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Irisity said
Now that you mention it, how do you guys want our characters to meet up? Fight the same boss and save everyone's butts or something totally different like a PvP challenge? I'm all up for suggestions.

Boss fight seems the best team-builder, in my opinion.
Well with two tank-oriented characters, we shouldn't wipe (too bad) on any bosses at least.
*EDIT: I'll change anything that you deem needed to change. Posting in this to avoid double-posting. Kind of basing this off the assumption we'll possibly time-skip to when our characters are more leveled (since players start with 2 skill slots, but we're making our sheets with 4) but I'm not opposed to changing or entirely re-writing if necessary.

Character's username/what they go by: Bjorn

Real name: Dresh Borlin

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Skills: (Three to four, the skills they focus most on. No special abilities such as dual wielding): Heavy metal equipment, parry, two-handed straight sword, Howl

Picture: (anime)

Weapon: (No pulling weapons that look suspiciously like Kirito's or Asuna's): Refer to picture

Gear: (Description or picture. Put stats if you like.): Refer to picture. Prefer to leave stats off for now.

Short bio: Dresh was an average introverted gamer with a penchant for athleticism. Upon reaching adult hood, however, drifted around with no real direction in life, staying too hooked to video games. After going through an odd phase of life, and the death of his parents in an accident, he started to change and become more driven, more focused, and enlisted into the U.S. Marines, where-upon he got one of the rarer deploys into one of the bases into Japan. He was a decent shot, took well to the life of discipline and high-standards, and always kept his mind on what he wanted, and worked toward it. Because of this, he reached Lance Corporal fairly quickly. His introverted nature kept him distant from his fellow brothers in arms, and made the basic levels of NCO leadership simple and forth-coming for him. He got into SAO when it was time for the hard-copies to get released and the nerve gear associated with out of his old habits of video gaming, and wanted a new time sink to explore during his off hours.

Personality in the game: I’m reserving this for once the RP kicks up.

Personality in real life: Fair, critical, and assertive. While introverted by heart, he does not shy away from conflict or challenges. Those around him have always been held to high-standards, in terms of military. He does not judge without proper reason and evaluation of the person first, and looks pasts the “face-value” of everyone, looking deep down for the inner motivation, what makes them do the things they do.

Their thoughts on being stuck in SAO: “If God had a sense of humor, he’d probably would kill me off in the first night in this virtual prison… too bad he stuck a Marine in here.”
Still looking for more characters by chance?
I'm interested in this. These kind of RPs tend to always last longer than the other kinds. Going to kindly reserve making a character sheet until more interest is shown, though, since this is an interest check.
To initially clear things up, I'll be the male in this RP.

Title says the main gist of it. I want to get an in-depth RP going that's entirely focused on survival. The setting can really be anything. Post apoc' world, zombies, spin-off of a video game (Star Wars, Fallout, Warcraft, Elder Scrolls, ect.), or a survival scene that's built up in a universe established by a book series. I have several ideas in my head, but it's extremely early in the morning right now (2 am as I'm typing this up) and would rather find someone who's interested in the same base-idea as me and work up an idea from the bottom-up.

I do not care for the length of posts. The quality is all that matters. Two paragraphs a post is good enough for me. All I ask is that attention to detail, character growth and development, and a good idea of what we're doing is put into each post. Mature themes will be present if you want them to be. I'll write nearly anything and everything, so long as there's ample reason for it to be present in the RP.
I've been wanting to do a Gaidin for quite some time, Wheel of Time would be a nice change from these other trend of RPs I see lately.
Question. Does every House have to be rather notable and powerful, or are we able to be small with some kind of a niche that makes them important?
Another bump.
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