Avatar of Zealous Blade
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    1. Zealous Blade 10 yrs ago


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The Stellar Express

His home was a wreck and he just wanted to get away. So, when the night was right, he finally went through with it. Leaving everything behind Edwin took off into the darkness and did not dare glimpse back. He had no destination in mind. Wherever he ended up was where he ended up. Anything was better than being driven mad by those who were supposed to care about him the most.

Hours passed and the woods which blanketed Edwin from the moon's light dissipated. A field stretched out before him, the slight breeze tilting its grass. It was then that he was first able to appreciate the stars in the night sky, how they sprinkled its black canvas like glitter. Edwin kept his head up for as long as his neck would support it. Once he was satisfied, he started to rest his gaze.

Rocketing his eyes back up was the howl of a whistle followed by the screech of...brakes? Edwin was petrified by disbelief as descending from the sky, taking form from a swarm of tiny lights, was what appeared to be a steam engine pulling a line of coaches. The train came to a stop right before him and the door to one of its many coaches opened. Edwin peered inside to see if there were any passengers. No one greeted him.

Edwin remained motionless for well over fifteen minutes. The train did not move.

"Fine," he conceded.

Would he regret his next decision? Only time had the answer. Reminding himself that he had nothing to lose he climbed into the coach. The door gently closed behind him and the train started.

As he settled into his seat, the soft leather massaging the tense nerves in his back, Edwin lost the apprehension he felt. He looked out the window and watched as the field passed him by. Tiredness overtook him and his eyes creaked shut. He was sure he would be fine no matter where the train was headed.

"Welcome," a nurturing voice crawled into his ear. "Enjoy your trip."

There is a field on which no building may stand, in which no tree may grow. A field where hundreds of people have allegedly vanished over the years. While no one knows the exact reason behind this phenomenon, local townsfolk have frequently reported the passing of a train in the thick of the night. Strange as no tracks run through the area.

The next day a bed that should have been slept in is found empty and another community is left wondering why.

Over the years a sort of folktale has sprung. They say that a train sent from the heavens drops onto the earth to pick up those who truly feel displaced and to take them where they are meant to be. However, this is only a tale crafted from the mouths of the superstitious and bolstered into theory by the need for an explanation.

Those who remain do not know if there is really a train that stops in the field affectionately named the Station of the Taken by locals. They aren't too eager to find out either as all of its trips have been one way.
The Stellar Express

His home was a wreck and he just wanted to get away. So, when the night was right, he finally went through with it. Leaving everything behind Edwin took off into the darkness and did not dare glimpse back. He had no destination in mind. Wherever he ended up was where he ended up. Anything was better than being driven mad by those who were supposed to care about him the most.

Hours passed and the woods which blanketed Edwin from the moon's light dissipated. A field stretched out before him, the slight breeze tilting its grass. It was then that he was first able to appreciate the stars in the night sky, how they sprinkled its black canvas like glitter. Edwin kept his head up for as long as his neck would support it. Once he was satisfied, he started to rest his gaze.

Rocketing his eyes back up was the howl of a whistle followed by the screech of...brakes? Edwin was petrified by disbelief as descending from the sky, taking form from a swarm of tiny lights, was what appeared to be a steam engine pulling a line of coaches. The train came to a stop right before him and the door to one of its many coaches opened. Edwin peered inside to see if there were any passengers. No one greeted him.

Edwin remained motionless for well over fifteen minutes. The train did not move.

"Fine," he conceded.

Would he regret his next decision? Only time had the answer. Reminding himself that he had nothing to lose he climbed into the coach. The door gently closed behind him and the train started.

As he settled into his seat, the soft leather massaging the tense nerves in his back, Edwin lost the apprehension he felt. He looked out the window and watched as the field passed him by. Tiredness overtook him and his eyes creaked shut. He was sure he would be fine no matter where the train was headed.

"Welcome," a nurturing voice crawled into his ear. "Enjoy your trip."

There is a field on which no building may stand, in which no tree may grow. A field where hundreds of people have allegedly vanished over the years. While no one knows the exact reason behind this phenomenon, local townsfolk have frequently reported the passing of a train in the thick of the night. Strange as no tracks run through the area.

The next day a bed that should have been slept in is found empty and another community is left wondering why.

Over the years a sort of folktale has sprung. They say that a train sent from the heavens drops onto the earth to pick up those who truly feel displaced and to take them where they are meant to be. However, this is only a tale crafted from the mouths of the superstitious and bolstered into theory by the need for an explanation.

Those who remain do not know if there is really a train that stops in the field affectionately named the Station of the Taken by locals. They aren't too eager to find out either as all of its trips have been one way.

Count me interested.
I would love to get on this if you'll have me.
I'll also be up for some rolls as well.
Here he was, a new country a new adventure. However, this time, Norvell wasn't around to sight see. He had a goal and was going to do everything within his power to achieve it. He was aware that there were others who would oppose him and he was fully prepare to slaughter them if he meant accomplish what he hoped to. Don't get him misconstrued, Norvell by no means intended to do harm to others. Every act he committed was for the sake of the greater good - or so that was his reasoning. He had come a long way to Japan. It was his first time in the country and he had no intention of it being his last. As he stepped off the train arriving in Rokuro City, ignoring all the stares of civilians as they passed by, Norvell smiled. There were preparations to be made hastily.

The White Night of Klarsberg was why Norvell had come to Rokuro City all the way from America. He needed to compete to reach the Origin of Magic - thing very thing that would allow him to reshape the world for the better. For too long he watched as those with power abused it while the weak cowered without any of their own. With the Origin of Magic at his disposal he hoped to change the distribution of power throughout the world and create a new hierarchy with him on top. Slipping out of a restaurant with a drink in his hand, Norvell dwelt on the conflict to come as he slurped on the straw. The impending destruction to the city would be a necessary evil in the pursuit of balance. This was his only chance. Failure surely meant death.

