travels, Lucien's skills to negotiate and interact with other people had greatly increased. Finding jobs had become a lot easier, but Lucien's politeness tended to get him into a few misunderstandings with the ladies, even more so in the times the Irishman wasn't around. There were times where he was not aware that the things he said could make it seem like he was interested in them, but the Frenchman never had such intentions. Luckily it had never caused a huge problem, as they were very understanding of the fact that Lucien was simply a gentleman, and treated everyone with equal kindness and politeness, no matter the gender. Despite the amount of people that ended up expressing their interest in him in their travels, Lucien always politely declined them. Not once throughout their journey had the Frenchman considered settling down with anyone. He always enjoyed Faolan's company the most, and the thought of not travelling with him anymore was something that never even crossed his mind. With Faolan he could always be himself, and he never really had to think about the way he spoke. He could always be honest with him, no matter what. Even if the man's absences were more frequent than before, Lucien always found himself happy and relieved when he returned.

Now, the two men found themselves walking through one of the cities in Wisconsin. They had already finished working for the day, and were looking for something to pass the time. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a group of men who were coming out of a bar, enjoying themselves in song. One thing the Frenchman had learned over the years is that there were many different type's of drunk people, not just the dangerous ones the priests had told him to stay away from. Honestly he had always been curious to know what it was like. Plenty of times Lucien and Faolan had found themselves working in bars, and he had always received comments here and there about the French's love of wine. This was something he was not unfamiliar with, considering he had tasted it before back at the church, but had never completely indulged in it. This made him curious. He glanced up at the Irishman, and then back at the bar the men had come out of.

"Hey, Faolan. We're done with work for the night, and we have tomorrow off. How do you feel about a visit to the bar? I'm honestly a little curious, I've never been drunk before." He said.

Akane's expression brightened considerably at her question. "Of course! I'm sure Lucien would be happy to know there's something out there you actually want. I could just think of so many designs that would suit you!" She said excitedly as she gently pulled her friend toward the door. Once open, she briefly let go of Cora's hand to move out of her way and then closed her door, before catching up and taking hold of it again.

"I've seen some aquatic designs in some of the shops I've been to before. I think you'd like them." She commented as they made their way to the mess area.


"One can have conversations during the day too you know?" He said a little jokingly. "I've traversed the all of the United States myself. I’ve always been rather fond of travel." He said. While in France, he would have had the opportunity to travel more of Europe if he hadn't grown up so.. sheltered, but now with the circus, it would definitely be more difficult unless they gained the funds to one day go international, so he was curious to hear about his visits to other countries.

Lucien shifted slightly to look at Ivory as she arrived at the table. He was honestly surprised to see she had actually managed to get up this early, but she was clearly in a foul mood, and was looking at the mug Geralt had slid in her direction in an almost suspicious manner. He took that chance to take a drink out of the mug he had been given, since the heat of it didn't bother him. His eyebrows raised ever so slightly. It was a stronger flavor than the typical American coffee, but it was quite good.

"It's actually very delicious, I think you’d like it." He commented, knowing that Ivory's first instinct would be to probably decline it, and he wasn't wrong.

The moment he had slid the mug toward her Ivory had almost immediately stated she didn't want it, simply out of spite, but Lucien's comment stopped her. It was his way of telling her to be polite. Geralt's little grin still managed to find a way to irritate her. It was too early for this. She was normally easy to annoy, so it was much worse this early in the day.

"Thanks." She said almost dryly, before she took a seat next to Illyana. Now under the cover of the tarp that encased the mess area, her eyes adjusted better, and she took note of Akane and Cora's approach. At least she had gotten here before them.

Aurel had glanced at Lucien as he spoke, then shifted his gaze to Illy. Clearly Lucien and Geralt were already getting along well enough, but then again Lucien got along with everyone. He hoped it wouldn't end up making things more difficult for him, considering the... intentions Ivory said the magician had.
Lucien's smile widened at Faolan's words. There was something about the way Faolan had placed a hand on his shoulder that stirred his feelings of happiness. "Anytime." He said brightly.

The words that he had followed with were so simple.. but they meant a lot to Lucien. He treasured their friendship deeply, and he was glad they were able to get over this hurdle together. Not having to hide anything from each other anymore.. he was sure that would be a lot more refreshing for both of them. He felt like in learning this.. he had grown closer to him. Despite how long they had been travelling, there had always been a part of him that felt a bit of a distance when it came to his errand, but now that was gone.

"I'm happy to hear that.. I consider you my best friend you know?" He said, briefly glancing down at his hands before looking back up at Faolan.

"Because I'm such a good friend, will you finally let me heal you? I know there's a limited amount of things I can do to help you but.. in terms of recovery, that's certainly what I'm best at." He said, hoping Faolan wouldn't deny him this time. Considering he never really got to see Faolan after his change, this would be his first chance to provide him with aid much sooner, to hopefully help him get over his fatigue a lot quicker.
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