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Nevermind Wasted Undone

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Nevermind -Bradley Marchetti
Whirlwind -Catherine Brown
QT - Nate Tucker
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm the extra puzzle piece you leave in the box when your perfect picture is complete.

Catherine “Cat/Kitty/KitKat” Brown

19 years old


Appearance: (See above picture) Standing at 5’4”, Catherine always felt too short. She weighs the average for her height, proportions in her favor as she has a natural hourglass figure. She doesn’t have much muscle, at least not in her arms. If she has any it’s in her back and legs. She has a soft countenance, not toned and sharp like many girls today, but with a rounder face and body. She has pale skin, short, wavy brown hair, and large brown eyes that always suited her nickname by the way they were shaped. She has very few freckles, much preferring the indoors to the outdoors. She has one tattoo, a butterfly on the inside of her right wrist, and her ears pierced. She usually wears comfortable, but tight clothing. Such as camis, racerback tanks, yoga pants, sweat pants, denim shorts, slouchy sweaters, etc. And if she can go barefoot, she will. She has also said on more than one occasion she wished clothes were unnecessary, hating being dressed at all. Thus her comfy wardrobe.

Personality: Cat is easy to be around. She listens intently when others talk, and doesn’t forget things very often. She is responsible when the situation is something she cares about, and more mature than many 19 year olds. She likes to see the big picture and appreciates the present circumstances it takes to get to the future. She is calm and happy most of the time, as long as she’s not left alone for long periods of time. She can get incredibly moody and lonely, prone to depression when ignored. She can be your best friend, but not likely your worst enemy. She’s too lazy to care about holding grudges for longer than say, a year. She is a homebody and doesn’t enjoy being constantly busy.

Likes: Video games, fast cars, junk food, playing games or sports just for fun, cuddling, attention, sarcasm, cats

Dislikes: Old books like Dickenson, vegetables, competitiveness, clothes, judgment or bullying, people who don’t listen especially kids, the dark

Bio: Cat was born to a single mother who barely made ends meet. Because of this, she often enlisted her mother and father to babysit Cat when she was a little girl rather than pay a babysitter. Cat spent most of her time with her grandfather, as her grandmother was a cold, bitter woman. Her grandfather however, was kind and loved working on cars, owning his own shop. When got started school, she had trouble making friends. She was incredibly shy, smart, and controlling. When she did make a friend, she wanted them to spend all their time with her, craving attention. Eventually she lost every friend she ever made doing this.

By the time high school rolled around, Cat tried to fit in with one of the cliques. She wasn’t rich enough to be popular. She was resented as ‘too pretty’ amongst the geeks. She couldn’t play an instrument to save her life to join band or orchestra. She was too good for the bad kids, and too bad for the good kids. She eventually retreated to eating lunch by herself outside and just avoiding others.

High school was awful for Catherine. She was bullied a lot. Called fat, slut, ugly, her nose called too big, verbally sexually harassed throughout the halls, laughed at, tripped, etc. Her self confidence, which had never been high, dropped to zero.

She began acting out at this point. She’d always been a fantastic liar, trying to get people to like her. Now she used the skill to her advantage against her never present mother. She lied about everything. What she was doing, with whom, and where. She found what she thought was acceptance with some college guys and girls when she was about 16, beginning to date one of the guys who was 24 years old. During this time she did get drunk a time or two, began cussing now and again, but never anything too brash, and began racing cars on lonely country roads with her boyfriend. He taught her how to race after she sat with him during his own several times. She had a handle on it from the get go, still helping out with her grandfather and eager to become a mechanic after high school. She was talented at it and won a few races.

Her mom caught her in bed with the older man one day when she was 17 though, and chaos ensued. She was told she was never leaving the house. She would never see the boy again. Not to mention slapped across the face and called a slut. Again. She ran away the next day. She made it out of state before she was caught, and taken in by police. They were supposed to just hold her until her mother could come pick her up, but instead they stripped her down, marked off all her scars on a piece of paper, put her in a jumpsuit, shackles, and cuffs, and transported her to jail for her mom to pick her up there. She was traumatized by the whole experience with the police and other inmates, now terrified of going through such an experience again.

After her mom picked her up, she ended up breaking up with the older guy, focusing more once again on her studies and seeming to become the good, shy girl she’d been prior. At 18, the day before graduation, her grandfather was shot and killed in his shop. The most important person in her life, Cat refused to leave her room instead of going to graduation. And she couldn’t imagine running her grandfather’s garage without him there.

