Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soph
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"That's the spirit Britnell-san! Though, I think we can skip off on the invading for now. It looks like we're still missing a few club members...I'll have to think of a proper punishments for being late. Until then...."
I think that's what you call celebrating too much, right? I mean, it's not like I won 5 Nobel Prizes and 6 Grammies in one year or something. That'd be something to say WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! about.

"Ah, welcome eveyone. As you know, this is our first year anniversary. Well, close to it. And since it's summer, I thought we'd have a few fun activities to freshen everyone's mind."
Eliza saw Yuzuru digging through her bag. Oh god. What does she have? A LMG, to kill us all with? A DVD set, so she can force us to watch MADUKA MEGUKA over and over again 5 times? Or maybe Classic Doctor Who? I want Classic Doctor Who. Be Classic Doctor Who.

"Since a whole year has passed by, we should have a trust exercise. You know, to see that we don't have any renegade aliens, time travelers, or espers in the group."
What was that, a Doctor Who reference in there? Time travelers? Well, we obviously have a TARDIS behind our backs, so that makes perfect sense. She looked behind her, though. She was a bit paranoid.

"Basically, we run around like this and trust our peers not to shoot us. If you get hit even once, then you have to perform the whole opening from that one anime with the four high school girls led by a blue haired midget."

Lucky Star reference.
Eliza just got one of Yuzuru's references.


Ok everyone?"

Eliza looked towards Yuzuru, confused. Is she saying that we can just teleport to a street, and to Konata's house?
And that Eliza would probably lead the dance because she's the only real midget, and the mascot, like Konata is for Lucky Star?
"I actually got that reference."

Wait, what?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pepper
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Pepper The Ewok Maid

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Everyone was mostly wacky in this club, it was quite stranger. As the people started pouring in she counted heads, oh my, that’s a lot of tea. Nevertheless, she poured tea into the cups in the tray one by one. Slowly but surely, keeping them at the perfect temperature. Once she was finished, the leader had already gained consciousness and there was a buzz. She was quite lost but didn’t care; she was quite a good listener.

Brooke went around the room offering tea and kind words, “settle down now and drink your tea, its truly relaxing.” Yes, the perfect time to distress. Yet she was darting like a bullet around the room, every person needed to have a tea cup in their hand. Hopefully that would pipe them down a notch. She noticed that Eliza had spilled her tea on someone, the one called Yuuma.

She rushed over and offered some ice wrapped in a cloth to him, “here, cool it down or it may get nasty. Eliza do you want more tea?” Brooke had already whipped up a cup from her tray and stretched it out to her. Then she walked over to the leader, handing her a cup of steaming tea too, “It might wake you up.” Her words were nice and smooth.
Her eyes were open, ready incase anybody got hurt. Who knew tea was such a weapon, maybe she should carry it around when walking home from the job.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unlucky0013
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Unlucky0013 <(^_^)> / /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Member Seen 7 mos ago

In anticipation of this 'trust exercise,' Steve thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and shut down the computer. He looked around the room to try to a nice potentially dry spot to hide. He didn't want to do the dance, but if thee could be a few girls in on it, that might be something to watch. He took his piece of weaponry and blindfold before asking his question, figuring he might still need it regardless. He found a nice place behind the whiteboard to run to should this become the battlefield.

"Ah, Leader! Can we opt out of the water sports? Its not that I don't want to get wet, but how can doused shirts be of any use if we are blindfolded?" Oh how nice it would be to see one of the club girls' breasts just once. He was drooling at the thought. He might even have to start the first water assault if peace were to take hold of everybody.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Goodness, Yuuman, are you okay?" Her hazel eyes shimmered in concern and she leaned over to feel the nervous man's forehead. She looked at him a bit sadly and her shoulders slumped. "You look like you've seen a ghost..."

