Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ainmire

Ainmire you can't go home

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Ainmire & Twinklemoon

Ancient Evils of the past can easily be forgotten. The Demon King had once been such evil, believed a relic of times long past, reduced to a story told over in hundreds of ways. And so the story of his original demise remained as the name Grado became more associated with the country and its misfortune than the hero of old. However, the telling of his resurrection was nothing so stale or forgotten. Not all of a century had passed since the time when the Twins of Renais had risen up to defeat him with their allies in the Darkling Woods. While few there were even some who could still remember those days and there were many who could trace their heritage back to the great heroes.

Magvel, 871 the world has seen a great many changes since the last days of Heroes. After the Demon King’s banishment the continent was immersed into a period of rebuilding. That which was destroyed was now to be rebuilt. There was much turmoil and tragedy lurked often, however, many of those who took succession proved themselves to be excellent rulers and for a while there was a time of great growth and prosperity. Come the next generation though and things began to change drastically, revolts and rebellions arose. Now the continent has been divided in nine different ruling powers…

[i]In the west there is the Great Kingdom of Renais, known for being the birthplace of the Hero-Twins. After King Edmurre’s passing less than a year ago, his son, Eldys, has inherited the title.

In the northwest there is the Kingdom of Frelia, long noted for its close alliances with Renais. It is currently under the rule of King Irvarse and his Queen, Lady Mersa.

To the far northeast lies the Theocracy of Rausten, currently under the watch of the Divine King Vilareth. Rausten shares close ties with both Renais and Frelia leading to a strong alliance between the three.

Between Rausten, Frelia, and Renais lies the Lesser-Kingdom of Carcino which since destroying its Republic ways has taken to serving the greater nations in order to make sure its boundaries are safe. In the North it governed by Lord Rottek while Lord Adrian runs the South.

In the Great Desert lands lies the Kingdom of Jehanna, known for the mercenaries it creates. After an overthrow of the previous line it is ruled by the Warrior King Avdlan.

To the south of Jehanna lies the remaining namesake of the once Great Empire of Grado, now nothing but a small kingdom. King Aefon is the current lord of its lands.

Another Kingdom Formed in the aftermath of Grado’s misfortune is the Kingdom of Irea. It borders Renais, Jehanna, Grado, Hiactance, and the Free City, placing it in a rather unpleasant location should things turn sour. Currently the country is by King Reginald, the Just.

Along the continents southern coast is the Kingdom of Hiactance, ruled by King Vendrick a good man who in recent times has become much too fearful and paranoid, losing sight of things which are important.

And finally, in the southeast there is the large City-State of Taizel now much more commonly referred to simply as ‘The Free City.’ It is ruled by Lord Hector and his three councilmen. A notable port for trade by sea. [/i]

…All of these powers sat in an uncomfortable peace. Many are still dealt with their own issues and were not yet ready to engage in any sort of foreign war, inside revolts and complaints hindered them enough. Nevertheless, there are those who are well enough on their feet to expand, and with the death of Renais’ previous King, there was someone with enough ambition to take advantage of the current state of things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ainmire

Ainmire you can't go home

Member Seen 11 mos ago

National Information
Information Regarding the Nations on the Continent of Magvel [I'll update this more nicely as I originally planned, but for now I'll just put things which will be helpful]

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 1 yr ago


Lance Companions

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ainmire

Ainmire you can't go home

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 1 yr ago

No problem at all ^^ if it makes it easier for you, its best for me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ainmire

Ainmire you can't go home

Member Seen 11 mos ago


So I've grown a little lazy lately. I'm hope it hasn't killed your interest any. I've written finished sheets for three characters on paper, I just need to write them onto the computer and refine them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 1 yr ago

There's no such thing as lazy in roleplay, and not much can kill my interest really. didn't do much either, because of new work schedule kills me to be honest. I can't wait until we are done and see what it will look like in the doing, though. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ainmire

Ainmire you can't go home

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Well I'm more -not- writing as opposed to doing other things. I've think I've been a little extra distracted lately and haven't much liked sitting down to write a lot at once (I've been writing bunches of small things). I also finished Devonte, except for his image. Next should be Itho and then the little lords of Grado, probably. Frelia, Rausten, and Hiactance won't hopefully be far behind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 1 yr ago

As for me, I am done with my two characters Ismaire and Felix for now. ^^

I'll need tow rtie my Renais general now :O. I really can't wait to start it...could we do so soon? I think we almsot got all we need, if we consider pictures can come later on?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ainmire

Ainmire you can't go home

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Nice. I look forward to seeing how Ismaire plays.

