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I freeze for only a moment as our enemies stumble around and lose track of me. Good. Seems so far they're thoroughly confused. Hopefully they remain that way. I hit a final tunnel and turn. This should be where they're keeping our girls. Maybe the goats aren't far either. When I come upon the ladies they're all chained to the wall.

I change my size to that of a normal fox and trot up to the girls. I nod at my bot. It scans the lock, beeps, then spits out a key. Scooping the key up in my mouth, I fit it to the lock and twist. The cuff pops off and drops with a heavy clank. I rub against the first lady's leg then make a dash for the door so they follow me. Now to find the way out...and the goats.

Frenzied Flame- Final Form

The towers ahead bear the pungent scent of blood. She scans the area. Enemies are here yes but in the middle of most, cutting them down is one marked as a comrade. He is at the fourth tower.

Enemies start falling in great droves. They bleed from the eyes,nose,ears,fingernails, and every other possible orifice as blood flees from their bodies and pools in great rivers on the ground.

She races from the third tower and into the road. Her movement is only detected as a streak of red seconds after she's passed. She's urged by the scent of blood, driven by the need to claim it. A group of the Bloodmen stand sniffing the air,seemingly lost. One Blood Baron among them.

She stands in their midst, fists clenched. The blood pressure of the enemies spike and rips their bodies asunder. In some the blood solidifies and they're impaled from the inside out. Blood splatters her in a crimson macabre pattern. Still she craves more.

Her cream hair and ears are ruby streaked, her emerald green eyes glow, and her sandy skin slick with crimson rivers. Elongated fangs extend from her mouth and vicious claws curve from each finger.

There's nothing more above ground that the comrade has left, but there's blood under. Flame forms a sword of blood and cleaves away at the ground until the cavern underneath is exposed. She drops in.

There are enemies here. Those within a ten foot radius spontaneously burst into a mist of blood. It clings to her as she charges the Bloodmen present. It is time for a culling.

I curse as some of our enemies peel off from Gaul's group and decide to head after me. I chunk a nanobot out and it beeps at me a millisecond after. I glance behind me at the men closing in and make a definite decision. I need to lose them now. Underground it is. I nod at the bot and it deconstructs a section of rock in front of me. I slide down and the bot sprays my scent in a winding path to the side, then replaces the displaced rock.

From my earlier scan, the tunnels underneath the mountain didn't seem like the most direct route to our waiting ladies. Now it seems like my only choice. I barely pause to shrink down before I'm bounding down the tunnel. I'm mouse size and my nanobot takes the lead, guiding me through the maze of corridors. Get the girls, get the goats, get out.


From here I can command them like puppets but it takes more focus than I'd like. To be certain we escape, I'll most likely need to kill them. To kill that many with blood control quickly, I'll need to enter the Frenzy state. I sigh heavily. It's normally used as a build up to unleashing the phantom spirit...and there's so much blood already. I shake off my reservations. There's not time for them. I've made my choice.

Frenzied Flame- stage 1

The enemies surrounding are targets are dead. I boiled their blood in their bodies. Scorched them from the inside out and now I need more.

I leap from the tower and race to the nearest site of conflict. Gaul rages on the second tower. I pause here long enough to slash throats in my path before sliding down the other side and into the path leading to the third tower. There's swarms of Bloodmen clogging this path and I control them all as soon as my feet hit the dirt. Their blood rushes from thrill, I feel it and command it to freeze. I jump on the first enemy's back and sink my elongated fangs into his jugular. I rip his throat out and reach for the next, shredding it to ribbons. My dagger finds neck after neck. By the time I'm through cutting these down, the rest lie dead. Their blood solidified in their bodies.

More...I need more.
My ears lay flat back as I duck down in the Watchtower. None of the enemies have seen me. This gives me the perfect opportunity: to take them all out. I speak too low for the enemies to hear but loud enough for my brother.

