Hidden 7 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Name: Noel Alonso.

Age: 18 years of age (after Retcon).

Nationality: Filipino.

Noble Arm Name & Appearance: La Luna (The Moon).

Noble Arm Rank:

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Melee/Ranged, close-to-mid range, and based upon the Moon and its qualities of changeability, magic, and madness.

Noble Arm Abilities:

La Luna's Miraculous Evasion - Noel's speed and reflexes are enhanced to levels that would surprise even an Arms Master. At the same time, fate itself contrives to partner with that speed and reflexes to make sure that Noel can dodge bullets, and grenades, but not necessarily the resulting explosions. However, he can dodge shrapnel and even the occasional rocket, allowing him to get into melee even when under enemy fire.

La Luna's Veil of Night - Noel can cloak himself in magic that renders him invisible, a perfect example of camouflage, and which cannot be pierced by most forms of mundane and mystic surveillance; it requires a dedicated B+rank power to reveal him (with exceptions below). This Veil, however, loses its potency from 11 AM to 1 PM, when the Sun is at its highest in the sky. Sun-themed Noble Arms, even C or D-ranked ones, can also detect Noel's Veil and remove it.

La Luna's Power of Enchantment - When the Moon is shining in the sky (including when it appears in the daytime), Noel can duplicate a Noble Arm power he has seen, as many times as he had seen that power used. For example, Noel can duplicate a Healing Power 3 times if he's seen it used three times. This power works on all Noble Arms that are not Sun-themed; Noel cannot duplicate Sun-based NA Powers, nor can it duplicate other A-Rank NA abilities.

La Luna's Madness Inducement - When the New Moon has risen in the sky, Noel can raise his scythe and pronounce a curse on an enemy force within sight of his natural eyes (no telescopes or digital enhancement). This curse spreads a plague of madness which causes everyone who is not a B-Rank Arms Master (or an OC/PC) to turn violent and attack their fellows, thinking that they are enemy monsters. The more blood is shed, the more the curse spreads from fellow to fellow, ending only when either the whole enemy army is dead or the New Moon sets.

And yes, this can affect an entire city, while Sun-themed NA Powers can also dispel it.

Misc Abilities: Well-read, a good dancer, knows how to arrange flowers and cook and even sew.

Personality: Noel wants to be a good person at heart, to fight for a cause worth believing in, and also to rescue his country from the clutches of China, which he views as a plague to its citizens. He believes that the divisions between Arms Masters and mundane folk have allowed society and the world to degrade, and is glad that they are on the verge of obsolescence due to 'The Big Three', although he does believe too that the 'Paragons of Science' are courting hubris and also hoarding power which could be used to advance Humanity for themselves...

*Likes: Sweets, Dancing, Romance (both BL and Straight).

*Dislikes: People who are too gloomy (despite his Noble Arm), War Crimes.

Fears: Being captured by the enemy, of course!

Bio: Noel was born to a family catapulted from obscurity in the past few decades when they began manifesting Noble Arms with increasing regularity. A natural prodigy, the boy displayed his Noble Arm at the age of twelve, and proved himself an able fighter against Muslim Terrorists in Mindanao just two years later, which was also when the old divisions were beginning to fade due to the appearance of the 'Big Three'. When the next President-Elect was voted for, then assassinated by his own Vice President-elect (who was also the incumbent president due to a law preventing Presidents in the Philippines from running for a second term but not for the Vice Presidency), Noel helped in the coup which installed the 'Government of National Salvation'.

Nevertheless, despite being a child soldier, Noel had privileges that other children lacked, such as regular psychological counseling money, and access to friends his age. If he was the Philippine Government's 'Guard Dog', he was a well-pampered one, and for all its worth, he genuinely loves his country and its people. He also wants to find a decent boy or girl to settle down with and is glad that his current handlers are accepting of his' being bisexual...

*Current Goal: Find Love.

Military or Civilian Rank: First Lieutenant (Yes, at 18).

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Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


5'6|140 Pounds

Name: Special Agent Myron Makaraig

Age: 22

Nationality: Filipino-American.

