Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by krystalsays
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krystalsays The Queen

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Reagan looked up at him and held her head up with her hand as he explained what was going to happen. She smiled a little while listening to him. His voice was soothing to her and listening to him made her realize that everything was going to be okay. She began thinking about what she was going to be. All elementals were a little different in their own way and she was curious if she was going to develop anything at all. Once he was finished talking, she looked over at him and rubbed his cheek gently.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that, but you are now stronger because of it. Now you are a successful and wonderful man even if you can't admit it to yourself. You're a wonderful father to Omni and he adores you. You've looked out for me since we were in school and now we're together. I don't want you to ever feel the way you did back then. " she said honestly as she sat up a bit. All of a sudden she felt warm.

"Is it warm in here?" she asked as she fanned herself with her hand. She felt fine internally but on the outside, she felt extremely hot and was sweating a little bit. She looked down and touched her arms. They were as hot as concrete on a warm day. She touched it and even though it was hot, it didn't hurt her. She looked at Ryan and back at her body. It felt weird but it also felt wonderful.

"Well, this is a bit odd. How can I be burning up but not feeling so ill?" she asked him.

(Sorry it's so short.. I'm hoping that Reagan's weird little symptom can be a good nudge into our next idea for the roleplay)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bloodbear


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ryan knew he was a good man. But it was hard for him to admit it to himself. Ryan has done good in his life, however he has done bad. Ryan has brought life into this world, but he has also taken life out of this world. He has protected people, but taken someone away from someone who loves them. Ryan has always had this conflict within himself. Is he good, or is he bad. His powers can do such harm to people, but good in the same light. Ryan could tear a man apart, or force a bleeding wound to shut. These actions and his powers have given him two nick names in his life. The Puppet Master, and the Body Demon. He thought this, but stopped when Reagan spoke.

"I'm a little on the cool side, that's how I prefer it. But you do seem a bit warm." He said.

Ryan noticed she was sweating and touched her arm. It was extremely warm. He looked back for a second and then smiled.

"Maybe it's your powers coming through. The first time they come out are when you are in an intense emotional situation.Maybe your powers are fire based. Pure fire, lightning, lava, heat waves, electricity. Anything could happen. But who knows. Maybe you are just warm because you're laying here in bed with me. I know your nervous about it. Maybe this is your time to come out. Or maybe you are just a little too nervous about this. If you want me too I can sleep on the couch.: Said Ryan as he pointed to the couch in the center of the room.

Ryan looked at her and smiled. She looked flushed and very warm. Ryan turned and got out of bed. "I'll be back. I'll get you a cool rag", said Ryan as he walked into the bathroom. The sound of running water came from the bathroom and Ryan reached into a cabinet to grab a rag.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by krystalsays
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krystalsays The Queen

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

As her body temperature seemed to increase, she looked over at Ryan who was leaving the bed. "No wait, don't-" she started to say but he assured her that he'd be back. Reagan sighed as she got out of bed too. She paced a little, knowing that it wasn't because she was nervous. Even though she was a bit nervous, she never felt this hot and sweaty before. It wasn't like her to become warm. As her eyes closed, she took a few deep breaths and tried to calm herself down. Luckily, once Ryan came back with a cool rag, her body temperature started to go down a little bit.

She opened her eyes and looked up at Ryan and smiled a little. "Thanks for the towel, I'm feeling better." she said as she wiped the towel over her neck and forehead in order to keep her cool. As the towel went over her neck, small electrical shocks came off of her skin. Reagan didn't feel it and never even noticed them. It wasn't until she heard the small sounds of the surges that she pulled the towel away from her. She looked at the rag and at her hand. Slowly, she reached over with her free hand and when it was close enough, a small electric surge came from her hand to the wet towel.

"Whoa.." she managed to say.

She couldn't help but smile at this new trick she didn't even realize she had. She put the towel down and sat down on Ryan's bed. She could feel him watching her, studying her perhaps, but she didn't mind. In fact, she loved that he was looking at her. She looked over at him. "I don't want you to sleep on the couch. I don't want to be too far away from you if I have the choice." she said honestly as she got back into bed.

"Although I'm hot as lava right now. You wouldn't happen to have a fan or something, would you?" she asked him in hopes that they could both be comfortable and hopefully get some sleep. Once they were both settled and comfortable, she melted right back into him like she had before. Even if these were her new powers, they could wait until morning.

"Goodnight, my love." she whispered before kissing his cheek gently and falling asleep. Being able to fall asleep next to him gave her a sense of protection, as if nothing could touch her or harm her. In a way, she knew that it was true. Ryan was going to protect her, no matter the situation. Having powers petrified her, the responisibility, the power, the way it made her feel. It was a little overwhelming but she knew that he'd be there to help her learn to control it.

Reagan slept better than she had in a few months. As soon as her eyes closed, she was out like a light. She dreamt of Ryan, their new house, and their new life together. It wasn't until towards the end that the perfect dream turned into a nightmare where she had accidently set the house on fire. She woke up with a jolt and sat up in the bed. She was sweating again and felt extremely warm. She looked around and didn't see anything burning and figured it was okay. She reached over to touch Ryan but he was missing. She sighed.

"Where did he go?" she wondered to herself.

Instead of waiting for him to come back, she decided to take a cold shower to hopefully bring her body temperature back down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bloodbear


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Once Ryan came back with the towel he laid down on the bed. He propped up his head with his good hand and watched her. His eyes went all over her and could see her skin turning red. Then he saw the small sparks coming from her when then moist towel touched her skin. He smiled and continued to watch her. Then when she asked about the fan he looked up for a moment thinking.

"I believe I might. Hold on babe" he said softly as he got up out of the bed and walked across the room to his closet. He rummaged around in his closet for a moment before emerging with a box fan. Ryan sat it on the coffee table, pushed the couch aside and then scooted the coffee table closer so that the fan was in a reasonable distance and position to be on them. Climbing back in bed he positioned himself.He wrapped up with her and smiled to himself. Ryan waited and listened for her to drift into slumber. He watched him for a bit sleep in his bed. It was in a little astonishment that she was in his bed. As he watched her he listened to her breathing and he slight cute snoring. Ryan placed his hand on her back and closed his eyes and could feel her heart beat. It was an amazing feeling. After a little long he fell asleep.

Ryan slept soundly for the most part, however, his eye shot up in the middle of the night. Ryan looked around the darkened room. Ryan grabbed his phone and looked at the time that read 2:58am. The sound of the fan rang in the air. Ryan looked over at Reagan as he sat up slowly in the bed. Ryan sat there for a moment before getting out of the bed. He walked over to a chair and grabbed his black bathrobe. He wrapped it around himself and stepped out into the corridor. The house was silent and the lights in the hall were dim. Ryan walked down the corridor and on to the stairs and went down them. After a moment or two he made his way into the kitchen. Ryan walked over to the coffee machine. He opened the top and put a filter in and started to put together the machine to brew a pot of coffee. Ryan looked out the window at the back yard and smiled as the moon light passed through the trees onto the ground.

