Avatar of ZeroCuero
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 93 (0.04 / day)
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    1. ZeroCuero 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
What do you mean it's 'not healthy' to use a four hour nap in the afternoon as an excuse to stay up the rest of the night
7 yrs ago
Sometimes I wonder why I have back problems, then I remember that I spent ~10 hours a day sitting down...
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7 yrs ago
I just want a nap, and perhaps some pineapple pizza...damn my gluten intolerance.
7 yrs ago
Finals are kicking my ass
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You can call me Zero.

Self-identifying gay furry.

My roleplaying skills are a bit rusty, but I have been writing since I was eight. I think that with enough time, I can become an excellent roleplaying partner. All I ask for is your patience - I am still getting used to this website, after all.

Current interests: Sci-fi/Fantasy, robots, movies, and books.
Favorite books: We Need to Talk About Kevin, House of Leaves, A Clockwork Orange, Good Omens, The Long Walk
Favorite movies: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, The Cornetto Trilogy, Heathers, American Psycho

Most Recent Posts

@Night_ Star

Ah man, that sucks. Well, rest assured that we're all accepting of you here. (Or at least we should be?? Heh)
In the time between Yoshi's brief interaction with Travis and the Occult Club president's announcement, Ai had re-positioned herself on her chair in waiting. She let one leg cross over the other, boxlike, keeping her folded hands balanced on a bouncing knee as she watched the two interact. That Travis boy seemed incredibly awkward around Yoshi. It would be adorable, if he wasn't so hapless.

She was too far to hear the content of their interaction, but based on what she could see Travis handed the other girl way too many pieces of paper for it to not be at least a little comical before that aforementioned other girl began making her way back to Ai's chair.

Already expecting Yoshi to want to continue their little decoding session, she began to retrieve the cipher paper from her pocket. Yoshi sits down, seems to make herself comfortable; Ai keeps her composure to the best of her ability when she reaches for her bag, heart stopping for the most fleeting of moments before she simply places it in her lap. The papers she got from Travis were spread across the table, and Ai brought her legs down once more so she had room to lean forward, examining.

Ai let the paper unfold against the table as she laid it adjacent to the scratch; she cleared her throat, but before she could go off on another tangent Yoshi mentioned Travis's desire to join them at their table. Well - she supposed that was okay...as long as Travis could stop being such an antisocial beta.

"Of course he can join us. Maybe he could come out of his shell a little in the company of like-minded individuals!" Briefly, she turned towards where Travis was sitting and gave him a wave.

"Aaaaaaalright, so to pick up on where we left off-"

And of course Matsushima Mitsuko had to spoil it. Upon hearing the club president clear her throat, Ai turned herself towards the desk where she was standing. Ai couldn't force herself to dislike her; there remained something integrally other about her character, something alluring...and intimidating.

So Ai listened, obedient for this one moment, taking in all of the information that she could in case a question did decide to bubble into her consciousness. So far, so good; scientific reasoning and fact, and a distaste for baseless ideas? Maybe there was a method to this madness-

And then she started talking about the "spiritual output" stuff and completely lost her.


Once Mitsuko had allowed the time for questions, Ai quickly shot her hand into the air before anyone else could - that seemed to attract enough attention, so she began, "Ah, yes, one question: how exactly are you measuring this... she raised her hands in double air-quotes, "spiritual output? And what constitutes a "proper" container for a soul?"

/Bursts through the wall, Kool-Aid man style/

Did somebody say animal hybrids? I'm all in. Consider me interested.
Man oh man do I love me an apocalypse. Consider me interested.
@Pseudo Stygian

Pridopus, having at first noticed the bartender's attention turn for the briefest of moments towards them, was juuuust about to request one of those tantalizing dishes currently surrounding them to chow down on -

- before a dark puff of fog filled the entrance of the restaurant before dissipating. Pridopus pulled their bandanna up just a bit more in an attempt to filter it out, craning their torso in the direction of the following noise. Their noise crinkled at the rotten-eggs smell emanating from it, and they would have turned back if it weren't for the newcomer's...interesting appearance. He looked - well, for lack of a better term, this guy seemed like an absolute prick.

While the newcomer chatted with two...ah, equally interesting-looking women, one of the people at the bar mentioned at this man was likely to "go away, eventually". No one else seemed that much troubled by the man and his cronies, aside from the dragonoid drunkard shouting at what appeared to be the ceiling.

Alrighty then. Pridopus wouldn't pursue it - oh, and it seems that the bartender was addressing them again. Anything imaginable, eh? Anything? because man, would they like to have their favorite comfort food right now...they twisted back around, nodding their head to show that they had heard.

