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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

When Realms Collide

Today was the day. The day were Realms collided and a large battle ensued. Every few millenniums when the Realms aligned, a rift was created to make easier access to either Realm, also creating a middle ground, almost like 'No Man's land.' Those two realms that had such a dispute were the Dream Realm and the Nightmare Realm. Two opposite worlds, yet one in the same. It was such a pain for Enasi...thankfully it didn't happen often. A burgundy haired male with two different colored eyes, being gold and blue, stood amongst a large crowd of silver armor. In the armor were various creatures from ones that looked human to ones that had no solid form at all. It was an off variety, but those were the many dreams the Guardian cared for so much.

"Alright soldiers, you all know the drill. Squads by the rift, and to the sides! Keep everyone safe! We've done this before! We can get through it again!" Despite being in such an important battle, Enasi still wore simple clothes. Jeans and a bright green hoodie that was a size too large. To be the ruler of a realm, he didn't dress the part.
The 'soldiers' saluted and set up post in order to keep the nightmares out. Before the battle had begun, Ensy went around making sure the most 'happiest' places were secured.

Then it happened. The ground shook and the space in front of the group started to tear. "Here we go..." Ensy grimaced in disapproval as the ground shook. "Wait for them to pile out. You can take more out if you wait." For one to be so peaceful and happy all the time, he made sure that he knew a few tactics of defense and battles. Weapons were drawn, and Ensy stepped to the front. As chaos ensued, a few of his soldiers insisted that he stayed safe. "Your majesty, without the right attire you shouldn't be out here."
"It isn't safe sir!" The guardian only gave a smile to the ones so worried about his health. "I'll be fine, continue worrying about our kingdom. There are dreams here who don't fight and we have to protect them. What kind of ruler would I be if I didn't protect them?"

These battles lasted for a few hours or longer, but always ended in the same result. Without a winner, and with a few lives lost. There could never be a true winner in the battle. Both guardians of each realm knew of the consequences if one was to tamper with Balance. Too much of something was always still a bad thing. Suddenly, a powerful negative energy sent chills down Ensy's spine making him whirl around with narrowed eyes. It was him. The one creature that could pull anything but happiness from the Dream Guardian. He rushed to the aid of one of his dreams, stepping in front of the one creature he had little tolerance for. Seishu. "It would be a lie to say it's nice seeing you again..." Ensy stepped back, knowing the two wouldn't fight. If they were to fight, bad things would happen. Not only effecting them, but every creature that dreamed and every creature that feared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seishu lands a glancing blow on the helmet of his first opponent and chuckles lightly as it stumbles backwards, it's helm now on backwards. The battle began in full on all sides, but the Nightmare Guardian drifted back away from the front lines. His ground length white hair, done up in a thin braid for the sake of the battle whips wildly in the energies being released by the collision of worlds. Looking back and forth across the impassioned fighters he lets out an inaudible sigh. Despite the entertaining disruption in the monotony of his day in the Nightmare Realm, Seishu had long grown bored with the pointless fighting between the two halves. Drifting down he pulls a large sparkling something or other off one of his smaller nightmare and helps the little rodent to it's feel. It chitteres wildly and charges back into the battle.

Through the din of clashing steel he feels a wave of good feelings that makes him instinctively tense. His eyes trail once again over the combatants until his eyes fall on his whining counter part. 'Hmmm, maybe he's getting bored with the fighting too. He didn't even bother to put his armor on this time around' A low growl rumbles in his throat as he watches the Dream Guardian strike out at one of his newest nightmares. It had insisted on fighting with them, despite just beginning to understand that it no longer was a slave to a demented mind. Unable to clash with Enasi directly he decides to distract him another way.

His blade whistles out and catches an nearby little dream minion in the arm, causing it to yelp in pain before turning and lashing out at a rather powerful looking dream. He can feel his heart racing at the fear pouring out of both creatures and he can't hold back the wicked grin that spreads across his lips. His cloak billows about him, his armor creaking softly with his swift movements as he strikes out again and again at the dream. His blade whistles through the are once more but stops short as the bane of his every joy steps between him and his quarry. The blade is inches from the Dream Guardian's throat, but there is nothing to fear on either side. Seishu can not strike him, and Enasi can't defend. It is the eternal balance that he and his counterpart must hold most sacred. His wicked grin widens slightly as Enasi steps back with a pointed remark.

Drifting back Seishu points his sword tip at the ground and shifts so it looks like he's sitting in an invisible chair. His clothing and hair continues to whip around if caught in a high wind and the Nightmare Guardian chuckles aloud, waving a hand. “Ah, yes, I suppose it would be. Your narrow mindedness has forever been cause for you to find the very sight of me unpleasant.” His smile shifts to one of disinterest and he lets his mind wander, taking note of the casualties thus far, as well as the little dream minion trying to retreat for healing. Before Enasi can respond Seishu feels that something is out of place and his gaze whips around to his left. Almost too quiet to hear over the din he says, “Sorry, but I must see to something. Have fun with your little fight there.” Just as he says that one of his strongest dream minions charge towards the Dream Guardian with his blades drawn.

Leaving his counterpart to his minion, Seishu drifts towards the source of the disturbance. At first he can't figure out what it is, but as he comes to a group of dreams and dream minions gathered around on of his own it strikes him what's wrong. The minion has killed several dreams and dream minions, and still continues to do so. 'If he keeps this up, he'll upset the balance. I had no idea Gin had gotten so strong. I should have warned him' Descending he wraps himself up in his fear cloak and parts the dream denizens until he reaches Gin's side. As he reaches out to take hold of the young one's shoulder Gin whips around and a white hot pain flares in Seishu's midsection. Still in shock from the pain the Nightmare Guardian doesn't even think to block the following blows. A slice to his face and then his leg brings him to his knees, and then at last Gin takes Seishu's own rapier and runs it though his shoulder.

A howl of pain finally finds it's way out of Seishu's throat, and the sound seems to rattle the nightmare denizens to the core. Gin leans in close, the sword twisting in his grip pulling more cries of pain from the impaled being. Pressing his cheek to Seishu's Gin whispers, “So, this should balance out the kills I made, right?” A wave of shock runs through his chest, numbing his mind as Gin laughs and kicks Seishu off the blade. The Nightmare Guardian falls back hard and through pain blurred eyes watches as Gin shoulders his blade and turns back to the battle. He has no idea how long he lay there, but when the battle eventually seems to settle down and the breach seals Seishu is assaulted by the new horror that he's on the wrong side of the wall. Unable to think clearly through the pain he rolls over and pulls himself with one arm into a little alcove of stone near the edge of the battlegrounds. 'How could this happen? Why?' his mind pleads silently to the universe as he curls up in physical pain compounded the hurt of betrayal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It was always an insult with him. Then again, their lives were probably based off insulting each other. One of the most famous of insults was Enasi's 'narrow mindedness'. And his normal retort probably would've been along the lines of 'Well prove my opinion of you wrong, and we'll see how that goes.'. But this time he decided not entertain his opposite. Even if he decided not to, Seishu seemed to be focused on things other than him. It didn't make much of a difference considering all the two could was spew otiose venomous words at each other.

As Seishu left, he noticed one of his nightmares charging at him. He called them little nightmares, but he had been told once that they too were dreams as well. The Dream Guardian calmly sidestepped the opponent, only to be met with blades once more. This one was much more of a hassle than the others that tried to fight him. "This isn't very nice you know." The guardian spoke calmly as he dodged the blades attack. "You should really stop fighting." Again, Enasi had tried to talk another minion out of fighting him. In the small dispute, eventually Enasi was able to take down the minion just as he did the rest. "...Fighting isn't a positive thing... Neither is death. But you wouldn't listen."

