Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 7 days ago

I will finish up my character in the OCC, if that is OK with you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Enigma
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Enigma Mostly Harmless

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Actually, I'd prefer you post your finished CS here :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ink-berry
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Would you guys mind waiting for a little longer? I just have to finish the biography section now, and then I'll be done. :p
Name: Ashti Cicone
Gender: Female
Age: Eighteen

Physical Appearance: Ashti doesn't stand out particularly in terms of appearance, but she's not excessively bland, either. She's just... Ashti for lack of better wording. If there's one thing that's particularly noticeable about her, though, it'd be her teeth. Saying they "aren't attractive" would be a ridiculous understatement - they're chipped in several places, and one or two are broken off completely. Otherwise, her features are fairly average - her hair's caramel / amber-ish, her eyes are a darker shade of blue and her skin's been tanned a light olive color. Ashti's face is also splattered with freckles, which cover a good portion of her features. She's also quite flat chested, which gives her the appearance of someone slightly younger than she really is. Her height suggests someone in their early twenties to mid twenties, though.

As for clothing, she still wears clothes that remind her of home rather than wear clothing more suited for traveling. This usually comes in the form of sort of farming clothing. (So baggy pants, rougher fabric, etc.) Some of her clothes are also rather patched up, and look like they're well worn.

Skills: Ashti's quite agile and light on her feet, and so tends to be the first one to try and scale a tree. Or a cliff wall (which, of course, never ends well). There's also the fact that she tends to listen in on others' conversations, but since she freely gives this sort of information to whoever requests it... this usually becomes both an advantage and disadvantage for the people around her. Otherwise, she's also taken a liking to explosives - she's not... too great at creating them herself, but she knows some of the basics. (She also does have a fair bit of strength, but has no idea how to use it at the moment.)

Personality: Regarding personality, Ashti's not much of a "woman" as much a child. It's not a matter of naivety, though - she's aware the world isn't paradise, and she definitely isn't idealistic. Another thing about this is that she tends to be blunt, and, for the most part, doesn't stick to social norms unless she thinks it benefits her. "Ambitious" is also something Ashti can be considered as, but this... never ends well. Whenever there's something new, something she's never done before, she'll go ahead and get some sort of farfetched idea about it.

One of her worst negative traits is her urge to act more "cool" (or, in other words, "badass"). It's not as much to fit in as much as it is to prove to herself she's capable of taking care of herself. If she refuses your help, it's usually just her ego speaking for her, since she'll never admit someone's better than her.

She's also extremely energetic, and is usually chattering away to whoever's unfortunate enough to be closest to her. As mentioned before, she does have the tendency to reveal that information to whoever she feels like revealing it to at the moment. The only way you could stop this, really, is if you're one of the people she considers to be her friends. Even then, she's still likely to "accidentally" say something about you to the others once in a while. (This stems from, again, her more "childish" personality and her just liking to mess with people.)

Ashti's never strictly loyal to just one side, either. If she finds it entertaining enough to mess with them, then she'll do it. And, as mentioned before, since Ashti holds a more , romance is one of those subjects she tends to veer away from. Not because she thinks "she's an independent woman doesn't need a man", but more of "romance is gross". Purely platonic relationships are alright by her standards, but even then, you'd have to win her trust first (usually by some sort of ridiculous "trial"). Ashti's mostly motivated by her urge to see as much of the world as she can for herself, but she doesn't mind stopping to just mess with a few people and laugh about it later.

Biography [Where are they from, what did they do in the past, tie in motivation]: Ashti grew up in a relatively unknown town, where her entire family worked on a small farm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Enigma
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Enigma Mostly Harmless

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sure I'll wait around for a little while^^ everyone still around?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midori
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Just about to head off to work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Enigma said
Sure I'll wait around for a little while^^ everyone still around?

Ya I'm here
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Name George Caspian

Gender Male

Age: 23

Physical Appearance:

Skills: Caspian is an amazing swordsman, thought by sailors who had years if experience. Caspian is also good at gambling, and cheating. He is a natural born swindler, talking his way in or out of any situation. Because of his sailing experience, Caspian is able to navigate the sea, and drive a ship.

Personality: Caspian is a comedian, he loves to a make people laugh, and he us good at what he does. But Caspian is not a fool, he is clever, and sly. You never want to lose your guard when around him.

