Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkdreamer253


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Terra Geno
Age: 17(older, but doesn't remember most of his life)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Power: Shade of Nature- Basically, he is the embodiment of the element of Nature. He can control Nature and heal with it. Unlike elementals, when a shade dies, their power does not move to a new host. Instead, they're body is remade out of their element with all of their old memories.
Appearance: Human- Old


Shade- His body becomes like tree branches shaped together in a human form.
Personality: He's kindhearted, but can be a bit rash and hard to get along with at times. He's a bit overprotective of the people he cares about. Once he makes up his mind, it's hard to get him to back down from whatever he's doing.
Story: Terra was found by a woman in the Forrest at an assumed age of 5. He had no memories from before that point and lived a happy life with the woman, who he came to think of as his mother. He would still go out to the place that he found, thinking that maybe his memories would come back to him. That was when he met a girl, Aimi, a hellhound chain to a horrible master. They started meeting in the woods every night, but then she vanished and he had to continue with his life up to the point where he was enrolled at Atrium.


(before he was turned, Kai wore a blindfold)

Name: Kai Otsuki
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire(newborn)
Power: He has the ability to see the future, though it causes him intense pain. The more he can see(like, actually see not as in the visions), the more intense the pain is when the visions come.
Appearance: Above CS
Personality: He has an aggressive and cold attitude, always ready to pick a fight with anyone. He act like this, but underneath, he's a good and loyal friend who would protect those he considers a friend.
Story: Kai was born blind, always treated as helpless because of it. He never cared for it, always trying to prove he wasn't helpless by picking fights. He learned about his ability when he was rather young as well, never having been able to control his visions. Lin and Shiru, the other two of the triplets, were told to take care of him, but Shiru was always jealous of his brother's abilities. He tried to find his own ability, Lin content with being normal, since Kai had one, finding out later that he had the ability to shift into a wolf. He would practice his ability so often, Lin would have to remind him to eat sometimes. Kai eventually saw a vision of Shiru, slaughtering their family. He tried to warn Shiru, but Shiru had said that Kai was just upset that he wasn't the only special one anymore. Hurt, Kai just let him continue until the day his vision came true. Shiru ripped their mother and father apart along with Lin. He almost did the same to Kai, but Kai managed to calm him down ad he shifted back to human. Upon learning what he'd done to Lin, he was devastated and ended up locking the memories of her away, as if she never existed, and he swore to never use his ability again. Not wanting to hurt him, Kai kept up the appearance that it was just the two of them.

Name: Shiru Otsuki
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Power: The ability to shift between the form of a gray wolf and human.
Appearance: Above Kai
Personality: Shiru kind and easy to get along with, but he's shy and it's sometimes hard to get him to open up. He's almost always wearing a smile, though he may not always be happy even with his smile. He tries to keep his brother out of trouble since he's a pacifist.
Story: Kai was born blind, always treated as helpless because of it. He never cared for it, always trying to prove he wasn't helpless by picking fights. He learned about his ability when he was rather young as well, never having been able to control his visions. Lin and Shiru, the other two of the triplets, were told to take care of him, but Shiru was always jealous of his brother's abilities. He tried to find his own ability, Lin content with being normal, since Kai had one, finding out later that he had the ability to shift into a wolf. He would practice his ability so often, Lin would have to remind him to eat sometimes. Kai eventually saw a vision of Shiru, slaughtering their family. He tried to warn Shiru, but Shiru had said that Kai was just upset that he wasn't the only special one anymore. Hurt, Kai just let him continue until the day his vision came true. Shiru ripped their mother and father apart along with Lin. He almost did the same to Kai, but Kai managed to calm him down ad he shifted back to human. Upon learning what he'd done to Lin, he was devastated and ended up locking the memories of her away, as if she never existed, and he swore to never use his ability again. Not wanting to hurt him, Kai kept up the appearance that it was just the two of them.

Name: Lin Otsuki
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Power: Shade of Space- Basically, she is the embodiment of the element of Space. He can control Space and heal with it. Unlike elementals, when a shade dies, their power does not move to a new host. Instead, they're body is remade out of their element with all of their old memories.
Appearance: Human- Above Kai

Personality: She is sweet, but can be stern when needed. She's a bit motherly, especially to her brothers
Story: Kai was born blind, always treated as helpless because of it. He never cared for it, always trying to prove he wasn't helpless by picking fights. He learned about his ability when he was rather young as well, never having been able to control his visions. Lin and Shiru, the other two of the triplets, were told to take care of him, but Shiru was always jealous of his brother's abilities. He tried to find his own ability, Lin content with being normal, since Kai had one, finding out later that he had the ability to shift into a wolf. He would practice his ability so often, Lin would have to remind him to eat sometimes. Kai eventually saw a vision of Shiru, slaughtering their family. He tried to warn Shiru, but Shiru had said that Kai was just upset that he wasn't the only special one anymore. Hurt, Kai just let him continue until the day his vision came true. Shiru ripped their mother and father apart along with Lin. After she died, she woke up somewhere unknown. Having no idea where she was, she started looking for her brothers, eventually enrolling at Atrium to try to find them.


