Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bluejay_gl
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

“Is that so?” she said, crossing her arms and leaning on the table. She deliberated his offer carefully.

Every bounty hunter Densha had met previously had no interest in working with others – after all, the more you have to split the profits, the less you get for yourself – and she was no different. She had never doubted her own ability to find Y on her own, but now that she thought about it, she had no experience in an actual battle. Sure, she hunted animals before, but not people. How did she know Y would be easy to kill? In fact, how did she know he didn’t have cronies – or even an army – on his side?

It’s not as though Densha hadn’t considered this before; she was traveling for a month before reaching Blackwater, alone with her thoughts. But she was so preoccupied with thinking about the reward – the gold, the fame, the honor – that she had fooled herself into thinking she was more capable than in reality.

“Loras, was it?” she said after a few seconds. She looked over his armor, his battle-worn cape, and his peculiar sword. He seemed adept at handling himself in a fight. “I’d be interested in splitting the bounty – assuming we’re after the same mark. Why don’t you tell me who you’re looking for, first?”

Densha doubted that he was looking for Y, too. As far as she knew, news of the Eastwind governor’s death were spread around many countries, but the suspected assassin’s profile was kept strictly within Eastwind itself. She could be mistaken, however; leaks happen all too often, and for a prize of 50,000 gold, she was certain many bounty hunters would be interested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pyro V
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Pyro V

Member Seen 1 yr ago

At least the rain had stopped. Eva's cart rolled into Blackwater slowly, the mule lumbering slowly across the cobblestone road that led into town. She was stopped at the north gate, and greeted the men standing guard cheerfully. After a few moments of the guards checking out the back of her cart beneath the tarp, they called that it was all clear and she proceeded into the city. Several people greeted her, to which she replied in turn. Polite, casual, but always distant. That was how Eva portrayed herself to the people of Blackwater. That's how she'd always seemed, since she first showed up. The people had since accepted that.

The next hour or so was spent selling, bartering, and trading the furs to various tailors, leatherworkers, and even a few shoemakers who were beginning to make fur line boots. Eva didn't get how so much fur could be comfortable. In her experience, it was irritating on the skin. But, so long as they kept buying, she would keep her mouth shut and take their money. Which was beginning to burn a hole in her pockets, and she hadn't even gotten around to selling the meat. Rather than go and blow half her money instantly, she made her way to one of her favorite buyers: Sloan, of the Faintly Gallows.

It didn't take her long to arrive. She left her cart unattended. Rarely did she have incident in Blackwater. Not near the Faintly Gallows, at least. Eva came through the door, sliding in as quietly as she could, so as not to disturb the other patrons. Though, it was hard to be discreet with that big, floppy hat on her head. Nevertheless, she managed to get to the bar and sit on one of the stools, waiting for the owner to notice her. When he finally did, he greeted her the same as any normal patron. Eva cut straight to business, rather than spend any time on pleasantries, and in moments the two were in a heated debate over the price of the meats. As usual, Sloan was trying to get a deal. But while Eva spent little on hunting, unlike him, who spent a fortune on the Gallows, she wasn't about to be undercut.

Nearly thirty minutes later, they managed to agree on a deal - the price that they usually settled on, somewhere between what each asked for - and Eva went back out. It took three trips, but she finally managed to get all of the meat inside the bar, without a bit of it missing, and Sloan retrieved her payment. Immediately, she ordered a hot meal and a cold drink. Then she let her eyes wander around the inn while she waited, examining the patrons as discreetly as she could. With the brim of her hat hanging so low, it wasn't exactly hard to sneakily watch the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

When Haven brought out Valunn's ale he didn't hesitate to pick it up and begin sipping on it as Densha replied to his questions. It was good ale, well-made, but probably because Sloan accumulated such an enormous amount of wealth he could afford or pay whatever he wanted for the best ale around.

“Loras, was it?” She said before observing his figure. “I’d be interested in splitting the bounty – assuming we’re after the same mark. Why don’t you tell me who you’re looking for, first?” Of course, Densha was being solid, standing her ground. That was something Valunn admired; it meant she was strong-willed, determined, and cautious.

"Aye," Valunn replied, sitting his mug over to the left, next to the edge of the table. He leaned up, bearing his weight down on his arms upon the table. "He's a foreigner of these lands... tall, about my size. Black hair, blue eyes... goes by the name 'Valunn'. Many would mistake the fellow for me if they knew him, but I wouldn't figure anyone around here knows who he is."

Leaning back up he reached over to grab his mug of ale and began sipping from it again.

