Avatar of Zeldabit
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    1. Zeldabit 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Unfortunately on hiatus.
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9 yrs ago
School's back in; I will be on less often.
9 yrs ago
Since yesterday, I've played Fallout: New Vegas for fourteen hours.
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9 yrs ago
They called her a killer and they called her a sinner and they called her a whore.
9 yrs ago
Soon, I will no longer be the lizard queen.


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Laila couldn't quite decipher if Drest's tone was condescending or doubting at his own words or hers, and so her face heated up with embarrassment as her mind decided to settle on the thought that he was patronizing her for coming after him. To make the sudden redness worse, she felt a ridiculous amount of flattery once he complimented her name. Instinctively, she crossed her arms and turned her head, trying to hide it.

"I-If you ever find yourself needing help," she found herself saying, "Our house is just a bit down the road, to the right."

Idiot, a voice screamed in her head. That was it. If this man was evil, she'd just given up her and her family's entire life.
Laila unconsciously pulled at her own thumbs, staring through the growing darkness that seemed to build a thick wall between the two. The man surely couldn't have seen the two mages vanishing into black dust, but she wasn't sure if it was her place to tell him. After all, it could get her in trouble. There was no telling what this man could have been involved with. Nevertheless, her mouth opened seemingly on its own and the words fell from her mouth with ease.

"He used dark magick," she told him, straining to see his reaction. She felt herself stiffen at the mention of the practice. "I saw him cast a vanishing spell. Well, I-I didn't really see him cast it. I just saw the black cloud that was left."

Tugging at her thumb even harder, Laila still couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to flee. However, the man before her hadn't seemed to pose a threat toward her, and she felt it would be rude to suddenly take off. Then again, she figured, looks are deceiving. He could be plotting her downfall at this very moment.

"My father was almost a royal mage," she blurted carelessly. "If you're in danger, we could help you."

What was she doing, offering her father to this man like that? Regardless if he was once a candidate to be the royal mage, Draenik was very old, and could have forgotten most of the things he'd known before. Laila felt the sting of regret and guilt in her bosom, and her eyes fell upon her feet instead of straining to see the man.

"I'm Laila," she said, voice dropping at the last syllable because she had, once again, given terrible information, thus making herself vulnerable.
The sight of the man ambling over to her at such a slow pace was quite eerie. For a brief moment, Laila considered turning and running away. After all, what would those two dark mages have had to do with him? Perhaps he was a dark mage too. What if he purposely was luring her in as some sort of sacrifice? These thoughts raced in Laila's mind, causing anxiety to bubble up and twist her stomach into a knot. His harsh voice startled her out of her own mind, and she froze.

The first words that danced at the tip of her tongue were intended to be spoken with just as much venom, saying I thought maybe it was I who could help you. However, she hesitated, rightfully so. She stared at the man for too long of a time, trying to take in his appearance and judge his intentions and character by that. Her purple eyes glowed slightly in the moonlight, which struggled to break through the branches of the trees overhead.

"I just wanted to know if you were alright," she finally found herself saying through a pained, hoarse voice. She winced and wondered why on earth her father had let her spontaneously chase after this man like this. He was normally more cautious than that.

There must be a good reason, then, she decided. For if her father agreed to her doing something so risky, there was a reason. A logical, purposed reason.
The winter air was crisp around Laila as she read from her magick book. Just the way she liked it. There was much that she hadn't learned about magick because, well, she honestly hadn't tried. Lately, though, she'd had an unscratchable itch to study more and more. It made her father, Draenik, proud. Even now, as she sat beneath a young cedar tree, her father looked at her with pride from where he sat on the porch steps. He whittled away at a piece of wood, no doubt in Laila's mind that he was creating another wand to sell. The morning was early, and most of her brothers were still asleep. The only other one who wasn't was Jasper, but he had since ventured off into the woods. He spent a lot of time gathering herbs and other things for his potions that he sold. Most of the men in Laila's family were merchants, and she noticed that the women were typically homemakers. Laila dreamed of being the Royal Mage one day.

As Draenik prepared a bag stuffed with wands, Laila rose from her studying place and marked the page in her book, setting it on the porch railing as she approached her father. "Can I come?" she asked him, looking up at the tall man.

Draenik was a man of few words. He was content to listen rather than speak, unless he was speaking to teach his sons a valuable life lesson. As he looked down at his daughter, he nodded his head with a slight smile, throwing the bag's strap over his shoulder and gesturing for her to follow him. The two walked down a long dirt road surrounded with trees and other small houses and cabins. Along the way, Laila looked around her at the plants that grew underneath the trees. She learned from Jasper some of their names and uses, but found herself stuck at remembering the name of a particular blue plant, which she new was used to revive one's magick abilities once their energy had run out.

Laila and Draenik arrived at the market square, and quietly Draenik spread out his variety of wand sticks about a wooden table. Each wand was hand-crafted, polished, and enchanted. Draenik once had the opportunity of becoming the Royal Mage, but denied the offer, which greatly baffled Laila. She never pressed into the subject.

The sun came and went, and once it was getting ready to dip below the horizon, most people were gathering their selling things to leave while some were just arriving. Laila witnessed an encounter between one man and a strange-looking other, along with a woman. Laila made a face because she felt uneasy, though about which one she wasn't sure. Something didn't feel right, but before she could bring it to her father's attention, the man had shifted into a large cat and darted past them so quickly that Laila could not tell what animal he had shifted into. It had caused a lot of heads to turn that way, and Draenik stiffened, but said nothing. Laila looked back to the other two and gasped when all that was left was a fading cloud of black smoke. Several other people gasped, and some even shrieked.