Noble Arm Name & Appearance:

Insert NA Rank Here:

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Support/Ranged, Element of Data/Information

Noble Arm Abilities:

Data Conversion - Can convert objects and people touched by the Shield into raw data/information which are then contained in the Noble Arm; the larger the object or person, the longer it takes to convert, although an average human adult can be turned to data in a full second, while an automobile takes five minutes. This power works only through direct contact with the shield and people converted to data are knocked unconscious by said conversion. Not only that, but objects converted to data can be turned back into their material forms by a mental command alone; smaller objects become physical again instantly while larger objects, such as people take time to reappear (same pace as conversion to data).

He can store up to an entire luxury yacht's worth of matter in his shield if given 12 hours, and can theoretically store twice that if given 48 hours of constant concentration, but it is not recommended.

Data Transmission - Myron can 'connect' to a mundane electronic device, such as a radio, telephone, or internet-capable gadget and transfer the data he stores in the shield to said device, allowing objects and people to be transported at high speeds. The drawback to this is that this process is affected by anything that can jam communications IRL, such as electronic jamming, firewalls, antivirus, or just the destruction of the corresponding device before it 'downloads' the data. Living beings (people) who had been converted to data and failed to transfer reappear at the location of Myron's shield, physically damaged depending on the measures taken to stop them. This is also why Myron's Noble Arm has (S) in Range because this can theoretically allow him to exceed the dreaded A-rank by using the IRL internet (still not recommended due to antivirus programs, though).

Misc Abilities: Myron fights like a Normal person most of the time, being adept in guns, unarmed combat, and melee, with his forte being hacking and cyber warfare, also poisons and antidotes. He has, in the past, also been trained to look cute and adorable so that he can treacherously stab, gun down, and poison Arms Masters. This is because he used to be a member of the Disablers, an Anti-Arms Master terrorist organization, and he keeps using many of their techniques despite his new allegiance.

Personality: Myron is resentful of the world, resentful of the system, resentful of factions, and is working for the Philippine Government of National Salvation because they guarantee him his revenge against the members of the Hammer of Masters and Disablers, as well as pay him in cold hard cash plus confiscated haciendas (estates/plantations) from the discredited members of the previous Government. Though he has a side that wishes the best for people, he prefers to bury it with a hedonistic attitude where he appreciates the finer things in life a bit too much. And by that, he is the type to give most of the land he's given to the tenant farmers already farming it but keeping enough to ensure a comfortable life for himself.

*Likes: Coffee, Cash, Sports Cars.

*Dislikes: The Hammer of Masters, Disablers, and being forced to kill children.

Fears: The Former Head of the Hammer of Masters, [Identity is a Spoiler].

Bio: Myron was born to an American Businessman and a Filipino 'bar girl' who sought to marry him for money, but was deceived and thrown away. Raised in poverty and bearing the brunt of his mother's abuse, Myron was sold to the 'Spartan Training Program' overseas in Singapore at the age of six by people who promised that he would come back as an Arms Master. Instead, at the age of 12, he escaped with several other students and joined the Disablers, a group of Anti-Arms Master terrorists who killed Arms Masters through ambush, assassination, and bombings. Myron was thus trained further, taught to lure in Arms Masters into wanting to protect him so that he could literally stab them in the back.

At the age of sixteen, he fought against the Hammer of Masters in Northern Iraq, where their leader had established 'The Malikate', a nation for Arms Masters to rule over Non-Arms Masters, two years of hard fighting followed, where he killed several Arms Masters simply by posing as an enslaved 'Normal Person' and poisoning their water supplies, setting up IEDs and traps, or even - And this haunts him to no end - kidnapping their children, even those who had not manifested a Noble Arm, and using them to lure their Arms Master parents to buildings filled to the brim with explosives.

When he turned eighteen, in the final siege of the Malikate's base on the Syrian-Iraqi border, Myron was captured by the Hammer of Master's 'Malik', [NAME REDACTED], who had him thrown into the dungeons in order to... He refuses to speak of it, only saying that he was busted out by the Malik's second-in-command himself. However, as he trekked back to the Disablers' battle lines, he realized this: The Hammer and the Disablers had become mirror images of each other, fueled by hate. As he realized this, he grew a Noble Arm, realized that he could not go back to the Disablers, and as the world was thrown into chaos by the announcement that three groups had emerged that can give Noble Arms to ordinary people, sought asylum with the UN and returned to the Philippines.