After he finished his drink, Norvell tossed into a trash bin and resumed his trek through Rokuro. His first priority was to get a good consensus of the city's layout and geography. If it was to be his battleground he would need to have proper knowledge of the area or else he would be at a clear disadvantage - which he already was considering that he was completely foreign to Japan. Norvell began learning Japanese before his arrival to the country but his mastery of the language was barely novice at best. He even struggled to order his drink, the language barrier resulting in the cashier messing up his order and giving him the wrong flavor of beverage. Oh well, Norvell was going to stay hung up on it. There were more important matters for the mage to tend to. Enemies were certain to be lurking about and there was no telling when one when spring.
Posting later today.
Checking in. I'm still around.

  • Name: Norvell Perard
  • Age: 33
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: Norvell is a tall light brown skinned man with a long, oblong shaped head that is shaved, the only hair on it being the goatee on his face. His facial features are chiseled and his small eyes are brown. He prefers to dress in high class attire with his usual outfit consisting of a red sweater, black pants, and a long black long coat
  • Personality: A man guided by his objectives, Norvell focuses primarily on penultimate outcomes when making decisions and seldom dwells on the implications of the steps taken to reach them. If people happen to die along the way then oh well, life wasn't promised to last forever. He believes that the ends more than makes up for the means, and as long as his cause is just then his actions performed in the name of that cause are also just. He vehemently refuses to entertain those who try to reason with him otherwise. He is an adamant man who is reluctant to allow his ideals to be tainted by outside influences. To Norvell nothing nor nobody should ever take priority over his "destiny" whether they be family, friend, foe, or his own physical limitations. He is selfish without shame and probably wouldn't take time out to help another unless he can further his own goals in doing so. Then again, in his mind achieving his goals will help bolster mankind. So what if he forgoes saving a few lives? If he accomplishes what he sets out to do then millions will surely enjoy paradise.

    Norvell's goal - or rather his "destiny" as he prefers to call it - is to effectively establish balance in the world. He believes that there are many powerful forces which have upset this balance and that they must be weakened to stabilized the world's order. Likewise, he also believes there are entities which aren't strong enough and he wishes to empower them to a point which he feels is appropriate. Third, Norvell thinks that the relationship between humanity and nature has been in steady decline throughout history and that if he can somehow renew this relationship, then mankind will be guided onto the right path. If any part of his "destiny" fails, then Norvell stresses that mankind would inevitably find itself on course to its own decimation. In reality, Norvell's ambitions are vague and they may only make sense in his head. That won't stop him from pursuing them nor reaching only thing that can bring them to fruition - the Origin of all Magic.
  • Abilities: Norvell's affinity is for earth and his abilities center on utilizing the land around him to perform spells. Norvell does not have the capability to materialize earth and must have a source of land around for his abilities to be of use. In scenarios where there is little to no land available for him to manipulate, such as being out at sea, Norvell's strongest spells would be of little to no use. Norvell's application of his earth affinity is versatile and he can utilize spells for offensive, defensive, or supplementary purposes such as immobilization of opponents by using land to trap their limbs. Offensively, Norvell can shape and project earth towards enemies whereas defensively he can use the land to create barriers against incoming attacks. Commonly, at the cost of his mobility, Norvell will partially encase his own body with earth for protection.
  • Skills: Norvell is a competent martial artist and can hold his own in hand-to-hand combat. While he is no marksman, he also knows the basics of shooting a firearm. He is also well versed in history and cultural anthropology. In addition to English, he can speak Haitian Creole, some French, and has a developing proficiency in Japanese.
  • Equipment: Norvell carries no noteworthy equipment as he relies on his hand-to-hand combat skills and magic in battle.
  • Brief Backstory: Throughout his life Norvell has witnessed firsthand the corruption of those with too much power and the uselessness of those with too little. He himself weak and powerless, he sought to become stronger so that he may one day change this dynamic. As a youth revolution became his ideal and he developed his own warped version of the social contract - people have the right to overthrow those with authority over them but they also must possess the means necessary to do so. If not, then that authority has the right to crush the rebellion and continue its oppression. Therefore, Norvell came to believe that the authority and the people under it must possess reasonable amounts of strength to keep each other from gaining too much control. Being apart of a weak and disrespected family made him an outcast among his peers which fueled the birth of ideology. He may have never come to accept it, but it is entirely possible that his ideals were conceived by his desire to gain at least the tiniest bit of recognition and self-worth. He came from a disgraced lineage and it didn't matter to most if he didn't reach his potential. So, he was going to enforce change in the order of the magical world and make it a place of equality.

    Norvell's desire for change did not apply only to the magical world but the mundane as well. Growing up he watched as people all around him became manipulated by the distractions of the modern world. He felt that these people had lost their freedom and sought to break the chains that bound them and himself. He worked harder in his training and despite his struggling he made enough progress to become noteworthy among his family which wasn't much considering how low the esteem they were held in was. He studied, acquired knowledge, and when he became of age he left home on a journey for he felt that he needed more than book knowledge to reach his zenith. He needed to gain a true understanding of the world he lived in which could only be done by seeing it. With little resources other than the novice skill he attained, Norvell put his family behind him and instead took up the life of a vagrant. He came to learn of the upcoming White Night of Klarsberg through his travels and while he originally didn't think of reaching the Origin of all Magic, he couldn't think of a better instrument for change. Norvell knew that he had to reach the Origin of Magic. No, the world needed him to or else it would fall apart.
    Plot Role: Morally Grey
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