Name: Hilario Albertson
Age: 29- a disorder causes him to look much younger
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Power: He has a very powerful regeneration ability. This ability allows him to regenerate any wound, but depending on the severity of the wound, it could take him a short time or long time to recover. The worse the wound, the longer the regenerative process.

Personality: Hilario is a kind man, running the school with care. His heart goes out to all his students and he offers them any help he can give. He feels even more so with his adopted daughters, being very overprotective of the both of them.
Story: He always looked up to his father who was in the army, wanting to be like him. He took all kinds of fighting and self defense courses whenever he could, wanting to become strong to join the army. He discovered his ability in his teens, a couple years before he joined the army himself. He was assigned to a special unit of gifted soldiers, but he doesn't like to talk about this point in his life, as he did many terrible things. A few years after leaving the army, he found a girl abandoned on the street and took care of her. Eventually, he built Atrium, for anyone with powers and need help controlling them.


Name: Armony Albertson
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Human- Shifter Hybrid
Power: She can shift between the form of a fox and a human, but because of the way she was born, she is a hybrid, holding the characteristics of her animal form in her human form.
Appearance: Human-

(mote: baby foxes are her pets Ari and Ani, don't remember if that was their names before but meh)
Personality: Armony is a sweet girl who cares about everyone she meets. She's rather energetic and always trying to make new friends and is up for just about anything.
Story: Armony was abandoned at the age of 9 and found by her adoptive father Hilario. She remembers nothing from before that point, even having to be retaught basic things like reading and writing. She came to think of Hilario as her real father and she lived happily with him and eventually went to the school.


Name: Ange
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Race: Angel
Power: She has the ability to 'take' memories. With direct skin contact, the memories of that person flow into her and she can see them, the person also reliving them themself. After this she can give memories through the same contact as well.

Personality: Ange is timid, hardly talking to anyone. She is quite spoken, but very kind. She wants to help people, but takes it hard when she fails. She's sensitive when it comes to emotions as well.
Story: Ange had to move around a lot because whenever she stayed in one place, she was thought of as a freak or hated for her ability. Eventually, she stopped talking to people and had trouble speaking to anyone for fear of rejection. She ound out later that she could stop her ability if she didn't make direct skin contact with people. She started wearing gloves and keeping her distance from people, fearing her own touch. Eventually, she was able to enroll at Atrium.


Happenings at Atrium Recap- Aimi came to the school with her Master who kidnapped her as a child and raised her or rather tortured her and made her into his own slave. She was bound to him by chains which only the chairman of hell itself could break. And as they thought Aimi was dead she was trapped with her master for 25 years where he raped and tortured her. When she came to school she bumped into an old friend whom she met a while ago, but as soon as her Master found out they moved and she never saw Terra again. That was until she came to school, and eventually Hilario found out Aimi had gotten pregnant with Terra's child and we Managed to get an appointment with the chairman and he told him he would take care of Aimi and the chairman released he of her chains.

This is ofc hard on her as she's been trained by him for 25 years. He’s manipulated and twisted her mind to the extent that she actually cares for him in a way, yet she knows it's wrong. She also made a contract with Terra which states that she cannot let her former master touch her in any way as long as she's pregnant and if this is broken she'll loose energy, go into a coma and eventually die. The conditions were stated by Terra and the contract is the highest form of trust a hellhound can give. Terra got a flashback of a lost memory of him talking about a lost child and why it did not affect him, he then lay down in bed with the woman /Serena but he could not see her face. Aimi became afraid that the woman would return and claim her love, Terra would forget Aimi and she’d be alone. This is what convinced her to keep her lie about an abortion a secret – She needed him to choose her for her not because of their child. After a short convo Aimi calmed down and believed in Terra when he said he loved her, she then told him she never took a pill and pulled out the 3 unopened boxes that she had stolen from the nurses office.