We could still use quite a few characters. But if we’d like to start sooner we can always start working on their sheets while we play. The images can wait; however, I’ll add a brief description of my characters to their sheets so you have a slightly better visualisation. I think I’ll also add very unfulfilled sheets for the rest of my characters.

We have basically all of Lance’s companions. If the first thing he’s going to be doing is looking for allies we could have him be on his way to Grado (I was thinking the Free City might have already allied with Irea).

Since we have them mostly completed we could also play the mercenaries at the start, perhaps finishing up another conflict? Originally I believe they were going to come in later though, so waiting is still fine with me.

The main issue I see is that Laures (and most my characters) have basically nothing to do and no one to interact with. I made one character (a cavalier class) who would be one of his soldiers, but otherwise I don’t really have anything much to make him do. So that could be a little boring.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well then we must discuss what's the plan. It's pretty easy about Lance, true, but we need to find what to do about others as well...I'll write what I can think of.

I'd like it if it starts off as only Renais versus Irea, to be honest. Then everything would go on in succession, all the events.

Lance would leave Irea to go towards Grado first, seeking an alliance. You will have characters in Grado, or so I hope, so we could meet there eventually. They would head over to the free city next, but by that time Renais will have contacted Hiactance and, revealing the new alliance, Hiactance will attack the group. They would make their way through this new enemy territory in order to reach the free city and find new allies. By this time, they're next destination would probably be the far away Jehanna. This would unfold over a long period of time, of course, and with many Fire Emblem signatures encounters such as bandits and what not.

As far as the mercenaries go...we could indeed still wait for them, since they would not have much to do before Lance gets over there. Maybe they can partake in hostilities between North and South Carcino? This way we could use our Carcino characters, who have yet to be made, to roleplay together to some other part of the story.

As for Renais king...maybe this part would be more about political intrigue? I know we talking fire emblem here, but it's also a roleplay so maybe? Maybe intrigues happen between Frelia and Renais, and from the inside their trusts towards one another falter. Something like that ?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ainmire

Ainmire you can't go home

Member Seen 11 mos ago

[Going off what you said] We start the role play with Lance on his way to Grado, it could be night/late evening and the group could be in rest. Farsine could return to the group after scouting and either report bandits attacking a nearby place or bandits on their way to the town/camp the group is staying at. If we go with the former it could be an infirmary type place and Mona could be there. If we go the latter she’d just be in the town. (Basically a short battle and a way for her to join). Then he could carry on to Grado where I will, in fact, have characters (the king, his two children, and probably some others I make up along the way). And from there we’d basically follow your outline.

Playing them in Carcino could be fun as it could also bring in some Rausten characters too. It’d also help establish the group’s dynamic in game before they join up with Lance. Which reminds me, how long has Felix been with them?

I think minor confusion may have arisen. The King of Renais, King Eldys is definitely going to focus more on the political aspect. I was more wondering about his younger brother, Laures. Although what I think I might do is have him return from his station to the capital. As for the intrigue, I’d like to avoid faltering Frelia and Renais so early on, however, if we were to have one of his prominent advisors/generals assassinated it could cause some turmoil, especially if no-one can figure out where the assassin was sent from. What do you think?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 1 yr ago

I am not sure I understand why would the man be assassinated, though. Like, for what purpose? The idea is good, but I need to understand it to give my final verdict. :P Laures could also play a part in the Carcino conflict, could he not?

About Felix, I thought he'd be there for...well, a while, really. A full fledged member, of sort. Kind of everyone would be used to seeing him around, but when thinking about it they'd realize he's still kind of a mystery. Big man, big heart, big mystery kind of character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ainmire

Ainmire you can't go home

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I see two possibilities. One could be that the victim was originally intended to be the King but the assassin missed/the assassinated intentionally took the hit instead. Or secondly, he was killed simple to remove an important ally from the King’s side.

