Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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Ryder quick his nudging of Varus' arm, instead his helmet slammed back into place with the same sound and he returned to cracking open the hulk of metal, more carefully this time though. It took a while, but he did it, Varus' armored form was slumped into the seat which was surprisingly intact. Ryder made a few prods at the straps, but his hands were too big. So he turned to Jack and let out another moan.

Varus' body slumped a bit more with the prodding and began to twitch, very gently. He was stirring, but didn't have the energy to say anything or move anywhere.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rennac stopped building the beacon and looked back at Jack, taking another glance to the limp arm. He pondered the idea for a moment before heaving s sigh. "You're right. Not too likely they already took out the jammer or whatever the heck it was. All the same we need to be careful. We can patch up gun shot wounds but we dont know squat about head or even spinal injuries. Move him the wrong way and we could end up killing him ourselves if his condition is bad enough." He remembered that particularl tidbit from trying to carry out a guy who was shot in the spine. With how they handled him it ended up going from quadriplegic to a corpse all because they let his head turn the wrong way while his neck was damaged.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esayo


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When Ryder finally uncovered Varus, she was surprised to see him all in one piece. More than surprised, she was silently amazed by it. Either Litharians had tougher skin than she'd originally thought, or the captain was in possession of the largest stockpiles of luck she'd ever seen.

Jackdaw approached the seat, bringing one of the clawed boots up and cutting through the straps with quick precision. The plates around her fingers receded for a brief few moments as she placed them upon his neck, checking for a pulse despite the fact that the stirring lent to his status. When she was satisfied with her findings, she stepped back, and motioned for Ryder to grab him.

Rennac spoke up, but she didn't heed it much, and just began climbing back up the hill. "Better be careful with him then," she said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rennac nodded and looked at Varus's body, a quick idea coming to mind. He jacked his wrist computer into a port on the armor, accessing the systems and initiating a temporary armor lock. The plates on Varus's head, neck, and back all locked on place to keep them from moving. "There. A triggered armor lock will stabilize the head and back. If he does have a head or neck injury we wont have to worry about it while moving him at least." He moved to help pick up Varus's body, getting one of the captain's arms around his neck to help support the commander up until Ryder took over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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Ryder didn't know much about what was going on, too many big words or words he didn't know. But with Ren offering Varus to him, he go the idea. He reached down and picked Varus up, cradling him in his arms. With the size difference Varus looked like a small child. He frowned beneath his helmet, after all Varus seemed much more rigid and it was unnatural. "What happen?" He said towards Ren, trying to see what was going on his Varus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rennac looked to the rather simple lizard and figured he should explain a bit more simply. "Locked his armor in place in case he's hurt badly. Its better not to move him too much if he's really badly hurt. We are doing this just in case." He was hoping the simple explanation would do, not wanting to explain how he basically hacked their captain's armor to initiate the armor lock so they could move him safely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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Ryder just looked at Ren for a few moments, but eventually nodded and began to walk back towards where he saw the colony.

Varus was beginning to stir a bit more now that he was mobile. His brain was turning on and one of the only things he could think, "Hunter's Mercy, my head hurts like Hell." Still not much he could do about it, he couldn't even more his own arms just yet. But one thing he was thankful for, with his armor locked he was much more comfortable in his own little shell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esayo


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Jackdaw led the way on past the hull of the ship. Taerys had gone opposite them, so the others would be following behind, and hopefully stopped. If they were, they'd catch up to Six and Hay before long and they could put Varus's health out of their worries. If they weren't actually supposed to be keeping up an air of stealth, she might have fired off a few rounds into the air to signal them, but, that wasn't the case.

She cast a glance over her shoulder as the two conversed, if not in the basest form. Ryder was not one for talking, or rather, not one for talking well. She was honestly surprised he'd understood Rennac's simpler explanation. Then again she hadn't spent too long around the beast of a man to really have a grasp on his mental capabilities.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thegunner18


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Taerys wanted to keep on the move as much as possible; she wanted to remain unpredictable to anybody who might have been trying to track her. The Varyx did wonder, though, whether it was even feasible to do such a thing against an enemy that had managed to take out the systems of a dropship with such ease. Either way, she had no real choice in the matter. 

She continued to move meticulously through the deserted colony, keeping her breath quiet and her footsteps soft. As she went in further she saw worrying signs: blood patches. Whose blood it was she didn't know, but there was at least some information to go off of. It was the fact that there was nothing to accompany the blood that had her on edge. Generally, that was a telling sign that whatever it was had survived. That, or the bodies had been removed somehow. Neither option really filled Taerys with much happiness...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rennac took the cue and began to take up the rear of the group, holding his pistol up and scanning the area as they made their way toward Six's group. If nothing else he was glad they had found the captain at the very least somewhat alive. He was somewhat dismayed by the state of their stealth however. Jackdaw was a well trained soldier but to his knowledge she had no stealth training. Ryder, well, was Ryder. A hulking metal clad lizard who practically made miniature earthquakes when he took a step. Not exectly the best infiltration group but it was all they had until they met up with the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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Ryder kept moving forward. He wasn't fatigued, but he was curious. Everything that's been going on he never really understood, but he knew it wasn't normal. Hopefully some answers would come and hopefully everybody would be ok. Varus and Hay both included. He glanced over to Jack and then over his shoulder at Rennac. Then continued on in silence.