The principal got a report that Aimi had stolen abortion pills, Terra wanted Aimi to return it but she didn't as she was afraid that she was in trouble. The principal had told her he wished to talk to her after school but due to all of this he called her in sooner over the PA system, saying that Aimi Yano should come to the headmaster’s office. They both headed over there, Aimi panicking. Aimi was then told what had happened, and who had released her and just like the principal predicted she got angry and had quite a hard time adjusting to his news. She got angry and wanted him to take it all back, she said she didn't want a sister, a new master or a father. Hilario told her that she had his help whether she wanted it or not and that he was going to help her and her child.

Eventually she calmed down and explained her situation and that she was afraid to love or care for someone else as she had been taught not to share, if she was attached to something or someone she would easily become jealous. Aimi received a necklace from her new father, at first she refused to accept it but it was left in a black box in her room, it contained a necklace: A lovely engraved heart locket which was crafted in fine white gold, and with it came a 24 inches shimmering Italian snake chain. She found an old photo of Terra and cut it so it fit in the locket - She then did the same with a picture she had stolen of her master and the locket now contained an image of the two people she cared for the most. Her former master arrived, and grabbed a hold of her, kissed and rubbed her stomach causing Aimi to faint due to Terra and her contract – and loosing too much energy. At the restaurant with Terra and her new father Aimi ordered chocolate and ate it. Her father warned her saying it probably wasn’t a good idea. She forked down the dessert and loved it in the process, asking herself why she never had any before. Soon after she got stomach cramps, her body grew warm and she became agitated. She kept attacking and trying to strange Hilario, the chocolate making her agitated. Soon she collapsed and her body convulsed into seizures.

Terra met his “daughter” and she told him what had happened and how cruel he had been, Aimi freaked out thinking his love and all had been a lie, she ran, texted her master and met him in the garden. She told him not to touch her and he kissed her. His servants carried her but suddenly something change and her master got cruel saying that as soon as this child was born he’d kill it and take her home. He then smirked and leaned in, Aimi was scared he’d beat her but instead he barely placed a finger on her forehead knowing she’d end up in a coma and that he did it so easily.

Yuu became increasingly distant which made Yuji worried and he snuck out of class to check up on his brother. When he found him and commented on it and that he was worried as his darker moments usually occurred when he was upset. Yuu pinned his twin to the ground and bared his fangs at his neck, ordering him to never speak of such moments ever again. Yuji was surprised in class by an alluring scent which turned out to be a student with a nosebleed, and although he usually has control this time he was taken by surprise, little did it help that the student taunted him – this eventually caused him to lose it completely and he sank his fangs into Kai. Yuu cursed himself for not paying attention and overwhelmed his brother with pain, by grabbing a tight hold on him and sinking his fangs into his younger twin brother, eventually Yuji let go. Shiru begged Yuji to save his dying brother but he was unable to and Yuu ended up reluctantly having to do so, the only way was to turn him which he eventually did. Yuji felt terrible for what he had done and even worse for placing such a burden on his brother.

Yuu resented Yuji for asking him for such a burden as Yuu said that turning someone had been reserved for someone else. He also resented Shiru for asking the same off of him. He told him this and overhearing the convo Yuji walked in, apologizing as he hadn’t known that Yuu had gotten that far with his wife – Mid convo Yuji’s head hit the floor with a crack, his brother hissing at him not to dare going any further. Being furious Yuu let go of his brother but turned on Shiru as he had told him not to hurt his own brother. Yuji managed to calm his brother somewhat but he was very worried knowing that his killing spree usually started with this: mood swings, anger, and loss of control. When Yuu’s fiancé died he ran into the forest, collapsed and lay there crying in the mud for a week.

Yuu pulled Shiru into the room as soon as Kai woke up, telling him it was a drastic measure but effective, being forced to try your best instead of being too careful. He then bit himself and offered his own blood to Shiru while Kai was watching; Kai threatened his brother saying he shouldn’t dare touch him. This surprised Yuu a bit, but he did it to both test Kai to see how much determination he had as well as to test the bond the two now shared. After this Ange accidentally helped Yuu and therefor learned about his past and all he had done but she wanted to help him, Ange has now felt and seen his entire life, and therefor he felt it all over again through her and ran into Kai’s room where he allowed himself to cry. Kai acted protective of his sire once more with these feelings. He told Kai what had happened and he knows the story of his past. However, Yuu now resented the angel girl and eventually Ange showed him her memories and emotions not wanting him to hate her or see her as a monster but he said he simply didn’t care, either or. He didn’t have any opinions of her and Ange saw this as no different than hate. She wanted to comfort him and try to ease his pain. Kai told Yuu that when his brother Shiru killed their family he forgot all together about their sister Lin.