At that moment Larrus the gatekeeper burtsed through the door, completely ignorant to whoever he was disturbing. "'Ello mates, eye'zup'ere! (Hello mates, eyes up here!) They's been a sightin' up north! Nawt to be concernt though folks, just a small... search'n'go, payment awarded at end of ye services! The party meets 'morrow mornin', here!" Several people began hollering in his direction to accept the offer while others hurried off to prepare for the journey.

Damn! thought Valunn, putting his mug down without listening to Densha's reply. Something must have happened. His pursuers were hot on his trail, and now they're terrorizing the locals. Valunn was obligated to go out with this search party. "On second thought," he said to Densha, "I think I just found my man." He nodded his head back towards Larrus. Would Densha take up Larrus' offer? He wasn't sure, so he decided to 'persuade' her. "If you be a bounty hunter there woman, then perhaps you ought to come along. Who knows, may lead you to your target... or our target he said."

Stupid! Keeping me safe... pff, the moron isn't even up here! Leave me here for those... things to get me! Can they climb? Of course they can. They have hands. Everyone has hands though, so everyone can climb, right?

The girl ramble don in her head, listening to the light humming coming from down below. The Faintly Gallows sounded busy, but the girl was use to 'busy'. The thin, ragged cloth she was lying on didn't offer much padding against the hard wooden floor, and the sack-of-flour-pillow may as well be a stone. It was worse than the outdoors in her mind. Especially with him! Pushing me around! Being rough! Cursing in front of my face... keeping the food and water to himself... and so bossy! Ooh, so bossy! So...

Lily tilted her head as she began to think deeper, realizing he wasn't that bad. He didn't 'hog' the food, he only rationed it. And he didn't boss her around, he was teaching her how to react in such an alien environment, showing her that the real world will push and boss you around and sometimes there's nothing you can do about it. When she was cold he kept her warm, clutched tightly in his arms at night - safe and comfortable despite not having a bed. No, he wasn't that bad. He was a good man, just troubled, and lost.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bluejay_gl
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Densha felt relieved that he was not looking for Y. She took a mental note of the man he described, in case she were to come across him. But before she could say anything, a man, whom Densha recognized as the gatekeeper who let her into the town, barged in and proclaimed that there was an emergency party grouping up at the Faintly Gallows in the morning, and that anybody who was interested should meet at that time. Densha was definitely interested in earning a little gold; she was running low on funds for her travels, and she still hadn’t found Y yet.

'Loras' told her that she should join up with the party, as well; he seemed provoked when the gatekeeper made his announcement, as if he had realized something, so Densha wondered if he was expecting something like this to happen. She was not done with this man; he had piqued her interest, and, as he seemed to be a more experienced bounty hunter than she was, Densha wanted to run with him for a little while and see if she could learn something from him.

“Yes, definitely,” she replied, wondering if what he said was true. What if this disturbance was related to Y? Maybe he was being pursued. Then again, a ‘search-and-go’ sounded less serious, like maybe someone had wandered a little too far into the woods. But why would they recruit adventurers and thugs to do a task like that? Perhaps the little town’s government didn’t want to attract the attention of royal soldiers, so they turned to local rogues instead. Nevertheless, Densha wanted to investigate this thoroughly.

“I should probably prepare my equipment,” she said, standing up, leaving her untouched food on the table. “Y’know, we bounty hunters should stick together,” she added, trying to sound casual. “We ought to meet up again in the morning.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 6 mos ago

The breakfast was over, and nearly cleaned up. Hibiscus would be relieved from duty soon. She dabbed the sweat from her brow, feeling accomplished. She would soon be relieved from her duties.

She'd have to restock the kitchen before she left, or chef would be cross. She took off her apron and washed her hands and face in the kitchen basin. Then headed up stairs.

As she did she thought to herself, making a mental checklist. She thought about the Vierdell family. Their little girl, Tess, was sick. It wasn't anything that would kill her, but the nasty rash she sported might leave permanent scarring, and if they didn't clear up her throat she may have a husky voice for the rest of her days. It didn't help that chatty-Tess refused to sit quietly in her bed and recover. Haven had been commissioned to make her some medicine. The stuff had taken some time to distill, but would be ready in the morning. Haven planned to set out first thing for their family's home in the northern woods to deliver the medicine herself. She was thinking in her head, trying to make sure she had indeed packed everything she would need.

Mindlessly she opened a door, expecting to find storage...

... And blinked, instead seeing a younger girl she did not recognize. Haven raised a brow, confused, the girl had only a thin blanket, and was using flour for a pillow. Surely this wasn't where anyone was intended to stay...

Perhaps the youth was hiding from her parents or guardians who had a proper room. She didn't want to frighten the poor thing, she offered the youngling a smile, and a small meek wave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Gabriel was deep in thought, searching for the various muses to draw a song from, when Larrus barged in and spoke of the need of a traveling party. Gabriel beamed a grin, as he coughed and prepared his vocal chords, and began to sing.