And apparently this place had a Safe Room, which seemed awesome. Peace, quiet, and perhaps a rest from all of this over-stimulation? Great. Hopefully no one tries to start anything before they can do that.

Leaning in as close as possible (given their short legs), Pridopus lowered their bandanna just enough so as to make their speech comprehensible, and said, "Would you happen to have...octornapie?"

Octornapie was a curious thing. The natives of Pridopus's home realm, TRAPPIST-1d, was home to a gigantic ocean bordering its largest colony. Seeing as agriculture was quite difficult on the terraformed planet, many citizens relied on capturing whatever horrifying creatures that arose from the deep. One of these was the octornapus, a relative of the pentapus. Octornapuses are small and light blue in color, resembling some unholy mix of squid and cat. They are also, TRAPPISTligns soon learned, absolutely scrumptious when baked into a pie.

But all of that information was absolutely unnecessary to this moment anyway.

Ai's grin shrank down to a decent, natural smile at Yoshi's enthusiasm. Maybe this is what Ai ought to be doing in her spare time; not whatever the hell Occult Club is going to be, but some kind of Cryptography Club. Maybe they could exchange self-made codes, or learn the history of the study - man, that sounded much more interesting than this right about now.

When Yoshi reaches towards her bag, another sheen of sweat renewed itself against Ai's forehead. Eaugh. The baby blue button-down shirt she was wearing at the moment was quite constricting against her arms - which was not helping the whole sweating situation. But as soon as Yoshi retreats, beginning to skip happily towards the Travis boy again, it's gone and she feels secure again.

Well... she thought, licking her lips, she probably wouldn't be able to tell that it was me, anyway...

Ai folded the paper once more and set it into her pockets for safe keeping. She decided she'd watch Yoshi and Travis interact for a bit, and if things got interesting then perhaps she'd come over.

Ai's self-satisfied grin widened a tad, revealing straight (if kind of...brownie stained) teeth. Quickly she snatched the paper back, a snicker moving past her lips as she moved behind Yoshi.

Ai held the paper up to the light, as though doing so would reveal anything - it didn't, and was purely for dramatic effect. "Look, look. It's not that hard." She brought the paper closer to Yoshi's face (perhaps uncomfortably close...) and, pocketing her wallet, pointed towards the seemingly random letters scrawled across the paper.

"It's called a Caesar cipher. They're one of the easiest to learn, as long as you've got the alphabet memorized. They say that Julius Caesar himself devised this to encrypt military messages!" She pointed to the first letter, Z. "All you do is take the letter and go three back in the alphabet. But I encoded this twice. So this Z would really be a W, and, decrypting again, that W would be a T. Neat, right?"

She seemed much more natural now, her voice uplifting slightly in enthusiasm. One could tell she knew quite a bit about this, and could (and would) go on for literal hours about it.

Damn. Yoshi was really attached to her Bible. Vaguely in her mind Ai wondered how the other would react to the Occult Club's activities once they got into full swing - whatever that meant. Ai herself kind of expected something like Ouija boards, seances...uh, tarot readings...eh. Maybe she really had no idea what to expect.

Ah, so not only did Yoshi like reading plays, apparently she liked to participate in them as well. Personally, plays were not a thing that Ai found much enjoyment in watching. Often they were far too slow, and involved just so much sitting around and waiting, waiting, waiting. It was all so boring. Sometimes she supposed that maybe she'd be a decent actress; maybe if the opportunity presented itself, she'd consider.

Swimming - oh, so that explained the swimsuit in her bag.

(There was, Ai noted, still nothing explaining the mysterious cheerleading uniform. Unless it was for a play. It might have been for a play.)

Ai smiled, holding her hands behind her back before removing her wallet from her back pocket. "Well, I might have something or another in here..." She opened the wallet - one could see a patch resembling a roaring lion emblazoned along the front, the rest being of mocha-brown leather - and pulled out a crumpled sheet of paper.

"Here," she began, unfolding it and flashing the front to Yoshi for the briefest of moments before folding it once more "This one's pretty old. I'll let you see if you can figure it out." She winked, holding it out for the other to take.

If one were to open and examine it, they would see in Ai's large, messy writing: ZKYZ, ZKYZ...GS O KBKT JUOTM ZNOY XOMNZ? NGNG...O NGBKT'Z YRKVZ OT ZCU JGEY! GTJ O'S JUOTM ZKXXOHRK!

@CrimsonCastle Not involved in thread when it was first posted, but now it seems that people are responding again - so consider me interested.
Consider me interested.
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