The day after graduation, her mother took her bedroom door off the hinges and yelled at her while crying saying how selfish she was for not even asking her how she felt about her dad's passing, and not even cheering her up by going to graduation. Cat just shoved past her and ran outside, wandering and crying. She sat down against a building with her face in her hands when she felt someone put a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see a guy about her age, asking her what was wrong. She didn't say much, but enough to where he seemed to feel sorry for her and asked for her number in case she ever needed to talk. So unused to kindness, she gladly agreed, learning his name was Bradley.

After a few phones calls, he got more and more clues to her kind of crappy life and offered her a way out. She took it. She moved in with him to get away from her old life and started helping him with his business. She could do quick math, and had a friendly face and disposition. Those who were leery about buying weed illegally were calmed by her, and many returned thanks to her playful flirting. Luckily, Bradley found her useful in these ways so she got to stay, and she's known him for almost a year now.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nevermind
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Nevermind Wasted Undone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Accepted, of course. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nevermind said
Accepted, of course. :)

Why thank you :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nevermind
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Nevermind Wasted Undone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Bradley Marchetti
21 years old
Bradley is considered relatively tall, beating that national average at 6'0 dead. He has a natural liking for athletic activites and some spare time to work out means that he is in good shape. His skin is quite tan due to his father originating from Italy, though it is not too different from the skin tone he would have anyway as he lives in a fairly hot area. He has brown hair that is usually cut short. He shaves often, but if he happened to miss one, he would no doubt grow thick stubble. His eyes are dark brown. His choice of clothing is very casual and typical for someone his age, his wardrobe consisting of an array of simple t-shirts, hoodies, jeans and other things of that ilk.
Whilst Bradley appears to have quite a standoffish and harsh attitude, it is merely a sign of the fact that he prefers not to converse with strangers. To people who do not try and make unnecessary conversation with him, Bradley is perfectly fine and his behaviour toward them would not warrant a second thought, though he tends to be quite cold and harsh with anyone that tries to waste his time. He is not really an asshole, but it is the way he acts to most people as most of the people he meets are also assholes. He is, in general, very relaxed and thoughtful, saying only what needs to be said and rarely getting over exited. He finds it very easy to talk with those close to him, and is very kind and friendly with them, contrasting greatly with his general persona. His calm attitude means that he is more reasonable than most in stressful situations, keeping a level head and making sensible decisions - though this can quickly change if someone threatens or attacks someone close to him, which would probably lead him to kick their ass. Once close with someone, he is unwaveringly loyal and will always be straight with them (unless being straight with them would hurt them.) His loyalty could mean that he could be manipulated.
Freedom, music, reading, loyalty, necessary violence*, tranquillity, cars, sports, travelling
Crowds, tight spaces, unnecessary violence*, unfairness, most people, dishonesty, disloyalty
Diego Marchetti was born in Palermo, Italy in the 60s. After twenty years of mediocrity, he packed his things and left home - migrating to New York to seek greater opportunities, charmed by the idea of the american dream. He did not find it so fantastic when he arrived however, covering a span of jobs before maintaining a job as a taxi driver. The only positive thing he found in America, in fact, was a young woman named Cynthia who he would fall in love with an eventually conceive a child with in the early 90s. Unfortunately for the both of them, Diego was shot dead by local criminals after he got involved in some of their business. Diego died two months before Cynthia gave birth to their son, Bradley. Cynthia, heartbroken and left to raise a child alone, moved to California, unable to face the city in which her lover was mercilessly shot down in, holding fears that Bradley could see the same fate one day.

Without a father and with a mother who was what could only be described as mentally depressed for the majority of his childhood, Bradley didn't have it easy. His mother was loving to a degree, but he was often left to his own devices as she spent most of her time either working or dating some random person she had just met - which rarely worked out. His mother must have had hundreds of relationships over the years, and only two had lasted for more than twelve months, both resulting in short-lived marriages. Bradley never really had a chance to be taught the ways of life, so he learnt it himself. When he wasn't in school he was out on the streets getting involved in all sorts of shit.