Yuji was overcome by guilt and thought about leaving, or dying. Armony ran after him telling him not to leave while Yuu felt his brothers pain and suppressed it knowing Kai needed him there, although he did watch his brother through the infirmary window. Armony told Yuji she’d feel sad if he left, Yuji blushed and asked why, she answered because he was kind and sweet. Mostly he didn’t want to cause his twin pain so he thought more about leaving. Eventually though he ran off into the forest and stabbed himself in the chest, missing his heart by centimeters. He did so with a branch. Yuji is saved by a creature in the forest that pulls out the branch causing him to heal. Not long after Yuu was towering over him, furious. He wanted to protect him or stop him from being a moron, however arriving he saw none other than Iz or rather Yuji as iz, which caused him to collapse in shock. Not realizing he was still in shifted form Yuji got a bit confused as to why his brother was horrified and looked as if he wanted to kiss him. Coming to his senses Yuu looked both hurt and relived as he turned and walked away while telling his brother he didn’t want him to hurt himself but to stay away for now, when Yuji realized his mistake he immediately apologized, feeling even worse he thanked the snow leopard that saved him and ran after his brother. He burst into kai’s room only to realize that his brother wasn’t there, Yuu had locked himself in a bathroom and he fell to his knees and for the fourth time cried. Soon Yuji entered the room once more and told his brother to leave, which he did.

When Lin approached Yuu he told her to back off and leave Kai alone for now. That Kai and Shiru couldn’t know as it risked Kai and then he left. Hearing her sobs he told her she could do whatever but if she caused Kai pain he’d kill her. Shortly after, Kai started to get a bit out of control even killing a student, though Yuu covered it up, making it look like he was the one that had killed the student. He then decided since Kai was so shaken by it, he'd throw a party to help him calm down, telling him to choose someone to feed on there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vaedon
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Aimi Yano
Gender: Female
Age: 300 Hellhound years - 60 Human years, but looks like he’s around 15.
Race: Hellhound
Power: Gift. - Her telepathy let’s her read people’s deep thoughts.
Weapon: n/a

Human form:
Hound form:
(Couldn’t find a decent pictures, so her hellhound form is similar to the one above but without the red markings)

She was the daughter of a commoner with the name Maki Yano but was kidnapped as a child due to her power of telepathy and the ineffectiveness of mental blocks which made her a useful tool. She never knew her father as he was killed before Aimi was born but as a child she was always told she looked just like her father. After 175 hellhound years she was kidnapped never to be seen or heard from again.

She was bound to serve her new master and do his bidding whenever she was asked to, she was never allowed to do anything as she was raised knowing free will would kill you.
She was forced to wear a collar, in addition to two bracers around her front paws, one on each paw as a sign of ownership, which was very shameful. For as long as she can remember her master treated her like a dog and she was forced to stay in wolf form, living outside in a small secluded area, forced to feed on whatever she could find. Her master has physically and emotionally abused her and even though she has lived with her master she does not know his identity as he always wears a mask around him.

But now her master has changed his mind and has forced Aimi to go to school to learn more about humans and creatures and how to act appropriately. As she’s raised in wolf form she feels safer that way and doesn't often show her human form. (Most likely change as I RP.)

Personality: Unaggressive, she doesn't like fights, but is physically trained and fit for it. Cautious, Reliable and bashful.
Position: Student.
Name: Yuu
Gender: Male
Age: 3417 But looks 17 ish.
Race: Vampire
Weapon: N/A

Power: Gifted: He can sense and manipulate Emotions - He can cause targets to feel uptight, scared, happy or relaxed. This versatile power may be used to make friends as a manner of social cloaking, or to enliven slacking allies. Potent emotions like love and loathing are more difficult to induce, but can be extremely useful. May be able to cause targets to laugh or cry uncontrollably, or may alter one's ability to feel any emotion. It’s unnoticeable to others unless they are aware he’s doing it as it will seem like nothing more but their own emotions.

Personality: He's very aloof and at first glance he seems like the kind of person whom you should stay away from, he has a cold demeanor, although in reality he's unaggressive and doesn't like fights, but is physically trained and fit for it.

Story: Yuji and Yuu are identical twins and they were both born into this world as purebreds. Because their parents were killed while they were young Yuu developed a heavy brotherly protection for his brother Yuji.

Name: Yuji
Gender: Male
Age: 3417 But looks 17 ish.
Race: Vampire
Power: Biomorphing - The ability to transform into living things (Animals, Creature, Humans or even Plants.) His genetic and cellular structure instantaneously rearranges according to mental input from the user.
Weapon: N/A

Story: Yuji and Yuu are identical twins and they were both born into this world as purebreds. Because their parents were killed while they were young Yuji withdrew from the world and started relying on his brother a lot more.

The twin’s appearance:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vaedon
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

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