He next emerged four years later, as a mercenary working with the coup plotters who set up the Government of National Salvation when it turned out the President-Elect had been assassinated by the Vice President-Elect, who was also the current President thanks to a loophole in the Philippine Constitution forbidding Presidents from seeking a second term but not the Vice Presidency. During the new Government's takeover, he and another Arms Master, Noel Alonso, led the Storming of Malacañang Palace, where the two put down all resistance and arrested the President and all adult members of his family, before moving on to arresting the Old Government's supporters in the countryside, where he was granted several hundred hectares of land confiscated from those corrupt oligarchs, most of which he gave to the tenant farmers who farmed them.

Now, he has been sent to aid the newly-formed Task Force Obsidian (composed of most of the PCs) to relieve the Philippines' new allies in the Pacific...

*Current Goal: Hold on to the estates he had been granted by the Government of National Salvation and give them over to their tenant farmers as smallholdings.

Military or Civilian Rank: Special Inspector with powers equivalent to a First Lieutenant.

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Hidden 7 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Lewascan2
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Hidden 7 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by Digmata


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Name: Cristina Bernardino

Age: 17

Nationality: Filipino

Noble Arm Name & Appearance: Sinagtala(Starlight), a complete dark blade with multiple white spots that is comparable to the stars in a night sky.

Noble Arm Rank: C

Noble Arm Type: Melee
Element Space
Range: Close to Mid Range

Noble Arm Abilities:

Rip Space- Cristina can create a tear in spacetime by swinging her blade, allowing her to capture anything smaller than the size of a small truck that passed through into a pocket dimension she called the Imaginary Space. Her next swing would release everything she captured.
-Cross Space- Cristina can hide inside the tear instead allowing her to temporarily access the Imaginary space for herself and move across it for a maximum amount of 30 seconds. While inside this space she cannot interact with objects in the real world.

Addendum: If someone was partially captured inside the Imaginary Space like having a limb covered, they will automatically be sucked into it.

Night's Edge- Cristina imbues the separation of space into her weapon, granting it unparalleled sharpness that can only be blocked by select Noble Arms.
-Night's Edge Burning- Cristina burns her Noble Arm with the flames of Shooting Star allowing it to apply burns in contact.

Blink Space- Cristina can now 'blink' in short distances allowing her to achieve short range teleportation.

OPL Spells

Bind- Cristina releases a rope of energy that attaches on contact from there she can manipulate the size of the rope for her advantage.

Shooting Star- Cristina can fire starlight projectiles from her sword. They have homing properties and explode on contact with force equal to a grenade.
-Blinding Star- A variant of the Shooting Star skill where instead of an explosive blast, a flash of blinding light was instead released.

Mirage Space- Cristina's greatest technique which allows her to indiscriminately trap everyone in a 30 meters long dome of the Imaginary Space . While inside Cristina has the ability to fly, fire sword beams and teleport in exchange for taking a huge strain in her body and inability to activate Rip Space due to being already inside the Imaginary Space. This ability can be canceled with overwhelming power, by defeating Amelia or voluntary deactivation.

Misc Abilities:

Swordsmanship- Cristina after the activation of her Noble Arm had sought to master the usage of her weapon, studying and practicing forms she could find until she completed a personal style.

Intrigue- Life as an mercenary had made Cristina naturally observant, allowing her to figure out the intent behind someone's words and determine if she's being swindled.

Pain Tolerance- Cristina's ability to make herself believe that she can endure more damage was far higher than the average. During her time in the facility, she will get her bones broken, muscles torn, body bleeding and tell herself to just 'finish the task'. This served her well when taking blows from other Arms Masters.

Personality: Straight to the point and doesn't mince her words. She will uphold her end of the bargain as long as the other side doesn't screw her over. Has a soft spot for children and silent bloodlust for combat.

*Likes: Night Sky watching, fighting people, children

*Dislikes: Torturers, Liars, beating around the bush

Fears: There was a silent possibility that her reunion with her sister won't be the heartfelt moment she thought it would be.

