Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WatermelonTango


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rumble was annoyed by all of these costumed guys stepping in on his parade. There was the Tamaranian girl in their usual flashy style of garb. There was the green human looking fellow with little to no fashion sense at all. There was a dark floating women who simply covered herself in robes. There was even an awesome looking human-robot hybrid that he had to take a closer look at when he got the chance. But none of those people got Rumble quite as riled up as the boy who seemed to be the leader of the group.

That pointed mask. The gloves. The cape. The belt... Who exactly was this guy, and how did he get off mimicking the classic style of Galaxian?! Rumble grated his teeth in frustration. Not only did this guy copy his style... he even pulled off the look well. And that knowledge tortured him to no end. Rumble didn't realize he was this popular on earth yet. They were already coming up with cheap imitations. His mouth remained calm while his flashy sunglasses completely hid the stewing frustration of the Yordle's eyes until the hooded woman spoke and distracted him from his steaming jealousy.

Rumble hopped out of the cockpit and stood on top of his machine so that they could get a better view of him and his own extremely impressive outfit.
"It was a big blue guy who stood nearly 10 feet tall. He also had a lot of guns." Rumble said as he typed a command onto his arm brace. A holographic projection begin sprouting from the front of Rumble's mech. The camera he had installed recorded the fight between him and Malice. Rumble paused the footage and zoomed in on the blue alien man to give a closer look at his appearance.
"Does this guy look familiar to any of you?" Rumble said with a curious tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The colorless girl was quiet, merely looking on. Her eyes found a girl in the crowd of newbies that appeared to be... bubbly... per say. Almost the exact opposite of the colorless alien holding the still body of the Boy of Malice. She approached her, eyes fixed on the purple garb she adorned and oddly orange-y toned skin. "The being was... gentle... in a way." She cocked her head to the side, her monotone delivery as simple as always as she spoke to the tall alien girl. "He appeared to desire sustenance of this planet alone."

As she spoke, once again a loud groan ripped from her stomach. The same, metallic, hollow sound signifying hunger that had not been satisfied in a while rippled throughout the space around them. She looked to the one who called himself 'Triune.' "I seek to question you more, Otherworld Anchor."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I"m new here. Only been in the town for a little while." Ryan answered honestly as he remembered his reasons for coming to Jump city in the first place. Unfortunately, he didn't have the time to think back, as the leader of the Teen Titans was standing right in front of him. "Sorry if you get this a lot, but I can't believe that I'm talking to the leader of the Teen Titans!" He said with a nervous laugh, getting Robin to smirk slightly.

"You were bound to run into us eventually. What's your name?" The leader asked Ryan, wondering if he was just a civilian or not, but if he was able to survive the fight with only a few bruises, then he was obvious more than just human.

"I'm Ryan, but in costume I go by Flash Freeze." He said calmly, inwardly exploding because of who he was talking two. He was about to say more, but he was interupted by the little being that was fighting inside the mech. Both he and Robin turned to see what he was saying.

Robin looked at the image in front of him and examined the only one who wasn't currently with the large group. He had never seen such a being before, and could easily say that it wasn't human. It seemed that nowadays more and more aliens were making their way to earth for one reason or another. With a shake of his head, Robin responded to Rumble. "No, we haven't seen anyone like him before. What was he like?" Robin wanted to know as much about the blue alien as possible. He was much more focused on that alien instead of the costuumed alien in front of him, who had an oddly similar costume to Robin himself.
Starfire looked around the scene with curiosity. Her childlike wonder never really left her, despite the fact that she had been living on the same planet for quite some time. There was always something new and exciting on earth, and she knew well that she never wanted to leave. Her attention was moved to the colorless alien woman and her eyes widened in surprise. She had never actually seen her kind up close before, but she had heard a few things from her time on Tamaran about the Taalunia - or was it Taalunians? She wasn't sure, but that didn't get in the way of her curiosity about the fellow alien. "Food..." She said quietly, curious about why the alien caused all of this trouble just for food. She assumed that he had a good reason, and began to look around once more when the colorless girl was no longer focused on Starfire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by resiak verdungert

resiak verdungert

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Eve relaxed at the arrival of the Teen Titans. Now that they were here the situation would be handled properly. "The alien was able to change his hands into swords and guns. He defeated the crazy one being held by the lady over there and disappeared after the little alien fired missiles at him." Eve examined each of the titans having never seen them this close. She paused when here gaze reached the cyborg marveling at the extent of replaced machinery replacing his organic parts. She realized how dated his parts might be compared to his. She also came to realize that when the time came she would need his help to replace broken or damaged parts. Looking back at Robin she remarked "When I suggested he get his food delivered to cause less trouble he denied it saying he could not expose his residence. He was afraid for whoever he is caring for. It might be a human since he was adamant about acquiring human food. He also referred to her as female."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I see..." Robin muttered to himself as he thought about what he had been told. There was a tall blue armored alien with pale blue skin that would change his hands into a gun and a sword, and he was possibly taking care of a human female. He obviously had a great deal of concern over her well being, so much to the point where he would go by himself to get her food. He had never encountered a being like that before, so he had to enter this into the Titans database so that they could identify him the next time he was out and about.