Once that was over, he scurried around the battle field, helping wounded soldiers. "Come on. It's okay, you can get up. I know you can." He would encourage consistently. His small words of encouragement seemed to be a highlight for his soldiers, giving them new found reasons to not give up. Towards all the ones he had lost, the guardian held a brave face. "I'm happy they did their best. They'll be missed." This all happened during the battle, so there were times he was protected while he was distracted. It always earned a thank you or a compliment.

"Sir. The battle is ending. Everyone is retreating now." This was said to Enasi after a few strenuous hours. "Really? That's great. Rally everyone so they can be treated properly." The soldier saluted and spread the instructions around. As he stood, he winced a little, revealing a wound he didn't realize he had gotten during the battle. The few soldiers that noticed it went into a minor frenzy and whisked their guardian away from the battlefield- even after much protesting. "Treat his wounds. I'll make sure the rest of the nightmares are out of the way." "Thank you Harper, but be careful they might try to sneak up and attack."
"In all respect, I am your right hand dream. If I were to die because of something like that, I'd lose my honor." Harper indeed was Enasi's right hand, and one of the best soldiers he had. He was an interesting dream some human concocted and decided to cast away.

Harper was a... Well the guardian didn't quite know what he was. Harper was, and acted much like a human, but he had many features of a white rabbit. That being the ears...and the rabbit like face. A hybrid was it?* Enasi didn't care, he just accepted it as it was. He obediently let the medical team wrap bandages around him before getting up once again to drift back to his Cloud kingdom. Everything was finally over. Another few years later, and this would happen again. A few being millennium, but time was never a serious thing with guardians who never aged.

"A full sweep through has been done. There is not a nightmare in sight." Despite being told such, the guardian still felt as if something was tainting his realm. The others probably couldn't feel it, but it was there and it was a nuisance. "Well I'm going to go and take a walk. Harper, will you accompany me?" He only asked because he knew some would protest to him going out alone- at least right after a battle. "You don't have to ask sir. You know that." The two walked out and Enasi looked around, ruffling his short burgundy hair. "There must be a reason you asked me to join you. What's wrong?" Harper knew the happy creature better than anyone, and he could easily tell something was wrong.

"There's someone else here... A nightmare. I don't think it's that strong though... It's energy is weak, or weakening." Harper only nodded and followed the king. The two had been wandering for a little over twenty minutes and Harper spoke. "Maybe your just paranoid?" Enasi hushed his companion as they neared an alcove. "Who's there?" Harper called out, pulling out his sword. "Wait Harper, you can't just attack the weak."
"But-..." Harper sighed, but kept the sword out. Enasi led the way, on his toes. He noticed someone's feet and followed up to their face. Being the positive being he was, he called out again. "Hey, you shouldn't be here. You should be with your other nightmare friends... Are you okay?" Harper didn't understand how he was able to be so nice, even knowing that the creature was a nightmare- but that was their guardian.

Enasi noticed the familiar white hair and gave a curious expression. "Se- Seishu?" The name made Harper tense and draw his sword again, but he was once again stopped. "Why are you here?" He couldn't see that Seishu was injured, he could only see that he was laying there... In the wrong territory. "The rift has closed, and everyone is gone..." Enasi didn't have hostility in his tone, although he never truly did, but there was annoyance and suspicion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Nightmare Guardian’s mind is clouded with pain. He tries to focus on his breathing but the occasional spike of pain through his midsection makes it hitch. His thoughts fade in and out, but after a while, something catches his attention. He tenses at the sound of a sword being drawn. Trying to shake of the cloud fogging in his mind, he focuses on the voices he's picking up, but another bout of pain makes his head fall back and his eyes close. When at last the owners of the voices come into view Seishu's eyes crack open and he takes in the blurry, but familiar face of his dream world counterpart. A small chuckle makes it's way out of his throat and he murmurs softly, “Ah, just what I need, another twist of the knife.” He continues to smile at Enasi until a harsh cough brings up a rush of blood which spews out, staining his armor and chin crimson.

His hand comes up to wipe away the blood but he hadn't noticed that it was the hand holding his stomach and as he releases the wound there is a fresh stream of blood from the deep six inch slice. A loud inhuman noise makes it's way past the blood as he cries out in pain and grips his stomach firmly to stop from losing any more. In his own realm, he would be able to heal himself, and there would be others around him right now trying desperately to help him. The dark energies they would provide would have him healed up within' a week, but he can't return now, not in this state with Gin doing god knows what with his new found power.

Seeking out the Dream Guardian’s face trough eyes filled with pained tears he manages a snarky smile. “Hey, you should be celebrating. I'm most likely gonna die here, like you've always wanted. Not that it will do much good. Everyone needs nightmares, so I'll just be replaced.” He looks past Enasi towards where the rift had been less than an hour ago. “Of course, if it's Gin, I think the balance may. . . . .” His voice trails off as the blood loss gets to him. He takes a few steadying breaths before passing out against the rock.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Annoyance quickly turned into that of shock. Sometimes even Enasi hated his kind hearted nature. Seeing all the blood, and Seishu's weakened state made him worry. He even ignored the comments he had made. No matter how much he could say he disliked Seishu, he still knelt down by his side. "Harper, go get help, you're faster than I am." "But Sir, it could be a trick!" Enasi looked down at the Nightmare Guardian coughing up blood. By then, he was unconscious and losing blood fast. "That was an order Harper." Enasi's reinstatement made Harper silence and he hurried off to do as he was told. It was rare for the guardian to be so serious. "...You better have a perfect excuse for this when you wake up..."

Before he grabbed the Nightmare Guardian, he waved a hand across his wound. It wasn't able to heal the wound, but a bright yellow 'positive' energy stopped the blood from continuing to poor out of his body. He lifted him up, dragging him to the kingdom. Surprisingly, he wasn't as heavy as he thought- the armor did add on to the weight, but it wasn't that much. Half way through his dragging, a medical team came and took him. "You- you sure about this Sir? He is-" Enasi nodded and shooed them off. "I understand this. But I also know that balance is at stake. Even if he's replaced, there will be a time of complete chaos." The team nodded and hurried him off. Even he did dislike him, he didn't need his own realm in turmoil because the balance was broken.

It didn't take them long to get home, and as soon the doors opened there was a small figure that bounded toward Enasi. "Is that him? Can I see what he looks like?" Enasi looked up to see a fairy-like boy dressed in exotic white clothes flying by him. "Oh, hi Rue. And no, not yet. He's still injured and they'll be fixing the damage as much as possible." The boy pouted and landed on his feet. "Alright, I'll wait." He sighed, but continued following Enasi. Rue was another interesting specimen that Enasi wasn't quite sure of. As you can see, Enasi doesn't no many of the creatures he encounters, he just accepts them. He let the kid roam around freely, entertaining his curiosity around the kingdom. He never did any harm so Enasi let him stay. "Harper, make sure to have a few guards outside of his room. He's still a precaution." His soldier nodded and departed from the group.

