Avatar of Zeratul2k
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Zeratul2k
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 111 (0.03 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Zeratul2k 10 yrs ago


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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to my profile page! The name's Zeratul2k though most people find that to be a mouthful and just call me Zera. I have been on the guild for quite a while, though I've had my hiatus periods due to writer's block, life drama or (last time I was gone) overworking. I don't do many RPs since I'm not a stable poster because of said job, preferring 1x1's where people are warned that I might only post once or twice a day some weeks, while others I pretty much reply within minutes of receiving a reply. I enjoy all things fantasy, sci-fi and modern, and am always willing to try out new things. I prefer to play males as my main, though, since I'm a guy, but I can play females too (but only when doubling). Oh, and smut, don't forget the smut, though I also need lots of plot or I get bored pretty easily. And last but not least, send me a message if you have an idea you want to play out!

Most Recent Posts

I want to make a post but both Doctor Geometrical Shape and Kyelin-san have yet to post...
That's up to you to decide, Phoenix. Whoever you want to be with the violence-prone (so far) Blacks or with The Council.
Ryuu continued firing at the blacks until his pistol was empty, then rolled behind cover to reload. A bullet from Kentashi's RPK ricocheted and hit Ryuu's left arm, making him drop his fresh magazine. "Fuck!" He yelled before cringing and taking it again, finished reloading his pistol, then taking out a grenade from his pocket and throwing over his shoulder towards the blacks. It was a smoke grenade, and as soon as it was thick enough to cover him, he fired several rounds in their general direction before running off to where Ageha had left with the newcomer. "Hey! Those Blacks are out of control! We need to stop them before they hurt someone else!" He said as he caught up with them, his left arm bleeding.
@Fabulous_Beings: Accepted!

No godmoding, that goes for everyone! I just wish there were a random roller in place so that we could resolve firefights impartially. I guess we'll have to go with what's best for the plot.
Jason sighed and shook his head after he checked that Becca was indeed dead. He knew what was going on, but everything seemed so weird to him that he couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, man, that was weak." He said before straightening up. "Anyway, I don't think we can do much else here..." He said, looking around the bridge before wondering what to do. He then got an idea, and went to a console to try and get a diagram of the ship.
Ryuu was about to say something else when he saw one of the member of The Blacks, the one with the light machine gun, go down and start firing at them. He ducked and took the newcomer by the wrist, thanking his stars that they were close to some half-decent cover. "Okay, sorry about that gang." He said to the newcomer as he drew his pistol, racking the slide and firing a couple rounds over his shoulder towards the ones downstairs. "Ageha! Get everyone!" He said before turning to the newcomer. "And you, follow her! I'll cover!" He added before rolling on the floor and firing at Kentashi and Daiki. The .357 SIG rounds his SIG P229 fired weren't as powerful as the 7.62x39mm of both the RPK and the AK-47, but at the range they were firing at they were as accurate and deadly as anything else.
Ryuu looked at Milo and placed his hand on his back, nodding and patting him. "Calm down, dude..." He said before noticing Kentashi and Jesse. "Look, I'll explain everything, so sit down and chill. Here." He said, taking out a handkerchief and giving it to him. "Anyway..." He said, making a pause to sigh. "You're dead." He said curtly. "This is... some kind of purgatory, I guess."
So HAL did open the pod bay doors, uh? LOL
Ryuu noticed Ageha as he was heading to the door, smiling at her and giving her a short wave of his hand as a greeting. "Good evening, Takano-san." He said, stopping as he was in front of her, under the doorway. "I was thinking we should all meet outside today and start planning an event. Something to break the routine." He said, motioning for her to follow. As he walked past one of the open windows in the hall he heard someone yelling outside, so he stopped and looked out, noticing a student sitting in the grass near the soccer field. "Oh, look, a new one." He said with a grin, then looked back at Ageha. "Can you message the rest of the team, please? Tell them we'll meet down there in the soccer field." He said, turning around and heading for the stairs to go and meet the new arrival.
Max looked at the man in front of Lillian for a moment before shivering, his fur standing on edge. He scurried behind Lillian, watching out for her tail as he looked for somewhere ELSE to go to. It seemed that no matter where he tried to escape, danger would always find him.
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