Avatar of Yojimbo
  • Last Seen: 12 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 78 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Yojimbo 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Seek not what you can do for yourself, but what you can do for others.


Use to frequent this site and Roleplay Gateway; however I was forced to return to reality for some time.

I was once known as The_Lone_SOLDIER and frequently played under the pseudonyms Aymuharu Isamu and Nicholas Grayeson.

Detailed accounts are what I seek and a plot that is easy, yet complex to follow for good story-telling.

If you wish to see record of my skills (sub-par to some), please look up my character names and see for yourself.

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Name: Lucas Marek

Age: 28

Family: Marek Family Tree.

Midiclorian Count: 12,585. (Just below the threshold for being with high Force-Sensitivity.)

Personality: Marek has a cold disposition when dealing with others, a symptom of being "instructed in military discipline" as a child. He cares nothing for the safety of others, only for the survival of his own being. If left alone, Marek will keep to himself and stay out of the way of others when he is able. When confronted or spoken to, he will converse with the individual or group of the mistake they've made for acknowledging him with fierce words or physical attack. He cares neither for the Light or Dark sides of the Force, seeing them both as tools to further his way in life.

Equipment: {Listed Below}
1.) Dark Jedi Garment (Pictured Above.)
2.) A-99 Aquata Breather (Rebreather for Underwater and Space excursions.)
3.) Hush-98 Comm-Link (Communication Device.)
4.) Imperial Knight Lightsabers (Produces a Silver, pulsating blade.)

Non-force skills: {Listed Below}
1.) Expert Piloting Skill.
2.) Expert Linguistic Skill.
3.) Basic Navigation Skill.
4.) Basic Electronic Skill.

Force Skill(s): {Listed Below}
1.) Adept Battlemind; allows the user to focus and overcome difficult struggles.
2.) Adept Force Push/Pull; allows the user to push or pull objects/beings to and from them.
3.) Adequate Force Lightning; allows the user to shock and lock their opponent in place.
4.) Adequate Mind Trick; allows the user to coerce their victim into the user’s will.

Lightsaber Techniques: {Listed Below}
1.) Form V – Unorthodox, backwards-wielding dual Lightsaber Style.
-Praetoria Vonil style; essentially more offensive than defensive attacks.

Biography: Marek originally hails from one of the Outer Rim worlds, though he is very quiet on which planet exactly. From what has been gathered through data on the Black Markets owned by the Hutts, he was appeared one day in the Petranaki Area on Geonosis fighting for his life against what should've been a superior fighter. This unknown fighter, a gifted lightsaber fighter and Force-wielder, initially had the upper hand during their duel. However, Marek concealed his knowledge of the Force and fought with a charade of being a weakling fighter to his opponent; which led to his victory. When Marek's opponent thought he had won the match by pummeling Lucas into the dirt, a fury-driven warrior took over and the tables were turned with a simple use of the Force. As the cheering crowds for his opponent died as Marek took a stand, his opponent turned and saw what became the last thing he'd a see. In a blink of an eye, Lucas had disappeared and reappeared behind his opponent with a silver lightsaber in his hand. When the unknown warrior's head fell to the ground, Marek brushed off his shoulder and walked out of the Arena a free man.

From here, everything about Lucas's life is merely speculation and rumors from local populace in both rims of the galaxy. All do agree that he procured a ship and started travelling the galaxy as a jack-of-all-trades type of person though. Some say he began a professional career as the famous "Hooded Jedi" arena fighter. Others claim he became the "Gray Shadow" bounty hunter that patrolled the Outer Rim territories, who helped Boba Fett in some of his adventures. But whether these are actually true, are again speculation and rumors of a very private person. Though he rarely opens up about his past adventures, he has mentioned he enjoys spending time through the forests of Yavin 4 and Kashyyyk. Everything else unfortunately, is a mystery.