"What do you plan on doing until he wakes up?" Rue asked, floating up to be at eye level- he was pretty short after all. Enasi paused and leaned against a wall, watching the medical team go ahead. "I'm not sure. I'll probably just-" But before he could answer, a doctor approached. "Sir, I've been told you were hurt. Please follow me so I can examine your injuries." He nodded and waved a goodbye to Rue, having the feeling he'd probably follow anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The medical team works as quickly as they can, carrying the Nightmare Guardian down the hall to s spare room close to the medical wing. Even under their leader's orders, they were hesitant to bring so much negative energy anywhere near their injured patients. A few of the medics rush forward to strip the bed down to the fitted sheet of the queen sized bed so they have a flat surface to work with. As they lay the white haired male on the mattress a small group of aids arrive with medical supplies. Once Seishu is in place there is a moment where everyone stops and stares. The look around at one another, trying to figure out where to start. Their usual procedures of infusing the patient with positive energy would most likely do more harm than good.

Finally a tall female with two sets of arms and tan skin steps forward, rolling up he sleeves. “Alright, let's do this. No energy, just treat him like the humans treat their wounded.” She barks, approaching the bed with only minor hesitation. “First step is getting his clothes off to expose the wounds. Let's get to it!” And with that they set to work. Blades and scissors make short work of his clothes after they manage to dis-articulate his armor. Black fabric stained with blood is taken but the aids and bundled into a sack to be burned later. As they continue to work no one notices the small rounded face peeking around the doorway, trying to get a look at the foreign creature being treated on the bed being slowly stained crimson.


Gin grins widely as he watches a group of nightmares searching wildly for their former leader. Tapping his war prize against his shoulder, the new self proclaimed Guardian of the Nightmare Realm takes off towards the palace with his closest supporters on his heels. He'd finally done it. Finally, he was in charge, and no one could tell him what to do. Sure, some of those pathetic nightmares may try and rebel against him, but he had enough minions on his side that the nightmares stand no chance. A low chuckle escapes him as he imagines what he'll do to anyone who opposes him. The moonlight overhead illuminates the crystal blue fields below. Gin's wings make a faint flapping sound as the flesh snaps with every beat.


The dream medics just finish on the shoulder wound, after binding the stomach wound and removing the positive energy blocker, when the Nightmare Guardian stirs. The entire room stills as he moans softly then falls silent once again. The furry medic tying the bandage around his shoulder lets out his breath then finishes tying, giving it a tight tug to make sure it's tight.

Suddenly Seishu's eyes snap open and he sits up with a growl. The medics around the bed flee to the edged of the room as he begins radiating higher levels of negative energy. His eyes dart around the room, press of positive energy offset only slightly by the fear pulsating off the strange collection of dream in white coats around him. 'Oh gods, I've died and gone to hell. That has to be it. I've never felt so much. . . .' He shudders before letting out a long moan of pain and collapsing back on the bed. 'Nope, not dead. Dead doesn't hurt' He takes a few steadying breaths, casting an arm over his eyes to block out the glaring lights above. After a moment he hears movement and peeks out from under his arm. When he can't find it right away he growls, causing several of the bright creatures around him to cringe back further.

After a few more seconds he spots what made the noise before. Behind the creatures in coats a small minion stands in the doorway, it's odd outfit making a clicking noise when he moves ever so slightly. The cute cherubic face reminds him of someone but Seishu has a hard time thinking through the pain. Glaring around at the fearful medical personnel Seishu lets out another growl and say loud enough for the entire room to hear, “If you don't have the balls to do your job, you could at least dim the lights. The glare is killing me.” A few of the dreams and minions look at one another but none of them move away from their positions against the walls. Rolling his eyes the Nightmare Guardian covers them both with his arm again and begins tapping his inner reserves. The action erects a sort of bubble for fear around him that lesser dreams would have a hard time passing through if they actually wanted to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Are you sure you're okay sir?" The Dream Guardian gave a small laugh and nodded. "I told you doctor, I feel great thanks to you guys! You're my top medical team. The kingdom would be in peril without you guys. The doctors helping all gave embarrassed looks. "Oh you're just saying that your majesty. There have probably been better medics in your time." The guardian laughed and stood. "Sir, you should really consider resting." But by then Enasi wouldn't listen. He stood and decided to walk about. There were a few more protests, but those went ignored. Enasi only had a small wound on his side, but it was quickly healed up after his treatment. But that was the benefit of being a "king". He was taken care of 24/7. The fall of the Dream King wouldn't be good for the Realm, nor balance, but no creature ever thought of balance- only the two Guardians.

There was a sudden influx of negative energy and Enasi calmly glanced back to where the source came from. "Someone's awake and quite moody. Tch, and we even saved his life." He ruffled his short burgundy hair and turned to follow the negative energy, and the fear of his own dream medics. It didn't take him long to reach the spare room. He did find it amusing that his dreams didn't put Seishu in the actual hospital wing, knowing it was because he was the Nightmare Guardian. It was smart in their defense. He approached the door and two guards stepped out of his way. "You two take a break, okay? You deserve it." With no questions, they bowed and removed themselves from their posts.

Enasi pushed the door open and noticed his medics cowering away first. And then noticed Seishu seeping negative energy around him. "Is that how you treat the people that saved you Seishu?" He leaned against a wall and flicked off the lights, letting the natural light take it's place. It wasn't as bright, but everyone could still see. "How is he doctor? Is his treatment over?" The medic quickly moved toward Enasi and skimmed through his charts. "U-Uh yes sir. He just needs to rest. We couldn't do much to heal him any faster though. We had to use," The medic made the last part a little more dramatic than it had to be. "Human methods." Enasi giggled lightly and nodded. "Alright. Thank you all. You did a fine job. Now, get away from him before you get scared to death." All of the medics happily scurried out and went to see if their actual patients needed any assistance. They were glad to leave. Enasi sat in one of the rolling chairs, backwards, so he could rest his arms on the back of the chair.

"How are you feeling?" It was the first question he thought of. Instead of some rhetoric remark or statement of dislike, Enasi's words were actually calm and slightly concerning. Maybe it was because he was in the comfort of his home or because he was only used to seeing the Guardian every so often, either way even he didn't realize the niceness of his question. "Also... Do you mind telling me how exactly you got stranded in my realm? Because I always tell my soldiers to stay away from you. They shouldn't get so bold. They know it's dangerous." He shook his head and sighed before looking up in curiosity at the guardian.
He wasn't paying attention when a third party curiously peeked his head in to see the guardians together. Enasi was so used to him flying and being around, he didn't pay much attention when he felt the little ball of energy and curiosity peeking in the doorway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seishu is quiet for several minutes, trying to assess his own injuries and aid in the healing process. His magic passes over the wounds, making him flinch occasionally. Eventually he feels the air around him become undoubtedly sweeter and his mouth pull into a grimace for a moment. 'I wonder if he realizes that in this state that kinda hurts' He shrugs mentally. 'He probably doesn’t even realize how much energy he's giving off ALL the time' He presses his lips together at the Dream Guardian's initial comment about treating his “saviors”. 'Yeah, doesn't work that way when they would as soon slit my throat if not under orders to help me Enasi' He hears the click of the lights being turned off and relaxes slightly. As he relaxes the bubble dissolves and Enasi's positive presence stings his wounds more, but he puts up with it not wanting to start a fight.

Gritting his teeth as the only source of energy to ease his pain leaves Seishu slowly uncovers his eyes, his arm drifting down to rest across his torso. Cracking his eyes open carefully he looks down at his wounds, rolling his eyes as he notices something. Glancing over at Enasi he tries to pull a smart alek smirk but ends up just wincing. “Your docs missed a couple spots. Then again I think the idea of taking my pants off never occurred to them. Prolly thought that the stuff on them isn't mine.” He eyes the gash across his leg and shrugs. It isn't bleeding any more, but still hurts like hell.