"̵̧̡̱͉̼͓̙̼͜ͅH̷̢̻͍͔̹̤͉̦̟̗a̵̗̥̟͈͙̜̠̹̭̗v̶̢̠͈̼͙̞̩̘̠̟e̵̢̖̗̹̼̭̹̞̻͜ ̷̼̲͇̗̣͍̦͎̞̲y̶͙̖͎̤͈̯͈̯̞͜o̸̬̠̥̹̪̥̫̼̖̭u̷̢͖̱̺̯̦̯̬͇ͅ ̴̨͙̣̫̺̮̹͔̰̥s̴̡͓̖̝̱̪̻͕̬ͅe̶̡̦̮̮̞̲̰͔͜ͅe̶̙̰̗͈̹͖̟̠͇͕n̸̨̮͇͚͖͉̱̥͜ͅ ̸̙͖̳̬͇͖̲̤̜̯a̶̡̡͎͍̦̮̪͈̲͓ ̶͓͈͖̱̻͕̬̘͕͜g̴̨͈̣͍͚͚̬̝̥͈ḩ̸͙̳̟͇̹̹̤͎͜o̷̭͎͔̙̖͎̯̰̙͜s̵̖͙̰̰̼̯͈͍͍̯t̶̡̢̺͎̤̥̣̞͍̥,̵̤̭̲͓̤̖͚͖̰̟ ̷̢̪͔͇̜̫̜̥͓ͅY̷̧͉̳͕̙̜̜͔̯͖u̷̞̭̲̼̖͈̝͎͎͕ų̴̡̘͉̜̟̠̱͇͜m̵̪̦̳͚̙̥̗͚̲͜a̴̡̻̰̰̙̜͉̺̞̰ ̴̡̰̬͓̬͇̪̯̙̻d̵̮̻̲̠̬̥͈͈̩̘e̷̼̰͖̠̱͇̹̮̼͎a̶̧̙̭̻̭̫͈̥͖͜r̷̰̲͇̤̜͇̻̘̣͉?̴̰̯͔͔̪̤͔̱̤̱"̸̨͔̖̤̳̹̳̰͚̘

She stood like that for a moment before her face returned to normal and her hand was pulled away from his forehead. "Well at least you're not sick!" She said, concluding the average temperature of his forehead with a grin. Then she sat back down and looked to their righteous leader as she began to talk. Once she was done, Mao looked concerned.

"Oh... will we be given partners?" She suddenly hugged her leader tightly, the background fading to a light yellow scene with flowers. "I wish to only be places with you, Overlord Yuzuru..." Mao blushed a bit as she held her leaders head against her breast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Yuzuru tried to rub her sleepy eyes as Brooke handed her a piping hot cup of delicious tea. "Ah, thank you Gilbert-san." Taking a small sip, the otaku couldn't help but wonder and muse that tea seemed to taste better in high school club rooms. Was it just the atmosphere or something? Well regardless, work had to be done today. And by work, Yuzuru meant shooting each other in the face with fully loaded water pistols...and possibly getting a free show out of it too!

The club leader turned to acknowledge Steve's question. "Opt out? Hmm, I suppose. But you have to do something to make up for it, ok Gates-san? Now, are there any new ques-?" Yuzuru tensed up as she felt a certain girl hug her just a bit too tightly. "Ah, partners?"

"Gotta think...ah! Yandere rule #5. Always be sure to pet your yandere whenever close quarters are used!"

Ignoring the blush that was creeping up on her own face, Yuzuru tried to reach up and pet the taller girl on the head. "Do you want to use teams Uki-san? Actually, come to think of it..." How many club members were there? Was there even an even amount? Hmm...if she counted correctly, it was nine excluding the two who hadn't shown up...maybe a three man team then? "Hey Uki-san? I'm just gonna assume you wanna be on my team, right? And...how are you doing that to the background?" Well then again, Steve didn't want to participate, so that left eight.

Trying to dislodge her head from Mao's, uh, melons, Yuzuru raised a finger towards the heavens. Which again, mind you, was just a hole in the ceiling. "Everyone pick your teams! We'll have our trust exercise right here in the club room since it should be plenty of space! Now get ready to be....to...be..."

"Curses! Foiled again by the weak shell of my external body! Alright Sleep, make this...quick already...zzz"

Well? What did you think was gonna happen? The girl had fallen asleep standing upright, and whether she liked it or not, she was indirectly using Mao's, uh, melons as a makeshift pillow. It could be worse. There could be a cell phone involved in all this...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frosty


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Staying relatively quiet throughout most of the events that ensued, Buster said nothing after his most recent Buster Rant. He was called a THING, and held his tongue. But now..