After a moment of thinking, Robin nodded his head to himself and looked at the the men and women around him. "Alright everyone, let's head back to the tower. We need to put this guy in the database," He paused and looked at the non-Titans that fought against the blue alien. "and you guys need to begin your training." He said with a small smirk, getting the other Titans to either smirk with him or look at him with surprise.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Episode two: Making your Mark

Due to the fact that one of the six were unconscious, and that Robin was unsure if any of them could fly, the group was forced to take the underground tunnel back to Titans Tower, the same tunnel that was commonly used when Cyborg felt like driving the T-car around the city. Most of the titans talked to the other heroes, with the exception of Raven who simply walked next to Beast Boy in silence. Starfire had struck up a conversation with Ryan, and he was able to learn a little more about the Tamaranean during the chat.

Reaching the lift that would take them into the tower, Robin turned around and faced everyone, but spoke to the new heroes. "Alright guys, we're underneath the tower right now, so step onto this lift and we'll head into the garage. From there we'll take the main elevator to get to the ground floor and then head to the training ground to start you guys on your training." He explained to them as the rest of the titans got onto the oddly large lift platform. More than a few cars could be fitted onto it at once, but they didn't have anything of that size. Once all of the titans and possible titans were on, Robin pressed a button and the lift began to rise, the tunnel no longer being in view as the ascended.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by resiak verdungert

resiak verdungert

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Eve was surprised by the expanse of tunnels under the city. It explained how the titans were able to appear anywhere in the city without the bad guys seeing them coming. She felt anxious about the training, the Titans training course had to be very extreme to keep them in shape to fight criminals like the Cinderblock all the time. Eve was confident in her dodging skills as she was very limber and reacted quickly to threats. Her attack patterns were text book making them very predictable and she had trouble improvising. Eve had never wielded a weapon before, but could learn easily enough by studying manuals or downloading the appropriate data to her muscle memory. She wondered where she could get replacement parts and upgrades for her internal systems since the organization she came from was gone. Probably Cyborg could help her out with that, turning to him she asked "Could you help with my internal diagnostics? My machinery is inside and hard to reach, but I think there's an access port on the base of my skull. It's been 6 months 1 week 3 days 5 hours 32 minutes and 47 seconds since my last scan and I would like to get it done soon. I'm also curious about what training you have in mind for us, I've never had any formal training before... I think."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Judah floated his way through the tunnel, muttering things to Alexis and Nicola the whole time. He walked in the back of the group, maybe three feet behind everyone else. He was just looking all around, pointing things out to his companions, responding to them and generally just talking about the fact that the Titans were permitted to build this tunnel. His feet were floating about 3 inches from the ground, he walked into the tunnel initially, but didn't want to waste the energy on the trip. He wasn't a fan of the whole physical activity thing.

The group stopped and Judah bumped into the group and landed. They were all on a lift of some sort, he had heard the others talking but he himself was busy with other things. 'Judah, Robin is talking, you need to listen!' Alexis said to him, grabbing his head and turning it to look at the leader. Judah only got to hear the final part of his speech. something about a training ground and training there. Judah was hoping he would be led there and that Robin didn't give out instructions. He would be too nervous to ask for them. 'I hope you heard that. We are going to be training soon, so we need to start working together as a team. All three of us.'

"All three of us working together? That'll never happen, haha!" Judah said fairly loudly, forgetting where he was. He had closed his eyes to laugh and tipped his head back. When he recovered and opened his eyes he noticed he wasn't alone. He had forgotten and immediately covered his mouth with his hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Of everyone present, the colorless girl was the one who dragged behind the furthest. Her eyes were downcast with her head, quietly examining the boy she carried in her arms and reflecting his face to memory. As she did this, the noise from her body, the empty, hollow one that had occurred prior to now during the battle, echoed loud enough to be heard all throughout the titans island. As it did she jerked her head up, her pupils narrowed, and she fell to her knees; a loud metallic 'CLANK!' parading through the air as she did so. This had transpired directly after Judahs outburst.

Her head tilted to the side and a clear but shiny substance dripped from the side of her open hanging mouth. She did not, however, let go of the boy in her arms. The sound once again came from her body when Robin finished his small explanation.

"Empty." Was all she said if others looked to her quizzically. She had not partaken of any sustenance since she crash landed onto Earth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by boredbrain


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Riley was having an awful dream. Malice was chasing him, laughing with glee, as he ran through a dark forest at night. 'Get away from me!' Riley would scream at the black monster. 'I don't want you here!' He would cry out into the inky blackness of the night. 'I want to be a hero, I want to help people, to be co-operative and part of the Teen Titans!' Riley screamed at Malice.