Bio: An orphan who doesn't know the identity of her parents, a young Cristina has always been aware of the struggles of life but always believes that with help of her wiser, clever older sister Basilia. This belief has persisted even when they are both sold by their orphanage to be trained in an STP program with the hopes of them developing their own Noble Arms.

It was hard, it was grueling and sometimes she wondered if she was in hell but with Basilia’s support she managed to push through the program despite failing to develop a Noble Arm unlike her sister. Things for a while are looking up for the two.

That was until one day, when the members of the Downward Descent suddenly attacked the facility, killing everyone in their path. Man, woman and children every single one of them was slain while some fled to the scene. Cristina was one of those who escaped from the attack while Basilia bought her time to escape.

Cristina ran until her legs gave out and she herself passed out. When she woke up, she learned that the facility was burned to ashes and she is one of the few survivors. She also learned their treatment of their students was actually illegal to the point of being considered torture.

When everything sank in and Cristina made a promise to herself under that night sky.

She knew her sister was alive and that she would find her. That was when Sinagtala appeared in her hands as if it was a silent gift.

From that moment forward she works as a freelancer for people, doing escort missions, espionage tasks and even extracting kidnapped children. That was until she received an offer from someone.


OPL Suppression Collar/Cuff: A device that inhibits the wearer's access to the ability to manipulate Occult Programming Language, no matter what form that may take. In a "mundane" person or raw OPL practitioner, a single restraint is sufficient to either stop them from casting OPL entirely, no matter their tools or to stop them from manifesting a new Noble Arm, should they have the potential.

> On an Arms Master, the devices do have an energy limit. They can completely suppress a Noble Arm with a Power of D or lower from even being manifested. C-Rank Power can manifest the Noble Arm but can't use its powers beyond that. B-Rank Power is only greatly weakened to 50%. And A-Rank Power at worst may be suppressed to 75% percent with a single restraint. With a total of three such devices applied, it's possible for a C-Rank Power NA to be prevented from manifesting entirely, a B-Rank Power to be suppressed to no access to its abilities, and an A-Rank to 40% of their overall strength.

> The restraint device itself is generally immune to supernatural tampering. Noble Arm powers and the weapon itself are usually incapable of damaging or removing a device, no matter how creatively interpreted the power is. The device is a black hole of OPL nullification. The only way to remove it is through physical, mundane interaction. The device also suppresses a Noble Arm from conveniently manifesting any new powers that could act as adaptations to either increase its rank or that could otherwise be specifically designed to enable escape. This nullification isn't, however, truly absolute, provided the energy is too much to quell.

OPL Bracelet- A bracelet adorned with a black gemstone. Used as a focus for OPL spells.

Current Goal: Save her sister.

Military or Civilian Rank: Freelancer
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Gerlando
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Gerlando The Unchosen One

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Hidden 7 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Deide


Member Seen 3 mos ago


6’8/ 203 Cm
337 lbs/153 Kg

Name: Ernesto “The Juggernaut” Falcone

Age: 34

Nationality: Italian

Noble Arm Name & Appearance:

Noble Arm Rank:

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range:

Melee | Relentlessness | Touch-Melee

Misc Abilities:
Fluent in Italian and English,can cook really good Italian cuisine and is skilled in unarmed fighting(thought any master that has seen his style calls it “crude and savage,but effective”),Either Terrifies or Delights childrens with his mere presence

While he enjoys a good fight, Ernesto is still a good man at heart that’s trying to better the world. He knows he’s not the smartest or trick-iest(but he’s definitely the Densest, his words),and he takes all the jabs against him good-naturedly.

Has a hatred for the Downward Spiral, especially after their recruitment attempt that made him question himself.

At the end of it all, Ernesto is a simple Man. All he wants is to be helpful, and have fun while making a difference.

Likes: Honesty, Food, Adrenaline Rushes

Dislikes: Injustice, Dishonesty, Monotony

Fears: Becoming a Monster, Failing those that rely on him

Current Goal: Make a difference, and have fun on the way.

Military or Civilian Rank: Soldato/Private first class
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Creative Chaos
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by DammitVictor


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(Apologies. I am having the devil's own time getting the hang of this site.)
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by DammitVictor


Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Robert "Berto" Williams

Age: In his fifties, approximately.