Ah! I really like that idea. I had already imagined Laures would be stationed somewhere to the more eastern area (presuming the right side of the map is east) of Renais. It’s quite likely that once things begin to get slightly out-of-hand he would travel to Carcino. How things go from there would depend on whether the hostilities are only toward North Carcino or toward the Golden Alliance as well.

I was thinking he joined shortly after Santiago became the Commander ~3-4 years ago. Does that sound fine?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sounds fine with me alright.

I was thinking maybe South and North Carcino would have their little differences? Maybe it was not full blown out skirmishes before, but since the war start maybe things got heated up a bit? Laures would be there and make sure things do not go out of hand, or do not pose any threat to the Golden Alliance. Or maybe he's there to make an ally out of both Carcino, but succeeds only with one? The southern one would refuse to bow down and turn to the closest country not already in the alliance, in desesperation; Jehanna. Avdlan would refuse, of course, but if Ismaire would win the throne back she'd help South Carcino.

Then, later in the story, Lance and his group could be walking in on this already escalated conflict?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ainmire

Ainmire you can't go home

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Well Carcino (both halves) were already allies with the Golden Alliance and paid mild tribute to some of the countries and rulers. (We did discuss this before). So I think he’d be going to make sure things don’t get out of hand losing them their allies. I was imagining the alliance had always been a bit begrudging between the Carcino’s and the Golden Alliance; however, Rottek (the Lord of N. Carcino) would praise them and basically convince them he only has their best interest in mind (really he’d just want to remain on the more powerful countries good sides should things go sour). Laures would probably try to barter an alliance between the two but the two aren’t getting along, Lord Rottek is being very adamant in having Lord Adrian removed from his position (believing him responsible for S. Carcino’s “faults”). S. Carcino is fed up with N. Carcino (and probably paying up to the Golden Alliance) and the conference ends in failure. War escalates and S. Carcino turns to Jehanna, etc.

It could be that Ismaire wants to help for the throne, but the group could have also just been hired. And then later stumbles along Lance and Co.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sounds good then. I want Adrian to be a young leader who's full of revolutionary thoughts, you know? N. Carcino might be too much about paying up the tributes and remaining with the strong countries, but Adrian will want to stop that. He will want for Carcino to really become something more than what it is, but he knows he cannot stand up to the Alliance so he won't speak that out loud. When he'll ally with Jehanna, if Lance manages to create an alliance with them later on then maybe S. Carcino will betray the alliance at one decisive moment? We talking in a far future for this roleplay, but still just an idea.

Did you like the idea of Lance and Co. Walking in on the war already happening here?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ainmire

Ainmire you can't go home

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I’m mildly confused. If S. Carcino won’t be openly defying the alliance what exactly will be happening?

Yes I do like the idea of Lance coming upon the already escalated war.

Sounds about right so for a starting post something like—

Lance, Welan, Kendal, and Farsine are travelling to Grado. On the way there they encounter bandits and rescue the cleric Mona.

During a meeting of strategy in which King Eldys and his generals (including your unfinished one) are at an assassin of unknown origins succeeds in killing one of his loyal vassals.

And… Laures is playing peacemaker between N. Carcino and S. Carcino?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Something like that Its starting to sound like a plan, no? I'll need to work on my general next...and should I create more characters for Carcino events?

Also I was wondering, we have many characters so far and more planned, but should we consider our characters are also travelling with some nobody soldiers? Like, when they'll set up camps and all that? Or, we are just the group that we play?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ainmire

Ainmire you can't go home

Member Seen 11 mos ago

After an unintentional break of sorts, which I apologize for, I’m ready to get this moving again. So I should be on and replying more for the next few days, perhaps not so much tomorrow as I have tentative plans, but otherwise I should be around more. ^^

I think a few more characters for the Carcino conflict would be nice. I’ll upload some ‘skeleton’ sheets for some of my characters now and the work on fleshing them out—it’ll at least help to give you an idea of what my characters are going to be like. One of them will be Rottek’s daughter. Since we don’t have a troubadour yet I was thinking of making her one of those, but we also need a thief so I could work with that too. I’m very much looking forward to seeing this General of yours, so hopefully it won’t be too long (although I don’t have a place to complain here).

Especially in this story I think having nobody soldiers makes sense. So yes, I think they should travel with some. But I also think we should make up an estimate for how many nobody soldiers there are (to help with battle situations and such).
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