Avatar of zackattack279
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    1. zackattack279 8 yrs ago


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Hey, it's been a long time but I'm back and trying to write again! Long time DnD/Pathfinder player looking to expand his creative writing!

Most Recent Posts

Power is still out after the recent hurricane, I will try to read and post when my school opens back up
Power is still out, I may get posts up while at school but it will be hard after missing a week of school
Been preparing for a hurricane myself, power should be back up today and myself posting soon
Color me interested for a MMORPG player, maybe some MOBA too but I'm pretty awful at those lol
Everyone doing alright? Seems a little dead here
Terrin & Serena

Lost in thought Terrin hadn’t noticed Ava wander off. Terrin mindlessly grabbed for his cup to notice it was empty, not only that but he was sitting alone at the table. Slightly panicked he scanned the surrounding area and found her at a nearby shop. Some shady looking man approached her, Great, what is she getting herself into this time… Terrin began to eavesdrop on them by listening to the whispers of the wind.

This man was selling himself as some sort of private investigator and Terrin wasn’t buying it. Before he knew it Ava agreed to the proposal and walked off with him, Damn it all, the first day she’s out here and she finds trouble. Terrin laid payment and a tip for the drinks and began to follow them from a distance; he noticed some larger men hanging around an alleyway the ‘tracker’ was walking her towards. This is going to be more of a brawl than I thought, I better take a better view of the situation.

A break from my studies is just what I needed, what a nice looking town Serena thought to herself as she walked the streets of Ossilon. She had heard about the festival of seasons quite a bit from the people she used to talk to in the Tower. It had peaked her interest, so she had decided to take a break from her studies in order to travel to partake in the festivities. While passing the cafe, she noticed a suspicious half elf following a human and elf couple. What is he doing? Staff in hand, she decided to tail the half elf to find out what he was up to.

Terrin watched as the two men began to follow what he assumed was their boss. Terrin rounded the building and looked to see if there were any on-lookers; satisfied by the lack of attention Terrin shot himself up the building with a jump aided by his powers. He tracked them from the rooftops waiting for a time to strike; seeing Ava getting grabbed, Terrin was about to pounce but then the next thing he saw was a blinding light produced by Ava herself. Terrin quickly attempted to rub the light from his eyes to see Ava running away from the goons. Terrin quickened his pace back across the rooftops following Ava in her attempt to escape. The thugs recovered and began the chase again, running on flat land gave them more speed than Terrin running across various materials and roof pitching, catching up to her the grabbed her and slammed her into the nearby fence. They struck the poor, scared elf girl in his company and he needed to hold himself back from jumping in then and there, he needed to think this through. I need to cause a distraction, there is too much for me to fight alone. How to do this… ”Hey! What do you think you’re doing?!” Terrin’s thought interrupted by some other elf yelling at the men, Who in the hell is that? And what does she think she’s trying to do?

Serena continues to follow the half elf until he rounded the corner, she picks up her pace a bit, only to notice that he was suddenly on the rooftops. She continues to follow on the ground, attempting to make it look as if she WASN’T following. As she was about the pass the alleyway, there was suddenly a flash of light coming from it. Serena stopped in her tracks. A few moments later, the elf , wearing a white dress and cloak, trying to run out of the alleyway. Serena, frozen in her tracks, watches as the humans bolted down the alleyway after the girl. Coming to her senses, Serena hollered after them ”Hey! What do you think you are doing?!” Break from studies indeed Serena thought as she gives chase after the humans and elf.

Serena continues to race after the, in her opinion, thugs chasing the poor elf girl until they finally caught up to her, grabbing her cloak and throwing her into a wooden fence. As Serena was catching up , the thugs punched the girl in the stomach and attempted to subdue her. Serena yelled “Leave her alone!” as she releases a blast of water from her staff at the human holding the elf. The force of the blast sends the thug flying back, releasing the elf from his grasp as he tumbled away.

“What the hell is happening?!” yelled the ringleader of this little group. What is going on? Terrin tried to quickly think on what was happening, Looks like this new elf is friendly at least. ”Ava! Get away from them! ordered Terrin as he jumped down onto the thug still standing, surprised from the sudden magic burst from the new found threat. Terrin’s boot struck the man’s skull with a resounding thud as Terrin crashed with him into the wall near where Ava was dropped. Terrin helped Ava to her feet and sent her back to the elf, magi he assumed, that was assisting him. ”Make sure she’s alright and safe, I can handle the rest, the sound of metal grinding on metal reverberated in the small space as Terrin pulled out his daggers held in reverse grip stance. He faced the group of dastards and demanded in a voice as cold as steel, ”Now, tell me you bastards, how would you like to die for your crimes?” “Ha! You think you can take the three of us on little punk?” taunted the leader as his goons began to regroup around him, “Deal with him you two,” he ordered as the hulking men made their way towards Terrin, brandishing blades of their own.