Nationality: American.

Noble Arm Name & Appearance: Archie's Lever; appears as a variety of old, battered hand tools, but its "natural" form is a weathered and pitted iron prybar.

Noble Arm Rank: D
Power: E (S)
Speed: E (S)
Range: F (S)
Persistence: B (S)
Precision: D (S)
Potential: D

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Melee/Ranged, close-to-mid range, depending on form. Archie's Lever is serviceable as a weapon, but its real power lies in its use as a near-universal multitool.

Noble Arm Abilities:

Multi-Tool: Berto can use Archie's Lever as pretty much any small hand tool whose form and function he understands.

Field Surgery: When Archie's Lever is used to provide first aid, it can temporarily allow a wounded character to function with the injured body parts and allow total (or near-total) healing within 24 hours. The extent of the long-term recovery depends on how effectively Berto can dress the wound.

Kintsugi: Any physical object that Berto repairs with Archie's Lever-- including people and animals he offers first aid-- is more resilient than it was before it was damage. This effect is only temporary when applied to living beings.

Misc Abilities: Berto has picked up a lot of odd skills from his years on the fringes of society. Notably, he possesses a solid, if unpolished, grasp of the Occult Programming Language.

Personality: There's something a little unnerving, perhaps a little unnatural, about Berto's easygoing demeanor; his kindness and patience are seemingly endless, but anyone who spends time with him gets the impression that he's constantly doing everything in his power to keep from screaming. Berto loves using the powers of Archie's Lever to help people in little ways even more than trying to change the world.

*Likes: Solving problems, wandering in the city, homecooked meals.

*Dislikes: Authority, cruelty, senseless destruction.

Bio: Robert-- probably not his real name-- was enrolled by his parents in an illegal Spartan Training Program in his early teens. The program was particularly brutal, but more effective than most; nevertheless, Robert was an abject failure and by the time the program was shut down, his psyche was believed to be irreparably broken. With his parents in prison, Robert was made a ward of the state until he was eighteen years old, and spent the next couple of decades bouncing in and out of homeless shelters, jails, and hospitals.

A few years ago, Robert discovered Archie's Lever while in "therapeutic isolation". Unconsciously and unintentionally, he used it to fix his mind, a feat that appears to be beyond his current powers. A few months after that, he was declared competent to stand trial, convicted of a laundry list of petty misdemeanors, and sentenced to time served. A few months after that, he disappeared without a trace, and the first sightings of a "Robert Williams" using a Noble Arm to repair bombed-out houses and set broken bones were reported.

*Current Goal: Identify the problem. Understand the problem. Fix the problem.

Military or Civilian Rank: Is in the country illegally on an expired tourist visa.
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Nimbus Eudaimonia Seeker

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Hidden 22 days ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Name: Shinyahito–ōji (Of the House of Yamato).

Age: 16

Nationality: Japanese

Noble Arm Name & Appearance:

Imitation of Ame-no-Nuboko - A ceremonial spear that Crown Prince Shinyahito has named after the ancient jeweled spear used by the creator deities Izanagi and Izanami from Japanese Mythology to create the Japanese Archipelago.

Noble Arm Rank:

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Melee, Void, Close-Range.

Noble Arm Abilities:

Mū Shoku Zenchishiki (Void That Consumes Knowledge) - When the Crown Prince touches a single object, person, or location with the speartip (not necessarily stabbing) of his Noble Arm, he sees, and can sort through without going insane, the memories and experiences of the target. Note however that sorting through does not make him able to understand everything he finds out right away. When used on himself, he can also see possible timelines and worlds where he and his sister and certain individuals in this setting do not exist at all; many of those worlds do not have Noble Arms.

That last ability is fairly useless in battle and information gathering but helps boost his self-esteem by giving him glimpses of worlds where things are much worse than they are right now. It is speculated that he can eventually refine this ability to show futures where just one specific person did not exist or died in the very next second, but that is conjecture.