Biting his tongue he looks once again at his counterpart he lets out a long breath and hums. “I am here because one of my minions thinks it'll be fun to take over the Nightmare Realm and as such tried to kill me.” Seishu turns his head away as he speaks, his voice getting softer. “I'm here because after being gutted and impaled, by my own blade no less, I was in shock.” His voice drops even lower, barely audible even in the silence. “I'm here because my home is not safe and I must live if I'm to save the balance.” A single hot tear falls down his cheek at the last. As it crosses his cut he hisses as the tear makes it sting. Not bothering to wipe it away he glances in Enasi's direction, past him to where the little one from before stands looking almost sympathetic to the Nightmare Guardian's plight. Turning back away again Seishu murmurs, “I think one of your little joyballs wants some attention Enasi.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Enasi listened quietly, pushing himself back and forth in the chair. "You can only expect so much when they're terrified for their lives. Even when injured, you still give off enough negativity to kill my minions." His voice was soft although it still held annoyance. Every time he spoke of his dreams being injured he held annoyance, but this time even his sympathetic nature got the best of him. "Give them some credit. At least they stopped the bleeding." He pushed the chair a little closer to the bed, but he stopped realizing their energies would mesh and it would be uncomfortable for the both of them. Enasi pushed the chair backwards, keeping his distant and staying out of his 'negative bubble'.

Then...he spoke of what happened. It wasn't like he was rude or always had a smart retort like Seishu during their encounters, but what he said did hit...a soft spot. "That's awful...." He whispered and looked down at the white tiled floor. It didn't help that Seishu even looked sad. So, Enasi was a softie. So, he cared a little... But it was in the guardian's nature to be so nice. Of course he didn't know what to say considering they were enemies, so instead he stayed silent. Enasi then looked up and tilted his head as the subject changed. More than likely because of embarrassment. "Joy ball?" The chair swiveled to face the door and Enasi caught a glimpse of wings moving behind the door. He laughed a little and turned back to face Seishu. "Rue, you shouldn't be here you know... But if you're going to at least close the door."

Suddenly, that joyball scurried in, shutting the door behind him. Rue was pretty fast. He managed to enter and move behind Enasi without being seen until he stopped. "Not like you care, but this is Rue." Rue peeked from behind Enasi and looked at Seishu in wonder and awe. "He can't hurt you. Well, not while I'm here. You don't have to hide. Just don't get too close okay?" Rue nodded and slowly moved to get a better look. "He doesn't look very scary like the others say..." Rue said softly as he stepped a little closer, conpletely ignoring te 'Don't get too close' of the Guardian's instruction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The silent guardian breaths slowly, his mind wandering slightly as his counterpart chides his minion, then turns around and welcomes it in. 'Man, there's discipline for ya' he thinks sarcastic, rolling eyes at the wall opposite the door. He feels his eye twitch when Enasi questions his caring about the little guy's name. “How should it be that I not care for the name of a little bite that's been straining to get a good look at me since mot likely before I woke up, huh?” he mutters mostly to himself. Turning back towards the two dream dwellers Seishu takes the boy's proximity as a chance to get a better look at him. Possibly figure out why he looks familiar.

'I mean, it's not like I pay that much attention to the critters I slaughter during the battles, so he has to. . . resemble someone I know?' His eyes narrow as he examines Rue best he can from his pron position on the bed. However when the boy comments on Seishu not being scary he can't help but play with him a bit. Locking eyes with the little minion he flares red fire around his own eyes and flexes his energy ever so slightly with a little hiss. A low chuckles finds it's way out of his throat as the minion careens backwards and ducks once again behind Enasi's chair.

Before the Dream Guardian can yell at him for frightening the poor little dear Seishu holds up a hand as the fear soothes his wounds a bit. “I know, I know, evil evil mean me. You will not stand for me tormenting your precious little treasures, blah blah blah.” A shot of spite, an emotion he has no control over from time to time, fires through Seishu as he speaks and on impulse he adds, “I mean it's not like you care about all the one's I love that you slaughtered, so why should I feel bad about spooking a little sparkler for some comfort while I'm more harmless than a toothless puppy?”

As he finishes his little rant his breath hitches in pain and his hand comes up to clutch his injured left shoulder. From Enasi's direction he hears the whispered question, “My being scared is comforting?” making sure his face is neutral Seishu looks over at the Dream Guardian, waiting to see how he responds to the little one's question.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rue's wings lowered when he was given away about spying on the Nightmare Guardian while the medics worked. Hopefully, he wasn't kicked out or scolded for it. Though, he glanced back and saw Enasi to be more focused on Seishu than himself. "It's only an observation." The guardian swiveled back and forth in the chair slowly as the two conversed, it being one of their longest conversations compared to their small arguments and moments of annoying each other. It was very unusual, but that wasn't the main subject floating in his mind at the time. In fact, he was more focused on if Seishu was okay or at least better than when he found him. That question was answered when there was a small influx of his negative energy, along with him hissing. Then he found Rue cowering behind him once more in fear this time instead of curiosity.

Enasi frowned in response. Though he didn't frown because he startled Rue. Seishu was still a Nightmare, it was bound to happen and it probably helped him. No, he was more upset about the next statement that slipped off Seishu's tongue. It made him feel a little guilty because Seishu was partially true. At times, he didn't care about killing his minions...and that wasn't fair for the ones he did feel guilty for killing. Then it made him think of the many creatures he had killed, all because they were nightmares and terrorizing his home. He felt it was a bad example on his part, especially if he was supposed to represent positive energy. Killing was not positive. Enasi's voice was low as he spoke, and he looked down at the floor again. "I can assure you that I at least feel some type of guilt when I have to kill anything. I'd rather not, but it's not like they listen when I tell them to stop." But it was all part of balance. Some had to be sacrificed in order to keep that balance.

Enasi was pulled out of his growing sadness and guilt when Rue spoke up. "That's right. You haven't learned about the Nightmare Realm have you?" His mix matched eyes looked from the Guardian to Rue. "Yes. It does. Think of it like this... You know my abilities right, and how we heal with positive energies, his realm heals off of the negative ones. Like fear. Him scaring you... Helped him a little." Enasi gave a small shrug and glanced down at the symbol on his right hand. The Yang of the Yin and Yang symbol. It represented the two opposites being so similar. It represented that balance. Rue's attention turned back to Seishu when Enasi finished. He stayed silent just in case the Nightmare Guardian wanted to add on to what he said. The dream guardian stayed quiet as well, not because he expected something to be said, but because he didn't know what else to say to his opposite.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seishu rolls his eyes at the other guardian admitting guilt for killing. On the inside however he feels a little twinge. 'I wonder if I can help it when I say stuff like that. I've always been this way with him. Even though I no longer feel that he is an enemy, for some reason, I still feel like picking on him. . . All the time' He observes the little lesson with an expressionless face, but a part of him feels like patting the Dream Guardian on the head for speaking without prejudice. His eyes trail down, following Enasi's line of sight, until they rest on the symbol they share. The little white curve, the light, and the little black dot, the dark.

With a sigh he holds up his hand and turns his gaze to the little white dot in his symbol. It seems to pulsate, a faint glow around it. 'Must be reacting to being around so much positive for so long. This situation has never happened before, we have no way of knowing how this will affect the balance' with a sigh he drops his hand on to the soft surface of the bed, only to grimace as it lands in a half dry puddle of his own blood.