Once the coffee maker was put together he turned it on. Ryan stood there still looking out at the backyard and the couple of gnomes that ran passed to a bush to do...gnome things. Ryan laughed to himself. He looked down at the coffee pot and saw that there was enough made now for a cup of coffee. With his good hand he grabbed a mug and poured himself a cup. He fixed it up with come vanilla creamer and some sugar. He took a sit before walked out the back door onto the back patio. Ryan sat down and pulled his cigarettes from his pocket. He quickly lit one, but once he did the back door opened up. Thor stepped out. Thor had a cup of coffee aswell only having been behind Ryan in his steps by a few minutes. Thor sat down with him. The men looked at each other and smiled.

"We haven't played in a while brother." Ryan said to Thor softly before taking a draw of his cigarette. Thor nodded and smiled before he took a sip of his coffee.

Thor looked at Ryan. "I know. Life gets busy sometimes" Thor said before looking out at the sky. "How's Reagan?"

Ryan sighed as he took a sip of his coffee and then a drag of his cigarette. "She's good, but, she has powers. I know she is scared shitless. I could hear he heart beat. She's worried. But I know she will be fine. They involve the fire branch. So it looks like she will be training with Dad and Ace. But maybe Micheal too. It seems to be electric. But it's too early to tell. I'll have to speak to Dad and Ace and they will take a look at her."

Thor nodded. As he looked at Ryan he could tell that Ryan was worried for Reagan. Thor chugged the remaining amount of his coffee and stood up. Ryan looked confused for a moment. Then he smiled as Thor changed into his wolf form. Thor was a massive wolf like Ryan, but had a shiny jet black coat. Thor wagged his tail at Ryan. "Come on slow poke." Thor taunted at Ryan. Ryan stood up from his chair and smiled brightly before chugging his coffee and taking one last puff of his cigarette. Ryan changed into his wolf for. Their formed looked like total opposites. Thor was a solid black, Ryan a solid white. Strange though, the hand Ryan was missing was their in his wolf form. But the paw looked black. Obviously some sort of damage.

The next thing Ryan knew, Thor had taken off into the back yard. Ryan howled a little before taking off after his brother. The sped through the yard. Ryan pounced on Thor taking him down. Thor quickly got up and pounced on Ryan. Ryan slipped from under his brother and took off. Thor took off after him. They continued to rough house.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by krystalsays
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krystalsays The Queen

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

\As the water fell from the shower head, Reagan let out a loud yawn. She didn't even stop to look at the time before she went in so she wondered what the actual time was. As she stood in the shower, her body was still feeling warm causing the cold water to hit her skin and produce some steam. Her mind wandered to the powers she had inherited. Fire and electricity was never something she seemed to know much about. She had faith that Ryan would be able to guide her through this crazy journey and only make them grow stronger.

As soon as the shower was over and her fingers were almost numb from the tiny shocks that were spiking from her skin, she wrapped herself in a towel and walked back into the room and took a look outside to see that the night sky was still dark. She walked over to the bed and sat down before reaching over to the night stand by Ryan's side and checked the time. It read 3:36AM on his phone. She sighed, trying to figure out why Ryan would be out of bed at three in the morning. Instead of trying to go back to bed, she decided it would be best that she get dressed and go downstairs to make a snack.

After putting on some comfy lazy clothes that consisted of a tank top and shorts that allowed her skin breath, she opened the door slightly and maneuvered her way out of it and strolled quietly down the hall. The dim lighting made the halls seem a bit creepier than they normally would. She shuddered a bit and started to move a little faster towards the kitchen. She then remembered the countless times she would sometimes picture a ghost chasing after her in the dark as a child. She shook her head and walked into the kitchen and closed the door because in her mind, a closed door meant no ghosts could follow. She smiled and chuckled at her sense of imagination.

As she walked over to the coffee maker, she noticed that it was on and still had some coffee still in the pot. She then took a cup and poured a little into it and gulped it down. It was warm but not warm enough to burn the mouth which meant it was sitting there for a little while. She made the connection that Ryan had been in the kitchen making coffee but it didn't explain where he was now. She walked over to the door to the back yard and suddenly heard the sound of wolves in the distance. She nodded to herself, knowing that Ryan was out in his wolf form.

Now that she knew where Ryan was, she was able to relax a little. She felt silly for being so worried about him but she couldn't deny it, she almost lost him twice. Once when she almost lost herself in both physical and spiritual and once when he fought with Nikki and lost his hand and almost his life. As she gripped the cup in her hands and began to re think the last week, her head started to feel dizzy and her skin became warmer. She remembered that being in a high stressful situation would cause her to explode in one big power trip. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. She believed that it wouldn't be fun or acceptable for her to burn the house down. After a few minutes, her heart rate went down and she was calm. That is, until she heard a door open and someone walked in. She jerked her head quickly to see who it was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bloodbear


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The door to the kitchen opened up. A small skinny figure appeared. Omni stood in the door way. His shaggy hair covering his eyes. He stopped dead in his tracks before smiling up at Reagan and walking passed her to the coffee machine. Quickly, he reached up for a mug and placed it on the counter and poured himself a cup. But, after he finished filling it up he stopped. He set the coffee pot back and looked at Reagan, then with a few slight motions of his hands began to pour creamer and sugar into his coffee.He looked up once more at Regan and smiled.

"I see you got a combo of what feels like Micheals powers and Grandpas powers. Fire and electricity. That'll be fun dealing with.: he said with a small smiled on his face. "You'll learn to drink this coffee more. It's special. It's a special brew Grandma puts together. It helps calm you down and keeps your powers in check. Soon you'll start to crave it like a vampire craves blood. But it's nothing to worry about." He said slowly. Omni walked past her again to the double french doors that lead to the back door. Smiling softly, as he watched his father and uncle play in the back yard. Omni turned to face Reagan as he sipped his coffee and crossed one arm.

"I see I did give you powers. I'm sorry. I hope you don't hate me for it.I didn't mean too. I know it's scary, but we will teach you how to use them. Grandpa and Micheal will teach you. And dad will help you also. And we will teach you how to turn into a wolf. Running through the woods at night is amazing. It's fun. I started doing it as a pup." Omni said all of this through a worried smile. He was worried that Reagan hated him for this. Omni felt as if it was his fault that she was like this.

Omni smiled. "Come on. Let's watch them." Omni took her free hand and lead her outside to where Ryan and Thor were. That stood there. Then Omni pointed to the white streak that darted across that back yard. "I'm sure you know that's dad. Dad it so beautiful when he is a wolf. He's one of the few who become white. In our world, then you master you power for the most part, your wolf fur becomes white. Almost like snow. It's amazing how the moon light bounces off of it. Dad is talented and I hope to be like him. When we turn into our wolf states, our fur is that color of our hair. Mine is black, Heather is red, Grandpa and Ace are black with grey." Then Omni stopped speaking.