NOW, HE WAS THREATENED TO BECOME WET. Does no one understand that robotics are highly prone to short circuiting and par to exploding when they're wet? Does no one understand that robots HATE being wet?

While Buster was monologuing internally, Ryder pressed a button on Buster's interface, which morphed into a hand cannon with a tube of sorts protruding from the front of the cannon. "That's all fine by me, Yuzuru-chan, but if someone gets near me, they better trust that I miss with my aqua cannon here. I have a terrific sense of direction. With that being said, someone, join me for the massacre," he stated to the club mates with the straightest face possible. "Who wants to pair up with a person who will shoot at the sound of breathing? Warning, you may get shot."

That was just a salesman's catchphrase, huh?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kemps smiled as he picked up his gun and blind fold setting in the middle of the room and he attempted to remember were his shady ninja colleague was at, his mission was to make him dance. Still he knew he would mess up if he began to squirt in every direction so his attempt must be perfect. He didn't like water much but it was more the idea of bodies of water, like pools, or lakes. Still the idea of being sprayed made the boy feel a bit uneasy, he as sure he knew at least one of them with an itchy trigger finger. He didn't mind doing the dance, he had himself watch lucky star show multiple times as to hopefully be accepted by his leader for once. It seemed fun in truth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soph
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yuzuru fell asleep.

She fell asleep, in the middle of her speech.

Oh my fuck.

Fucking aces. Aces, Yuzuru. Now this is going to be a cliche moment after school where you actually realize your feelings for Mao and then you guys hook up and then there's going to be a relationship in the first 3 pages of the RP. Like, what?

Yeah. Yuzuru was using Mao's breasts as pillows.

Fucking aces.

That's my new catchphrase. 'Fucking aces.' Eliza was just looking, with a 'WHAT THE FUCK?' look on her face. Like, what. This is what happened: Her brain formed a hand, and that brain facepalmed her insides. It felt like she just got stabbed in the stomach or something, with a severe headache too. She sighed before facepalming herself externally as well. "What."

"What. Whatwhatwhatwhatwhat?"

That was what she just said. 'What. What. Whatwhatwhatwhatwhat?' Literally. She just said that. Like, she was just staring at the cliche anime situation that was going on. What was she supposed to do, blush and giggle? No. You think this is a Drama CD, this ain't no CD. This is real life, son. We got some google maps, look up 3liZa's Cr1b, you gon' find it. And when you do, and you go over there and say, 'HEY, YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE ACTED LIKE THAT!' you know what she's going to say?

This is real life.

This ain' no game.

This ain' Lucky Star. We can't suddenly become chain-smoking lunatics in 5 seconds, and kawaii sugoi-desu lolis the next.

This ain' no Haruhi Suzumiya.

This ain' no Doctor Who. We ain' gon' use some port-a-potties to time travel.

And you ain' gon' like dat.

You ain' gon' like it.


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unlucky0013
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Unlucky0013 <(^_^)> / /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Hehehehehe...." Steve was euphoric. Immediately, his phone was out snapping pictures of the club leader and our club's own yandere. Oh what a sight. It felt as if his nose was gushing out blood as he slithered around the couple, taking photos of every angle possible, including close-ups. When satisfied, he emailed himself the photos just to be safe and off to the corner he went to oogle over his new favorite album while creepily muttering to himself: "Yuzuru~ you sure are cute when you sleep. And going for the pillows? 50 points! Ah, women.... so cute, so endowed..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo was bored and he was watching as the others were squirting each other while he remained quiet but he heard Steve talking about women again so he decided to nip it in the bud, he squirted Steve in the face before he squirted his cell phone to teach him a lesson on how to be smarter about when talking about women. other then that Angelo remained silent getting tired of watching them. Angelo started to simply play with his kunai as he threw it in the air then it would fall back down and he would catch it, it was good practice for his hand eye coordination and timing not to mention his hearing waiting for the right moment to grab the handle instead of its actual blade
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riegal
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yuuma could no longer feel his face. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing, but it sure was nice to not be in extreme pain anymore. Brooke zipped around, taking care of the members and giving him a makeshift ice pack. Thanking her, he placed it against his skin, closing his eyes and sighing happily at the cold sensation. Yuzuru began to explain the water gun trust exercise they were going to do. It seemed horribly