A creepy chill runs up his spine, but not at the feeling of so much of his blood outside his body. His eye widen and slowly he looks towards the room's two other occupants. With both sets of eyes on him he feels a new wave of unease. Rather than being embarrassed at the rapt attention, he feels the need to lash out. His eyes narrow into a glare and his lips part to lash out with some sort of venomous statement or question, but then his self control inquiry to himself flashes through his mind and with great effort he brings up his left hand. With a low growl he sticks one of his knuckles in his mouth and bites down on his crooked finger hard enough to draw blood.

The taste of blood and sharp pain brings him down a bit and as soon an he's sure he won't lash out at his host the the little bite he lets his finger go. Licking it carefully he keeps his eyes on the wound and asks, “I know I should make no requests of you, seeing as I'm an unwelcome force in your realm, but perhaps you could find it somewhere in that never ending well of kindness you have buried in your chest the will to grant me a small favor.” Still focused on his finger he turns in this way and that, like a girl examining her nails he takes a deep breath and mumbles, “This bed is rather foul with my blood. . . .” His voice trails off and once again he feels the urge to snap, so the finger returns to his teeth, the blood to his tongue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The guardian once again looked down at the symbol on his hand. It sent chills through his spine before glowing a little. It never happened before, but that's because the two were never as close as they were, so he let it be. Enasi was awkwardly silent, still without anything to say. What could you say to your 'mortal enemy'? Honestly, Enasi didn't even think of him as an enemy- just a nuisance to his home. Enemies normally killed each other and they couldn't do that. It was more like an unfriendly relationship. Rue noticed that they were both silent and tilted his head in confusion. Of course the little dream was naive to their differences.

He noticed the tension and flew up in the air. "Why are you two so quiet? Are you mad at each other?" Enasi looked up at the now floating kid, unsure how to answer him. "Um, no Rue." Well he could've been. But at the moment he wasn't very mad. "Then why are you guys so quiet?" He asked again in curiosity. Enasi simply shrugged before sitting up in the chair. Rue's hovering let him catch a glimpse of both their hands as the guardians both looked at them. "Hey, you both have that symbol on your hand!" He pointed out and flew down first grabbing Enasi's hand to examine it. In the spur of the moment, Rue had grabbed Seishu's hand afterward only to get a decent look at his symbol. Being so close to the negative energy weakened Rue some so he let go and flew back out of reach.

"Careful Rue..." Enasi warned before standing. He planned on leaving out to attend to...something other than entertaining Seishu. He paused to hear what the guardian had to say, also noticing every time he bit down on his hand as if he had something to say. "Don't explode or anything... " He mumbled before listening again. He had asked to be moved. Enasi shrugged and walked up to the bed. It was only fair in Enasi's mind, but there wasn't much 'fairness' that played a role in the situation. Being one spare medical room meant there was no other bed in the room, but there was one next door and Enasi could take him there. "Rue find something for him to change into... His clothes are filthy from all that blood." Happy to receive such an important assignment, Rue raced off. "There's another, cleaner room next door. I'll help you over there, so thru clan clean this one." Enasi noticed the odd boiling hostility, but only sighed. It couldn't be helped, Seishu was in unfamiliar territory and was probably going to act that way until he got home.

"Come on." He held his hand out, speaking softly. The guardian didn't look directly at the guardian for a moment. Embarrassed? Upset? It was hard to tell but Enasi looked at him with multicolored eyes and waited. "Rue will be back soon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

When the little one grabbed his hand Seishu felt a sickening drop in his stomach but only rolled his eyes and grinned slightly at the sigh of his practically falling back afterward. 'Wow, the airheadedness around here makes me wonder how any of my men lose to these sparklers. . . . .' His thoughts trail off as his counterpart orders him to find the Nightmare Guardian something to wear. 'Oh gods preserve me. Dream Clothes' Removing his finger carefully from his lips he takes a few deep breaths, praying he can keep from snapping at the ginger. It's in that moment that he notices an odd sensation coming from somewhere. Thinking it must be from Enasi he growls slightly, but after a moment he realizes it's more like, a feeling between them. As if the place where their energies meet had a power of it's own.

His growl lowers quickly, but he can't help but feel a burning shame run through him as his counterpart speaks softly to him. 'Like a wounded dog' His growl fluctuates slightly at the thought. He stays silent for a few seconds, his gaze shifting over to the offered hand. Slowly he reaches out with his bitten hand. His mind vaguely registered that the red and white contrast perfectly with Enasi's skin tone. 'It somehow seems fitting. But then again, we are built to complement each other' His gaze shifts upwards to the other Guardian's eyes as he pulls him self painfully into a sitting position. 'Even if we can never compliment one another' Keeping his grip firm he drops his eyes to his legs as he pulls himself to the edge of the bed with Enasi's help.

He can not stifle all his sounds of pain, and more than once he curses aloud to one twinge or another. The pain in his shoulder burns hotter than all of his other injuries and he can feel tears ready to fall once again. It all feels, just a bit too much for him, but he manages to hold back his tears this time. The energy between them seems to get stronger for a moment before fading. Sitting at the edge of the bed he gathers himself together and with a deep inhale he holds his breath as he pulls himself to his feet. A fire runs through his leg causing him to stumble. Instinctively his right hand snaps up, grabbing Enasi's shoulder to keep from falling. Keeping his head down so that his face is curtained by his hair he breaths hard. As he breaths a sudden thought comes to him and his eyes come up to meet the Dream Guardian's. “If that little sparkler comes back with anything pink, or frilly, I'll take no objections and eat him on the spot.” Leaving no room for argument he tilts his head towards the door and mutters, “Lead the way.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

With every step closer he felt some odd sensation between them. It wasn't exactly negative energy, but it wasn't his own positive energy. Enasi's pondering made him ignore the small threats or growls he was receiving. After seconds of having his hand out, Enasi gestured for him to take it. "Can't hold it here all day." Thankfully, Seishu decided to take up the offer and grab his hand. He pulled him up into a sitting position, staring down at their hands. That same odd energy appeared again, but faded. It was probably just balance and their energies clashing...but wouldn't he have felt some sickening feeling? The guardian let the thought die and ruffled his hair some.

"You really need to get back home." With all the pained noises, of course he would say something like that. But he had never used the word 'home' so leisurely with the Nightmare Realm. Enasi either was paying no attention to what he said or had been pitying him, but his behavior was much different than the times they were in battles or feuds. Enasi quickly caught Seishu when he stumbled so he wouldn't fall and take him down as well. When he felt Seishu was standing firmly, Enasi let go of him, although he maneuvered so he could have a better hold on him. Enasi's arm went around Seishu's, careful not to press any wounds and he put Seishu's arm over his shoulder. "Bare with me..." He mumbled and straightened up. At the mere thought of his last remark and threat Enasi laughed. "When have you ever seem that style around here? It's the realm of dreams. Just in case you didn't know."

Enasi couldn't suppress the few giggles the thoughts led to. Seeing him in something so shameful would've been priceless. But even he knew Rue wouldn't do such a thing. "Let's go." He nodded and slowly led him out. Enasi kept glancing over at his messed up leg as they trudged on. Despite being so close, the walk was taking awhile. Step...by....step. Any time Seishu stumbled, Enasi managed to catch him and hoist him back up. Occasionally he'd coax him on, reassuring that they were almost there, or it wouldn't be too long. The room that they walked into was a replica of the first, although this room held deep shades of blue instead of the first. He huffed as they made it closer to the bed, and started to let go of Seishu.