Munakatanashi / Yarubekikata (Unmaking and Remaking) - The Crown Prince can stab himself with his weapon and unmake himself, dissolving his body into nothingness and making all memories, monuments, pictures, and written + computerized records of himself vanish (this can be resisted with the right Noble Arm). However, unmaking is not the same as death, and the Crown Prince can will himself to rematerialize anywhere in the world that he knows from pictures or personally visited; restoring people's memories and all monuments, pictures, and written + computerized records of his existence. This process also heals any injuries and wounds he has.

Misc Abilities:

Etiquette and Ceremony - Crown Prince Shinyahito Yamato lived a regimented life, filled with ceremonies and rituals, which he studied with genuine interest.

Literature Enthusiaist - The Crown Prince is a fan of stories of all kinds, especially Light Novels, even the ones so badly written that he feels the need to mock them in private. He has a love-hate relationship with Isekai fiction while also writing poetry and drafting a novel in his spare time which he plans to publish under a false name.

Martial Arts Training (Polearms) - With great reluctance, the Crown Prince has learned to use his spear as a practical weapon, even though he prefers using it as an analytical tool.

Political Backing - His sister wants the Succession Laws changed so she can inherit should he die; he's not blind to the implications. If she succeeds, it would be at his sufferance and not just because of her efforts, and so he keeps contacts and allies in Japan's Imperial Diet, just in case.

Personality: The Crown Prince would rather not ascend to the throne of Emperor of Japan; he would prefer to just study, read, write, and maybe play video games if he can hide it from the public. However, he does not want the throne to pass to another branch of the Family or his younger sister, Fuyuko Yamato, whom he views as 'too militaristic', to get the throne and perhaps push an agenda that would further shred Japan's slightly pacifist constitution, or bring back old-style imperialists who look back on Japan's days as a colonial power with nostalgia. At the same time, he doesn't hate his sister; he knows her views might be different than she seems to indicate. So who knows, maybe he'll give her the chance she needs...

*Likes: Books. Anime and Manga. Videogames. Gunpla.

*Dislikes: Bitter things, outdated views, corruption, boredom.

Fears: Over-regimentation, Death, Societal Collapse.

Bio: Born one day after his cousin Prince Hishahito of Akishino (an IRL figure) to Naruhito of Japan, the birth of Shinyahito raised shockwaves throughout the Imperial Family. Raised with immense expectations, Shinyahito faced the barely-hidden resentment of his sister, born one year after him, and his nation's continued population decline and political malaise.

As he grew up, he realized that he did not want to be Emperor, but had to hide it, even from himself. His Noble Arm grew not when he was subjected to trauma or a 'trigger event', but when he realized that as much as he just wanted to hide from the world and become a hikkikomori (yes, embarrassing), not only was that not on the table, but he cared too much to allow other people to take the Throne and pursue outlandish agendas that involved bringing back Japan's darker past.

When he unlocked the Imitation of Ame-no-Nuboko, he was pushed into competition with his younger sister, whose ambitions and militaristic attitude were obvious for all to see, but managed to keep things civil, maybe even cordial, between them. When China began its war of aggression against ASEAN after the Philippine Government of National Salvation displaced the previous leadership, Shinyahito journeyed to the Philippines as well, avoiding his father's displeasure by stabbing himself with his spear, unmaking himself, then remaking himself in the regions surrounding Baguio City, hoping to find refuge in the Japanese emigré community near Kennon Road.

The Danggal Clan found him, and as they were still pretending to be loyal to the PGNS, they gave him a hospitable welcome, using up stockpiled food and luxury goods to throw a banquet for him, not noticing that he found that wasteful in wartime. Gradually, he realized that they were planning to betray the PGNS if bribed enough, and also hand him over to China if the price was right. So he unmade himself yet again and remade himself in the Philippine Military Academy building, which was under siege by traitorous forces led by the Danggal Clan.

A metaphorical baptism of fire followed, and now he is fighting in a campaign he does not want, but knows he must see through...

Update: With the Danggal Clan surrendering and returning to the Philippine Government of National Salvation's fold, Crown Prince Shinyahito has chosen to stay in the Philippines to keep track of his sister, who is still wandering ASEAN territory fighting People's Liberation Army forces.

*Current Goal: Survive. Find his path in life.

Military or Civilian Rank: Kōtaishi (Crown Prince, Japanese word)

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