"Oh fellow heroes/
Who will join me in this flight?/
Up to the North, to search for some most hideous sight!/
Overcoming perilous plights!/
And terrible frights!/"

Gabriel finished his quick little song, as he stepped a few more paces towards the center of the inn, his eyes darting to glance at any parties with a passing interest in the matter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Densha walked off to prepare for the journey next morning, Valunn heard Gabriel, the halfling, begin singing once again. As much as it annoyed him the lyrics went along perfect in the atmosphere of the inn and made it that more likeable. He grabbed a piece of meat off of Densha's untouched plate and took a small bite. Free food, he thought, I'm sure Lily would like something to eat at this hour. He got up and headed up to the storage upstairs.

As he made his way up the stairs he spotted a most unexpected sight: the young server, Haven, standing there with the door open.

"You should not have come up here woman," Valunn said, slowly inching forward to the young lass.

"No!" Lily called out from within the room, "she won't say anything, Valunn, don't hurt her."

"She knows about you now," barked Valunn, "the incompetent barkeeper was to foolish to tell his whores not to come up here," he finished, insulting Haven. He turned his attention off of Lily and back to Haven, still quiet. He slowly moved his hand to the back of his belt, reaching for a knife, while speaking to her, "I'm sorry young lady, but we all have to make choices-"

"No!" Lily yelled towards Valunn and barged past the woman and into Valunn's gut, knocking him back a step. "Just... come on Valunn, she didn't know... look at her, just a young lady... I'm sure she'll keep quiet."

Valunn thought for a long moment before removing his hand from the knife on his belt. "Fine," he said, grudgingly. He leaned in closer to the woman, squinting his eyes and giving her a nasty look. "You tell anyone about what's going on here, and we're going to have problems, you hear?" With that, Valunn slowly passed Lily the plate of food that had been in his other hand the whole time. "Eat up girl," he said, "I think the locals may have found something worth investigating."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XecutionerRex


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

His fingers ran over the crossbow, feeling the cool metal to which droplets clung. He pulled out a wet leaf that had managed to get inside the weapon and dropped it to the floor. He noted a shadow easing itself toward him, and turned to see a girl giving a curtsey. She seemed almost nervous; he figured it was because of the crossbow.

He cleared his throat, “Some soup, please, with ale.” The girl nodded and turned to leave. “Oh, and, some raw meat,” he nodded to the fresh kill that a woman under a hat had brought in. Eksile reached into a pouch and produced several coins, which he poured into her cupped hands. He didn’t bother to search her face for whatever confused or disgusted look she may have had in regards to the raw meat he ordered. Once she had counted out the currency and left, he turned back to his crossbow, breathing hot fog on the shiny metal and rubbing it with his sleeve.

As he sat in silence, awaiting his food, he cleaned his crossbow, picking up on the conversations around him.

”I don’t know, Will.. The sex just isn’t good anymore.”

He breathed more fog onto the crossbow, and rubbed again, holding back a little bit of laughter.

”They’on know ‘bout that.. brooaaadsword I got in these trousers.. I fuck ‘em girls in half!”

He recognized it as the drunk young one he had observed upon entering.

”It was big.. black.. Two feet yeah.. No I’m not crazy.. Strange lights in the woods.. I’m telling you it wasn’t a bear."

Eksile flicked off some grime.

”You have two big armored dogs outside the inn. They’re makin’ my wife nervous she won’t even come close to the establishment.”

He turned the weapon over.

”I sawr it wif my own two eyes!.. She was standing there in mi kitchen! Never been so frightened in mi life I tell ya!”

He wiped off some mud.


“Name’s Loras.”


Eksile turned around to see a man, older than himself, looking down on him, “May I help you?”

“I’m Sloan, the innkeeper. Are you the one who ordered raw meat?” he ended on a curious sounding note.

“Yes I am,” Eksile confirmed.

Sloan gave him a quizzical look, “Well I can’t just give it to you in the inn.. It’ll get blood on the table. Would you mind receiving it outside?”

“That would be fine.”

“Great..” Sloan slowed his speech; he was clearly wondering why this man wanted raw meat. Then he seemed to beam with self enlightenment, “Planning to cook it when you get home huh?”



“I’ll take my soup outside too if that’s fine with you.”

“That’s fine..” he turned away slowly, with a perplexed expression. Eksile got up to step outside, and smiled very discreetly when he heard him mutter ”What the hell?

He walked past the drunk kid, looking at him out of the corner of his eye. “I’m telling you!” the boy leaned forward awkwardly, “the sky is purple and made of mushrooms!”