In that moment, Rue flew inside holding a set of clothes. He was going full speed, and didn't think to slow down until it was too late. Rue bumped into Enasi making him stumble forward, pulling Seishu along and more than likely to the floor. It was only a disaster waiting to happen, so instead the guardian let go of the other completely and pushed him onto the bed so he wouldn't fall and make his wounds worse. But in that little act of 'kindness' he ended up hitting the floor. "Ow...Rue... I've told you about the flying..." He stood slowly and dusted his clothes. Rue gave a bewildered look and then stood on his own too feet. "I- I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to! I was j-just hurrying because it seemed important and I wanted you to get the clothes as quickly as possible and I didn't want him to get another bed dirty and-"
"Rue. Breathe." Enasi patted the small fairy's head and took the clothes. Rue nodded, still feeling guilty for the accident, so he ended up standing off to the side quietly.

Enasi tossed the clothes to the bed and then laughed softly. "Well I don't see any pink." The outfit was a simple grey shirt and a pair of jeans. It was regular human attire, kind of like the things he would wear. "Hey Rue, where'd you find these clothes?" Rue looked over and spoke softly. "U-Um, your room sir. You're the only person similar in...uh shape. Not everyone has a human shape here." There was a pause at the thought of it. He sighed and then turned a bit. "It can't be helped I guess..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As they start out to the next room Seishu says between winces, “I was attacked. . . by a hippo in a pink tutu. . . five millenia ago, so. . . don't even TRY and tell me it doesn't happen.” His teeth begin to grind as Enasi giggles aloud. His free hand once again comes up to keep the nightmare guardian from snapping. With each stumble and reassurance he becomes more and more aggravated, but his reasonable mind managed to keep him under control all the way to the new room. But just when it looks like they are about to make it to the bed without incident Seishu yelps as he feels Enasi jolt and gets thrown forward on to the bed. The motion causes the wound in his shoulder to flare as he throws his hands out to catch himself.

A long string of curse words fly through his head as he lay shaking in pain and anger face down on the bed. He can hear talking going on behind him but none of the words register through the storm raging in his head. 'It's pointless to get angry, chances are he didn't mean to hurt me, but this is just too much! I'm kicked out of my kingdom, torn apart by one of my subjects, become at the mercy of a guy who's wanted nothing more than to never see me again since he first saw me, and now after his doctors short me on medical care because none of them have any balls, I get thrown across a room onto a bed suddenly, and I think my leg tore open. . . . .'

At that last thought Seishu manages to snap out of his funk and pull himself up slightly. A pile of clothes land on the mattress next to him.

“Well I don't see any pink.”

Something snaps inside and Seishu pulls himself further on to the bed. Pushing hard with his good arm he manages to flip over so he's facing the dream realm natives. It barely clicks in his mind that he'll be wearing the clothes of his counterpart as he builds up his reserves. Glancing down at his leg he confirms that his leg wound has indeed been ripped open. With a low growl he pulls harder at what little energy he has left, and before the blood can drip down and ruin the new sheets he lashes out. Like purple fire his energy snaps out. Shaped like a thick lash it strikes out long ways across his leg wound and burns the wound close. The air is filled with the small of his burning flesh, and the cloth around the wound chars, wisps of smoke trickling upwards for a few moments before the pants stop smoldering.

His gaze rises slowly from his leg up to meet the eyes of his opposite. “I don't care.” His voice is low, and his tone menacing, however his weakening state is evident behind the malice. Taking a breath he starts again. “I don't care if he had the two brain cells it takes to realize the intelligence behind bringing me something not in that foul color, and even in my size: I am going to eat him.” He opens his moth to continue his rant but instead of harsh words a excruciating twinge in his shoulder pulls a scream from deep within him. Before he can catch his breath another throb pulsates through him, this time across his middle and with a faint sob he curls on his side. He doesn't even have the energy to cover his face as silent tears begin to drip slowly from his eyes. He barely manages to pull his legs up on to the bed before a mix or pain and exhausted energy rob him of his consciousness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Enasi noticed and could almost feel Seishu's pain. If it wasn't obvious enough, the influx of energy could easily prove it. Rue's fear grew as the nightmare guardian growled out. He wasn't sure if it was in pain or if he was angry towards them. "I-I really a-am sorry." Rue squeaked out before running over and hiding behind Enasi. Yet, even though he was afraid, Rue was still curious as ever. He peeked from behind the burgundy haired male and watched as Seishu healed himself. "I'll get the doctors to tend to you. This time, a little better." Enasi's voice was calm despite the burning and his forcible healing. "Just rest for now or something."

As he turned away, Rue's fear grew even more. The threat was enough to squeal out and run to the dream guardian. "Is he r-really going to-" Seishu's scream interrupted Rue and made both dreamers jump in surprise. While Rue coward away, Enasi stepped closer making sure Seishu was still alive. The sounds alone made him cringe in pain, so Enasi could only guess how terrible he felt. "Rue, hurry and get the doctors. Tell them to hurry on my orders." The little fairy didn't hesitate to escape the room. The dream guardian checked to make sure his counterpart was still breathing, and once it was confirmed, he gently and so carefully placed him on the bed fully.

Medics rushed in almost three minutes after the call and looked over at Enasi. "Sir! What is the problem?!" The guardian pointed at the other. "He's hurt and in pain! Help him!"
"B-But sir, he-he's-" Enasi put his hand up to interrupt the doctor in charge. "It's on my orders. He can't and won't hurt you. Just fix him better than what you did before." The one in charge nodded hesitantly and quickly gathered his team together. Without further word, the small crew was operating as if he was their own- except using human means of operation.

Ensy sighed and walked out of the room, dragging Rue behind him. The fairy kid stayed quiet and sat against the wall. "I have to check on some things. Rue, you stay out of there for right now. I don't need you to get in the doctors' way. So go find something else to do." Without actually waiting for an answer, Enasi walked off to meet with his trusted official Harper.
Rue's temptations got the better of him and he peeped in to listen to the doctors as they operated.
It was about an hour or longer before the medics could do noting more besides going to the next patients they had. Rue wasn't noticed, so he slipped inside while Seishu was asleep to get a curious look, ignoring all precautions he was given.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rue moves slowly closer and closer to the bed. He doesn't realize that he's right at the edge of the bed until it occurs to him that he should be careful not to get close enough for the Nightmare Guardian's aura to make him weak again. His eye widen as he realizes that he can't sense any energy off the prone figure. His wigs flap rapidly, his easily flustered nature making him fear the worse. Not wanting to get within arm range he instead places his hands on the edge of the bed and shakes it slightly. “Um, um, Mr. Nightmare? Hey, are yo okay? I can't feel anything, are you okay?” The long string of inquiries go on for several minutes until a groan from Seishu makes him flutter backwards, startled.

Seishu groans as he feels his body being jostled. 'Yeah, yeah, let's shake the pitiful wretch invader. See if that helps!' Groaning he opens his eyes slightly and looks for the source of the annoyance. Spotting the little bite fluttering several feet above and to his left he groans again and closes his eyes.. This time however, it's quite obvious what the cause is. 'Why won't it just leave me be?' With a sigh Seishu flexes his muscles a bit to see if he has indeed been cared for better than before. 'The pain is a lot less, so I'm guessing they found some drugs. Drugs can be very good' A faint throb in his leg reminds the Nightmare Guardian that he did some of his own old school healing, and that he's more than likely gonna feel out of sorts for a while, even without the drugs.