Biography: Caspian was joined his father on his trade ship at the age of 11. This were the best years of his life, learning sword play, working in the sun, eating with the rest if the sailors. But when Caspian turned 17, his father crew betrayed him, and tried to kill his father and him. But they were able to safely escape them. Eventually Caspian and his father lived in the wilderness for months until they found a city for them to live in. For about 1 year, Caspian was happy once again. Then Caspian's father left and never came back, now, Caspian searchers for his father, by any means possible. And all his searches finally led him to an inn near Horunsbury.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Enigma
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Enigma Mostly Harmless

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hey guys sorry for the delay! Here's the link to the OOC! --> OOC =) <-- I will write the first IC post up as soon as possible, things were a little swamped lately :) Done^_^ Knock yourselves out!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Enigma
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Enigma Mostly Harmless

Member Seen 1 yr ago

So... There hasn't been much reaction to throwing up the OOC. Do I have to assume some people have jumped off this boat? Or are you all busy working on your post?^^ I'm not mad if anyone wants to quit so early in the game but if you do please inform me so I can recruit more people :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shanks


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

If it does turn out that some have already decided to leave the RP, I would be happy to join in if you'd have me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shanks


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Corrigan Silvermane

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Physical Appearance: Corrigan is 5'10, 180 pounds, with med-short dirty blonde hair (swept back), piercing green eyes, a perpetual 3 day beard, average build, and semi muscular composure. Generally he wears a dark green tunic, dark brown trousers, black hardened leather bracers, and has a black cloak for night time. He is a rough looking, but not unattractive man, with his strong jawline and broad shoulders. However, even when in the city, he is often covered in mud, dirt, blood, and who knows what else; which is often enough for most people to simply avoid him.

Skills: A hunter by trade, Corrigan has many skills. Most predominantly: Tracking, archery, use of a sword and knife, camouflage, skinning/ cleaning animals, fletching/ basic woodworking, and basic herbology. He can also read and write, as he was taught by his father.

Personality: Typically a loner, Corrigan is socially inept. Much of his life he held contempt for people in general, but he has since realized that living that way leaves one feeling empty and unfulfilled. However, his years of solitude has left him with almost no people skills. This inner conflict has led him to drink heavily on occasion, which is quickly becoming a dangerous addiction. He is, however, rather intelligent and experienced.

Biography: Corrigan was raised predominantly by his father; an unknown even took his mother from them when he was still an infant. His father, Aelric Silvermane, was a ranger in the bannerlord's army. He was well skilled and a ranking officer. After the last great war, though, he had seen and experienced too many atrocities to carry on as he had been, and elected to take his family away from society to live in the woods. As such, Corrigan was taught his various skills out of necessity, and learned his distrust of people from his father who always spoke ill of people as a whole. As Corrigan developed into a more self-reliant teen, his father took to drinking away his problems, which ultimately led to his untimely demise when a large grizzly caught him unprepared.

Corrigan still lives predominantly in the woods, but often brings rare game he kills to cities to sell. This allows him to buy the things he cannot provide for himself, such as clothing, steel arrowheads, and whiskey.

(I know you're currently closed, I submit this for your consideration in case an opening pops up.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Just gonna leave this... right... here...

Name: Rin Emris
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Physical Appearance:

Skills: Rin has been accustomed to the forests and mountains much much longer than he could he remember. He is adept at tracking and hunting game. Survival is also another strong point of his due to pretty much not having an actual home. Everything he needs he carries with him or uses the resources of the land. His bow is his weapon of choice as opposed well as his main source of income. Hunting and trading the skins and meats he smokes and salts in return for equipment. If there is one thing he prides himself on is that Rin is a very good shot with a bow.

Personality: About as antisocial as any lone huntsman would be. Not exactly disliking humanity, but just more comfortable with the creatures of the flora and fauna. Knowing that people can decieve and lie while beasts cannot as far as he knows gives him some underlying comfort. Rin has defended himself from bandits and highwaymen before but is no more adept with a blade as any other, besides his dislike for unecessary killing. He would rather run than fight unless there is someone in danger, then his stubborn gut takes over and recklessly at that.

Biography: To be revealed in game... Just note that Rin has been noticing the dissapearances as well and has been looking for others who have noticed as well. Because of his antisocial personality and overall lack of trust has proved his search for others much harder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Wow.... how the hell did we make the same cs? Lol
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