"Since we will be a family, tell me more about you Reagan. Dad talked about you a lot, but I want to hear it from you. I'm sure he didn't tell me everything." said Omni thorugh a large grin on his face. Omni sipped his coffee before listening to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by krystalsays
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krystalsays The Queen

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

A small wave of relief came over her when she watched as Omni walked into the kitchen. She watched as the young boy made his way over to the coffee pot and poured himself a cup of the coffee that tasted so delicious. Reagan knew that there was something different about the coffee but she couldn't figure out what it was. The silence in the room was starting to cause a slight ringing in her ears until Omni started to talk. Reagan turned her attention over to the young man. As he explained the coffee, she looked down at her cup and smiled as she finished the rest that was in the cup. She looked up and shook her head.

"No Omni, I'm not mad at you nor do I hate you. You saved my life and I'll always be thankful for you and your father." she explained as she walked over towards the French doors and stood beside him as they both watched as the two wolves wrestled. When he mentioned that she, too, would eventually turn into a wolf, she smiled a little. It reminded her about the times that she would be out on school grounds and Ryan would be in his wolf form watching her. She always wanted to be one and run around the woods with her wolf friend and now she could. She reached over and put her hand on his shoulder reassuringly and smiled.

"Great idea. " she said as she squeezed his hand gently and walked out with him and continued to watch as they chased after one another. At first a shadow would rush by followed by a streak of white. She looked down and nodded slowly. "I do believe you'll be great like him. You are his flesh and blood. It's in you already." she said as she pointed to his heart. "You are like him in more ways than you can see."

Slowly, she made her way to sit on the grass and patted the spot next to her to invite him to sit with her. When he asked her to tell him everything there was to know about her, she sighed a little. "Well, truthfully, there isn't much to say." she started before looking up at the sky for a moment and back down. "When I was born, my parents were non magical folks. My mother got very sick a few years after I was born and she died. I don't really remember her much but the parts I do remember were nice. She would read me stories, tuck me in, and kiss me goodnight. I know most mothers do that but it's all I have." she started off with and sighed a little.

"After my mom died, my father became a drunk. He would drink everything he could afford or find. Half the time, he'd ask me to go to the store and sneak a few things of alcohol in my pockets and run out of the store. When I was about ten, which was when I got my letter of admission to Hogwarts, my father died of liver failure. I went to school as an orphan and I had no one to call family." She explained honestly as a small tear came from her eye. She quickly wiped it away and took a deep breath.

"Wendy was my only friend in school. I spent most of my time outside on the grounds near the lake. I loved to read, it brought me to places that I didn't think I could go. Your father is a little older than I am, so when he was a prefect, he would patrol the school and would see me outside. Instead of reporting me, he let me stay out there. I know now that he was actually protecting me when I originally thought that the wolf from the woods was a friend. " she said gently.

"Long story short, once I left school, I didn't know what I wanted to really do. So, I went to a muggle school to learn how to make clothes. I opened up a muggle shop where I made shirts, skirts, scarfs.. all kinds of stuff. I also had a shop in Diagon Alley where I made robes for children. I went to a party at Wendy's house since she married your father's best friend. Sure enough, your father was there and the rest is history." she said with a smile as she nudged him gently.

"You know, you're very smart for your age. It intrigues me how mature you actually are. I know you've been through so much in your young life but I want you to know, that you can be a kid here. I want you to have fun. I want you to believe in magic and have crazy memories." she said with a small laugh. "I believe all children should have a fun childhood."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bloodbear


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Omni plopped himself down next to her on the grass. He listened to her speak. Hanging onto every word she spoke. His face didn't change much as she spoke. However, he drew his knees close to his chest and sipped his coffee more slowly than he had before. Omni nodded at several things she said. It was almost as if he already knew these things about her. In all honesty he did. Omni looked up at her after she was done and smiled softly.

"Reagan, I knew all of this. I just was sure if it were true." he said softly. "The reason I know these things isn't just because of stuff dad has told me, but when I pinned your soul back into your body, I had to use mine to anchor yours. I don't know if you realized but your soul passed through mine. I got to feel everything you've felt. All the emotions you've had, the good and the bad." Omni sighed before continuing. "It's kinda hard to explain. But it's like I got to live you life up until that point. I got to see it through your eyes. I got to see the fight between you and Dad. I got to see and feel you being attacked twice. However, I got to feel how happy you were when you and Dad started talking."

Omni laughed to himself for a second as he gazed out at his father and uncle playing, having no clue that they were being watched. "I didn't mean to do it. I'm still learning about my soul powers. So don't be mad. And yes I even felt the embarrassment you've had before, and you even being shy with dad when you two were in school. I know it's probably not what you want to hear, but I've not really had a chance to talk to you since the pinning. Please don't be mad or embarrassed." Omni took a sip of his coffee. "But I choose to look at the good things in your life and I smile about them. No I haven't told dad stuff either. I won't. I made myself take a vowel. When a persons soul passes through mine, what I've seen is kept just to me and for me."

Omni looked at her and smiled for a second. Then Omni looked out at his dad and uncle. It looked like fun to him. Omni was still young, and had his childish tendencies. Omni quickly looked at Reagan. "Wanna try and change. It's easy. Then you, Dad, Uncle Thor, and me can play all together. It's easy I promise. I know you've shown signs of your powers. I can feel it." Omni jumped to his feet and pulled Reagan up. That's when the sound of the wolves running around stopped. Ryan and Thor were bother watching them now.

Omni clapped his hands together. "If you want to try you can. I'll show you.", said Omni with a large smile on his face. "Okay. You know how when you apperate you have to feel like your moving but your not. It's kind of the same principle. You have to unlock that cage inside you. You have to feel like a wolf. Picture yourself as a wolf. Just close your eyes and picture your human body changing.Unlock that animal side with in you. You have to let go of yourself."

From the yard Ryan's voice came, "Reagan, I know you can do it. I believe in you!" His voice was followed by a howl. Then another from Thor. When they both howled Omni quickly changed into his wolf form. His jet black fur was shinny and the moon light bounced off of it. The howling stopped, and then it came again from all three of the men. All in support of Reagan and believe in her. Then through the howls Ryan's voice came out again. "Reagan, I support you no matter what, no matter what BECAUSE I LOVE YOU. I KNOW YOU CAN DO.!!!!!" Then silence fell on them again. Ryan walked closer to watched, Thor on his heels. It almost looked like Ryan was crying even though he was in his wolf form.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by krystalsays
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krystalsays The Queen

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

As Omni stood up and asked if she wanted to make her first change as a wolf, she could feel the heat rising in her skin. She was nervous and the thought of changing into an animal was making her nerves a little jumpy. She didn't want to show her fear so instead, she stood up and walked over to him. As she did, she stopped when she heard the sound of footprints coming towards them. It was Ryan and Thor who stopped their playing to watch. This made Reagan even more nervous.

Her eyes fell to Omni who was describing how it was supposed to be. She closed her eyes and tried to relax her body even though she felt like lava was about to explode from her body. She then pictured herself slowly morph into a smaller wolf than the men. She watched as her arms and legs turned into paws and wolf legs and her torso and head morph into a slender looking wolf with chesnut brown hair just like hers and her blue eyes shining brightly through her fur. It wasn't until she opened her eyes, that she looked around and noticed that she was lower to the ground and the three wolves were almost eye level to her.