"Goodness, Yuuman, are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost... H̷̢̻͍͔̹̤͉̦̟̗a̵̗̥̟͈͙̜̠̹̭̗v̶̢̠͈̼͙̞̩̘̠̟e̵̢̖̗̹̼̭̹̞̻͜ ̷̼̲͇̗̣͍̦͎̞̲y̶͙̖͎̤͈̯͈̯̞͜o̸̬̠̥̹̪̥̫̼̖̭u̷̢͖̱̺̯̦̯̬͇ͅ ̴̨͙̣̫̺̮̹͔̰̥s̴̡͓̖̝̱̪̻͕̬ͅe̶̡̦̮̮̞̲̰͔͜ͅe̶̙̰̗͈̹͖̟̠͇͕n̸̨̮͇͚͖͉̱̥͜ͅ ̸̙͖̳̬͇͖̲̤̜̯a̶̡̡͎͍̦̮̪͈̲͓ ̶͓͈͖̱̻͕̬̘͕͜g̴̨͈̣͍͚͚̬̝̥͈ḩ̸͙̳̟͇̹̹̤͎͜o̷̭͎͔̙̖͎̯̰̙͜s̵̖͙̰̰̼̯͈͍͍̯t̶̡̢̺͎̤̥̣̞͍̥,̵̤̭̲͓̤̖͚͖̰̟ ̷̢̪͔͇̜̫̜̥͓ͅY̷̧͉̳͕̙̜̜͔̯͖u̷̞̭̲̼̖͈̝͎͎͕ų̴̡̘͉̜̟̠̱͇͜m̵̪̦̳͚̙̥̗͚̲͜a̴̡̻̰̰̙̜͉̺̞̰ ̴̡̰̬͓̬͇̪̯̙̻d̵̮̻̲̠̬̥͈͈̩̘e̷̼̰͖̠̱͇̹̮̼͎a̶̧̙̭̻̭̫͈̥͖͜r̷̰̲͇̤̜͇̻̘̣͉?̴̰̯͔͔̪̤͔̱̤̱"̸̨͔̖̤̳̹̳̰͚̘

His eyes snapped open to see Mao leaning towards him, her face a twisted grin. As she placed her hand on his forehead, his face defaulted to the terrified, uncertain smile and panic shot through him.

Please no, I'd really rather not be her target this week.

He tried to say he was fine, but no sound came out, so he just kept smiling while sweating profusely.

After what seemed like an eternity, her terrifying expression was replaced with a cute smile, and she removed her hand from his forehead, saying "Well at least you're not sick!"

And then, mercifully, she went over to Yuzuru and clung onto her, asking the leader to be her partner for the trust exercise. He could've jumped and done an olde-timey heel click in joy, but restrained himself. He was safe for the week. Unless of course he did something to piss Mao off.

Completely drained from the constant adrenaline that had been flowing through him all morning, Yuuma just stood blankly in place. Steve asked Yuzuru if he could sit out of the trust exercise. From the way he worded it, Yuuma knew exactly what was going through his mind. When the leader accepted his request, Yuuma glanced towards Steve, face still expressionless. He shot a quick thumbs up, showing his approval.

And then Yuzuru fell asleep, head on Mao's breasts. Yuuma wasn't anywhere near as blatant as Steve, but he certainly got his own eyeful. He went over to the water guns and blindfolds, and grabbed two of each. As he walked across the room, heading towards Brooke, he super nonchalantly pulled out his phone and texted Steve.

"send me the pics later"

After hitting send and putting his phone away as smoothly as he had taken it out, he plopped down in a seat next to Brooke.

"Team?" he asked her, holding out a blindfold and water gun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soph
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Eliza was half weirded out, half bored, and half realizing that she had not chosen a partner. Heh. Eliza chuckled at her own brain. Three halves. Maybe the third was her mental state. Nah. Has nothing to do with this.