Bradley learned fast in school. He took in information like nobody else. His issue was translating that to paper, so he did quite poorly early on. His teachers saw him as a fool, and treat him as if he were one. As a result he lost any passion he had for learning and fell in to a downward spiral of learning, failing most tests that came his way, shutting off his mind in class and putting his headphones in. He was once a kind and respectful boy, but after being pushed around by both his fellow peers and teachers as well as having to face the cold hard world, his attitude changed, making him sceptic, unfriendly and quite distant. He went from being the kid that always wanted to answer the questions to the kid that sat at the back of the class and never spoke.

He would put all his energy on to his exploits out of school - he got involved with gangs. He robbed stores, stole peoples wallets, fought on the streets. He got a lot of cool stuff over the years, but it was all dirty money. Nothing he did was morally sound. He felt bad about it, but he did it anyway. He almost got killed on two occasions - one leaving him with a permanent knife scar down his arm. He struggled through school, barely scraping his way out of it by the end. He moved out and spent most of his times sitting in smoky rooms with his friends, listening to music and passing a joint around whilst doing nothing productive at all - occasionally going out and robbing someone to keep the supplies of weed.

When he was 18, he discovered that his mother had cancer. It was not necessarily terminal, but the doctors said it was a possibility that she could be facing death in the next couple of years. Bradley's whole outlook on life fell in to doubt. He realised he was leading a petty, disgusting life. He had been hurting others for no reason. Causing trouble for the hell of it. He left and tried to find a way to live his life as a good citizen. At 19 years old after several months of living this lifestyle and getting very little done, Bradley saw his mother's health deteriorate quickly. He demanded that she leave work, which she did. He then found himself having to care for her and himself. He had some money that he had accumulated over the months, but he didn't have a good job to maintain the money coming in.

He was too deep to leave his life of crime, but he wasn't too deep to change his haphazard ways. Maybe he couldn't turn his back on crime, but he could turn his back on causing suffering for his own benefit. He looked for a way to earn a good amount of money without harming innocents - a victimless crime: dealing weed. He found a supplier and started small, earning very little for the amount of effort he put it. However, as time passed, his profits expanded and two years later, the present, he had a strong business with several of his close friends working beside him, reeling in hundreds of dollars on a weekly basis, which is split between the group - most of Bradley's share going straight to his mother.

*What I mean by this is that he loves beating the shit out of bad people if they deserve it and would probably find it easy putting a bullet in to a bad person, but he would never condone violence to an innocent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Will those close to Bradley know about his mom, or does he keep it secret?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nevermind
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Nevermind Wasted Undone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Whirlwind said
Will those close to Bradley know about his mom, or does he keep it secret?

Good question, I think the latter as he would not want people pitying him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nevermind said
Good question, I think the latter as he would not want people pitying him.

Okie dokie
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nevermind
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Nevermind Wasted Undone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm going to bed now but I'll be back tomorrow to discuss links between characters. The other guys are preparing apps as we speak (to my knowledge). Guet Nacht.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Au revoir
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Nate "Destroyer" Tucker

Age: 22 Years Old
Gender: Male


As seen in the picture above, Nate is in a very qualitative physical state. In accordance to his training, his physique is very important to him - believing that the only way to remain overall healthy, is to live a healthy lifestyle. He stands at 5'10 and weighs in at about 158 pounds, a very decent ideal weight for his height. His body fat percentage is very low, revealing his toned features. Though in reality, only people who get to see his body are usually his opponents in the ring and the spectators. He normally wears hoodies everywhere he goes, hot or not. Usually in three different colors - black, grey, and navy. He always carries around a lighter - though he doesn't smoke - and his chained wallet that is strapped onto his pants at all times. He also tends to carry a red rag that he lets hang from his right back pocket of his pants and usually has work boots on - very unlikely to see him wearing tennis shoes. Nate allows himself to sag a little, but not to a point where his underwear is showing, because for him that's disrespectful. He has a stubble which he never lets grow too long or too short. His hair the same way, basically a buzz cut. Other than that, he has many tattoos, tribal ones on each arm, "Destroyer" on his chest, and a one-winged angel on his upper right back.


Nate is somewhat multidimensional. He has two forms of personalities that clash against one another and jumble up his thoughts and actions. He tends to have difficulty understanding what is right and what is wrong. From his past experiences, he has learned to calm his rage and store it inside him - cage it like an animal. But at times when things get out of hand is where that 'animal' in him tends to escape. Usually he tends to keep to himself, believing he may hurt the people around him if he involves himself too much. But despite that, Nate does indeed want to be part of society and have bonds with others, even if at one point they'll be shattered just like most. In the end, he tries his hardest to be compassionate and change the person he ones was in hope of becoming someone better - more productive.