Apologies, had some occupational hazards to take care of this week. My character sheet will be up for approval soon.
@Cuddle Pot

Apologies, I've been occupied for the past few days. I'll post my character sheet in a few moments.
I might have just pissed off Marcel...
It didn’t take long before more of the creatures started scrambling their way around the barrier, though slowly at the moment. But suddenly, a frenzied corpse busted its way through some of its “brothers” and “sisters.” Being Nicholas was ready, he reached out and went for the kill of the quick-moving creature. However, it had “seen” his intent or so he thought; and without a care to the warrior standing before it, the monster pushed him aside and landed upon an innocent. Burying its canines into her flesh, Nicholas turned and watched in horror as she screamed and clawed her way trying to be free of the creature. Without a second thought, Grayeson reached down with his free hand and lifted the beast up onto its knees. Followed with a quick “gliding” of his blade through the monster’s temple, he felt it go limp and tossed the body aside. It was with grieving eyes, he looked down to the ravaged girl’s body and knew there was nothing he could do for her. Turning his back, he let out a deep sigh and faced his most immediate problem: the barricade.

A few were ever so slowly making their way through, allowing Nicholas to slow down and take the monsters down one by one. This also gave him an ingenious idea: use the dead bodies as mortar to the furniture he was already using. Finishing off the remaining straggler on that made its way through the barricade, he kicked a few of the bodies over towards the furniture. As he was beginning to lean down to lift one of the bodies to start becoming his mortar; he heard a door suddenly open behind him which was followed with an immediate gunshot. Turning towards the buffoon firing a round in their already “fuck-house” situation, Nicholas suddenly twisted around and was thrown into the arms of a waiting corpse. Though his left shoulder was burning, he threw his forehead into the creature’s chin and grinned at the sound of teeth crushing. Watching as the monster fell into its friends, sending them back down the stairs; Grayeson turned his attention back to the “brilliant” moron that shot the handgun.

Nicholas watched as the woman garbed in a fireman’s outfit was thrown to the floor by another bullet fired by the imposing figure wielding the weapon. Instinctively, or rather through training, Nicholas drew forth his sidearm and paired it with his blade (similar to a certain video game character). However, upon hearing the miraculous sound of the weapon jamming, he watched as the man fell back into the room he had appeared from. The firewoman had regained her composure and flung herself to the wall outside the room of their antagonist. Quickly following her lead, Nicholas pressed himself against the wall and took a quick peek of the situation. A single, oaken table was on its side like a makeshift barrier and Grayeson knew right then the man was behind it. Leaning back out of the sector of fire from his new adversary, he locked eyes with the woman before she made off towards their crumbling barricade.

"He shot at me. He shot at me and he hit me. How could he... how could he shoot another person?" the woman mumbled and rambled upon returning from her battle-frenzied hacking of creatures. Upon settling herself against the wall next to him, she took her axe to the side and pulled out what appeared to be a stun-gun. "A bad person. A bad person that needs to be set straight. Like a bad dog. Set him straight and he'll come right soon after. Just like Daddy taught." She started hyperventilating as she spared a look at the barricade. It was holding for now, thankfully with the bodies they had piled up. With their immediate problem dealt with, she turned her gaze over the hallway, eyes resting over the dead preacher. She talked carefully, as if the gunshot sent searing pain through her torn cheek as she spoke out loud, partially to herself, partially to those listening. "We need- we have to get... do you need help? I can help. I can help, I can help."

“He’s gone… Leave him be.” Nicholas replied quickly, knowing the round had severed his spinal cord.
Turning his attention back to the “monster” inside the room, beckoning them to “come and get it;” Nicholas started building together a battle plan in his head. There were no other entry points to the apartment the man was in. And opening fire would cause more problems than solve any at the moment. Then an idea struck his head. The man was carrying a .38 Special revolver and had fired three shots that Grayeson could remember. That left three more in the cylinder and three more chances he had before Nicholas put him down like a dog. Nicholas then turned towards the wall and motioned towards the woman to utilize her axe against the wall.

“Hey, you, drool-dick! Why not fight me like a man you bitch? Scared my “little” ass can take you in a one-on-one? Come on you fuck!” Grayeson yelled towards the room, hoping to get the oversized man’s attention.

All he could hope for was she caught his intention of distracting the maniac and Nicholas could end this permanently.
I would like to apologize to the group for my unexcused absence. I had some occupational hazards to take care and that delayed my responses to the roleplay. If there is any way I can inform you beforehand, I will do so. Allow me some time to catch up and I'll make sure to post before the end of the night my time.
@Dungeon Blaster

The guy you had brushed by Nicholas never skipped "leg day." That line, just made my day!

*proceeds with his squats*
This should spell for an interesting tell then.
Maroon would be the best color.
Marcus's hair is salt and pepper, with his eyes being emerald green.
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