Dark magick.

Draenik, with his bag once again around his shoulder, put his hand against Laila's back, pushing her toward the road that they'd come from. The journey home seemed long due to the tense aura around the two of them. As they neared their house, Laila could have sworn she saw that same blonde man entering a small, almost un-noticeable opening in the forest. She bid her father a silent farewell, and he let her go. She took off quietly behind the man.

"Hello?" she called out to the darkness.

Name: Laila Morrighan Beira

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Personality: Laila is not trusting of even her family. She is generally shy toward strangers, but will open up if you speak to her kindly more and more. She can be aggressive when angry, but is not quick to anger. She is mainly calm except in urgent situations.

Notable Traits: Loner.

Town: Yelvet, near Hardot

Kingdom: Serath


Eye color: Deep, bright purple

Hair color: Jet black

Build: Small, skinny

Skin tone: Pale


Birth Talent: Element bending and mild levitation

Learned Talents: Animal communication

Class: Practitioner

In the land of Parity, there lies two kingdoms: the highly-developed and flourishing Serath, and the kingdom of Aislann. For centuries, the royal family of Aislann have paid countless pons every three years to the Queen of Serath, Raine Sagress, in return for their independence, despite being a very poor and underdeveloped kingdom that would surely benefit from Serath's invasion. However, when Queen Sagress' newborn daughter goes missing, and the Queen is killed by an unknown murderer, Serath is left without a true government. Thus, for a while, Aislann is freed from its debt.

Meanwhile, away from the chaos, a sinister plan is being hatched by a group of snake-like beings who practice dark magic.

(Note: Okay, so it was a pretty bad opening, but I hope the role-play is gonna be better. For some reason, I suck at writing mysterious summaries.)
To make the creepiness of the scene worse, the black wolf before them seemed to break out in a wide, malevolent grin. So it seemed to Kiyiya, from where he kept peeking from the ground to the wolf. Betraying his gut, he let his eyes drift up to the black wolf's, and it felt like at that moment she was actually happy and radiating a kind aura. Kiyiya wouldn't take a chance to trust her.

Then, all at once, the black wolf grabbed he and Maheegan both in her mouth. Actually in her mouth. It was hot and sticky and moist and Kiyiya began to panic because he thought they were about to be eaten. This thought evaporated when the black wolf's mouth opened partially, enough to let cool and breathable air to them. Kiyiya was too afraid to look out, and besides, the wolf was running so fast into the forest that everything was a huge blur.
Relief, panic, and regret settled in when Maheegan was plopped down beside him. He kept quiet, though unconsciously whimpering lightly. The large, black wolf was just staring at them, as if visually inspecting them. Her nostrils flared repeatedly, as if she could smell them from all the way up there. Then again, she probably could. Kiyiya's nose didn't work as well as he thought it should have.

His ears perked up and he lifted his head when Maheegan stepped in front of him. He tilted his head and had the urge to roll his eyes. Maheegan didn't stand a chance against this beast. Enough to cause pain but not harm her, Kiyiya gnawed on Maheegan's back leg.
Kiyiya wanted to call out to Maheegan that she was crazy, and that she shouldn't be trying to take on any of these monsters, but the words wouldn't come out. He was frozen with shock and fear and despair and helplessness. When Maheegan lunged at the brown wolf, he thought for sure that he was about to witness his best friend die along with his village. He sniffed her feverishly and nudged her when she returned to him, thankful she was alive and making sure she wasn't hurt. When he turned back around, the same brown wolf was standing over them with a fierce expression.

Before Kiyiya could run and haul tail, or do anything to protect Maheegan, the brown wolf had snatched him up by his nape in between her teeth. Kiyiya yelped and screamed as the wolf ran with him in the direction of the chaos, straight into the slaughtering. He thought that she might throw him into the middle of the village to be savagely torn to bits by each of the wolves, but to his surprise, she brought him straight to the giant, black wolf. The black wolf was sitting calmly, watching the villagers fight and sometimes kill her pack members. The brown wolf set Kiyiya down at her feet, bowed its head, and backed away.

Kiyiya couldn't and wouldn't look at the black wolf. She was larger than any wolf he'd seen in his life, which had been quite a lot. She was almost taller than some of the buildings in the village. Kiyiya lay with his head resting on his front paws, snout pointed toward the ground. Every now and then, he'd peek at her, waiting for her to do something. Soon, the brown wolf returned with Maheegan.
Jealousy and anger welled up in Kiyiya's chest when Maheegan darted past him. Even though he had transformed, and was very obviously larger and stronger than she, he still couldn't match her swiftness. He skidded to a halt behind her, nearly running into her due to his lack of attention. Following her gaze, he stared in horrified awe as a large, black wolf wreaked havoc upon their village. Their home that they'd known all of their lives.

Many smaller wolves of varying colors and sizes aided the black one in destroying the village. Kiyiya and Maheegan watched helplessly as villagers were thrown about, gaping wounds being torn into their skin. He stared as a large, brown wolf dug into the throat of Onaiwah, the herbalist's screams piercing through his ears like a blade. They flattened against his head, and he whimpered.
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