Likes:Working out, fighting (legally and for sport), being alone majority of the time, connections (relationships), and listening.
Dislikes:Struggling, loneliness (complicated for him), brother (Lance Tucker), meat (vegetarian - turned after being let out of jail), loud noises, and prostitutes.


The past wasn't what mattered to Nate at all. After being sent to jail for assault against his own father, Nate was released within eight years and started to focus on the future. As a child, he was physically and mentally abused by both his parents. In addition to his brother, Nate was the youngest and the weakest, so he couldn't put up any sort of fight then. The adults would place the blame of their finances on their children, beating them for anger rehabilitation. Lance, the eldest brother, at the age of 12 decided to run away leaving Nate behind. Of course, that night was not good for Nate because Lance's abandonment angered both of them - despite their desires of wanting to get rid of the boys.

But when Nate turned 14 years old, Lance returned with a small group of thugs - a gang. He came back for his brother and to get rid of his parents. Lance soon found out that his mother died three years before his return. She was diagnosed with terminal cancer that they could not afford to treat. He also found out that Nate had started working for old man Joe at a small convenience store, using the money to pay for fighting lessons at a mixed martial arts gym near their house. With two years of experience the boy learned quite a lot, no longer letting anyone pick on him at school or anywhere but home. He was given the opportunity to get into fights, both for the sport and for self defense - also out of pure anger.

So when Lance returned for payback, he let his little brother - the one who endured the most pain - get his revenge. Nate didn't want to, but was pushed to beat the living crap out of his old man. Despite their difference in height and weight, Nate was fighting a weak old man. He broke his father's knee with a numerous amount of kicks and busted up his face with a couple of punches and elbows. After that event, Nate and Lance moved in together at an apartment out of town. The brothers lived together for a couple months until the cops showed up to take arrest Nate for physical assault. His brother was not charged, but brought in for questioning where he did not speak a word in anybodies behalf.

During those years in prison, Lance would come from time to time to check up on his little brother. He told him that he was making it big, bringing in all different kinds of dough - illegally of course. He told Nate that once he got out, he could join him and they'd get rich together where Nate negated Lance's proposal. He turned him down completely, telling his brother he'd changed. He informed him that he no longer needed people to look out for him, that he could do it on his own - even if it wasn't true.

Anyhow, after getting out, Nate had to endure six months of anger management classes, probation, and other things he hated. But despite his anger towards those things, they did in fact change him as a whole. He learned to control his emotions to a point, changed his view on life, and wanted a better future for himself. But despite all of that, he was still struggling. Nobody would hire him due to his criminal record, nobody would even look at his applications. All he had at this point was the gym he once trained at, so he returned to that. But even so, he didn't want to fight, just train.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nevermind
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Nevermind Wasted Undone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Accepted. Great app. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TWcross


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Lee "Dragon Fist" Kang

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: Lee stands around 5'9" in total height and weighs in at an exact 150 plbs which is the ideal weight for his height and body mass. His eyes are a dark brown and always look fierce and full of fire. With no fat on his body he has a solid physique. Like many korean martial artist he takes care of his body with extreme training to keep himself as springy and wiry as possible. He is not as much muscle as he is toned, however where he lacks in muscle he makes up for in speed and aggression to overwhelm his opponent to the point of fracture. Always clean shaven he keeps himself presentable to a large degree and does not possess any tattoos on his body for he believes they hold no real value on a fighter. He keeps a natural haircut that is short but not shaven, but also not long enough to be grabbed in a fight. Not normally one to wear the usual apparel of today's American he is most noted for walking around in clothing that is light and gives him the ability to be flexible at all times. His usual clothing consisting of a pair of black pine tree martial arts shoes, a pair of black lightweight martial arts pants, a common black mens tank tops, and a black and red Kung fu style type which he keeps open in the front and sleeves often rolled up past the elbows.