As the girl ran over to Serena, she asks her “Are you ok? Here is some money, i want you to head over to the inn for now and rest, don’t worry about us!” and ushers the elf behind her. Seeing that the goons were beginning to regroup and approach the half elf, serena conjured up 3 smaller bolts of water and hurled them at the thugs. ”Don’t think you are going to have all the fun here. I intend to help!” she says to the half elf, now armed with his daggers. Turning her attention to the thugs, Serena screams You hear that? I’m still here, lowlife scum!” as she prepares to attack again.

Water flies over Terrin’s head into the faces of the men in front of him; using the momentary distraction Terrin closed in on the target to his right ready to strike. ”Alright elf! You take the guy on the left!" ordered Terrin as he lashes out at the man’s sword hand cutting deep and forcing him to drop the weapon as he grunts in pain; Terrin follows up with a blow to the temple with the hilt of his dagger. The man stood his ground, striking Terrin’s face with the meat of his large fist; all Terrin saw was a bright light and what almost looked like stars in his vision, almost collapsing from the sheer force. Terrin took a step back and tossed his left dagger; the dagger landed deep the fighter’s stomach. Terrin launched himself forward in a gust of wind landing a flying kick square in his solar plexus, sending the man sprawling, gasping for air.

”With pleasure,” Serena said as she launched a rather large ball of ice at the guy on the left. The ball slams right into the thugs stomach, knocking him to the ground. The burly man got up and started to charge at Serena. Seeing this, Serena covered the ground in front of her a thick layer of ice. The thug slips on the ice and begins to fall in front of Serena, but not without his fist flying into her stomach. Wincing in pain from the blow, Serena summons a massive orb of ice above the thug and slams it down on the guy, crushing and holding him in place before taking a step back to turn her attention to the ringleader.

The leader, watching his defense being torn asunder, began to panic and run away only to be grabbed by a sphere of water by Serena. She then proceeds to slam the ringleader back and forth between the walls of the alleyway a few times before sending the orb of water into the ground, the bubble bursting as it hits the ground. The leader, coughing up blood, screamed, “What the hell do you want from-” he was cut short by Terrin’s boot hitting him in the ribs. "I want justice.” Terrin held his hand out towards the pathetic man and began to slowly force the air from his lungs. The battered man’s face began turning blue as he could only mutter, “St-p, -ease,” as his life force ebbed away from him.

”W...wait!,” interjected Serena as she watched as the event unfolded. ”There’s no need to kill him, please, stop! Let us just turn him into the authorities and allow him to pay for his crimes properly. There is no way that your friend was the only victim of this hoodlum.”

Terrin looked at this elf pleading for this human-waste’s life and did not heed until the man stopped moving. After he was sure he was unconscious, Terrin let the fool breathe peacefully. ”I guess I’ll agree to your wishes, I’d prefer him dying for his crimes, he deserves no better." Terrin replied curtly as he walked over the man with his knife embedded in him and swiftly pulled the blade out, having a fresh torrent of blood pour out. Terrin ripped some fabric from the man’s shirt and pressed it against the open wound, ”Go fetch the guards then, I’ll make sure this one stays alive. For now.”

”Thank you for listening, you are not wrong about deserving death, but it would be a shame to stoop to their level,” Serena said. “I will be right back with the guards, they can handle the rest.” Serena runs off, finding the nearest guards she can find and brings them back to the alleyway. Serena explains to the guards of the situation that happened, luckily the two magi here were able to take care of the incident; the guards ,taking the men into custody, didn’t really ask questions while they did so.

”Thank you for the help," Terrin said as he walked past the elf, ”Now I must get to Ava.” “It was no trouble at all, sir, I was just doing what I think any good person would do in such a situation,” said Serena. “Do you mind if I come with you? I’d like to see if she is alright.” Terrin looked back for a second, ”I’m not one to stop you. You helped me save her and if that is what you wish then go ahead." Without a break in stride Terrin kept walking. Serena followed close behind.