The feel of the soft grass underneath her paws felt unreal. She looked behind her and saw the chestnut brown fur and the tail that came with it and she whimpered a little, feeling nervous and unknowing on what to do. She looked back over to Ryan, Thor, and Omni. "I'm.. a wolf." she said in disbelief. She then tried to walk. It was hard at first, since she was used to walking on two legs but after a few steps, she was fine. She walked over to the wolves and was greeted by Ryan who nuzzled his face on hers which made her smile internally.

"So, you guys going to teach me how to play like a real wolf or what?" she teased as she started to run in hopes that they would chase her. She couldn't beleive how fast she could run in this form but she loved it. She felt free. She played with the boys for awhile, and was amazed that she didn't feel tired at all. This had been the most fun that she had in a long long time. It wasn't until she noticed the sunrise that she realized just how long they had been out there.

She walked over to a small cliff and sat down as she watched the sunrise. Without realizing it, she slowly changed back into her human form. She looked down at her hands and saw that she had changed but she didn't mind. She was enjoying the view of the sun. At this point, her mind started to think. She thought about the soul pinning, the fight between Ryan and her which caused her to leave. She thought about the attack and the way she returned to him. Her last thought was Ryan confessing his love and reminding her that he believed in her which made her smile and made her feel reassured that everything was going to be okay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bloodbear


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ryan smiled in his wolf form. He, Thor, and Omni chuckled when she spoke in disbelief of her transformation. Ryan quickly ran over and stopped next to her as she took her first steps as a wolf. Ryan watched as she stumbled a little, and quickly reacted as she almost fell. But he stood back as she walked forward. Thor standing in front of her making sure she was okay. Ryan carefully watched as she stepped in the grass. Then she teased them. Ryan grinned and started after her. Ryan was quick in his wolf form, and Reagan was surprisingly quick as well. After a moment Thor and Omni joined in on the games.

Ryan ran passed her and quickly turned on a dime to run right towards her. Then right as he reached a foot in front of her he jumped about 12 feet into the air over her. Ryan smacked into Omni. Both of them laughed as the rolled around on the ground, but as quickly as they started playing, they stopped. Ryan bolted after Reagan. His paws were so large and heavy they sunk down into the moist ground, and threw dirty, grass, and mud behind him. After a second Ryan pounced on Reagan. He brought her to the ground. He nipped at the back of her neck and rolled over pulling her on top of him. But she escaped from him. Ryan stood there for a moment and watched as she ran and played with Thor and Omni. After awhile of watching Reagan walked off. Thor and Omni smiled at Ryan. Ryan simply swished his tail in delight and followed Reagan from a little distance.

Once she stopped on the cliff Ryan just watched as she changed back into her normal human form. Ryan trotted up and sat down next to her. After a moment he changed back into himself. His black hair was messed up, and his hand was still missing. Ryan smiled and looked out at the sun rise. "You're a beautiful wolf, just like you are as a woman. You did amazing my sweet." said Ryan softly. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "How did it feel? How do you feel now that you've made the first change?"

Ryan looked at her and slid his hand to her and took her hand into his. His hand was covered in dirt. "Sorry about the dirt. One side of the change and playing is that you get dirty. But a little dirt never hurt any one now did it?" Ryan said as he began to chuckle through his smile. Ryan was defiantly in love. He was in love with Reagan, her smell, her eyes, her laugh, her smile, her hair, her wolf form. He was in love with being around her, the thought of spending his life with her. However, he wouldn't say it out loud. It scared him to be this much in love, because the last time he was in love, his love betrayed him and blinded him. Him head was spinning at this point. At this point, he didn't even was to admit to himself that he was this madly in love with another person.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by krystalsays
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krystalsays The Queen

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

As she felt a figure sit down beside her, she turned her head and smiled at the familiar wolf. A few moments later, Ryan formed back into his human form. She looked down at his missing hand and sighed. She felt bad that he had to go through so much pain the night prior. She looked up at him with a tired smile and nodded. "I loved it, it felt..liberating. As a wolf, I could feel myself getting faster in my running, and I wasn't out of breath or tired while we played. I never felt so alive." she admitted as she leaned against him gently. The sky was rising and a beautiful orange and pink color covered the sky. A small yawn escaped her lips as she continued to watch the yellow sun make it's way into the world. She looked up at Ryan and could tell that he was in deep thoughts.

"Penny for your thoughts?" she asked as she took his hand and squeezed it gently to remind him that she was there and ready to listen to him for whatever reason.

As she listened to him, she couldn't help but smile at him. As she looked into his eyes, she could tell deep down how much he really cared for her and even if he didn't want to admit it, loved her. He had told her that as she was transforming and it shocked her a little. She never thought she would hear him say it. Making it a habit to say it wasn't going to be easy for him but she was willing to wait until he was healed and ready to go. She sighed a bit and stood up from her spot and helped him up before rubbing his back gently. "Don't worry about our house, darling. It'll be finished eventually. I just want you to get better so we can spend more time together. Does that sound like a plan?" she asked before yawning again.

Without hesitation, she took his hand and led him back to the house. "I know you're a night owl but I need some sleep. Are you coming, love?" she asked him as she started to make her way up the stairs to fall back asleep in his room. She pressed down on her skin and it was boiling hot. She sighed since she knew that being too warm was going to keep her awake. She hoped the fan they had in there would be enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bloodbear


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ryan looked at her and smiled when she asked him about what he was thinking. Then he felt her hand on his. Ryan looked out at the sky and then at her. He saw how the light caught her face, and her eyes. How it made her hair look like it was glowing. Ryan looked at her for a moment, hesitant to tell her what he was thinking, but he didn't want to lie to her. He never wanted to lie to her unless it was truly called for to protect her, however, he would still tell her the truth in time.

"Well", he said softly, "I was just thinking about how much I love you. How beautiful you are in this light, and all other lights. How lovely you are as a wolf. Thinking about how soft your skin is and how flawless it is." He sighed softly thinking about it. "Thinking about the life we will share together. With Omni, and our children. However, at the same time I'm scared shitless. I scared to be this in love, but I was to embrace it. I know I will put you through hell. With the job I do, with what's going on in this world. I know it'll be rough, but I'll be by your side and I know you will be by mine. I was to spoil you, and show you what it's like to be with a guy who cares and loves for you. I mean I have a hard time showing it sometimes, but I do love you."

Then he smiled, "I know you're not going to want me too, but before I go to work today I'm going to go get a few things for you today. And I don't want a fight. I'm going to go to the bank, and get a copy of my credit card, I'm going to go get you a phone, and a couple other gifts. I know you're not going to want me to get them for you, but like I said I want to spoil you. I know that sounds odd, but I believe a King should spoil his Queen. Because that's what you are...my Queen, my love, my sweet." Ryan looked at her softly. " I just never thought that a rough, scared, almost scary looking demon like me, couple find such a wonderful angel to be in his life." Ryan fell silent and smiled at her. He kissed her on the cheek.