Eksile opened the door and stepped outside. He looked at the puddles that dotted the townscape and the water drops falling from the inn roof. Going down the steps that lead to the door, he walked over to his animals.

Blood and Steel were laying down next to Aesos, who was doing nothing in particular. The moment they saw their pack member approaching, they got up and walked towards him, tails wagging. They clearly thought he had food on him, as he told him he would bring them some earlier. He opened his hands and they sniffed his palms. “I have nothing as of yet,” he said. “Don’t worry, soon,” he patted them. “You’ll get fresh meat.”

The door of the inn swung open, and Sloan came walking out, holding the deer leg as far away as possible, as not to get blood on himself. “Sir! I have your meal!” However, it was heavy, and that coupled with balancing the bowl of soup made for the situation awkward. The dogs watched him; even the horse turned to look.

Thus, Eksile walked over to save him the trouble, “Allow me,” he said. He took the bowl, and the deer leg, which he dragged across the ground. That alone made it easier, but of course, Sloan wouldn’t have done that out of respect. In the end it was going to animals who ate off the dirt anyway, so Eksile didn’t care.

He dropped the leg to the ground, and to Sloan’s surprise the dogs didn’t rush for it. Instead, they waited patiently as Eksile got to his knee and undid their helmets.

“Are these your dogs?” Sloan asked as Eskile hooked the helmets onto the horse.

“Indeed,” he said.

“They seem very well trained.”

“They are,” Eksile clapped once, “Eat up.”

It was then and only then that the dogs made a move. They both reached the leg at the same moment, with Steel snapping at Blood, who did the same in retaliation, leaving Sloan to literally step back and completely re-think what he had just said.

The dogs had pushed at gnashed at eachother only a few times, and Steel emerged victorious, returning to the leg while Blood hung back. No blood or fur had been shed or torn. In fact, they seemed completely unharmed.

“Why do they fight then?”

“That wasn’t a fight. Blood just wanted first pick for once.”

“I suppose the bigger one is in charge then?”


“I have people –“

”Ello mates!”

Eksile and Sloan’s heads both snapped up to the sound of a loud, authorative voice. The door of the inn had swung closed, muffling it out. The dogs had looked up from their meal, and Sloan ran over. Eskile followed at a quick walk, but hung back at the door steps.

Sloan opened the door and before it closed Eskile recognized the man who had barged in as a guard. Comfortable with the situation now, he walked closer, stopping right at the entrance and listening to what he was saying through the door.

There had been a sighting up North.


”The party meets ‘morrow ‘mornin’, here!”

Eskile leaned back and contemplated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Haven smiled at the girl, her eyes softened, and she reached out toward the little girl. She meant to show kindness to the girl and help redeem her situation--

"You should not have come up here woman,"

--However, before Haven could do anything, a man approached, he had a plate of food in his hand. It was the mercenary from the dining room--

He inched toward her, Haven shied away, her wide eyes fixed upon him, her back found the wall and pressed against it. There was nowhere to run, the storage room was at a dead end. He reached for a weapon, he meant to kill her for finding the girl. Haven had discovered his terrible secret, and would protect it by any means necessary.

"No! She won't say anything, Valunn, don't hurt her."

But the secret spoke up, the little girl arguing in Haven's favor.

"She knows about you now, the incompetent barkeeper was too foolish to tell his whores not to come up here. I'm sorry young lady, but we all have to make choices-"

Each word felt as if it hit haven in the chest, cold and hard, like hailstones. Icy fear filled her body.

"No! Just... come on Valunn, she didn't know... look at her, just a young lady... I'm sure she'll keep quiet."

If only they knew.

"Fine, you tell anyone about what's going on here, and we're going to have problems, you hear?"

He leaned in so close she could smell his breath, full of the ale she had served him, his eyes were hard and dangerous, his threat was a promise.

Haven did not wait for him to change his mind. She ran down the hall as fast as she could then out to her room…

… Her place was above the barn. A real room could not be wasted on the orphaned help. It was warm, and dry. She had a straw bed, and lots of shelves full of bottles and baskets, while above she had an array of dry herbs and plants hanging.

Her hands shook with fear as she loaded a small pack. Bundles of herbs, a few jars, and food for herself. She had meant to leave in the morning, but decided it would be better to put as much space between herself and this man as possible. She would leave now. She could handle the woods as well during the night as the day, wet and gloomy as it was, and it would be better to give the little girl her medicine sooner.

She left, abandoning the rest of her chores and duties for the evening. Inn would have to make due without her.

Even as she fled, she would not forget his cold hard eyes anytime soon.
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