"They don't see me so I have a chance to end this. Get to the girls and get them out." He starts to argue but I cut him off. "-Just trust me and go!"

I throw his pack over the side down to him and duck back down. I don't like dividing up like this but it doesn't seem like we have a choice. He has to trust me this will work. Just like I have to trust him not to die. He has fog cover and -ancestors if Gaul isn't a wondrous distraction!

I sit and concentrate. I need to take out the men closest to our targets. I slit my palm with my dagger and press my bloody hand to my face, staining half of it in red. I close my eyes...focus. I can feel them out there. I bypass most of them over. Another plan starts to form in my mind. I can kill the one's closest to the hostages and take the rest out in Frenzy. It might be the quickest way but also could be risky. I just have to make sure not to set the Phantom Spirit free. I feel out the enemies nearest our targets...and take control of their blood.

"Plan B it is!" I grumble. Shrinking down, I scoop up my pack and throw an Arcane shield up. It'll cloak Gaul but I'm not sure he'll need it. I start running through the fog, judging by sense of smell more than anything though blood is an overarching stench. I slam into the wall with Arcane energy and blow a good size hole. I barely break my run as I leap through, heading up.

Bullets ricochet off of me, enemies run at me. I blast them and keep moving forward. Grab the girls, grab the goats, get out. That’s the plan. I hate that this is the new one but our lack of finesse gives no better options.
I jerk awake suddenly. I realize the reason why is we’ve stopped. “Flame check our position.” My brother’s gadget belt is currently in my possession. I pull up the tablet and scan our surroundings. There’s numerous heat signatures and other points I’m not completely sure about. He turns his head and I hold up the screen with the readings. “Looks like we’ve reached the booby-trapped sniper section.” He nods with confidence.

I slide off Blaze’s back and lay the tablet in front of him. “So I’m up. I’ll just be sec.”

I pick my way up the path quickly, listening for slight directions from my brother in case I get a touch close to one of the firebombs. I can hear the breathing and pulses of the snipers ahead. I let their pounding pulse guide me. There’s ten in this section. It’ll be quick.

My sister sets off streaking up the path nimbly. She skirts some of the bombs closer than I’d like. Though I’m whispering guidance hurriedly to keep up with her quick prancing. She flits around knifing snipers before they know they’ve taken their last breath. “All clear.” She singsongs down and I slowly pick my way through the minefield she flew up.

“I think we’re almost there so look alive. You bet not be drooling on my fur.” I tell Gaul once we’ve neared my sister’s position.

I pick Gaul up with my tail and plop him on my back in front of Flame. "So Gaul you look barbaric. I mean that in the best way possible. Why don't you infiltrate their camp? Take Flame with you, you could make it look like she's your prisoner, which will get you to wherever they're stashing the ladies. I'll be on tech support and cause some kind of mayhem as a diversion. You smuggles the ladies out to me, I'll carry them down and we'll book it out of there? Yes? No?"


I blink. It sounds like a good enough plan. I know my brother will be watching me like a hawk on whatever gadget he plans on using but the fact he doesn't insist being my escort in makes me smile. He's trusting me...that and I'll have the literal god of Fate with me but that's besides the point.

The incline happens quick so I wrap my arms around Gaul. I lean my head against his shoulder, making myself comfortable for the long trek.

"So what do you think of the plan? Don't give my brother a big head about it if you've got an alternative idea that's fine too."

I’m nonplussed. I don’t like the idea of Sia being left alone, I don’t care how friendly or sexy the lady seemed. I growl my annoyance as I trudge over to the dead bodies scattered all over. Yes I have a gadget to deal with this, and usually I’d jump at the chance to show it off. But I have another faster way to deal with this mess right now. I open my mouth and barbeque the entire crop of dead bodies. Who said only dragons breathe fire?

I look back at Gaul and Flame. Now that Lady Love is gone I speak openly. “Alright climb aboard since apparently we have to do this the old fashioned, low tech- dare I say it- healthy way.”