Once she was on her feet Ryan stood as well. They went into the house and to his room. Ryan watched her get back in bed and he did his routine of stripping down to his underwear and slidding into the bed. He wrapped his arms around her. He could feel the heat coming from her and smiled softly. "I'm about to lower my body temperature to keep you cool, but don't worry okay." With his arm around her, and his chest pressed against her back he closed his eyes. Chill bumps formed on his skin, and his body began to cool quickly. Ryan concentrated. Pulling the blood away from his skin to cool his body quickly. He knew doing this would suck, however, Reagan was so warm that he could just use her body heat to keep him stable. After a moment, his skin turned a light blue. "That should be better my love" He smiled and kissed the back of her neck.

"Don't forget sweetie, I have to go to work here in a bit, but I'll lay with you until then.", said Ryan with a small smile on his face. Ryan laid there, not sleeping, however, he listen to Reagan as her beathing and heart beat slowed down as she was a sleep. After and hour of laying their Ryan looked at his clock and smiled. Begrudgingly, Ryan slowly pulled the covers off himself and slipped out of the bed and walked into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once out he promply got dressed in a pair of jeans and white shirt that had black crows on it. Then he slipped on his leather boots. Ryan walked to his night stand and pulled out a piece of paper and pen and quickly wrote a note. He placed it on his pillow and slipped out of the bedroom quietly.

(The note: Good Morning my Queen. I hope you slept well. The house will be empty today, we all have work today, however, mom will be home for a while. If you'd like to join me at work for a bit and see what I do and can do, Mom will bring you. I love you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by krystalsays
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krystalsays The Queen

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

As she laid in bed and felt him crawl into bed behind her, she instantly calmed down. It wasn't a weird feeling anymore and she knew that she would be able to get used to this. She nodded and agreed to stay calm and not freak out when he lowered his body temperature. Slowly at first, she could feel the goosebumps coming from him start to leave cool impressions on her exposed back. She sighed in relief as her high body temperature was starting to neutralize itself. She looked down at his hands and arms and noticed that it was a slight blue color and she tried not to freak out or be worried and looked away quickly and was distracted by the small kiss on the back of her neck. His lips were cold and it felt amazing in a couple ways when his lips touched her skin. It made her heart skip a beat and it also cooled her off.

"Okay.." she said softly as she slowly drifted off and into sleep. For the first time that night, she felt comfortable with his cold skin pressed against hers and she was able to sleep. As she slept, her dreams became more real. It was her, in her wolf form, just running around the forest and being free. As she was running around the forest, she began to start looking around, hoping that Ryan or anyone of his family members were there too. It was odd being alone and a wolf but she couldn't find anyone. She was starting to become nervous in her dream and it seemed like she was just running around for hours and hours without a trace of knowing of how to get out of the forest and with no sign of anyone else.

Her eyes opened that morning to a little brightness coming in from the window. She looked around before making an attempt to move. She was sweating and could tell that Ryan had already left for work. A small sigh escaped her as she sat up and stretched a little. Her heart was still a little fast from the dream she had. Reagan was curious about the dream and decided that she was going to do a little research and see if she could figure out why she had been dreaming of being alone the past few times she slept. As she went to get up, a small piece of paper caught her eye and she quickly turned to it and took it in her hands. As she read the note, she smiled a little and shook her head slightly at the 'Queen' petname.

Reagan got up quickly and jumped into a cold shower. She washed up fast and raced out of the bathroom and got dressed. She decided on loose clothing only because her skin felt like it was on fire. She did a simple updo with her hair being in a bun. She walked out of his room and looked around gently before leaving the room and closing the door behind her. She walked down the hall with her arms crossed. The house was quiet. A little too quiet for her liking. She made her way down to the kitchen, hoping to find Tara down there so she could bring her to see Ryan. She hoped that she hadn't been too late sleeping in. She opened the door to the kitchen slowly and peeked in and smiled as she saw Tara.

"Good morning.." she said softly before looking at the clock which read 12:01pm. "Well..afternoon now, I suppose." she said with a small laugh as she sat down and nodded as Tara offered her a drink. She drank it down fast, not realizing how thirsty she had been from her first night as a wolf. She grabbed herself another drink before looking at Tara who already knew about the turn and seemed a little proud. "Ryan told me that you could bring me to go see him at work. If you're not going, then it's not a big deal. I just.. I don't really like being alone.." she said softly as she remembered her dreams and how she was alone in all of them. She made a mental note to research it more. As she put her cup in the sink, a small spark came from her hand and onto the faucet.

"I'm sorry.." she said with a hint of embarrassment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bloodbear


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tara was standing in the kitchen. She had on a black velvet dress that reached her ankles. Her shoes were high heels that was mostly leather straps with small findings and silver rings connecting the straps to one another. Tara turned in the kitchen when she heard Reagans foot steps behind her. Tara walked to the fridge and pulled out a jug of orange juice that had a little bit more of a redish tent to it. Tara quickly walked to the cabinet and pulled out a glass and poured the juice into the glass. She sat it down in front of Reagan and then sat down on the bar stool at the kitchen island. She watched Reagan slurp it down and take another glass. Smiling to herself, Tara thought about last night and watching Reagan change into a wolf in the night. Tara listened to Reagan and nodded. "Well", she said with a smile on her face, "We shall be off shortly."By the way, that juice is good for you. It's blood orange juice. It'll help with the thirst." Tara smiled as she walked over to the coffee maker and poured herself a to-go mug of coffee. Then she stopped. "I want you to listen to me. When we get to his work, don't worry. Just remember this is a powerful family." Tara said as she walked over to Reagan. Once Reagan stood, Tara placed her hand on her should. The room melted in front of them, and in a blink of an eye, they were standing in a large lobby.

The lobby was completely made out of white and black marble. There were pillars that went from the floor to the extremely high ceiling. People surrounded them. But they stopped once Tara and Reagan appeared. They looked at them and several of them bowed their heads. Some of the people were wearing robes, others suits, some plain street clothing. Tara smiled at the people. The light from the sun came in through the large glass windows and it caught Taras dark brown and grey hair. She looked at Reagan and said, "This way deary." Tara started through the lobby. People that were crowded moved out of the way to make room for them pass through. After a moment they reached a set of 10 elevators. Tara saw an open one and stepped in. A woman standing it it quickly got out and bowed her head to Tara and Reagan. Tara pressed a button that had PH on it. The elevator door closed and started to move. After was seemed like 15 minutes the elevator stopped and the doors open to a large corridor. Tara stepped out and started down it. The corridor was filled from floor to ceiling with pictures. Some of them were of the family. Then they reached a large room. Large wooden doors were around the room, with desks out side of them with a a person sitting at it. A woman at a desk closest to the opening to the room stood up quickly and bowed her head. In one quick move all the other people sitting at desks stood and bowed their heads. Tara looked around and started towards one of the wooden desk. She stopped in front of the desk. The woman sitting behind it who was an elderly lady with long grey hair and aqua marine blue eyes looked up at Tara and smiled.