Varus didn't change much, still not making a single sound, but his vision was coming back and he was look up at the sky, only getting glimpses at Ryder's shining armor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esayo


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Just as she'd thought, they hadn't gone too far. The fact that they had to wait for Taerys combined with Hay's leg must have slowed them down tremendously. It proved helpful for catching up, but Jackdaw knew well enough that now that they'd caught up the slowness would wear on her.

She didn't properly address either of the two, but her head turned more towards Hay than Six when she approached. "Found him. Do what you can with what we brought," she said, and set the -few- supplies she'd been able to bring with her on the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gloves


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Six slowed as he heard the other group catching up, and turned to face them, stepping towards the lot. Varus seemed to be in one piece, though not exactly of excellent condition. Ryder was carrying him, so Six moved to approach Jack, and though it wasn't necessary, offered what he could.

"Taerys is still ahead--no word yet. Know how his condition is?" He knew none of them were medics, so doubted she had much more than "bad," but figured it was worth asking.

Another instance Hark would have been useful--Jack didn't have much of the supplies and he knew, with his partner, they could have gathered much more of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rennac ran up and holstered his weapons, figuring he would be needed to splint a limb or two on their captain using partial armor locks. "I initiated a temporary armor lock to keep his body stable. Once we set him down on an even stretch of ground I can shut off the armor lock and we can get a closer look. Considering the pile of debris we found him under it's a miracle we found him alive." The wolfen was practically cursing at himself, never having gotten more than basic first aid training. He had always figured out some plan or action and prepared for it. Sadly, he was now assigned to a ground team with now medic. It was certainly not something he planned for but knew they had to work with what they had.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esayo


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Jackdaw gestured to Rennac when Six asked her about Varus, then motioned to Hay. "Up to him now."

Perhaps she was being too light about all of it, but then again that's the mode she went to on missions. Armor donned, these sort of things only became a concern when they would immediately effect the mission, and if Varus passed on, tragic as it might be later, they could still do what they came here to do. Of course, she wasn't about to voice that opinion, and chances were she never would; she was well aware of the reception it would recieve.

She moved ahead a few steps, looking off towards where the two had been headed. "How far off is she?" she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gloves


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Six stepped up alongside Jackdaw, leaving the others to tend to Varus as they would. "She left before you and Rennac did, no word since then. I don't know how fast she moves, or how far from the colony we are. Have you got an estimate?" Jackdaw still seemed the authority here, at least to him, and he was still too new to really know what the right protocol would be here--whether or not she'd been gone long enough to warrant searching, whether or not they should even be concerned about that yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esayo


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She huffed. Taerys was fast enough; if the colony was close by, she'd have found it by now, there had to be something going on. Maybe she'd been killed, maybe there was a threat after all. This was why she hated missions like this, these mystery-solving gigs were out of her comfort zone, too many variables, too many stupid risks. She wagered they could have been practically finished dealing with the bandits if they'd have chosen that route, instead, they were saddled up here, in the middle of nowhere, with their superior officer on his ass, their pilot injured, no field medic, and their primer infiltrator without any form of communication.

Part of her hated Claire in that moment. The flat-faced, mannequin woman. Then again, if they didn't do this, who would? This was what the Dawn did, the jobs people in black ops were too cold-footed to touch, or that other authorities wrote off. They were here because they were the best, whether their talents were being squandered or not.

Oh, right, Six had said something, asked her a question. She turned her head to him to convey some form of acknowledgement, but was still turned towards the distance. "None. We're blind and deaf till the cat gets back."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gloves


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Six chewed a lip thoughtfully in his helmet, and cocked his head slightly. "How long can we spare waiting on her?"

Were Hark with him he'd offer to just go hunt the girl down--but right now, they were pretty tightly packed. Losing one was better than losing two, after all, and he could communicate with them about as well as Taerys could. Hay, Rennac, and Varus were all useless, at least for the moment, when it came to defense, and Jack and Ryder couldn't take care of three people, one of whom might be mortally injured, just on their own.

But then, he was new, and probably not viewed as necessary. Rennac did have big talk earlier about his self-care abilities, and Ryder was big enough to just act as a shield if it really came down to it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esayo


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"Longer than she should need," she said sharply.

Maybe that was a bit cruel, but she'd come to expect more out of Taerys than most of the crew, at times even more than Varus. She was useful, and was very good at not letting the team down during missions. This sort of situation, waiting on her without any word, was weird. She wasn't sure if she had any place to be expectant of the Varyx for the moment. On top of what happened earlier, assurances aside, Jackdaw was uncertain if Taerys was all-there. There'd been no argument over orders, which was strange in and of itself, but now they were waiting on her.

"We'll give her a bit more time once Varus is patched up, then we move out," she said at last, and then returned her gaze to the distance, searching for the infiltrator.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gloves


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Six followed Jackdaw's gaze, eyes darting for the feline's form, accepting the soldier's words on Taerys, but the second sentence made him turn.

"Think this is something that can just be patched up?" he asked, body turning to look over the broken captain and the two crewmembers tasked with his care. "Doesn't look like he'll be in moving shape for a while yet." The words were ... gentle, wasn't quite the right term, but she hadn't taken his previous suggestion kindly, and he was far more aware of the thin ice he was on now. Suggesting, perhaps? They were softer, less authoritarian, almost more simple questioning Jackdaw's opinion as though he were asking for another detail on a battle plan--were just his tone taken, it might not even seem like a question to her orders.
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