She forgot; she was the loli. She was the super cutesy stuttering girl and that is what she should be. Get your fucking head in the game, or in a month the yandere might be staring at you like that girl from the Future Diary anime, with a club in hand.

Oh, god.

I mean, it was obvious. Humans live to die. It might seem a bit cruel, but in reality, that is the life goal. To die. Or to reproduce. But, murderers are kind of helping us. Yeah. All Eliza thought about was the humans live to die statement, and then she forgot.


She reminded herself that she had to get in groups, so she looked around. Angelo was silent as fuck; she didn't really like him that much.

Steve; he's a pervert, but he's funny as fuck sometimes. Eliza had taken a slight interest in him, mostly for his sense of humor.

Yuuma was walking towards Brooke. She liked messing with Yuuma sometimes; twas really easy to do so as well.

Mao and Yuzuru were having the biggest yuri moment yet; good. She wasn't the weekly favorite. I mean, for now. Shit.

Yeah. She had reviewed everybody, and guess what? She walked towards Steve, to team up. Why? Because, in her mind, he was the most interesting in her mind. When she reached Steve, she said, "Hi. Wanna team up?" Hell, she even had to look up. Like always.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mao merely blinked and petted her Alpha's hair as she slept against her boobs. Her smile didn't stop or even twitch as cameras went off. It didn't matter, let them see. Little flowers seemed to hover around Mao and the snoring Yuzuru, possibly formed from the deepest happiness trembling in the young girls heart for being the headrest of the Omega. She already had her partner, it was up to everyone else now to claim theirs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unlucky0013
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Unlucky0013 <(^_^)> / /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Member Seen 7 mos ago

*Bzzt* *crackle* *crackle* "WHA? NO NO NO nO Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..... Angelo you monster! How could you destroy that which captured a moment of pureness of which a young maiden finds comfort and security in another woman's arms......" Steve let out a small moment of silence for his lost phone and everything that went with it. "It was so young....... The warranty had just expired last month......."

Before the moment of yuri had past, Steve went to grab a camcorder out of his camera bag only to be stopped by Eliza, the loli. "Huh? Partners? Oh, yeah sure."

- Alright! The loli. 10 points! - Steve thought, his perverted grin showing again. Then he was off to grab his camcorder and began recording the sleeping leader.... and the other overly cliched club members.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soph
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yeah! Partners! High fi- oh, nope. Just go back to recording the yuri moment.


I wonder what it would be like if she drew something random on the walls. No, not dicks. People are disgusted by those. Not a vagina. But a butt. Badabadabadabadabutt. Please. Its such innocent vandalism that they can't be mad.

Pfft, HAHAHAHAHA, okay I can't even fucking finish that. Oh god. That's the best.

But yeah. Apparently Steeeeeeeveeeeeee was all over this yuri moment. Which, honestly, was expected from the main pervert in the club. Even this club is on google maps, SON!

Look it up, da cluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuub. $2 for a quick grind by Mao! Yeah! That could-


Yeah, that would likely result in heads getting cut off and such.

Ph, hey, she still had tea. Oh. Tea is a liquid. What? I thought it was food! Oh man, if I spill it on the camcorder, its going to get all broken!

Nah. That'd be too 'dicky'. Besides, she wasn't like this. I am. Ha.

But yeah. Eliza looked towards Steve, tea in hand, while she took a sip of her said tea. And then she spit it out, because it was way too hot. "why....." She said, before sighing. The only thing that happened was this yuri momrnt. Hell, she could just go to sleep.

Bloop. Passed out, half tongue burning, full bored.

Makes no sense.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Mm....ngh....get away from me you....white cat thing...I don't want your...your damn contract...I'm...I'm seventeen years old!"

Yuzuru woke up with a start, apparently having some dream about contracts and frilly girl outfits. However, everyone who's anyone absolutely hated this dreaming character with a deep passion. So it was no suprise whatsoever when Yuzuru lashed out to strangle said tiny creature in her imaginary yet still sleep hazed mind. Unfortunately, in her attempt to choke out said unnamed character, the otaku ended up doing somthing a bit more...er, cliche? "Huh....?" Blinking her eyes to dispel any traces of sleep, the bespectacled girl moved her gaze to her hands, realizing what she was doing. "Eh?"

