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    1. yPro 9 yrs ago


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It helps, sometimes. I've seen it used effectively sometimes, though usually in advanced posts, and then just for dialogue so everyone can see what is being referred/responded to.

Anyways, I'm just sitting here waiting for the boss to post to get a roll on, cuz Shukra's just sitting out on a rock swishing his tail back and forth while Narza watches it tantalizingly.
<Snipped quote by yPro>

Narza: "Play rough? So they play games with each other?" Kitty tail...

Shukra: "Games for adults. I'll tell you when you're older. If you get older, that is."
<Snipped quote by Elitestpotato>

Narza: "What would he do that would break her?" *tilts head curiously*

Shukra: "Well, you see, when to people like each other a lot - or, at least, think each other is pretty - they like to play rough."
A whole village worth of people?
So, during the after-raid team meeting, is anyone else going to bring up team killing or will that be Shukra's job? Also, cohesion and cooperation.
"I don't know about you, but I have been a wonderfully good person to those villagers."
While others were out making a slaughter of the village, Shukra was lifting burning and collapsed buildings off of trapped humans, kicking away bloodthirsty minions, and overall making himself look like the least evil creature among the horde that had come down into the village. Once or twice he'd even punched out one of his own orcs, just to push home the point that any who could be saved would be. In all honesty, he almost wished that he could let some go, just to spread the tales of both horror and heroism throughout the southern half of the continent. But, orders were orders, after all, and nothing more could be done of it.

So, once he had collected himself eight men, two women, and one child. However, now, he came across a group of fleeing militiamen. When they saw the group of villagers following him around like lost puppies, they rose their weapons at him. Shukra shook his head, and said, "Don't do this. You'll be throwing your lives away." Of course, calm and reasonable words were no where near enough to calm angry, desperate people. So, when the first man charged and his poorly crafted spear broke against Shukra's armor, the rakshasa's hand darted out and crushed the man's skull with a single punch. The second of the five came at him with a sword, which the tiger blocked with the backside of his gauntlet, the edge of the iron cracking against it. His maw opened, revealing his sharp teeth, and a stream of fire came out with his breath, incinerating the human.

The other three immediately threw down their weapons and turned to flee, but by this point just as many orcs had appeared, brandishing their weapons. They turned back to Shukra, who was standing there with his arms spread and a smile on his face. "Well, now that that is over, how about we just calmly file in with the others so that you get to continue your lives elsewhere. At least I will not force you all into slavery for someone else's amusement." Considering their options, it was not much of a surprise that they filed in with the the rest. Shukra looked around at the devastated village, and finally noticed the giant rune being formed.

He let out a growl, then called out through the village, "All orcs, return to the hills! Our work here is done." With that, he began marching his men out of the ruins, through the fields that were still being stripped by his Team C. He considered letting them finish, but it had been, what, twenty minutes? Between the ten of them, they'd filled up about six of their baskets, so he ordered them to come on out as well. By the time he reached the top of the hill, Team's A and C had arrived with him, and half of Team B had as well, bringing with them five more women and two more children.

All in all, he considered this a success. Seven women, three children, and eleven men. All of which he could use for something or another.
Shukra gonna rek a bitch. Five deaths. I'm blaming That Which Consumes Peace for all of them. Narza's too adorable to kill an orc.
Shukra is the hero peasants need.
"Come, come, we're already late, we don't want to miss out, do we?" Shukra shook his head, and double the pace of his march. Already below him, the massacre had begun, much to his annoyance. With that, he and the fifty orc warriors he had brought from his force marched down the hill, the men already breaking up into smaller units. It was a work of art, no orders given to make the savages do as he wanted. They'd been trained well.

The orcs, in their patchwork iron and fur armor, had assembled into three units: One of ten, one of twenty, and second of ten. Shukra did not even glance behind him to make sure everyone was where they needed to be. He knew that they were. "Team C, go to the fields and secure the crops. Anyone fucks with them, take it as a personal insult. Go." With a quick "Yes, sir!" the ten orcs jogged off, pots and baskets in hand. "Team B, secure survivors. Any and all that do not raise a hand to you are to be gathered in the courtyard, preferably unharmed. Go." The team of twenty left with even less fuss, though many were likely miffed about not being able to kill like they wished. Finally, he and his team headed towards the northern side of the village. "Ready your bows, boys. You'll be killing any who try to escape. And do try not to miss. I'd rather that archery training have not been wasted." The final team departed, leaving Shukra to stand just outside the village.

Clearing his throat and using a little magic, he shouted into the sky, voice amplified so that all around could hear him. "Good people of this village, cease your struggle! The time has come to rid yourself of your shackles, to become men of your own! Surrender yourselves to the orcs, and claim your allegiance to them! All under their protection will be under my protection! You will become mine, and I will keep you safe from the horrors that now threaten to slaughter your men and rape your women!"

With that, he began to stroll through the little village, to "save" all that he could. Life under him was better than no life that all.
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