“Hey, hey, are you okay? I can't feel anything off you mister.” Cracking his eyes open again Seishu rolls them and bats at the white figure hovering several feet directly above him.

Rue flies backwards, ducking to the side a bit. Seishu glances at the clothes now neatly folded next to him and snorts. Opening his eyes fully he looks up at the fluttering minion. “Oi, Little Bite. Mind finding some pants that aren't going to scrape against my nice fresh burn like sandpaper on an open wound? Some slacks maybe, or even better, sweats.” The little guy nods and darts off through the still cracked open door. Seishu takes the opportunity to carefully push himself into a sitting position. He just manages to pull the pile of clothes to him when the fairy boy reappears with a pair of dark blue sweat pants. Giving the boy a smile he holds his hands out for the clothing, however Rue doesn't move. His smile drops. “Listen Little Bite, I'm not going to eat you if that's what you are worried about. Now hand over the leg coverings.”

As Seishu wiggles his fingers in a 'gimme' motion Rue seems to startle out of a trance. A dark flush appears on his cheeks and he moves just close enough to hand off the pants, then retreats a few feet. “M'sorry, it's just, I didn't know you could, I mean of course you could, but I've just never seen, and I'm a dream minion, and you were so mad. . . .” As he rambles it's slow to register just what he's talking about. When finally it dawns on him the injured man begins laughing lightly, causing Rue to fall silent, staring.

Wincing as the laugh makes his stomach wound unhappy he looks over at Rue with another smile. “Yes Little Bite, I can smile, and when I'm home, I do it often. This place is very unpleasant for me. . . .” He looks around for a moment, glaring at the sunlight streaming in through the windows. Thankfully someone had the sense to make sure the overhead lights were off when they left. 'You know, I think. . . .' “Heh, but don't get use to me smiling. I'm fairly sure it's the drugs the doctors gave me that have silenced that angry little voice in the burning inferno known as my temper.” Rue nods vigorously. Seishu's eyebrows furrow as he stares at the boy, trying to figure out who he reminds him of. However he gives up quickly as the muddle in his brain only gets worse.

With a sigh he motions the boy closer with a finger. When he complies Seishu looks to him with a faintly pathetic look. “I'm sore. Help me get these on.” Rue stares wide eyed for a full minute. Seishu is about to growl at him when he flutters a little bit closer and settles on the bed. Scooting a little closer he reaches out and genitally takes the t-shirt from Seishu. He looks at it for a few seconds, trying to figure out how to get it on the Nightmare Guardian’s left arm without it hurting too much. With a little trial and error they manage to get the shirt on without Seishu's temper flaring through the drugs. Once it's in place Rue sits back with a smile, glad he could help. However his victory is short lived as the Seishu says, “Okay, that was the easy part. Now for the pants.” Rue flushes bright pink and gives the Guardian a pathetic look.

They stare for several seconds, but Rue eventually concedes. Seishu smirks and peels off what he can of his pants before the act would require bending at the waist. Rue moves in and works quickly but carefully, his whole body lighting up as he tries to pretend to ignore the fact that Seishu doesn’t wear undergarments. The Guardian hisses slightly as his burn scraps against the slightly rough fabric of his replacement leg-wear. Rue mutters and apology and in no time Seishu's fully dressed. With a sigh he settling back on the bed, scratching around the collar and waistband. “With all the stuff he can make to wear, he chooses this rough stuff. I'll never get that fool.” A faint snort draws his attention to a slightly upset looking Rue.

Seishu gives him a 'What do you expect?' look and rolls his eyes. Rue gives a deep disappointed sigh and looks away. The two are silent for several minutes. The the dream minion looks up at Seishu's legs and mumbles something to himself. Seishu raises and eyebrow. “Something about my legs bother you Little Bite?”

Rue jumps slightly. He feels a little odd about this new nickname the Nightmare Guardian's given him, but since he doesn’t feel bad about it he accepts it without question. Instead he motions towards the Guardian's leg injury and says, “I saw, well, at least a dozen scars on your legs, and even more on your upper body. When we heal here, there are no scars.” He cocks his head tot he side inquisitively. Seishu can see where he's going, but let's the boy ask his question. “Does everybody over there scar like that? Can't you heal without scaring?”

Seishu nods slowly, looking thoughtful. “Yes, we can heal without scars, and for the most part, I do so.” His brows furrow, running a finger over a long thin scar on his left arm. “However, when one of you guys get me good, you know, in a way I respect. . . . Or when I make a boneheaded mistake, getting hurt in the process and need a reminder to never make it again, I let it scar.” He smiles at Rue. “They remind me that I've always got more to learn, and to never underestimate you guys.” His face darkens, thinking of how he should have looked harder in the other direction. Seeing the sudden change in mood Rue settles in a chair near the bed and starts rambling about whatever come to mind, trying to distract the Guardian from his dark thoughts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Enasi slipped his hands into the green hoodie he was wearing and sighed. It was supposed to be a normal battle, just like the last. And then afterward, he was then supposed to be realm and continue his happy life. Shockingly, this isn't why the dreamer was so delved into his thoughts, or why he staring at the ground so intensely as he walked. The male wasn't paying attention to where he was walking, resorting in many of the workers having to move out of his way. They noticed their Guardian's mixed emotions, which was still fairly new to them as well. He didn't openly express anything but happiness, and occasionally worry. Enasi did it as a way of reassuring the dreams, but with the situation at hand he couldn't pull it off. Why he was so frustrated? Well, oddly enough, it wasn't because Seishu was inhabiting his realm temporarily. In fact, the Dream Guardian realized how monotonous his life had become after every battle and then every day and now that something new happened- he was frustrated by the fact he didn't want to go back to his monotonous life. But once Seishu left, that would've been it. He wouldn't have to worry about anything else. But Enasi knew he'd be bored once everything fell back to place. If Seishu had never showed up, he more than likely wouldn't have minded the situation in the lightest.

The burgundy haired male let out a deep sigh and looked up. He shook the thoughts away. It was more important focusing on if he'd be okay and when he was able to leave. Nothing else mattered besides keeping his dreams safe. Then it dawned on him... If the nightmares know that their Guardian is still alive, they would possibly frame the dreams- resulting in a catastrophe. "That's not good..." Without a leader, whatever going on in the opposite realm could effect his realm as well. "That's not good at all." Enasi would have to prepare for the worse...

"Oh good you're here Sir." Enasi snapped into attention and looked at Harper. In the midst of his thoughts, he didn't realize he had made it to the guards' tactic room. It was empty, save for the round table and scattered chairs, Harper standing by the table. "How is everything?" Enasi inquired, looking out the window. Before he said anything, the rabbit's ear twitched and he could tell something was wrong. Narrowing his eyes accusingly, Harper spoke. "What did that Nightmare do? I will personally get rid of him myself if I have-"
"N-No, no. He hasn't done anything. It's fine." Harper wasn't falling for it. "It's not that important right now alright? Just tell me what you needed to." Knowing the guardian most of his own life made it difficult for him to just 'accept' any problems. Harper knew him too well for that, and he felt it was necessary to talk to him seeing that he was second in command. "It's alright Harper. I'll talk to you about it later. Right now, we have other, more important issues." Knowing that it would take a little effort to persuade Harper, his tone was a little more commanding.