“.... Serena. Serena Kallasa’an at your service.” Serena said, extending her arm to the half elf. He looked quizzically at this woman, Serena, ”Terrin," giving her a quick shake as he walked faster, seemingly in a rush. Serena sped up to match Terrin’s pace. After a long pause of just walking, Serena said “sooooo…. How did you come to meet that elf friend of yours, can’t say you see an elf hanging around a-” ”What? A dirty half-elf?" he interjected, flaunting his rounded ears. “Ooooh, wait, that’s not at all what I was saying. I hadn’t meant any offense, kind sir.” Serena quickly said, feeling bad for what she was about to say. Terrin just let out a huff, ”Sorry, my fault. I just assume everyone feels the same way about people like me, I’ll remember you don’t." Serena replied “Oh, not at all! The Tower is full of magi of all races, it’s just one huge melting pot. Surely you remember that from your time there, right?” Oh, she thinks I’m a magi. Might as well keep up the façade then. ”Oh yeah, I guess. Since you’re not one of them you weren’t subject to it, it’s not as nice a place as you might think."

Walking into the closest inn, Terrin and Serena saw Ava waiting near the reception desk. Terrin quickly walks to Ava’s side and whispers in her ear ”We need to leave quick, once that guy wakes up he may try to rat you out as some bargaining chip. Let’s go." Grabbing Ava’s hand Terrin begins to leave the place at once, ”Here’s the money you gave her and then some for the help," he gives Serena about twice the amount of gold given and walks out.

“Hey, wait a moment, I just wanted to see if you were ok, miss,” Serena says as she follows them out of the inn.
@FallingSkies Are you still interested in doing one from SAO?

The briefing of of the mission was short and sour, the way he's used to things; back in the Blue Suns you got your mission and you liked it, not like you had the choice. When Tarrin mentioned his confiscated weapons Reezan perked up and was anxious to get his old friend back.

Right before he left he heard the other Turian, Arlus, complaining about the mission. Reezan couldn't deal with cowardice, sure he took a long distance approach to things but when he was sent out, he got results. "This is our mission Arlus, there is no point wondering if anyone else can do our job for us." Reezan stated coldly and walked down to the storage bay himself.

Reezan found his gun quickly, after all it was easy to spot, a M-98 Widow, modified with a silencer, with a Blue Suns paint job. He didn't like the colors but it was the rifle issued to him so it became his own. Reezan took it to the weapon tables near the crew storage lockers and began to perform upkeep.

The Widow has seen better days, some of the parts were jammed and the barrel was filthy. While cleaning he spotted an old memory on the side of his rifle, a row of tally marks that he made with his omni-blade representing his past kills. It marked 44 as of now and he only felt he'll need to start on the other side soon enough, I think I'm getting tired of all the killing, but it's what I have to do. he somberly let out a sigh of exhaustion.
@RyderTheWriterI am 100 percent certain that I do not know lol

Worried thoughts ran through Terrin's mind, What to do now? What is the first step. I talked big and got myself into this situation now how do I actually help her? He was thinking so quickly that he almost didn't hear his partner next to him. "Well I've been around this country for about a century, but I've only had extended contact with you and a few tradesmen that I sold skins to, he looked over to her and gave a reassuring smile, "I'm in the same boat as you, I need to learn to play along with others again." he concluded with his own laugh.

The large gates of the town was the first indication of its size but the town square was bustling with people. Strangely there were other races in the mix, dozens of humans, several gnomes and even a dwarf or two; elves hanging paper lanterns and being aggressive with sales could only mean some festivities are going on. This is good Terrin smiled to himself, Ava will be able to mingle easier with such a friendly atmosphere aroun- his thought interrupted by feeling Ava's shoulder brush against his.

He looked to his right to see Ava making herself look smaller, nervousness in her eyes while holding her right arm. Terrin slipped in front of Ava to walk on her right side to give her an extra shield for her mark, to put her at ease. Spotting an open-air cafe, he pointed it out to Ava, the hike here being rather tiring, and he brought her to a table; he held out the chair for her to sit and called a waiter over and ordered tea for the two of them, "So, we've not been to this town before, what is going on around here? he asks the waiter in fluent Elvish. "Oh," he smiles at Ava and gives Terrin a side glance, "It is time for the change of the season festival, we always celebrate the change to autumn." he informs as he goes inside to prepare the drinks.

Suddenly a chilling breeze blows through the square bringing with it the feeling of approaching winter. Seeing his lightly dressed partner Terrin stood from his seat, unclasped his cloak and draped it over her, "This will keep you warm, it helped me many times out in the wild. Also it will help with your forearm problem. A tide of good cheer will always be appreciated but there was business to discuss, "How are you doing so far?" he asked, genuinely concerned, "I know you may not want to think about it, but what do you think the first step may be in finding them?" Terrin could feel the air grow dense, the people may be smiling, but there was something bad coming soon, he just wished he knew what.
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