"Hello Bonnie.", said Tara with smile on her face.

"Hello Tara. Still can't convince everyone to act normal around this family yet have you." said the elderly woman in a raspy, heavily Irish accented voice.

"No I'm afraid not yet." Tara said through a smile. "This is Reagan. Ryans girlfriend. Please let her in. I'm going to go see Ken." Tara smiled and hugged Reagan before walking off to a different door. Bonnie stood from her desk and smiled at Reagan. "Come on child." she said softly. Bonnie walked to the side of her desk and walked to the large wooden door that had a gold plaque in front of it that read, "International Elemental Affairs and Recovery Team Lead By Ryan Blackwood." Bonnie raised her boney wither hand and pushed the door open. Inside voices were everywhere. People on phones sitting behind desks. The room was almost as large as the one before. Bonnie walked in passing people. Some speaking in different languages on the phone, on webcams, or to other co workers. After a moment they reached another wooden door. Not as large as the previous, but still large. Bonnie knocked on the door and opened it. This room was a standard office. Ryan sat at a large desk at the far end. Papers covered the desk with a computer sitting on it. Ryan was frantically typing and a phone squished between his shoulder and ear. Ryan looked up and smiled widely.

"Alright Amus. I'll send a team out to look at it. I've got to go. BYE." said Ryan as he grabbed the phone and put it back on the receiver. Bonnie exited the room and closed the door. Ryan stood from his desk and quickly walked over. He wrapped his arms around Reagan and kissed her. "Hey sweetie. I see you made it safe and sound." He said through a large smile on his face. "Sorry about the mess. Works a little crazy today."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by krystalsays
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krystalsays The Queen

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Reagan looked at her juice and shrugged a little bit. If this had been a month ago and Tara had told her that it was blood orange juice, she would’ve been grossed out and even start to gag but then and now, she actually enjoyed it and she knew that it was good for her now, now that she was an elemental. She looked over at Tara and smiled before Tara came over and touched her shoulder. Within moments, the kitchen melted and they were transported to a work place. Reagan could tell it was a work place because of how busy it was and how many people were around looking busy. When most of the people stopped what they were doing and bowed their heads. Her eyes shifted a little bit and she looked at Tara who didn’t seemed phased as she escorted her to the elevators.

She watched as the woman who was in there first quickly got out of the elevator. Her eyes watched the woman stand outside of the elevator and waited for another one. Reagan thought it was odd but she decided it was best to just let it be. It was confusing to her about why Ryan’s family were so big, and why everyone stopped in their tracks to make sure to bow to them in respect. As curious as she was, she didn’t want to overstep her boundaries and decided to wait to ask Ryan at another time. After a little while in the elevator, she followed Tara down the long hallway where there were pictures on the walls. She tried to look at them but they were walking too quickly. As they walked towards a desk, an elderly woman stood up and Reagan watched as the two women interacted.

It was only a few moments later that Tara was gone and she was alone with Bonnie who quickly brought her over to Ryan’s office. The size of his work was overwhelming but she wanted to show him that she was supported and she wanted to be able to embrace it for him. Once Bonnie brought her into the room and she watched as Ryan was on the phone with someone. A small smile came across her face as he noticed that she was in the room and quickly got off the phone. Her heart raced a little as he walked over, wrapped his arms around her and gave her a quick kiss. Her cheeks flushed a little red and she took a deep breath.

“No, no..it’s alright. I wanted to come see you at work. I hope I’m not intruding.” She said as she walked over to his desk and sat down as he walked back behind his desk to continue working. She looked around his office and noticed how normal it looked. It was a standard office that you’d find in almost any job that required offices. She leaned back against the chair and thought for a moment how much she missed her boutiques and wondered if they were both still destroyed from the yellow eyed monsters that attacked her, the night that she showed up, nearly dead.

“So this is where you work huh? What exactly do you do?” she asked curiously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bloodbear


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Once Ryan released her he walked behind his desk and sat down in his chair. He quickly turned the monitor off on his computer so he could pay attention to Reagan. Ryan was a hard worker. He worked hard and played hard, and he knew if his work was in front of him he would do it. He smiled at Reagan and nodded at her question. Ryan looked at her and then leaned forward and rested his chin on his hands.

"Well," he said softly, "This is everything. This place does everything. In a way think of it like the Ministry of Magic, but more. "We in a way are the Government, yet a preson, the police, schooling for young elementals. . We do everything here. We find new Elementals and help them. This is the place that makes the rules. However, we are not a real government. We have laws that a set in stone, and some that are not. We have a small police for that we call retrievers. They are the ones who deal with Elemental criminals. This building is kind of the head building. This is where all the....hmmmmmm...teams are. Some deal with Muggle affairs, others Magic affairs, and some deal with Elemental affairs."

Ryan looked at her. It was kinda of hard explain what all this was. It's like the government but it's not. He new what he saw saying was a little confusing. He sighed. "My office deals with two things in our world. International Elemental Affairs. Which means if an elemental wanted to come from China that have to get some sort of approval. We deal with their passports, green cards. paper work. But we also are the department that deals with finding and helping new Elementals. I am the head of the Department thankfully. Paper work is boring, I have enough as it is, but I'd rather help newly discovered Elementals." He said proudly as he looked on his all. Their were pictures of people on the wall.

"Many of those people I discovered. They were so happy. They were lost and confused, and that's what I do. Is to help them, and help them understand." Ryan said with a large smile on his face. "However, another part of my job is keeping track of these new Elementals until they become atleast level 4's and then they are passed down to the General Elemental Department.". We deal with mostly cases of children who just discover their powers, but we deal with adults too. I had a case one time of a man who was 65 years old, then one day he sneezed and made a tornado." He laughed thinking about it. "But no one was harmed.

Ryan stood from his desk and smiled at Reagan. "This place is everything. Like I said, Government, School, Prison. We have everything here. But of course everything is kep separate. We employ many people here of all types. Not just elementals, but also magic folk, and muggles. However, they know of us because of family." Ryan stopped and looked at Reagans face. "Sorry, I know this is so much to take in. In all honesty it is a lot to take in." Ryan smiled widely. "Soooo....any questions?" Ryan asked as he rocked back and forth on his heels and the balls of his feet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by krystalsays
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krystalsays The Queen

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

It was a lot to take in. She sat back and listened, trying her hardest to keep up with every single word he said but it was difficult. It was hard to imagine that there was a whole other world beyond the world of muggles and wizards. In a way, it was humbling. To a muggle, the wizarding world was something that was make believe, fiction, fairytales. At that moment, Reagan felt like a muggle, lost in a world that didn’t seem real. Her eyes followed him as he stood up from his desk and walked over to a wall full of pictures; Pictures of newly found elementals whom Ryan had helped. She could see how proud he was and how happy it made him that he was able to help them. Her skin started to feel warm again and she sighed as she rubbed her arms and felt the little sparks coming from her skin. She looked up at him and it must’ve been written all over her face that she was a little overwhelmed.