She had forgotten the fact of where she fell asleep, and so instead of rightfully murdeirng a certain fluffy contractor, our plucky leader found herself clenching her hands tightly around Mao's, uh, pancakes. "W-Wha?" Yuzuru immediately flung herself off the other girl, face turning redder with each second. No doubt more pictures and video footage were being taken, but the club leader could handle that later. Right now she had to make sure her little mistake didn't accidentally upset the ticking time bomb of a girl in front of her.

"Definitely not the Incubator....although I'd really prefer him right about now! Yandere rule #72! When faced with intimate situations, just blunder your way through!"

In true anime fashion only seen by people who actually enjoy this-seriously who's even reading this anymore-Yuzuru brought her hands up in an apologetic manner. "Ah, sorry Uki-san! I didn't mean it! It was a mistake, really! Look, see! My hands are right over here!" She then proceeded to wave them around for extra emphasis like an idiot. "Please don't put my severed head in a sports bag! Ah, still partners, right? And, uh, how are you still doing that?" She was beginning to notice the flowers in the backdrop again....

"Yes! That should do the trick. Always beg for mercy in front of your yandere!"

Her energy already being spent-someone get this girl a coffee-she then turned to face the rest of her club members with still half-open eyes. Good thing she had those glasses then. "By the way, has eveyone else picked a partner yet?" She asked so in her usual laid back manner.

As if the imposing threat of getting her limbs separated from her body no longer had any mental effect on her. Was she that brave, or was it just traditional cluelessness?

Who knew?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo shook his head softly still not understanding what goes on in their leaders head that would make her grab the woman's jugs and start apologizing as quick as possible. While she did that Angelo tried to figure out who to partner with considering who was already taken and who didn't hate him for how silent Angelo was so he went to the Mecha guy that brought a robot that made the sky light and he tapped the guys shoulder trying to let him know he wanted to be his partner for the exercise
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gnash


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yuuki threw the door open, breathing heavily with both hands planted on his legs as he made a futile effort to catch his breath. "Am I late?!" He exclaimed, he knew the answer. "...I mean... It's not like I care or anything." He muttered under his breath as he made way to take a seat in of the back corners of the club room, then proceeded to sit nonchalantly like it was his job to be secretly interested but act like he wasn't - because only cliche people cared about stuff so openly. He let out a deep sigh and his cheeks flushed red as he turned his gaze towards Yuzuru.

'Haaaah... Yuzu-Chan <3... when will you notice me... senpai?" He thought in a daze with a stupid grin on his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mao smiled and nodded, giving her leader a little smile. "I would never hurt you forthedurationofthisweek Overlord Yuzuru~"She giggled before giving the smaller girl a peck on the head. She looked at everyone else with her eyebrows uplifted.

"Nee, Are we ready to ǵͪͣ͠oͦ̊̾ͣ̿͂͟͝?͂́͐̒͋ͩ͐͒̅͝ I sure can't wait to play with my Overlord!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CasedaAmpora


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Kyakona skipped/walked into the Handy Man's club room in her usual cheery way. Her hair done up in pigtails with cute little bows and her eyes big and bright in that way characters in animes do when they're being introduced in the first episode, until she stopped dead in her tracks and took in the scene playing before her.

Her day had been pretty normal up until that moment, which would probably be better explained as 'her day was pretty boring and unusually normal until that moment.' She had walked to the school after saying a bubbly goodbye to her lawer of a mother, who took no joy in her daughter's cheery behavior. Then she waved to every person she walked past, even the ones who mugged her on a regular basis. Money hungry bastards.

But as soon as she made those bounding steps into the room she referred to as Home Number 2#, she felt the right kind of normal again. The kind that nobody else would really call normal, unless you practicality lived there, yourself. But anyway, back to the matter at hand.

Snapping out of the trance that had her staring off into space like a love-struck manga character, she looked around with a wide smile and broke the silence that hung in the room.

"Hello Overlord! Hello everybody! What did I miss??"
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