"Fine." The white rabbit started and then began his report. "Everything was fine the first few hours of since the leech has been here. But now there's an issue. The knights on patrol can almost feel waves of negative energy as they pass where the rift had opened. I've already taken precaution as to relocating any dreams that are close. Thankfully, majority live behind the castle." The Guardian took the information in. The only likely thing he could think of was the nightmares were planning an invasion. He remembered in history- a history too far into back for even humans or any creature- back when the universe had just spit out beings that could dream the two guardians before had screwed up trying to invade each other. Those two guardians were pro-war though. The two guardians now knew of the consequences of wars. It resulted in death, unhappiness, and messing up the balance.

"We need Seishu up...now:" The urgency in his voice made Harper stand tall, awaiting his orders. "I don't know how far into disturbing the rift they are, but I need you to get the knights ready to attack. The only ones who should be able to go to both realms easily is us as guardians." Harper saluted and hurried off to grab his men. "Remember! Don't go into their territory! Try not to fight, just try to close the rift if it opens!" Harper nodded and hurried off. Enasi didn't want anymore casualties after the recent battle- and he still had men injured.

The Dream Guardian rushed through the hall with haste, dodging everyone that passed by. This was important ad needed to be dealt with sooner than later. Enasi didn't bother knocking on the door, but he did pause in order to calm down. He didn't want to hurt Seishu even more with the influx of positive energy. The guardian opened the door, but as he started to speak, his words caught in his throat. 'Rue was still here...' It was obvious he wasn't hurt, of even scared. ...Which means he deliberately disobeyed me... Before Enasi said anything his eyes shut and opened as he sighed. "Rue can you give us a moment? I have to speak to Seishu in private." Upon seeing the guardian, Rue coward backwards. It wasn't in fear, but out of guilt, knowing he disobeyed the guardian. But in his defense, the Nightmare Guardian seemed so much nicer than what he was taught.

"Yes sir." Rue mumbled softly and scurried off, shutting the door behind him. Enasi sat in a rolling chair and looked over at Seishu. "We have an issue," Enasi ran fingers through his hair looking a little worried. "Whatever is going on in your realm needs to be dealt with before. . ." The guardian's voice trailed off as he thought about the horrible possibilities if the rift was open. Enasi didn't bother trying to finish the sentence, it would only cause him to worry more. "The rift is being forcibly opened. At least that's what I think. My knights are sensing a lot of negative energy where the rift was." If Seishu recalled their 'brief' history, he would know how that was a large problem.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Snarling in frustration Gin shakes his left hand then stares at the back of it hard. His glare is icy and full of anger, and despite it not being directed in their direction, the gathered Nightmare Minions scattered about the throne room begin cowering backwards. Sensing dissension between the nightmares, Gin had ordered all those not already loyal to him to leave the palace. He had been a bit disappointed that no actual nightmares support him, his focus had quickly shifted to a very important matter. One of the minions, a short redhead with violet eyes, approaches the throne slowly. Her whole body trembles as she reached the bottom of the dais and she get buffed by Gin's dark energies. She glances over her shoulder, getting a few encouraging motions from her fellow minions, she licks her lips and turns back to their new leader.

“Ex-excuse me my lord. Forgive my impertinence, but what seems to be the matter?” He voice, a light melodic sound, floats through Gin's fiercly concentrated mind and his heated gaze snaps to hers. She shudders and falls to her knees, dropping her eyes.

Flame lashes across his lips as his tongue skates across them. Before he can think of a better of it he barks out, “That foolish geezer is more tenacious than I gave him credit for!” He immediately regrets his words as the gathered minions begins whispering to one another about Seishu still being alive. Beating himself mentally he adds, “But it won't be long. As I sit here, his powers will seep into me soon, and even if he lives, he will be helpless.” Those gathered look to one another, some with disbelief, but most seem reassured by his words.

Unseen, beyond the doors, a small minion shuffles away from the door. Careful to not be seen he makes his way out of the palace. The once busy halls are empty, making it so that even his bare feet cause faint echoes that cause his heart to skip a beat when the sound reaches his ears. He manages to make his way outside without incident, and fleeing top speed down the thick grassy slope that leads to the palace his disappears into the tall waving grasses at the bottom. He turns one last time to look at the grand building, set upon what looks much like a mountain cut in half, the palace at it's peak. With a sinking heart he continues his escape. 'Master Seishu is alive. I must tell the others. The rift is freshly closed. If we can get through, we can save him and maybe then, the others will see that Gin's way is not right!' With that thought in mind the young minion makes his way to the others who are still loyal to Seishu, where together they will try and rescue their fallen lord.


Seishu feels his brow flicker as a kind of turbulence ripples through the are around him. His head turns to the boy rambling on beside him, but it only takes a moment to realize it's further away than that. 'I know this tingle' Bracing for impact the Nightmare Guardian tenses, but after a moment he thanks all things unholy when the blow is tempered by his counterpart. His gaze flickers over to the door as it opens. 'Well, doesn't he seem upset' A faint smirk tugs at his lips. 'Like an exasperated mother this one' His smile falters a bit when Enasi pulls up a chair, and falls completely at the look on his face. A sour taste grows in Seishu's mouth as the Dream Guardian lays out the issue. 'Ah hell no. . . . .' A low growl rumbles out as the guardian goes over all the reasons for the building energy.

'If it's Gin, then he most likely has realized that I'm not dead, and if he's smart. . . . .I know his plan. But it could be something else entirely, and if so this can all be avoided. I pray it's option number two, I really do' Taking a deep breath he looks over to Enasi. “I have an idea of what's going on. There are two main options. The first I kinda suckish, and the second is unfortunate, but easily dealt with.” Moving carefully Seishu pushes himself up against the headboard so he can sit up, meeting his counterpart's eyes on an even level. “The first option is Gin is tired of waiting for me to die, and is going to send in a group to take me out.” He waves his hand a bit to show he doesn't want to be interrupted. “The attack will look very much head on, but we're strategists, the lot of us, and knowing that you guys will sense them coming, Gin will most likely be using the attack as a distraction.” Seishu can't help an ironic smile to crease his lips. “I taught him everything, so I can say with confidence that a few of the fighters will have orders to hide, and sneak behind the fighting force to seek me out. Even in this state, they will be able to sense me.”

A faint throb in his shoulder makes the guardian stop and hiss. “Gah, this damn shoulder. . . .Anyways, the best way to deal with that scenario is to keep you men back from the rift, forcing them to spread out to attack. It'll be harder for one to sneak away, and if you have a second line, out of sight, there should be no way for your sparklers to miss them.” Gagging internally at the almost compliment towards the dream residents, he quickly moves on to option two. “The only other major possibility is that the ones trying to get through are doing so to try and save me.” Raising his good arm, the Nightmare Guardian begins lacing together small strings of energy in his palm. “If that's the case, solving this little issue is simple and easy.” There is a faint flash in his hand and when the light fades a beautiful sprig of lilacs rests in his hand. The tiny bushel of flowers are of no natural color, the red stems and black pedals seeming to sparkle faintly.

Reaching across his chest he holds out the flowers for Enasi to take. “I bred these flowers myself. There is only one bush of them in existence. I keep it in a remote place that none but my most trusted even know about.” He twirls them slightly. “Even if the ones burrowing through to rescue me aren't my most trusted, only when I'm at the palace they appear in the halls in waiting vases. They'll know what it means, and return without a fight. All you have to do is wait in sight of the rift, alone, and hold it up for them to see. If they are foes, they will attack, if they are friend, just hand it to the first one who approaches you and tell them to go home for now.” Seishu can't help smirking. “Unlike someone's underlings I know, my underlings never question.”
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