Personality: Lee believes in absolutes to put it mildly, there is no middle ground, things are what they are and if you can't accept that then your too weak to face reality for what it is. Lee is one who does not believe in weakness, if you want to cry about your life then he won't be that shoulder to cry on, growing up the way he did, you either choose to be strong or you choose to be weak. While it holds true that he is softer towards close friends to a large degree, he still believes strongly that if your that weak then you should die. Lee lives on what some might call a life or death plane, or in other words the weak die the strong survive and there is no second place in this. Lee's most notable train of thought is when it comes to whats right and whats wrong, what many people consider as wrong, to Lee, is nothing more then a line between wrong and right. In other words you consider it wrong but he considers it neither wrong nor right. In Lee's mind no actions are right or wrong but merely choices that have a consequence if it be good or bad. Some consider Lee unstable, but Lee considers himself strong and that's all that really matters in the end. He has never cared what people think of him or his actions and in the end he never will.

- Strength
- Training
- Respect
- Honor
- His closest friends
- Determination
- Those who show guts
- Fighting

- Weakness
- Stupidity
- Blatant disrespect
- Cowards
- Bully's
- self delusions
- Being called unstable
- Dishonor

Biography: Lee does not reflect much upon the life that brought him up to this point, for he despises his life as a child. Lee was born into what some might call a traditional Korean culture in America. His mother died giving birth to him so he was raised by his father who was a strict and very old world type of man. Lee from the moment he could stand lived a rigorous and hard life, his father who was an expert martial artist did not believe in weakness, and did not believe in failure or taking the easy road. Lee was often beat by his father for even the littlest thing, and from the age of four he was forced to start training in Martial Arts, with his father as his instructor. Life training with his father was rather hard, Lee by time he was six and starting school was not new to the feeling of pain. Unlike most in school, Lee excelled at learning and more often then not he soaked up knowledge which allowed him to skip grades from time to time. But with this also came the fact that Lee was often placed in classrooms which kids who were older and bigger then him which lead to him meeting his first bully's.

When Lee came home with his first shiner, instead of a loving caring father he was beaten and chastised for being so weak and losing. Which in the end lead to Lee's father training him and working him even harder then before. Life went on for a couple years like this for Lee, taking beatings at school, and then coming home and facing his father who drilled him until his body ached from the stress and his knuckles were covered in blood. It was in this point in Lee's life that he realized that no one truly gave a damn about him and he started to become hardened to the world in which he lived. By time Lee was ten years old, the many beatings and the uncaring attitudes of the ones around him he had started to become angry and spiteful. It was in this moment that Lee decided that he would stop fighting his father and learn what he had to teach him, if nothing else then to one day beat his father very much like he beat him. From that point forward for three years straight Lee endured his school life, and then his home life, he immersed himself into his training.

At age twelves things began to change, and it all started with a bully who took it a step too far at school. Lee had become slightly infatuated with a girl his age at school. However a long time bully found out and without remorse humiliated Lee in front of her to the point where even she began to treat him like everyone else did. After this Lee finally snapped and for the first time he fought, and beat the same bully who had been torturing him for all that time. However Lee in his anger took it too far and beat the boy within an inch of his life and would have killed him had it not been broken up by the teachers. After the incident Lee was expelled permanently from school an almost got put in juvy for attempted murder but it did not hold. His father whom he thought might be proud of him for defending himself was instead outraged and the night he came home beat him unmercilessly to the point of death. After that night Lee was taken from his father and given to his fathers older brother who was not much better then his father, and like before he was once more immersed into learning to fight.

Lee never returned to school after the incident and it was around his fifteen year that he started getting into the darker things in his city, drugs and gangs. It started small with simple drug selling and then it got worse as time went on, to the point where Lee was beating people half to death in the streets. The more time went on the deeper that Lee got, it is unknown what happened to change Lee's ways but around his nineteenth year he walked away from the streets and the terrible things in which he had been doing. Free of his family ties Lee never went back to his Uncle and found himself free for the first time ever. Soon enough Lee found himself at a Martial arts dojo that belong to an older korean master, needless to say after Lee showed the older master what he could do the old man took him under his wing and furthered his training, and for the first time Lee felt happy with his life and found must respect his master. However good this life was, Lee quickly began to realise that he needed money to live on and his master could not support them both, so against his better judgement he returned to his darker past and found himself in a drug circle with close friends he made to make ends meet. Now at age twenty one Lee now known as Dragon Fist for his deadly aggression is now a master himself still helping at the Dojo to teach others the art of Kung Fu and still making money on the streets to keep himself above and going.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Added to my bio.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nevermind
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Nevermind Wasted Undone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Very nice cross, accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

If for whatever reason we start tomorrow- I will not be here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nevermind
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Nevermind Wasted Undone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sorry for my absence the last couple of days. I'll start it tonight but no need to post today too
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