I lean down and Flame hops on with no hesitation. “This is the pits. Of all the women who could ride me I’m stuck with a sister.” I should instate a new rule, no men or sisters on this train. In what world is Sia getting the babe the better deal? She’s already got Razz. At that I back up, I see exactly why she’d need Raia after dealing with that hunk of flesh. “Oh heads up.” I open my portal and drop Gaul’s axe out. I figure he’ll need it all too soon. The portal closes back up and I start for the mountain Lady Love mentioned.

“By the way you guys want to start thinking up a plan while we’re headed up?”

Cue our bad luck. We've been here wooing Rider for barely 10 minutes and already we've been tracked. Not that this will take long. Flame is up and ready to jump in but I nudge her back with my giant nose. She understands and gives me space.

I'm about the size of two large elephants and have a tail proportioned appropriately. So when I swing said tail it knocks the remaining men flat on their backs. I then slam my considerable tail flat on top of them. More rush out of the portal, I rinse and repeat.

Now that I've got a good amount cleared out, Flame gets up next to the portal. Each new body is met with a dagger through the neck. If they escape her they get either my tail or the others' blades. Even though we can handle them it's going to get grim eventually if we can't close that portal.

With Sia out of the portal I have no choice but to follow. I know full well she can take care of her damn self but that doesn't discount my inherent need to make sure my Bombshell stays safe. That is, at least until we rescue Razz and he can do it.

I leap from the portal to the ground below. My sister follows without question. I curl up behind Sia creating an imposing picture. Flame takes a seat on my giant paw and we wait.

Thank God for women who aren’t ashamed of their body. Thank God that Sia is one of them. Razz is lucky. I can’t help my ogling her but it doesn’t last long, my sister waps me in the face with her tail.

I shift back after Sia’s suggestion and stick my tongue out at Blaze. Sia’s smart, she bought us a few minutes. I’m surprised the woman found us. “Look she’s here now I say we ask her.”

My brother chimes in, “We can do that and then also check the place out ourselves to see if she’s lying. If she is she obviously can’t be trusted if not….I got myself a wife.”

I say the words to lay claim to the blood stone and my powers are working again. I pop open a portal and then Flame and I pop out right in front of Gaul and Sia.

"If you guys think you're going to introduce yourself to a beautiful ruling woman without me you are shit outta luck." I open another portal and push everyone in. We speed over the dessert lands and I pop my fingers. "Now Sia you can't just go riffling through a man's private property without asking. If you wanted in my belt all you had to do was ask." I kick at something pebble sized and it skids out of the portal. A holographic image of the landscape appears at our center.

"Alright I have a nanobot scanning the surrounding area. We are here." I indicate a red dot that is steadily advancing over the plains. "We have two exit strategies. One I can plop us down after we get over the plains. We'll be in clear line of sight for this encampment where I'm guessing the lovely is. Two I can let us out right in the middle of her camp or any area around it's up to you." I transform into a Great Fox about the size of a small SUV and the portal lengthens with me. "I'll be happy to offer myself and my sister's services up as willing gifts along with Gaul. Seems like a simple way to do it. We can even sniff around for Razz while we're at it." My sister shoots me a glare and mutters. " How demeaning. I should be given to no one."

I point my tail at her. "And that is exactly why you don't have a boyfriend. You don't allow yourself to surrender."


I stomp my foot. " I could very well!" I cross my arms and look away. "Besides I think there might be an even simpler way to do this. What if we just pop out and ASK her if she's seen our friends or has them?" I look back to see how my idea is taken.

My brother curls into a giant ball. "Lame. Just so you know I'm totally getting this lady to become my queen. Just wait." He points to our red dot which has now stopped with the tip of his giant tail.

"We're over the plains. Now what?"

Blaze shoots me a look so I transform into a Great Fox as well. Ready for anything.
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