Malice laughed and with that he woke up.

Riley flicked open his eyes wearily and saw the metal girl, he screamed and flailed, pushing himself away from her.

Riley looked around and saw they were in the lift, and then he saw him...Robin. "No way..." He said, scooting to the corner of the lift. He then saw everyone else. "What's going on? Why is my head killing me? Where's the alien?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cyborg was curious at the young woman who was speaking to him. Was she a cyborf like he was or a full robot? The was she spoke suggested that the latter was true, but he couldn't be sure unless he either asked her or helped her. Assuming that she was in fact a robotic, or at least had robotic parts, he nodded at her. "Sure. I can help you out with that after Robin is done with you guys. Honestly, I didn't think that he'd give in to taking in new heroes, but I guess you never really know everything about anyone. Anyways, yeah. I'll take a diagnostics check and patch you up if I can. Six months is quite a while without any sort of check up, so the sooner the better." He gave her a confident smile and quickly turned to the boy that covered one of his eyes as he seemed to be speaking to himself.

None of the titans said anything after that, and they all turned to the colorless woman as she let out an odd sound. Beast Boy was the first to respond, looking at her curiously. "Empty? Like hollow empty?" He wasn't quite sure what she meant, and didn't say anything else as the lift stopped moving. It was obvious by the colors and overall appearance that said the garage was Cyborg's domain. With the exception of Robin's motorcycle, everything was coated in a light blue with circuitry all over it, and light and dark grays. Cyborg's pride and joy was up on a railed platform, with a few lights being focused on the car behind the car was the elevator that would take them higher and up to the ground floor.

Robin wasted little time and began to move again, heading towards the grey and black doors of the elevator. It should be big enough to fit all of them, or at least most of them. If not, then some of them would have to wait until the first group got out. Unfortunately, the elevator wasn't as big as Robin thought it was, and only seven people could fit in it at a time, even with Beast Boy transforming into a small rabbit to save space. Ryan offered to stay behind with the second group, which allow two from his group of six to go with the Titans.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by resiak verdungert

resiak verdungert

Member Offline since relaunch

Eve turned to Robin"I do not wish to question your leadership but would it not be best to get ourselves checked out physically before we train and possibly eat. I deduce that's what metal girl over there means by empty, like a fuel tank. Some of us were thrown around pretty hard by that Azure Entity and that crazy boy certainly is in bad shape. Introductions should be made along with a brief description of our powers or is your protocol different?" Eve marched into the elevator as it looked like nobody else was moving either from shock at were they were on insecurity.

As she had been walking through the tunnels she had been reviewing the battle between the strange boy who seemed mentally unstable and the alien caretaker. It seemed that the boy was very powerful but had trouble directing it and went berserk easily. simple numbers had sent him into a rage causing him to attack her. Well to avoid that she would try avoiding math in his presence, but was confident that 68% of conflicts with him would end up with him exhausting himself without her having to do anything but dodges and judo throws.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Colorless woman stayed with the second group, still stationary. She slowly picked herself but she moved with such a snails pace that she dragged behind the others. Her head was down as well. When she finally caught up with the second group near the elevator, her head slowly swiveled to face Riley.

"Are you... well... thick-headed one?" Her voice was lethargic when her stomach once again ripped the silence apart with its long, hollow sounding gurgles that demanded fulfillment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by boredbrain


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Riley looked at the colored girl. He breathed heavily. "Who are you?" He muttered, although his answer didn't come as tears filled up in his eyes.

'No.' He heard Malice say. 'Don't you dare.'

Riley pulled his hands up to his red eyes and burst into tears. "I don't know where I am! I don't know who you are! I feel so weak!" He took sharp and deep breaths. "What's going on?!" He pulled his knees up and just sobbed into his hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

When Eve had turned to face Robin, he turned to her and listened to what she had to say. She was completely right, and nodded. "I prefer to learn by watching and taking a hands on approach, but introductions are needed." He turned to look at the ones who didn't get on the elevator, and stuck his foot next to the door to keep it from closing. "Changes of plans everyone. We're going to get something to eat before training. You all just fought against something that we've never faced against, and you're probably hungry and a bit tired. Relax for a bit, eat, and fully introduce yourselves to each other and the Titans. Cyborg, can you cook for them?"

Cyborg smirked at the mention of cooking food, and a chef's apron and hat appeared on his from nowhere. He nodded with a smile and transformed one of his hands into a spatula. "Of course I've got the food covered! I'll make some barbecue ribs so tasty that you'll never want to leave!" When he got started on cooking, he wouldn't stop talking about it for just about most of the day, so none of the titans did or said anything about his odd habits when it came to cooking food. Although, the unexpected happened and his hat, apron, and spatula hand all disappeared as Riley burst into tears. He looked at the kid oddly as he stepped out and offered to take him from the colorless woman.
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