“No.. no questions. I’m just trying to follow along.” She said honestly as she stood up and stretched for a moment. Her eyes scanned his office. It was full of papers and it seemed like a normal office that a normal man would have. Besides the pictures on the wall from his ‘clients’, there were no other pictures. Not on his desk, or on the wall. She knew that it was probably better that way for him, so he could work but a part of her wondered if maybe he wasn’t always in his office. She remembered the time he invited her to the bakery that his family owned around the time of Wendy and Deans party. She remembered how overwhelmed she felt then. It was nothing compared to what it was now.

“Since I’m a new elemental, does that mean that you have to work on me too?” she asked curiously as she looked down at her hands that were beat red, almost an orange red that looked like lava. She sighed and shook her hands a bit, trying to shake it away but it only seemed to make it worse. It was fun at first, but now it was starting to become annoying. She wanted to learn how to keep it under control so that she was able to enjoy her newly found gift.

“I don’t mean to sound on edge but I just want to be able to control this.” She said as she put her hands on the chair and quickly pulled away when the wood started to heat up and smoke up. She sighed and shook her head. “See? I keep destroying things. I don’t want to hurt anyone.” She said with a bit of embarrassment. She looked away from Ryan as her face began to blush from embarrassment. A small deep breath escaped her and she did her best to not touch anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bloodbear


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ryan listened to her. He nodded when she asked about him working on her. Then he watched as she was having trouble controlling her powers. Ryan walked over to one of the many filing cabinets. His hand gripped the handle and his thumb pushed the latch and pulled the drawer open. Ryan started to look through the what looked like hundreds of folder. "Well honesly", he said, "you have a few options. One of the reason you are having a hard time with your powers is because they hit you in full force and you didn't grow into them like elemental children do. Most adults who are new elementals have this problem. But in all honestly baby...." Ryan paused when the word baby left his mouth. He smiled to himself and turned a little red, glad that he was facing away from her. " I won't be the one to train you. I can only teach people with similar talents like me, or Earth Elementals. I can't teach you much about file."

Ryan finally found what he was looking for. Ryan tossed a few things on his desk from the filing cabinet. Walking over to his desk, he sat down and opened a couple of the folders. "First things first." Said Ryan as he opened a folder and started to read it's contents. "We need to get you registered. The registration is easy, but you'll have to go to one of the auditors at the registry. Then once you do that we can take the next step. Now I need you to think about a couple things." Ryan opened another folder. "We can train you at the house, however, I don't think it would be a good idea. The reason I don't, is because if we push you to hard in training, then you might hold it against us. Or we can in role you in the school for elementals we have. It's one of the few, but it is the best.There is an adult class for beginners, and then there is a beginner class, but you will be with younger people."

Ryan looked up from his papers for a second to Reagans face as she was trying to keep up with him. "These classes have their advantages. They will teach you how to control your powers better, they will teach you elemental history, laws, and other things that you might want to know. Now you don't have to go in as a full student. We can give you the training classes, and the history slash theory class which is always fun. But this is ultimately up to you Reagan. I want you to do what you are comfortable with. Or......I can put you with a tutor. I already have someone in mind, but it'll be a little different" Ryan smiled at her. Then the door to his office open without a knock on the door.

His eyes shot to the door to see a small girl walk in. She was around 8 years of age and she was carrying a book with her. The little girl stopped for a moment thinking she had done something wrong when the room fell silent. However, Ryan smiled at her. "It's okay sweetie. Come in." He said in a kind voice. The girl lit up and walked in. "Mr Blackwood....I have something for you." said the little girl. She walked over to his desk. "What do you have for me beautiful?" Ryan said with a smile on his face. The little girl opened her book to the first few pages and pulled out a picture of herself. She held it out to him. "I had a friend of mine at school take it for me." She said.

The picture of her was kind looking. She was wearing a pink Hello Kitty shirt, with a dragonfly beret in her hair. The little girl was tiny. She had red hair, blue eyes and her face was covered in freckles. Ryan smiled and took the picture from her and smiled widely. "Well, you're simply stunning Jessica. An spitting image of beauty."He said to her in a sweet manner. The little girl looked over at Reagan and brushed her hair behind her ear and gave a nervous smile. Jessica quickly looked back at Ryan and smiled widely. "Who this lady?" She said curiously. Ryan smiled and looked at Reagan. "This is Reagan," he said." She's my mate" Jessica smiled. "How sweet. I want to look like her when I grow up"

Ryan smiled widely. "Well she is very pretty isn't she. But so are you Jessica." said Ryan softly and tapped Jessica on the nose. Jessica giggled. "Now lovely little lady, I need to speak with Reagan. Head on back to class. I'm sure your break is almost over. Jessica nodded and hugged Ryan around the neck and skipped out of the room, waving to Reagan as she skipped by. Once the door was closed, Ryan sighed. He opened the bottom of his desk drawer and pulled out a mahogany picture frame. He slipped Jessicas picture into it. Ryan stood and walked over to the wall of picture.

"Sorry about that. Jessica is a sweet girl, surprised after all she has been through. I found her 5 month ago. Her powers came in too fast, and she killed her parents and older sister. Jessica is an air elemental. She pitched a fit when he father told her she couldn't go out and play, and when she did that she pulled their air out of their lungs. All three suffocated. She had lived in the house with their bodies for a month before we found her. She was so scared she didn't know what to do. When I went into the house, she was sitting on the kitchen floor with her fathers decomposing. Her wolf side took over and went Farrel. She had started eating their bodies after she ran out of food in the house." Ryan sighed. "But it wasn't her fault. We had to keep telling her that. She was covered in blood and the house smelled like rotting flesh. She had already eaten her older sister. But we have gotten her somewhat back to normal. Jessica is in intense therapy now.

Ryan looked at her picture hanging on the wall with all the others. After a second her turned back around and walked to his desk and sat down. "Sorry about that. She has an open invitation to my office and home. So she can come in. Now back to everything." When Ryan said this his voice changed a little. More mellow and sad than it had been.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by krystalsays
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krystalsays The Queen

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

It all seemed too much too fast. There was registering as an Elemental, then there was training. It just seemed like a lot of work which showed on her face. She was worried. It seemed as if she wasn’t going to be good at this or even get the hang of her powers. As she sat down, she tried her best to keep up with the suggestions that he was putting out there. Her head was spinning in so many directions, she didn’t know what way was up or what exactly was going on. As he continued to spin off ideas of training for her, she quickly snapped back to reality when she heard the door open and her attention was diverted. A young girl came in and walked over to Ryan.

The young girl seemed shy and timid at first, but with Ryan, she was completely comfortable. Reagan watched the interaction between the two and couldn’t help but smile a little at how he treated the young girl. She was a beautiful little one but even Reagan could recognize a child who had been through tough times for she was one as well, losing both of her parents when she was a young child. Her eyes said it all. Reagan frowned, knowing full well that Jessica was a troubled young girl.

