Avatar of YourSecretWeapon
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    1. YourSecretWeapon 10 yrs ago


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It was near closing time and like every other day, the last visitors of Youtopia were making their way to the exit. Alec was cleaning up after another succesful entertaining event when his A.I. assistent Alice beeped more frequently than usual. "Alec, I am detecting anomalies at the front gate." she said with a female yet electronical voice.
Alec looked in the general direction of the park's entrance. "Let's go see what all the fuss is about then. I was about to head to the showers anyway."

At the entrance, there seemed to be people upset over something. "Excuse me, miss, what seems to be the problem?" he asked one of them. "The gates are locked, we can't get out!" the woman in question practically yelled back.
Alec frowned and tried to open the gates. She was right. "That is odd..." he mumbled to himself. "Alice, could you ask the staff what is going on?" Alice beeped a few times and then replied "I am sorry, Alec, no one seems to be available."

Alec frowned again and noticed how the people trapped inside were getting more and more restless, even agressive towards each other. "Alice, try to contact Adeline." Alice beeped a few times again. "I was succesful in contacting her. She should be on her way. Despite that, Alec still felt worried. "I have a bad feeling about this, Alice."
"Not much, Mable here was making some new friends." Kjolmar tried hard not to sound sarcastic and even smiled while keeping a straight face.
"And Noibat was so exited he almost left without us." He winked at Noibat playfully.

"Right, you are from around here, Aro. Where do we go for our first gym?"

You are at a theme park called 'Youtopia' (and yes, you think that name is the worst, lol) where every zone is themed by time periods in history: Prehistoric Valley, Medieval Parc, Mount Future,... Everything seems pretty normal at first but soon you find out that Youtupia has something magical but also very creepy about it. Luckily for you, you feel quite magical yourself (yeay, superpowers!) that will help you defend against the threats.

Character sheet

My character
Name: Alec Drogen
Ability: quantum phasing (incorporeal form)
Appearance: Semi-long darkblond hair, sapphire-blue eyes, buttoned black shirt on grey pants
Personality: Energetic, creative and cheerful but also impulsive and reckless
Background: No one knows this but Alec had a rough childhood and was very bitter for many years. At a certain point something happened (I'll keep this a secret for now) that changed him into the positive person he is today. If you meet him now, you'd never guess that he used to be any different than what you see. Alec has a job at Youtopia as an event planner. He has an assistant robot called Alice who follows him around and usually stresses about his impulsive behavior, as Alice is programmed to be logical and calm.
"Then why would they...?" Kjolmar pondered out loud while Mable confronted the two trainers with their Meowth. She occused them of sneaking around. A bit presumptious, Kjolmar thought. Before he could get into it, he noticed Noibat flying off. "Noibat? Where are you going?" Kjolmar immediatly started to chase his pokemon. "Wait up buddy!"

Noibat flew towards Lake Verity and stopped at the side of the lake. Kjolmar arrived out of breath. "Hey, what are you doing?" Something moved inside the lake but it was unclear what it was. Noibat flew towards Kjolmar's belt with pokeballs and hovered near one of the two pokeballs that weren't empty anymore. Kjolmar looked rather confused. "What is it? Do you want him to come out? I don't think that's a good idea right now. Come on buddy, let's get back to the others." Noibat landed in Kjolmar's arms and let him carry him.

Back in Sandgem, the commotion about the trainers with their Meowth seemed to have calmed down. "Sorry about that, I don't know what Noibat was up to. Are you guys ready to start our adventure?"

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mable. Like Aro, I will be waiting outside the lab in ten minutes."

On his way outside, Kjolmar noticed someone sneaking into a room near the entrance. Since no one else saw that, he decided to follow the stranger into a side room. Upon entering, he heard three voices talking to each other about getting as much Sinnoh pokemon as possible. "Oh, you're not from Sinnoh either?" he asked them bluntly.

They turned around and were surprised to see him. A bit uneasy even.

"I am terribly sorry for interrupting." Kjolmar continued, "I accidentally overheard your conversation about catching wild pokemon. You must be very exiting."

It was only then that he saw one of them was a pokemon, a Meowth. The blue-haired man looked very confused after Kjolmar's words. "Catching wild poke-..." But the paink-haired woman quickly interrupted her partner. "Why, yes indeed! We are trainers, obviously. My name is Jesse and these are James and Meowth. We are from Kanto."

Kjolmar smiled widely. "Kanto, huh? I might go there one day. It's nice to meet you, I am Kjolmar."

Jesse took a step closer. "Say Kjolmar, could you do us a favor and not tell anyone you saw us here? We are planning a birthday surprise for Professor Rowan and it has to remain a secret."

"Ofcourse!" Kjolmar said, completely unaware of Jesse's lie. "Well, good luck with the surprise. I have to go and meet my Sinnoh travel partners outside."

Once outside, the first thing he noticed were Aro and Mable. Noibat went straight for Luna again. "Hey guys, I feel like we should buy Rowan a present before we go. Did you know it is his birthday?"
While Noibat took a particular interest in Luna, Kjolmar seemed a bit hesitant towards Aro. "Are you sure you are motivated enough to succesfully complete this task?" he asked bluntly. The tone of his voice was sincere. Worried that be might have sounded judging, he quickly added "Breeding an egg may sound like a hassle but I promise it will be worth it the second you see it hatch."

By now, Noibat had landed next to Luna. Every now and then Noibat got tired of flying and reached for the floor.

"I hear you are a local." Kjolmar continued "That means you can guide us to the first city with a gym, right? Oh I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean to be rude by not formally introducing myself. Name's Kjolmar and I come from Lumiose city in Kalos. Two years ago, I made it to the top 8 in the Lumiose Conference. Last year I went to Unova and reached even the top 4! Who knows, maybe here in Sinnoh you and I will play the finals?"


Jump right in :)
- We're in Sinnoh but you can be from any region with pokemon from any gen.
- You start with max 2 pokemon. One of them has to be in it's first stage. No legendaries.
- That is all :) Enjoy!
Kjolmar, a blond young boy with blue eyes, was walking through Sandgem Town while a Noibat was playfully flying circles around him. At the local laboratory, he walked up to someone who looked like he was an assistant. "Excuse me, I'm here for Professor..." Kjolmar peered at the name he wrote at the back of his hand. "...for Professor Rowan. Could you tell him Kjolmar from Kalos is here?"

While he waited for Rowan to arrive, he looked around him as if he was searching for someone else too. "He isn't here yet." he told his Noibat, who responded with a soft agreeing growl.

"Ah, Kjolmar! Welcome!" the voice of Rowan suddenly sounded from the distance. "I am so glad you have decided to take on the Sinnoh League. You will find quite some similarities with the Kalos region."

Kjolmar smirked and showed a badge case with 16 badges. "Yeah, that's what they said in Unova. I hope Sinnoh will prove to be at least equally challenging."

Rowan nodded firmly. "I am sure it will. Have you brought many of your pokemon with you?"

It was Kjolmar's third region and he had captured quite some pokemon along the way. However, he decided to leave most of them at home with his sister. It was the first time he would travel without her and he wanted her to have lots of company. "I only brought two of my pokemon. The rest of them are staying with Alice in Lumiose."

While he tried to hide it, Rowan raised an eyebrow. "I see... Say, could you hatch an egg for me during your journey? And when it hatches, teach it how to battle? You'd do me a great favor and I'll let you keep the pokemon as long as you are staying in this region."

As Kjolmar put the egg in his backpack, Noibat sniffed it in curiosity.
We're waiting for @jetipster I think :)
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