When Jessica asked who Reagan was, she looked over at Ryan and smiled a little at his answer. Her eyes fell to the young girl and shook her head. “No no, I want to be as pretty as you.” She as she took the little girls hand in her own and shook it gently. Once Ryan sent her away, and he walked over to the wall to hang up her picture, he began to explain her story. Reagan knew that she had rough past but whenever Ryan explained in full gory detail, Reagan felt her stomach come up into her throat. She swallowed hard and cleared her throat.

“That poor girl. I couldn’t imagine.” She whispered. She felt horrible for Jessica. To say that she was keeping up appearances very well was an understatement. It was obvious that she was shy and had a lot of issues but something like that should cause any child to be in an insane asylum. “I understand. She must be one of your more complex cases. I can’t imagine having to have had found her. I don’t know how you can stand it.” She said shaking her head gently. “Whatever you do, I admire it.”

Reagan knew that Ryan wasn't who showed emotion that well but she knew that deep down he cared about the people he worked with, his family, and her. She walked over to him and gently wrapped her arms around his waist gently and kissed the back of his neck gently. “You are, truly, an amazing person Ryan Blackwood. I’ll never understand how I got to be so lucky to be called yours. I hope you knew that I’ll always be by your side, no matter what.” She whispered before taking a deep breath.

“I don’t want to bother you while you’re working. Why don’t you show me where to go next and I’ll go from there”, she said as she turned him around to face her. She reached up and gently laid a hand on his face and smiled. “And later when we are both home, we can talk about that house that we want to build. How’s that?” she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bloodbear


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ryan looked into her eyes and smiled. For a moment he thought about her words to him. "Well," he said softly, "Honestly what gets me through these cases and all these stories. I think about their futures. I think about how different they will be, and I hope. I hope for the best for all of these people." He sighed softy. "But Jessica isn't the worst I've seen. There are many more that are just as worse if not worst. But when I find them. I help them. I help guide them, protect them, and nurture them." Ryan wrapped her own hands around her, he's hands around her waist. Ryan smiled slightly. "I'm glad you will be there. Because I do want you as my mate. I want you to be there, and I for you. I want to raise a family with you. And not only do I want to, I will." Ryan said with a large smile on his face.

Ryan chuckled about her bothering him at work. He kissed her forehead. "Reagan, you will never be a bother. But I do have things to do. I'll have Bonnie take you to registry. And we will talk when we are home. I'm taking tomorrow off so I can start it.." Ryan kissed her softly and smiled. He walked to his desk and picked up a small piece of paper. "Bonnie" He spoke to the paper. The womans name appeared on the paper and then caught fire. It flew out of Ryans hand and flew to the door, swooped down, and slid under the door. Ryan looked up at Reagan. Then he pulled something from his desk. It was a small piece of paper. Ryan walked over to Reagan and handed it to her. On the paper was a coat of arms. It was a simple looking. It was a circle with what looked like the tree of life on it that had been blacked out. on either side there were bear paws. and in the center of the paws and tree, there was a crescent moon.

A smile came across his face. "Give this to the person that registers you. It will let them know that you are part of my family, and they will put it in your file. This will link you to me forever in this worlds eyes." Ryan said before kissing her softly and a knock on the door echoed in the room. The door opened and the fragile looking Bonnie walked in.

"You sent for me Ryan?" asked Bonnie with a smile on her face. "Yes", he responded. "I need you to take Reagan to registry and have her registered. Once that is done, I need you to bring her back her. Also while you are waiting for her to finish her registry, I need you to call Laura and find out where she is with the things I sent for. Make sure Laura is back here before Reagan is. Then, once everything is squared away, you may leave for the rest of the day." Ryan smiled at Bonnie who was quickly writing everything down on a pad with a pencil. She nodded and smiled. "Yes of course Ryan. Anything for tomorrow?" she asked with a smile on her face. "Ummm......oh tomorrow, take the day off because I won't be in the office." He said. Bonnie smiled and looked at Reagan. "Come child. Lets get to work."

When Bonnie turned Ryan quickly kissed Reagan on the forehead before returning to his desk. Bonnie waited outside the door for Reagan, then once Reagan was out of Ryans office, she started through the department with Reagan. Bonnie smiled at Reagan. "You're a lucky girl. But I hope you know what you are getting yourself into. Ryan is a good man, does a lot of good things, but at the same time, he is troubled." She said softly as they passed people. "Ryan deals with a lot at this job, and every case he takes, takes a toll on him. He's haunted by the harder ones.". Bonnie looked at Reagan. They went through the department and back to the elevators. Bonnie found an opened one and stepped in with Reagan. She pressed a button and the elevator door closed. After a few moments. The door opened into a large lobby looking room. But there was only one door, and very few people started around. As Bonnie walked she had a slight limp. She could tell that Reagan was noticing it.

"Don't worry about me child. It's an old fighting injury. I may be old, and I may look weak, but back in my day, I was a very strong Lava Elemental. I still am."She said softly before leaning in. "I limp so people will be nicer to me." She laughed lightly as she opened the door into a large room. The room was huge. It looked like a library. There were floor to ceiling shelves. (20 feet), however, there were floor to ceiling filling cabinet draws which were set into the wall. The room was quick except for the low whispering of a few people. In the center of a room were a few desk with people sitting behind them. Bonnie walked to one. A older lady sat there. Her hair was short and steel grey. She had on bright red horned rimmed glasses that had strings leading from them. to the back of her neck. The woman's skin was brown and wrinkled. She looked up from her paper work and looked at Bonnie and smiled. They both nodded to each other like old friends. Bonnie smiled and turned and walked away.

The woman smiled at Reagan. " I'm Ms.Joyce. I assume you're here to register. Have a seat and we will get started." Joyce stood for a moment to shake Reagans hand and then sat back down. She leaned down for a moment and quickly came up with a couple sheets of paper. in her hand. "So just answer these questions and we will get you all squared away. If you have any questions just ask." she said as she placed the papers in front of Reagan on the desk. "So you the nearest to be discovered by Ryan. So what happened? How did he find you?" she said courteously.

(The Form)

1. Full name:
2. Age:
3. Gender:
4. Race:
5. 1st Elemental type (Please circle one) Earth Air Fire Water Other
6. 2nd Elemental type I.E Lava, Electric, Ice, Metal If you are unsure please leave blank:
7. Spices I.E Human, Elf, Giant:
8. Original Blood Line: (Circle All That Apply): Muggle Magic Elemental
9a. Have you attended any Magical or Elemental Educational Institutions in the last 10 years?: Yes No
9b. If you answered yes to 9a please list which ones:
10. Mothers Name:
11. Fathers Name:
12. If you have any siblings please list:
13a. Partner/Mate: Yes No
13b. If you Answered Yes to 13a Please give their name and Blood Line Type:
15. Are you affiliated with any Elemental Families?:
16a. Do you have a coat of arms?: Yes No
16b. If you answered yes to 14 please present to Registrar.
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